FF7 pack and more
Archive: 208 posts
http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6031/5901537090_be08359dbe.jpg http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5316/5901536894_64f88d46bc.jpg Coming to PlayStation Store on July 13th, these costumes will let you re-live the struggle of Cloud, Aeris and the rest of AVALANCHE against Shinra, from of the most iconic and critically acclaimed video games of all time. http://blog.eu.playstation.com/2011/07/04/new-littlebigplanet-2-packs-in-bound-infamous-2-toy-story-oh-and-final-fantasy-vii/ €1.99 / ?1.59 each: Sephiroth costume Cloud costume Aeris costume Tifa costume €5.99 / ?4.79: Final Fantasy Costume Pack (contains Sephiroth, Cloud, Aeris, Tifa and bonus Vincent costume) Also Infamous 2 pack this week for €2.99 / ?2.39 it contains costumes for Good Cole and Bad Cole, as well as a whole host of new stickers. Being a hero is optional in inFamous 2, so this will give you a chance to show your true colours! http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5311/5901492206_453329917e_m.jpg http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5200/5900929275_01d8aa82f5_m.jpg Killzone 3 on the 20th for €2.99 / ?2.39. containing Rico and Hazmat Trooper costumes, and new stickers – Toy story is undated but will be 3 costume packs and a level pack | 2011-07-04 17:18:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
was just about to post this ![]() Anyway. this is awesome nuff said | 2011-07-04 17:28:00 Author: Dexist ![]() Posts: 570 |
Took their time ![]() | 2011-07-04 17:33:00 Author: FlipMeister ![]() Posts: 631 |
I just hope you can wear headgear with the hairs. But the swords alone are enough to make me buy it. | 2011-07-04 17:33:00 Author: Brian_Istenes ![]() Posts: 151 |
I knew it!!!! Something told me there were going to do it and they did!!!!! | 2011-07-04 17:35:00 Author: wait wtf ![]() Posts: 853 |
FF7..... *Dies from happyness* | 2011-07-04 17:51:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
Do we start preparing for cool pages to be flooded by remakes of that well known stabbing scene? | 2011-07-04 17:57:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
Toy story is undated but will be 3 costume packs and a level pack I think I might cry. ![]() Oh, that FF7 stuff's pretty cool too. | 2011-07-04 17:59:00 Author: Frinklebumper ![]() Posts: 941 |
Dang, Rabid beat me again. I'm looking forward the FF VII but the Infamous pack has a lot of new stickers. | 2011-07-04 18:29:00 Author: biorogue ![]() Posts: 8424 |
Dang, i hope this doesnt mean i have to remodel some of my characters, those look really cool! Tooo cool....GRRRR lol Im sure Chree will be happy this pack is out! ![]() | 2011-07-04 18:37:00 Author: Rpg Maker ![]() Posts: 877 |
Duke Nukem Forever, and now this? inb4 Episode 3, Battlefront 3, Sword Quest 4, and Kingdom Hearts 3 | 2011-07-04 19:02:00 Author: Testudini ![]() Posts: 3262 |
I wish it'd come with more then just them 5... I want Yuffie! ![]() | 2011-07-04 19:11:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
3 Toy Story costume packs? YES! YES! This means (assuming they're like the Marvel packs) at least 15+ costumes! *dribbles at the thought* and.... FFIIV costumes? they're acutally releasing Sephiroth? I'm not super into FF, but I'll probably get Sephi, Cloud, and maybe Tifa for her hair. If sephiroth is announced to be being released, does that mean episode 3 will be announced tommorow? EDIT: slightly offtopic, but Ultimateclay got mad at me on steam for pinching his episode 3 joke ![]() UltimateClay: so im reading the ffvii thread UltimateClay: and i see you stole my joke Matimoo | 2011-07-04 19:29:00 Author: Matimoo ![]() Posts: 1027 |
awesome news XD | 2011-07-04 19:38:00 Author: Arnald23 ![]() Posts: 1843 |
People making FFVII remakes probably wet there pants right now ![]() I wish it'd come with more then just them 5... I want Yuffie! ![]() Yea they added Vincent that is more tricky to get and not her | 2011-07-04 19:40:00 Author: Shadowriver ![]() Posts: 3991 |
Finally a Fantasy come true. It's been quite a long time. I hope Vincent's cape is separate...would be epic for Kamina. Even if it's not, still looking forward to using Vincent's wig. | 2011-07-04 19:56:00 Author: 4wheel ![]() Posts: 511 |
Awesome! This will be great for our project!!!!! O. O | 2011-07-04 20:24:00 Author: Chrree ![]() Posts: 554 |
.................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY YYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .....as people who know me on this forums and have read all my talk about sephiroth and wanting him to finally come to LBP....this was to be expected and now vincent valentine added too? ****ING love you Mm <3 now that the FF7 pack is finally going to be released (my years posting in these forums demanding it seem to have payed off <3) look foward to a buttload of pics from me awhile after it releases hopefully ill have time to make some magic | 2011-07-04 21:08:00 Author: Shadowcrazy ![]() Posts: 3365 |
This is gonna sound corny but dreams really do come true. Lol sorry about that. ![]() I'm so not spending my money till this stuff comes out. I hope the swords they're holding are included also. I have my doubts though. Anyway, I guess we can call this Christmas in July. Never thought we would hear that Sephiroth costume come back up again. ![]() | 2011-07-04 21:16:00 Author: siberian_ninja15 ![]() Posts: 444 |
now that the FF7 pack is finally going to be released (my years posting in these forums demanding it seem to have payed off <3) look foward to a buttload of pics from me awhile after it releases hopefully ill have time to make some magic this is the first i have heard of this pack! tell me MOARRRRRRR!! | 2011-07-04 21:18:00 Author: nerzdadestroyer ![]() Posts: 1527 |
Yea they added Vincent that is more tricky to get and not her That spin-off game he was in may be why. | 2011-07-04 21:29:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
In the US post, they mentioned Motorstorm apocalypse DLC | 2011-07-04 21:39:00 Author: pilsburydoughboy55 ![]() Posts: 236 |
Yayyyyy we finally get real swords ![]() Happy there's an FF pack now but somehow I'm not satisified... nah that's just me wanting a random Exdeath costume ![]() ![]() But anyways YAYYYYYY ![]() http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-YCN-a0NsNk | 2011-07-04 22:00:00 Author: Fang ![]() Posts: 578 |
The downside to this pack: more emo hair But very cool, I'm sure that a lot of FFVII remake stage's creators are going to have a busy weekend when this hits. | 2011-07-04 22:16:00 Author: Mr_Fusion ![]() Posts: 1799 |
Was about to post a thread on this topic, but guess you beat me to the punch : | 2011-07-04 22:21:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
**** I gotta make sure I have $$$ for all these new costumes. | 2011-07-04 22:27:00 Author: sp0ngyraver ![]() Posts: 407 |
:O cool awesome!!! Fang was talking about this earlier i thought he was joking :O But i guess not this is awesome.. Best costumes ever... The swords and hairs especially will be really useful. ------- PS: I noticed something random.. In the picture Cloud is wearing his swords with both of his hands, does that mean when put as a costume the sackboy's animation will change?? :O Edit: It would look kinda weird anyway weilding such a huge sword with 1 hand.. | 2011-07-04 22:58:00 Author: thi766 ![]() Posts: 135 |
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-YCN-a0NsNk I hate you for actually thinking of this and i didnt lol anyways as for gilgamesh...i made an LBP version if you saw it and if you like you're welcome to use it as for this....im so excited but knowing Mm and their infamous reputation of combining pieces that diminish our creativity I'll hold my breath until I see how vincents gloves, clouds torso with spaulder, and sephiroths sword turn out...because GOD knows how infuriating it will be if we end up with combined pieces come on Mm the watchmen pack was the best and most detailed on in terms of seperate costume items....learn from that success and start separating more costume pieces please ![]() EDIT: @thi766 - well remember cloud is able to hold it with one hand so it's most likely going to be a one handed item like other weapons...seeing as how it wouldnt make sense to have him hold that sword with two hands and then try to grip some sponge material but i am in hopes of new animations for this game....hell id even go out of the way to ask for them to have some sort of hotkey system for the D-PAD so we can customize what happens with the DPAD and trade some EMOTES for some animations like the cologne and perfume items we had for april fools and such | 2011-07-04 23:01:00 Author: Shadowcrazy ![]() Posts: 3365 |
