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Sonic Point Ring

Archive: 3 posts

I made a a golden ring from Sonic the Hedgehog, and it actually works! Gives 10 points each, but customizable. Works with sackboy AND sackbot! If you use the sackbot, you need to put an orange tag on it. Giving it away in my object showcase level. (Not yet released)2011-07-06 17:46:00

Posts: 63

Nice, but there plenty of those already -_-2011-07-07 21:06:00

Posts: 948

yea, thats kinda simple to do, I mean like it would be different if like it would jump up in the air after you run through it, and use holograms to make it look like its spinning, and possibly add a sound affect if possible, or two. I've also seen animated ones b4 like what i just mentioned so its not originally MY idea, but it is a good option.2011-07-17 13:40:00

Posts: 157

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