this is the first i have heard of this pack! tell me MOARRRRRRR!! in the news section lol if its related to LBP and its news you can already assume someone posted it before you could ![]() lol so yea check it out | 2011-07-04 23:12:00 Author: Shadowcrazy ![]() Posts: 3365 |
I wish it'd come with more then just them 5... I want Yuffie! ![]() Let's see, there's still Yuffie, Barret, Cid, and Zack. They could also design costumes for Rufus and the Turks. Red XIII and Cait Sith would be weird as costumes, though the Cait Sith costume could make Sackboy look like the moogle while Cait Sith is a head decoration. I say they should make a Final Fantasy Classic pack based on the original game. The six classes can all be costumes, the background most likely the Temple of Chaos, music can include Main Theme, Battle, Dungeon, Victory Theme sans fanfare (that would be included in the Sound Object or as a stinger) and of course the Temple of Chaos, and you get a bunch of Final Fantasy themed stickers, materials, and objects. Light-emitting crystals, anyone? Further DLC based on the sequels would also be good. | 2011-07-04 23:42:00 Author: Brandon ![]() Posts: 106 |
This pack are sick! ![]() Can we buy this pack with gil? I've been saving up! Now we can finally recreate the famous date scene: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KnZy_VdVLrE | 2011-07-04 23:51:00 Author: Gilgamesh ![]() Posts: 2536 |
The downside to this pack: more emo hair Wow, you got no idea what emo is, do you? xD You're probably one of those people that hate it just because everyone else does and really has no idea what its about other than from word of a friend. You probably just call it emo because you heard some person out there say some costumes were... Spiky =/= Emo dude. Anywho, that aside, its awesome they're finally gonna release it! I really hope Vincent's glove and Claw are separate from the rest of the costume. ![]() PS: I noticed something random.. In the picture Cloud is wearing his swords with both of his hands, does that mean when put as a costume the sackboy's animation will change?? :O Edit: It would look kinda weird anyway weilding such a huge sword with 1 hand.. Its called promo-art, m8, its not an in-game pic. ![]() Its to make it look better, so it doesn't look like just sackpeople standing there showing the costumes. ![]() You'll notice some of the others are in poses mot recreatable in LBP, like Sephiroth's, Vincent's, Aeriths and maybe Tifa's stances. In short, Its basically so it doesn't look just like the pictures of the InFamous2 costumes bellow. ![]() | 2011-07-04 23:56:00 Author: Silverleon ![]() Posts: 6707 |
I hate you for actually thinking of this and i didnt lol anyways as for gilgamesh...i made an LBP version if you saw it and if you like you're welcome to use it as for this....im so excited but knowing Mm and their infamous reputation of combining pieces that diminish our creativity I'll hold my breath until I see how vincents gloves, clouds torso with spaulder, and sephiroths sword turn out...because GOD knows how infuriating it will be if we end up with combined pieces come on Mm the watchmen pack was the best and most detailed on in terms of seperate costume items....learn from that success and start separating more costume pieces please ![]() EDIT: @thi766 - well remember cloud is able to hold it with one hand so it's most likely going to be a one handed item like other weapons...seeing as how it wouldnt make sense to have him hold that sword with two hands and then try to grip some sponge material but i am in hopes of new animations for this game....hell id even go out of the way to ask for them to have some sort of hotkey system for the D-PAD so we can customize what happens with the DPAD and trade some EMOTES for some animations like the cologne and perfume items we had for april fools and such I made my own Gilgy no worries ![]() I'm just saying official versions are always awesome if made ![]() And yeah I'm the fanfare god ![]() Erm... anyways I do agree with you though I'm hoping the costume pieces are seperate.... and new animations would be cool... but idk | 2011-07-05 00:12:00 Author: Fang ![]() Posts: 578 |
Wow this might stop all those friggin emosfrom using hero hair and dog noses......But i doubt it. | 2011-07-05 00:33:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Here a video where you see something of Toy Story Pack check in the second 00:59 ![]() http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g0fQFGXwEMw | 2011-07-05 00:53:00 Author: psyntens ![]() Posts: 562 |
As for the new packs... awesome!! Finally the KZ3 pack has a release date! WooT!! | 2011-07-05 01:22:00 Author: Rustbukkit ![]() Posts: 1737 |
I really like the hair in the FFVII pack. I can't wait to get my hands on them. | 2011-07-05 01:34:00 Author: Night Angel ![]() Posts: 1214 |
Mr_Fusion beat me to the part I didn't like... I love this FF7 pack- but it'll probably not even be a few hours after it's release that every level is flooded with pictures of emo posers wearing such costumes and with swords. REAL swords this time, too! if that doesn't happen as badly as I'm thinking, then YEAAAAH AWESOME SWORDS! I can't wait to use this for my ninja level. :3 | 2011-07-05 01:48:00 Author: LBNinja ![]() Posts: 204 |
Man, its been awaited since RELEASE date, and its finally here, really psyched, tbh, and glad that I don't have to make customs of them anymore. xD | 2011-07-05 02:10:00 Author: Silverleon ![]() Posts: 6707 |
Finally! I cant wait for this to come! I hope I can run to the local CVS soon | 2011-07-05 02:25:00 Author: Spazz ![]() Posts: 484 |
I am really glad i wont have to invest hours of logic trying to get Cloud to wield a clunky material Buster Sword properly. The bad news is, this probably means more FF 7 spammed levels and spikey haired dudes running around. ![]() Hopefully this does mean more Final Fantasy packs, i am still waiting on my Zidane, aka best main character ever!! ..ahem..but yeah, everyone should buy this pack to encourage them to make more Final Fantasy Costumes! Maybe even KH will show up sometime ![]() | 2011-07-05 02:51:00 Author: Rpg Maker ![]() Posts: 877 |
Aww man I wanted vincet only but he only comes in the costume pack not sepertly. ![]() | 2011-07-05 03:16:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_i-ULQNDYUU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_i-ULQNDYUU YAY It's the first level in the Toy Story Pack. ![]() | 2011-07-05 04:06:00 Author: pilsburydoughboy55 ![]() Posts: 236 |
The toy stories levels don't look very good to me from what i've seen so far. :L *mew | 2011-07-05 04:45:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
What ever happened to the Sephiroth costume?! That one looks different to how it was before | 2011-07-05 04:47:00 Author: Macnme ![]() Posts: 1970 |
Oh man, can't wait for this pack! I could imagine it now... Loads of people carrying swords around while nodding there spiky heads! q^_^"p I could think of an awesome way to make great bleach costumes with those two swords! (Ichigo in his normal form and... Bankai!) Awesome! | 2011-07-05 05:03:00 Author: GranolaCrunch ![]() Posts: 105 |
What ever happened to the Sephiroth costume?! That one looks different to how it was before Now that you mention that, it seems like it's been modified a bit. It's been LBP2-ified so to speak. I know it's not a word, just roll with it lol. http://www.lbpblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/10/seph.jpg Honestly, I wouldn't mind having both this one and the one we've found out about now. ![]() | 2011-07-05 05:33:00 Author: siberian_ninja15 ![]() Posts: 444 |
Hopefully this does mean more Final Fantasy packs, i am still waiting on my Zidane, aka best main character ever!! ..ahem..but yeah, everyone should buy this pack to encourage them to make more Final Fantasy Costumes! Maybe even KH will show up sometime ![]() Fang approves lol.... I say a Dissidia pack lol (would represent a bit of every game)... Plus KH would be awesome (though atm idk if that'll happen lol... never know. We can dream though ![]() ![]() I'm just glad Final Fantasy gets a pack now though ![]() | 2011-07-05 07:16:00 Author: Fang ![]() Posts: 578 |
What ever happened to the Sephiroth costume?! That one looks different to how it was before Maybe it's a clone of the original... ![]() | 2011-07-05 07:20:00 Author: Mr_Fusion ![]() Posts: 1799 |
Finally Final Fantasy 7, hopefully they'll follow up, with Tidus from final fantasy X and snow from XIII, And yes a KH pack would they could have Sora Riku Kairi Then King Mickey =D Goofy and Donald.And for KHPack 2 they should have VEN AQUA AND TERRA. =D | 2011-07-05 08:06:00 Author: fighterwindplus ![]() Posts: 403 |
Paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarty!!! Just to celebrate http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_MW65XxS7s And finally I will have my hair!!! | 2011-07-05 09:16:00 Author: OmegaSlayer ![]() Posts: 5112 |
I notice the new Sephiroth costume don't seem to have lower belts on the coat~ :I | 2011-07-05 09:29:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
Crap I almost wear in real life like Sephiroth sometimes, I need the belts...![]() | 2011-07-05 09:43:00 Author: OmegaSlayer ![]() Posts: 5112 |
great announcement ![]() just hope this spells certain doom for those costume levels using teeth as hair.. ( i know it'll only encourage them more XD) | 2011-07-05 10:44:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Very cool! | 2011-07-05 11:40:00 Author: BasketSnake ![]() Posts: 2391 |
I'm not seeing many unique prizes like decorations or bits and bobs. I can only assume that sheriff badge is a decoration. Also, only 3 levels? ![]() | 2011-07-05 14:47:00 Author: lemurboy12 ![]() Posts: 842 |
I am extremely excited about the final fantasy costumes. Not only are they finally coming out, but they're releasing 4 of my favorite characters. ![]() | 2011-07-05 15:38:00 Author: xkappax ![]() Posts: 2569 |
I was thinking they were just 3 for E3, I think we'll be getting four. | 2011-07-05 16:16:00 Author: pilsburydoughboy55 ![]() Posts: 236 |
Maybe this will finally end the awful emo craze of sticking teeth on their forhead. Those costumes are everywhere, and I hate them all.... Now we just get normal emos without dental disasters... | 2011-07-05 16:22:00 Author: KQuinn94Z ![]() Posts: 1758 |
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_i-ULQNDYUU YAY Thanks for the link! That's the only footage I've seen of this. So let's see... so far looks like, New background (Andy's bedroom) New wood material (appears a bit plasticy too) New screw decoration (star head one) Sheriff Star deco/object Tons of stickers Rocket Object (check 0:23 in the video) New ball with Star on it object Crayon object? Likely a new alphabet sticker (blocks) New Music Cardboard box object/deco? Love Woody's outfit and Buzz's wings extend with emotion! Really awesome! | 2011-07-05 16:24:00 Author: Morgana25 ![]() Posts: 5983 |
Hey, teeth-headed syndrome is a serious condition plaguing the youth of today! Let's not make light of such a serious ailment! ![]() | 2011-07-05 16:25:00 Author: xkappax ![]() Posts: 2569 |
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_i-ULQNDYUU YAY Thanks! also, note that both the Helmet bubble and the Purple 'mask' of the Buzz costume dissapear when the creatinator is equipped, means it's likely one piece ): @ lemurboy12 it's possible there's more that were unfinished/ they didn't want to show so some of it is a surprise or something ![]() | 2011-07-05 16:32:00 Author: Matimoo ![]() Posts: 1027 |
With THREE new costume packs, containing all of your favourite characters Anyone wondering what the other costumes will be? There'll be at least 12 different costumes so that should cover all the main characters. We know about Woody & Buzz and apparently there are Jessie and Slinky costumes. The rest should be out of these: Hamm Rex Mr Potato Head Bullseye Bo Peep Barbie Ken Sarge Stinky Pete Zurg Lotso | 2011-07-05 16:55:00 Author: Rhys125 ![]() Posts: 841 |
I don't plan on buying this, but I'm amazed we're finally seeing Sephiroth ![]() | 2011-07-05 17:47:00 Author: kirbyman62 ![]() Posts: 1893 |
http://theparanoidgamer.com/little-big-planet-2-dlc-ff7-killzone-and-more/ :kz: That's all I know. | 2011-07-05 18:03:00 Author: IronSkullKid99 ![]() Posts: 515 |
is there anything TO the toy story pack?... no new powerups? no special materials? global settings? Anything?! | 2011-07-05 18:30:00 Author: LBNinja ![]() Posts: 204 |
is there anything TO the toy story pack?... no new powerups? no special materials? global settings? Anything?! nobody knows, yet. I think some of the materials looked new, there's andy's room background, I saw at least 1 new decoration. (Woody's sherrif badge in that earlier posted video), there's potential for new music, as the E3 videos had so much background noise it was impossible to tell ![]() Seems Mm are keeping this one under their hats, so to speak, as nothing other than the stuff shown at E3 and the fact that it will be 3 costume packs and a level pack is known ![]() | 2011-07-05 19:41:00 Author: Matimoo ![]() Posts: 1027 |
What I wanna know - How in the world are they gonna do Slinky??? | 2011-07-05 20:54:00 Author: pilsburydoughboy55 ![]() Posts: 236 |
A LBP version of "You got a friend in me". It HAS to be there. | 2011-07-05 20:55:00 Author: SnipySev ![]() Posts: 2452 |
there's potential for new music, as the E3 videos had so much background noise it was impossible to tell ![]() I heard under all the press noise a type of Old Western-y Theme type .... song .... thingy. Plus, IMHO, The building blocks used as terrain (NOT the Alphabet blocks) Look better detailed that stickered cardboard. I believe it's a new material. Like colored wood. | 2011-07-05 20:56:00 Author: pilsburydoughboy55 ![]() Posts: 236 |
I hope they make "The Claw" into a minigame ![]() | 2011-07-05 21:51:00 Author: Terrescence ![]() Posts: 1 |
The packs look great! Though I may skip inFamous2 since I already have the first one. Not much difference imo. Toy Story will be an insta buy. I'm a Pixar fanboy. The FF costumes look great (Swords!) but they need proper eyes. Not just the 'Cartoon eyes'. They need Manga/Anime style eyes. Anyone agree? | 2011-07-05 23:40:00 Author: Jedi_1993 ![]() Posts: 1518 |
Just got the inFamous2 costume. its not bad~ | 2011-07-06 01:41:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
What I wanna know - How in the world are they gonna do Slinky??? I'd imagine the pants as his legs, the head as his top half, and teh body as the coil/ slinky going around the sackperson's body, wouldn't expect a real or empty-torso slinky. ![]() (Tho not impossible and I'd be quite surprised if it is so. xD) | 2011-07-06 01:45:00 Author: Silverleon ![]() Posts: 6707 |
I'd imagine the pants as his legs, the head as his top half, and teh body as the coil/ slinky going around the sackperson's body, wouldn't expect a real or empty-torso slinky. ![]() (Tho not impossible and I'd be quite surprised if it is so. xD) Yeah, they do alter the sackperson mesh for some costumes like Rogue, Mystique etc. But I don't think they could make him stretchy. Although it'd be cool to jump and have your legs stay on the ground. But it would break a lot of stages. I could see him being a spring that compresses a little when you land, or at the top of a jump though. | 2011-07-06 02:24:00 Author: Mr_Fusion ![]() Posts: 1799 |
Anyone wondering what the other costumes will be? There'll be at least 12 different costumes so that should cover all the main characters. We know about Woody & Buzz and apparently there are Jessie and Slinky costumes. The rest should be out of these: Hamm Rex Mr Potato Head Bullseye Bo Peep Barbie Ken Sarge Stinky Pete Zurg LotsoYou forgot the little green alien so thiers 5 we know. | 2011-07-06 04:34:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
^Stinky Pete was shown in another video (or picture? I can't remember, but I saw it) and the Little Green Alien wouldn't be in there as it's a separate costume that came with the Collector's Edition. | 2011-07-06 07:54:00 Author: The Last Stop ![]() Posts: 240 |
Wieldable swords in the FF7 pack? Oh lawd! | 2011-07-06 08:16:00 Author: Flamento ![]() Posts: 352 |
Wieldable swords in the FF7 pack? Oh lawd! I know I'm VERY excited for the weapons, I'm going to get these packs the moment I can. | 2011-07-06 08:25:00 Author: sp0ngyraver ![]() Posts: 407 |
Wieldable swords in the FF7 pack? Oh lawd! Looks like Sephiroth's sword will make a good sword for a samurai costume. ![]() | 2011-07-06 11:45:00 Author: Ayneh ![]() Posts: 2454 |
... I want that Tifa hair, bro. | 2011-07-06 13:40:00 Author: poorjack ![]() Posts: 1806 |
Would anyone mind posting some [in-game] pictures of the inFAMOUS 2 costumes and perhaps a few of the stickers? | 2011-07-06 14:50:00 Author: Super_Clone ![]() Posts: 849 |
Oh my god this is awesome! Il take any costume peices I can get but these will be so useful! ![]() | 2011-07-06 15:39:00 Author: Dortr ![]() Posts: 548 |
Anyone wondering what the other costumes will be? There'll be at least 12 different costumes so that should cover all the main characters. We know about Woody & Buzz and apparently there are Jessie and Slinky costumes. The rest should be out of these: Hamm Rex Mr Potato Head Bullseye Bo Peep Barbie Ken Sarge Stinky Pete Zurg Lotso I definitely want a Barbie costume! ..... | 2011-07-06 15:56:00 Author: talbot-trembler ![]() Posts: 1114 |
I'm not seeing many unique prizes like decorations or bits and bobs. I can only assume that sheriff badge is a decoration. Also, only 3 levels? ![]() They could be using sub-levels so it could end up being more than 3 levels | 2011-07-06 16:05:00 Author: kabirdsall14 ![]() Posts: 180 |
I'm not seeing many unique prizes like decorations or bits and bobs. I can only assume that sheriff badge is a decoration. Also, only 3 levels? ![]() Might just be that they only took 3 in the E3 build. Anyone wondering what the other costumes will be? There'll be at least 12 different costumes so that should cover all the main characters. We know about Woody & Buzz and apparently there are Jessie and Slinky costumes. The rest should be out of these: Hamm Rex Mr Potato Head Bullseye Bo Peep Barbie Ken Sarge Stinky Pete Zurg Lotso Wouldn't be too sure about the non Pixar creations, there's a load of extra licencing involved. | 2011-07-06 17:08:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
I'm guessing there will be level links used. That'd make up to 6 if you count links. Which is more in line with previous level packs. | 2011-07-06 17:49:00 Author: OneEyedBanshee ![]() Posts: 1370 |
Thanks for the link! That's the only footage I've seen of this. Aww, thanks! ![]() | 2011-07-06 18:11:00 Author: pilsburydoughboy55 ![]() Posts: 236 |
Wouldn't be too sure about the non Pixar creations, there's a load of extra licencing involved. Oh yeah, good point. However, the trademark for Slinky Dog isn't owned by Pixar and people have named it as one of the costumes. | 2011-07-06 21:15:00 Author: Rhys125 ![]() Posts: 841 |
Wouldn't be too sure about the non Pixar creations, there's a load of extra licencing involved. Yeah, Mr.Potato Head doesn't even appear in the actual Toy Story 3 game (he did back in the Ts2 game on ps one though xD ) | 2011-07-06 22:36:00 Author: Matimoo ![]() Posts: 1027 |
The Infamous 2 costume is great. The new lightning ball is basically plasma and the clothes are neat. Stickers are kinda meh. Stoked about Toy Story ![]() | 2011-07-06 22:54:00 Author: Sack-Jake ![]() Posts: 1153 |
:kz:... Mm... Y U NO SHOW PICS OF KZ3 PACK!?! Only pic they showed was the Hazmat Trooper. For those of you who didn't see it, here it is: http://vividgamer.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/5619609872_623302210e_z.jpg They also said Rico was the other Costume, so by looking at this pic...: http://baggingspam.files.wordpress.com/2011/02/rico-less-angry.jpeg It's going to be an awesome coat. :kz: (I used Google for these pictures. If these pics lead to inappropriate sites, please remove it.) | 2011-07-06 22:55:00 Author: IronSkullKid99 ![]() Posts: 515 |
Oh yeah, good point. However, the trademark for Slinky Dog isn't owned by Pixar and people have named it as one of the costumes. Back when the mercandise was out I noticed things like Slink and Mr Potato Head had their owners logo on the box but all the packaging was toy story 3 branded, never saw it with Barbie. All we can do is speculate at this point but I do think there will be different agrements in place for what can be done with each character. | 2011-07-06 23:09:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
It's going to be an awesome coat. :kz: There's a Killzone pack already out there that contains the normal Helghast costume and a Sev costume, that's essentially the "coat" you want. ![]() | 2011-07-07 12:20:00 Author: Leather-Monkey ![]() Posts: 2266 |
just hope cloud sword is to be held in two hands. would look better while running | 2011-07-07 16:43:00 Author: BlackThornDust ![]() Posts: 100 |
They finally have it coming and they look awsome but intresting they didn't have Yuffie,Barret,Cid, and Red XIII costumes. | 2011-07-07 16:54:00 Author: zerotiger99 ![]() Posts: 101 |
There's a Killzone pack already out there that contains the normal Helghast costume and a Sev costume, that's essentially the "coat" you want. ![]() :kz: I already haz it. I want the KZ3 Pack, though, & nao. | 2011-07-07 17:44:00 Author: IronSkullKid99 ![]() Posts: 515 |
The FF costumes look great (Swords!) but they need proper eyes. Not just the 'Cartoon eyes'. They need Manga/Anime style eyes. Anyone agree? normally I would, but the problem is that there would probably be an emo outbreak. LBP is beyond fun, and I do NOT want there to be more emos than non-emos. | 2011-07-07 18:04:00 Author: LBNinja ![]() Posts: 204 |
I am pumped for the FF7 pack. I can't wait until it comes out next Tuesday. ![]() | 2011-07-07 18:17:00 Author: Godzilla ![]() Posts: 224 |
It took long enough eh? Apparently Mm plans to release more after that in the future. But dont get all depressed if its not right away though. Just be happy if and when it comes. Im glad their coming out though. Deffidently cool. ![]() | 2011-07-07 19:08:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
This is good news, FFVII and Toy Story, love. ^^ What I find extremely disappointing are the characters left out in the pack, like Cait Sith (with a cait doll for the head), Barret (im sure many would like his gun arm), Yuffie (as a girl short shorts and and the top would add a wider selection to costume pieces plus many might like here 4 sided ninja thingy ma jigger weapon XD), cid highwind, red XIII (would be like the animal costumes except red XIII). It's just sad they left all that out. In my opinion they shouldn't have a FFVII pack if it isn't going to include the entire party, otherwise that's bias and shows no support to fans of the other main characters. Whether this was MM's decision or SE decision I don't know. If SE gave the ok for MM to do all the main characters they should have. I would have prefered Cait Sith and Yuffie over the ones in the pack now. | 2011-07-07 19:49:00 Author: Hana_Kami ![]() Posts: 393 |
. Agreed. I don't even like Aeris and Tifa my self to much... Yuffie was my fave Girl on the game and I still have to use my own home made costume for her~ :I *mew Emo emo emo Would you people stop complaining about Emos already? I mean really? MM should not release anything that may be able to be used by Fake Emo kids? There are more then enough good sane people who have use for this stuff and MM should not hold back from giving us stuff because it may become a popular DLC xP I for one want Anime eyes, and I don't care if all Da Fake Emo kids ware them or not~ | 2011-07-07 21:25:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
I'm extremely excited for the Final Fantasy VII Pack! I'm going to download it as soon as I get settled into the new place and have my PS3 unpacked. | 2011-07-07 22:05:00 Author: xero ![]() Posts: 2419 |
Where is the Ratchet and Clank Pack? We NEED one, because apparently, it was done IDK how long ago!! ;( | 2011-07-08 00:15:00 Author: pilsburydoughboy55 ![]() Posts: 236 |
Where is the Ratchet and Clank Pack? We NEED one, because apparently, it was done IDK how long ago!! ;( They went on general relese in April. | 2011-07-08 00:44:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
They went on general relese in April. the costumes? I think that guy is talking about like a level pack, that Insomniac tweeted about ages back ![]() | 2011-07-08 10:10:00 Author: Matimoo ![]() Posts: 1027 |
Consider me interested. I've pondered before what they might want to do with such a pack. A new power-up or two would be awesome, and I'd like to see improved Ratchet & Clank costumes. Not to be a brat, but there were several things about the R&C costumes we have now that bug me, particularly the Clank costume. I'd also like to see costumes for many of the other characters. But instead of forcing us to pay more money just to get characters they own into a game they own, how about free costumes for each Ratchet & Clank game you own? For example, if you own Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction and LBP2 detects a save file for that game on your PS3, you unlock Talwyn, Cronk, Zephyr, and Tachyon costumes. That would be a good way of rewarding players for their dedication. Assuming they could figure out a way to detect the PS2 games (perhaps by releasing a collection for the PS3?), the costumes choices could be something like this: Ratchet & Clank: Big Al, The Plumber, Blarg, Chairman Drek Locked & Loaded: The Thief, Angela Cross, Thugs-4-Less CEO, Fizzwidget Ratchet & Clank 3: Sasha, Galactic Ranger, Courtney Gears, Lawrence Gladiator: Ace Hardlight, Eviscerator, Reactor, Shellshock, Gleeman Vox, Starshield Tools of Destruction: Talwyn, Cronk, Zephyr, Captain Slag, Rusty Pete, Emperor Tachyon A Crack in Time: Alister Azimuth, Lord Vorcelon, Zoni, Orvus All 4 One: Ratchet, Clank, Captain Qwark, Dr. Nefarious | 2011-07-08 10:37:00 Author: Brandon ![]() Posts: 106 |
Consider me interested. I've pondered before what they might want to do with such a pack. A new power-up or two would be awesome, and I'd like to see improved Ratchet & Clank costumes. Not to be a brat, but there were several things about the R&C costumes we have now that bug me, particularly the Clank costume. I'd also like to see costumes for many of the other characters. But instead of forcing us to pay more money just to get characters they own into a game they own, how about free costumes for each Ratchet & Clank game you own? For example, if you own Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction and LBP2 detects a save file for that game on your PS3, you unlock Talwyn, Cronk, Zephyr, and Tachyon costumes. That would be a good way of rewarding players for their dedication. Assuming they could figure out a way to detect the PS2 games (perhaps by releasing a collection for the PS3?), the costumes choices could be something like this: Ratchet & Clank: Big Al, The Plumber, Blarg, Chairman Drek Locked & Loaded: The Thief, Angela Cross, Thugs-4-Less CEO, Fizzwidget Ratchet & Clank 3: Sasha, Galactic Ranger, Courtney Gears, Lawrence Gladiator: Ace Hardlight, Eviscerator, Reactor, Shellshock, Gleeman Vox, Starshield Tools of Destruction: Talwyn, Cronk, Zephyr, Captain Slag, Rusty Pete, Emperor Tachyon A Crack in Time: Alister Azimuth, Lord Vorcelon, Zoni, Orvus All 4 One: Ratchet, Clank, Captain Qwark, Dr. Nefarious I honestly think that that would be a bit too much. I'd ask for music, sequencer spacey like instruments, erm ... 4-5 levels NOT including level links. Stickers, and like 3 - 4 costume packs. two for villains, 1 for main characters, one for side charries. Mainly Orvus, Zoni, Fongoid .... um ... yeah. The tweeted it was apparently finished and "bigger than MGS pack" so I would like it. Please. | 2011-07-08 19:17:00 Author: pilsburydoughboy55 ![]() Posts: 236 |
this pack has made everyone think that mm are pushing the boat if you know what i mean. its like mm have suddenly gone "u know what? **** it, lets give em weapons" and it makes me laugh | 2011-07-08 19:30:00 Author: nerzdadestroyer ![]() Posts: 1527 |
Where is the Ratchet and Clank Pack? We NEED one, because apparently, it was done IDK how long ago!! ;( didn't we already get the costume pack? maybe it would be cool, still... nothing wrong with Rachet and Clank technology turning to LBP2 powerups. ![]() Heck, we should get a powerup pack. | 2011-07-08 19:55:00 Author: LBNinja ![]() Posts: 204 |
But instead of forcing us to pay more money just to get characters they own into a game they own, how about free costumes for each Ratchet & Clank game you own? For example, if you own Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction and LBP2 detects a save file for that game on your PS3, you unlock Talwyn, Cronk, Zephyr, and Tachyon costumes. That would be a good way of rewarding players for their dedication. Assuming they could figure out a way to detect the PS2 games (perhaps by releasing a collection for the PS3?), the costumes choices could be something like this: Backwards thinking imho. ![]() You think it's unfair to force you to pay for more custumes (and none of us is being forced really), but your concept would be even more unfair to those of us who don't own those games. It's much cheaper for all of us to buy the costume or level packs than it is for specific people to buy full games. I buy pretty much all the DLC... not because I am a fan of other games or movies they are tied to, but because I want the content to build with. Your method shows favouritism, and would outrage the community. Showing your dedication to Sony has nothing to do with getting free DLC unfortunately, nor should it. ![]() To the point of the new Toy Story DLC, I just realized we will FINALLY have proper cowboy hats to replace that awful one from LBP with the ugly tassles hanging from the brim. I know at one point I really wanted one for a costume, and now I can't remember what the idea was for the life of me? Hmmm.... probably something to do with Space Cowboys. ![]() | 2011-07-08 20:02:00 Author: Rustbukkit ![]() Posts: 1737 |
The downside to this pack: more emo hair Wow this might stop all those friggin emosfrom using hero hair and dog noses......But i doubt it. Mr_Fusion beat me to the part I didn't like... I love this FF7 pack- but it'll probably not even be a few hours after it's release that every level is flooded with pictures of emo posers wearing such costumes and with swords. REAL swords this time, too! Maybe this will finally end the awful emo craze of sticking teeth on their forhead. Those costumes are everywhere, and I hate them all.... Now we just get normal emos without dental disasters... normally I would, but the problem is that there would probably be an emo outbreak. LBP is beyond fun, and I do NOT want there to be more emos than non-emos. "Anti-emos" (or they think they are at least even tho they don't really know what "emo" really is.) and anti-h4hers, are both the same, pointless and probably more annoying than the thing they hate so much, as not only do they whine everywhere, but they try to seem righteous about it too. Anywho, I wouldn't worry that there aren't more characters here, they have done more than one costume pack of the same thing, so there may be more FF7 costumes in the future? Not sure, but I'm just saying there IS a chance of more releasing later. | 2011-07-08 21:00:00 Author: Silverleon ![]() Posts: 6707 |
I WANT Emo hair. I dont have that guy from Rag doll Kung Fu, so .... yeah. | 2011-07-08 23:45:00 Author: pilsburydoughboy55 ![]() Posts: 236 |
Backwards thinking imho. ![]() You think it's unfair to force you to pay for more custumes (and none of us is being forced really), but your concept would be even more unfair to those of us who don't own those games. It's much cheaper for all of us to buy the costume or level packs than it is for specific people to buy full games. I buy pretty much all the DLC... not because I am a fan of other games or movies they are tied to, but because I want the content to build with. Your method shows favouritism, and would outrage the community. Showing your dedication to Sony has nothing to do with getting free DLC unfortunately, nor should it. ![]() To the point of the new Toy Story DLC, I just realized we will FINALLY have proper cowboy hats to replace that awful one from LBP with the ugly tassles hanging from the brim. I know at one point I really wanted one for a costume, and now I can't remember what the idea was for the life of me? Hmmm.... probably something to do with Space Cowboys. ![]() You have a point. I guess I overlooked the fact not everyone owns those games, and costume packs would definitely be a lot cheaper than buying whole games. I don't think I meant for the costumes to only be available through those games, just as an alternative method to serve as a bonus of sorts. As for the costume selection, I figured I'd try to name the most notable and famous characters from each game. And LBP1 did actually have a cowboy hat. You have to ace one of the Canyon levels to get it. | 2011-07-09 09:09:00 Author: Brandon ![]() Posts: 106 |
Would you people stop complaining about Emos already? I mean really? MM should not release anything that may be able to be used by Fake Emo kids? There are more then enough good sane people who have use for this stuff and MM should not hold back from giving us stuff because it may become a popular DLC xP I for one want Anime eyes, and I don't care if all Da Fake Emo kids ware them or not~ what? I just don't like them... | 2011-07-09 18:08:00 Author: LBNinja ![]() Posts: 204 |
Media Molecule should consider a Harry Potter pack. It's written by a British author and would be prime for LBP adaptation. It would work especially well with PlayStation Move given the emphasis on wands. And there's also the prospect of a Star Wars pack. | 2011-07-09 21:15:00 Author: Brandon ![]() Posts: 106 |
Media Molecule should consider a Harry Potter pack. It's written by a British author and would be prime for LBP adaptation. It would work especially well with PlayStation Move given the emphasis on wands. And there's also the prospect of a Star Wars pack. I doubt that would work since there are so many trademarks associated with Harry Potter. But you can always hope ![]() | 2011-07-09 22:16:00 Author: kabirdsall14 ![]() Posts: 180 |
Im def getting FF VII pack ![]() | 2011-07-10 01:37:00 Author: PSN:AAM2730 ![]() Posts: 128 |
So... may be old news now, but it looks as if the Infamous Pack is live in AUS. Not as exciting as the FFVII stuff but yeah. Only a few stickers. Nothing to write home about but I may have use for some of the clock tower stuff. The hair is a good looking separate piece with some potential and the bad plasma looks more dangerous than before. His good and evil skin also look helpful. Oh and Silverleon: Never said I hate Emo's. I'm just getting old now and look at all the kids running around with stupid hair and clothing that looks like its against any OH&S workrules as there are chains and flaps everywhere and I just don't get it. Bring back fluro hypercolour shirts and undercuts, we may have looked stupid too but at least we wouldn't get pulled into an escalator by our pants leg or get our hair caught in automatic doors. ![]() Also, it was pretty complicated to get a photo of how 'cool' you looked. Nowadays, I think thats what most annoys me. A constant deluge of posed fake photographs. The fact that they have spilled over into a digital world upsets me for some reason. | 2011-07-10 03:06:00 Author: Mr_Fusion ![]() Posts: 1799 |
Your method shows favouritism, and would outrage the community. not really favouritism, but it's still a horrible idea since it's technically not free if not now it costs MORE to get the costumes you want since it seems you'd have to go out of your way to purchase full games just for the costumes....or we could just go to gamefaqs to download save files if it did come to be a save game scanner or something to collect costumes....either way the current system is perfect and doesn't need a change...but yes some free costumes once in a while would be nice and maybe some GOOD costumes too as to give something nice to those who dont particularly buy costumes. I just realized we will FINALLY have proper cowboy hats to replace that awful one from LBP with the ugly tassles hanging from the brim lol you do realize there's a tassle-less one of the EXACT hat right? if not then you're welcome ![]() | 2011-07-10 04:05:00 Author: Shadowcrazy ![]() Posts: 3365 |
Oh and Silverleon: Never said I hate Emo's. I'm just getting old now and look at all the kids running around with stupid hair and clothing that looks like its against any OH&S workrules as there are chains and flaps everywhere and I just don't get it. OMG. My mom. ^^ I wanted a hair straightener because I'm wavy naturally. Her response? "You'll look like a ***" (derogatory word towards homosexuals usually abbreviated to three letters) :/ She was raised in the late fifties. ![]() | 2011-07-10 04:06:00 Author: pilsburydoughboy55 ![]() Posts: 236 |
you do realize there's a tassle-less one of the EXACT hat right? if not then you're welcome ![]() that's right. But also the new Cowboy hat coming out is much better looking. once it's out, I'll be replacing the hat right away on my "Soul Eater" costume for the new one. *mew | 2011-07-10 04:13:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
So, since Pixar's represented by The Incredibles and Toy Story, how about some Dreamworks representation, such as Shrek, Madagascar, or Kung Fu Panda? I'd go for the latter myself. | 2011-07-10 07:19:00 Author: Brandon ![]() Posts: 106 |
Brandon, the reason for the Pixar stuff is due to an agreement made between Mm/Sony and Disney. Hence the Marvel (I believe Disney now owns Marvel) Tron, Pirates, Incredibles, Toy Story etc. I wouldn't assume that just because they have published Pixar material that they will immediately go and then produce dlc for the other animation companies. | 2011-07-10 08:06:00 Author: croissantbuncake ![]() Posts: 572 |
Media Molecule should consider a Harry Potter pack. It's written by a British author and would be prime for LBP adaptation. It would work especially well with PlayStation Move given the emphasis on wands. And there's also the prospect of a Star Wars pack. Just because they're English it doesn't mean they can just get anything British whenever they want,, you know? xD (Or that they have to for that matter. ![]() Its just as difficult to get and all. Also what they said about it being a big franchise and all, don't think they'll say "Oh you're from England? Oh well its ok then, do it free!" they still have to pay. ![]() Besides is the author English or Scottish or what kind of British? (England is not the only British country.) Its like saying Brazil can get whatever they want from Canada as they're both American. (Wether South or North American, they're still Americans.) | 2011-07-10 17:01:00 Author: Silverleon ![]() Posts: 6707 |
Just because they're English it doesn't mean they can just get anything British whenever they want,, you know? xD (Or that they have to for that matter. ![]() Its just as difficult to get and all. Also what they said about it being a big franchise and all, don't think they'll say "Oh you're from England? Oh well its ok then, do it free!" they still have to pay. ![]() Besides is the author English or Scottish or what kind of British? (England is not the only British country.) Its like saying Brazil can get whatever they want from Canada as they're both American. (Wether South or North American, they're still Americans.) the author is not scottish. and ur wrong. we get whatever the hell we want over here! ( jk ur right i agree dont think jus coz were from the same country we have privileges, although there is a high chance were related ( sorry another jk) ) XD EDIT: lol! jk is the initials of the author! J.K. Rowling...... lol. | 2011-07-10 20:29:00 Author: nerzdadestroyer ![]() Posts: 1527 |
Yay! Finally! I am also a huge Yuffie fan, but there are some great custom costumes out there. On the subject of the characters chosen, does anyone actually like Aerith? ![]() | 2011-07-11 08:29:00 Author: midnight_heist ![]() Posts: 2513 |
She was my main team, together with Barret and Cloud. Free limit break heals. ![]() Right up until they ***expletive*** ***spoiler***!! | 2011-07-11 09:54:00 Author: Rogar ![]() Posts: 2284 |
She was my main team, together with Barret and Cloud. Free limit break heals. ![]() Right up until they ***expletive*** ***spoiler***!! You mean when AERIS DIES? | 2011-07-11 21:31:00 Author: Ayneh ![]() Posts: 2454 |
You mean when AERIS DIES? zOMG SPOILARZ!! http://roflrazzi.files.wordpress.com/2009/07/128930169336086766.jpg | 2011-07-11 21:44:00 Author: Gilgamesh ![]() Posts: 2536 |
I actually had her level 3 limit break and then THAT happened. I was a little miffed. | 2011-07-11 22:11:00 Author: Mr_Fusion ![]() Posts: 1799 |
I actually had her level 3 limit break and then THAT happened. I was a little miffed. Now Imagine how I felt when i leveled her all the way to lvl 99 with all 4 Limit breaks. xD (Sure it was AFTER I knew what happened in a different playthrough, but still, come on! ![]() Sucks not being able to use any of that later on. | 2011-07-12 01:23:00 Author: Silverleon ![]() Posts: 6707 |
An I the only 1 who always made Barret the healer in the team? xD | 2011-07-12 01:53:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
Now Imagine how I felt when i leveled her all the way to lvl 99 with all 4 Limit breaks. xD (Sure it was AFTER I knew what happened in a different playthrough, but still, come on! ![]() Sucks not being able to use any of that later on. You would have had to spent ages grinding to do that, especially knowing what was coming. Sometimes I get really engrossed in something and don't realise how long it's meant to take. My biggest slow play through would be MGS3. The first time I played I crawled nearly the entire way, to get that Sokolov guy, stopped every 100 meters or so, reset my camo, used the sound thing and binoculars. Hunted for food, ate... Then moved on. I got to the prisoner at the 'end' about 3 hours later without being spotted thinking 'what an epic game' and then the intro credits started. I then realised that what I though was a massive chunk of the game was only a short help section. | 2011-07-12 07:50:00 Author: Mr_Fusion ![]() Posts: 1799 |
I apologize if I came off as racist or ignorant. I'm aware that not every Brit is a tea-sipping queen-saving posh gentleman with a Union Jack, I just noticed Little Big Planet and Harry Potter were both British in origin and thought it'd be pretty cool if the two connected. So, since Final Fantasy VII got a DLC pack, what are the odds we'll see packs for the other two most popular Final Fantasy games, I and IV? The rest could also get DLC packs, but considering how often Square remakes and rereleases the first and fourth games, you'd get the impression they're among the most popular entries in the series. Because I love suggestions, I'll go ahead and list costumes here: I: Warrior, Black Mage, White Mage, Red Mage II: Firion, Guy, Maria, Leon III: Onion Knight, Monk, Thief, Knight IV: Dark Knight Cecil, Paladin Cecil, Kain, Rosa, Rydia, Edge V: Bartz, Lenna, Galuf, Faris, Krile, Gilgamesh VI: Terra, Locke, Celes, Edgar VIII: Squall, Rinoa, Seifer, Laguna IX: Zidane, Vivi, Garnet, Steiner X: Tidus, Wakka, Yuna, Auron I didn't list VII since they've already announced that pack. ![]() | 2011-07-12 09:53:00 Author: Brandon ![]() Posts: 106 |
I know this isn't right to complain right now about DLC that hasn't been released yet but i feel this just HAS to be brought to attention: look at the new sephiroth coming out tomorrow: http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5316/5901536894_64f88d46bc.jpg now look at the old version: http://images.wikia.com/finalfantasy/images/9/97/SephirothLBP.jpg ..........they've changed the coat and removed the belts and some other small things ............. </3 :'( I felt my world crash apart when seeing that...although of course I'm still going to buy the pack and love having sephiroth in there...it still breaks my heart that they'll always have the ORIGINAL and I'll never have the one with the belts on his coat ![]() | 2011-07-12 10:25:00 Author: Shadowcrazy ![]() Posts: 3365 |
............. </3 :'( I felt my world crash apart when seeing that...although of course I'm still going to buy the pack and love having sephiroth in there...it still breaks my heart that they'll always have the ORIGINAL and I'll never have the one with the belts on his coat ![]() Yup. I pointed that out one or was it two pages ago? anyways. I also was disappoint about that. Ohwell. At least the wig is better then the old one~ :/ *mew | 2011-07-12 10:37:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
I don't know how this stuff works normally, but isn't the new one an artistic rendering just made to look cool? I wouldn't draw any conclusions until it's actually in the store. | 2011-07-12 11:17:00 Author: Rogar ![]() Posts: 2284 |
new more belts and zippers just joking love you square enix ..... some times | 2011-07-12 11:47:00 Author: jump_button ![]() Posts: 1014 |
Sneaky PS Store. One of my friends told me that both the KZ3 and FFVII packs were in the store early. So I checked and nothing was there. Then, I used the search box (typed Final Fantasy and Killzone 3) and holy snap I found them. Good news: The Sephiroth and Cloud swords are in there too. Hope this helped anyone. ![]() http://i1.lbp.me/img/ft/4e12085830a35fe9f56a8ed35dc3b2338251d2a1.jpg Mods, if this isn't ok to tell before the release dates, feel free to delete my post. | 2011-07-12 23:11:00 Author: siberian_ninja15 ![]() Posts: 444 |
Mods, if this isn't ok to tell before the release dates, feel free to delete my post. You just caught them mid publish, that small window of oportunity between the content going on the store and the new stuff being organised in the latest section. By the time you posted the store had been updated. | 2011-07-13 00:21:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
So...anybody going to review the news outfits? Are there a goodly number of pieces? | 2011-07-13 01:13:00 Author: LittleBigDave ![]() Posts: 324 |
Ok let me start~ only one who can ware a hat with their wig is Tifa. they made Sephiroth's coat a very dark brownish red with no lower belts... also his pants is one piece with his coat.... it's very hard to get Cloud to do the right battle pose, but you can if you hook up batteries to a DCS on him in the right order, but it's little hard. *mew | 2011-07-13 02:35:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
Iv'e been playing Lbp2 since 7:00am, I just stoped, I bought all the Final Fantasy Costumes! q^_^"p Ok let me start~ only one who can ware a hat with their wig is Tifa. they made Sephiroth's coat a very dark brownish red with no lower belts... also his pants is one piece with his coat.... it's very hard to get Cloud to do the right battle pose, but you can if you hook up batteries to a DCS on him in the right order, but it's little hard. *mew I know, it kinda stunk that Cloud and Sephiroth's pants are attached to there coat/armor. | 2011-07-13 04:05:00 Author: GranolaCrunch ![]() Posts: 105 |
I know, it kinda stunk that Cloud and Sephiroth's pants are attached to there coat/armor. Cloud's pants are not. they are only attached to his boots. *mew | 2011-07-13 04:25:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
why am i not surprised Mm attached stuff...AGAIN :/ | 2011-07-13 04:31:00 Author: Shadowcrazy ![]() Posts: 3365 |
why am i not surprised Mm attached stuff...AGAIN :/ Because they always do? ![]() I think we all by now know not to expect any better from them sadly~ *mew | 2011-07-13 04:38:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
and now its confirmed...no bottom belts ![]() but i know ima be making some new shadow hatter outfits with these now ![]() | 2011-07-13 04:40:00 Author: Shadowcrazy ![]() Posts: 3365 |
Sigh... Was anyone else trying to look for Vincent's gun? I really wanted that, but I guess it would be to violent. But still, it would be awesome to have q-_-"p | 2011-07-13 04:58:00 Author: GranolaCrunch ![]() Posts: 105 |
Sigh... Was anyone else trying to look for Vincent's gun? I really wanted that, but I guess it would be to violent. But still, it would be awesome to have q-_-"p No I did not look to see if he had his gun. MM never add guns, it's one of their rules. So we knew it would not be there from the start ![]() plus it's easy enough making your own guns. *mew | 2011-07-13 05:01:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
:kz: Rico...has an Afro... http://i1135.photobucket.com/albums/m635/vequi45/rageface.jpg Hazmat Trooper's Leggings, Boots, & armor are all one piece... http://i1100.photobucket.com/albums/g416/Dattebayo666/MEGARAGE-1.jpg Hazmat Trooper Helmet & Rico's Coat, Gloves, & Pants... It's...not bad. Same goes for the Stickers. | 2011-07-13 05:34:00 Author: IronSkullKid99 ![]() Posts: 515 |
So how long before we got a flood of this, oh and any stickers with them? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W9cvsdVnfws&feature=related | 2011-07-13 07:13:00 Author: jump_button ![]() Posts: 1014 |
Oh snap, I sure hope this in on the AUS store at the same time! We're lumped in with the Brits and these Harry Potter costumes we get are lame. I'm heading home from work and it's uber hard to find decent EU info sometimes... Speaking of attached pieces, the most disappointing one for me so far was Roshack's (sp?) hat from watchmen. I had big plans for that hat... | 2011-07-13 08:24:00 Author: Mr_Fusion ![]() Posts: 1799 |
So how long before we got a flood of this, oh and any stickers with them? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W9cvsdVnfws&feature=related Never BOOed a level but I will start to do on Aeris' movies, I swear. | 2011-07-13 08:44:00 Author: OmegaSlayer ![]() Posts: 5112 |
Never BOOed a level but I will start to do on Aeris' movies, I swear. Alas, you will not be able to boo me as it seems that AUS does not have the content yet. We have the iNFAMOUS stuff but not KillZone or FFVII... Although I do like the new store layout from the 1.05 update | 2011-07-13 08:52:00 Author: Mr_Fusion ![]() Posts: 1799 |
EU store updates on wednesdays, so I expect they'll be on the AUS store tonight, too. By the way, no americans who uploaded in-game photos of the Final Fantasy costumes to lbp.me and linked them here? Tsss... I'm very disappointed! ![]() | 2011-07-13 11:35:00 Author: Rogar ![]() Posts: 2284 |
EU store has updated, it's a quiet week so its gone up early. | 2011-07-13 13:22:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
I WANT MY MOTORSTORM DLC NAO!!!! In all honesty the FF pack was a bit disappointing. The topography of Tifa's hair is perfect for a teenage girl who wears a hat. It is DEAD perfect. BUT if you want to color the hair the method in which they skinned the hair model was counter intuitive. The hair tie's coloration is too close to the hair's own coloration when they should have been separated further. So if you want custom colored hair expect a matching hair tie. | 2011-07-13 13:52:00 Author: poorjack ![]() Posts: 1806 |
Dude, there's two awesome swords in the pack and you're fussing about the hair!? ![]() | 2011-07-13 15:43:00 Author: Rogar ![]() Posts: 2284 |
just to be sure, this pack is not limited right? it will be there for ever? cause i cant get to my ps3 in while | 2011-07-13 15:44:00 Author: Dexist ![]() Posts: 570 |
You guys are freaking out way too much about Final Fantasy. Honestly, I think the costumes look like garbage anyways so just don't buy them. Also Final Fantasy isn't really a relevant series at this point. :/ | 2011-07-13 15:55:00 Author: Sack-Jake ![]() Posts: 1153 |
. opinions much? Some/A lot of us Like/love FF7 And other FF games... some of them anyways~ Plus I for one like The FF7 costumes even if they are like always are not perfect~ And FF7 always gets the most talk out of FF games. so it's to be expected everyone will be talking a lot about it here when the costume pack just came out. *mew It may be a old game but the old games are some of the best. and getting costumes of are classic fave games is always gonna get everyone all over it. | 2011-07-13 16:08:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
I just got the KZ3 costumes and I'm loving Rico's coat. :hero: (Of course the rest is awesome too.) | 2011-07-13 16:33:00 Author: warlord_evil ![]() Posts: 4193 |
Thanks to a few of you who pointed out that I'm missing a normal cowboy hat without the tassles. I've never seen anyone wear it before. I agree that the new one we're getting looks much better as well. (I really should get around to loading LBP and finishing acing everything I guess) To the point of this EMO arguement going on, here's my 2 cents. Yes, we are all sick of seeing the same handful of people spamming levels with terrible pictures of themselves with spikey toothed emo hair... so I can understand the fear of this new pack resurging that awful craze. To those of you defending Emo's or telling everyone else to stop talking about it or that they don't know what Emo is... you are ridiculous. I'd love to hear what YOUR definition of Emo is, because I'd bet my next paycheck that most of you get it wrong. My point is, every other member here has the right to express their opinions, and you telling them not to or that they don't know enough about the topic in the rude way you are going about it is wrong of you to do... period. You can disagree with them all you want, but they are just expressing their opinions and aren't wrong for doing so. Stop feeling like your being picked on because you like Emo hair and grow a set. It's a game, and a hair style... nothing more. As for the hair in this pack, 2 of the pieces can easily be made to look emo'ish with one black sticker, and a well placed bright pink/blue/green/purple/etc. one (the chick with the fingerless gloves and the dude with the EDIT: really huge sword). Emo, like any fashion fad out there, is not confined to only one particular hairstyle and can vary in length, cut, and color. Google "EMO" and hit images and watch the horror that unfolds before your eyes. I hate those photo's just as much as the next person, but only because they spam levels and they are unoriginal... not because they are confused adolescents trying to find where they fit in in life (you should see some of the ridiculous hairstyles and crap I wore when I was a teenager in an artsy-fartsy Art School :rolleye: ) I'm not anti-Emo... I'm anti-idiot. ![]() As for this pack, I'm pretty disappointed that they didn't go with the coat with the nice big square buckles too. ![]() Peace! ![]() | 2011-07-13 17:03:00 Author: Rustbukkit ![]() Posts: 1737 |
Just got the FFVII Pack yesterday. Another job well done, Mm! | 2011-07-13 18:36:00 Author: LBNinja ![]() Posts: 204 |
Isn't it funny how most people were for years "Gimmie FF7 pack!!!", "where's FF7 Pack?!", "FF7Pack!!! KJHGDUSFJCFVFF" We get FF7PAck and most comments: - Aren't you dissapointed that that wasn't there or they added that or that was attatched? - Doesn't it suck that this and that? - Wouldn't it been cooler if they made/ had/ added this/ removed that? - Sucks because its not an exact copy of the one they showed. - Why didn't they do this?! Lovely community we got I tell ya, Its a complete mystery why Mm wants to move away from LBP into a new game. ![]() | 2011-07-13 22:03:00 Author: Silverleon ![]() Posts: 6707 |
(you should see some of the ridiculous hairstyles and crap I wore when I was a teenager in an artsy-fartsy Art School :rolleye: ) I'm not anti-Emo... I'm anti-idiot. ![]() The lucky thing is that there isn't 1000 photos of you or me dressed like idiots because it was so much harder to get photos done. Buying film, paying to get it developed... Even polaroidz were expensive. If it were cheaper... Well I'm sure there'd beva few photos of me in a fluro green cap sitting on my BMX doing the gnarly hand sign. I'm also anti-idiot, but I guess you have to grow out of being an idiot first. ![]() As for the cowboy hat I wear it on my BTTF 1885 Doc. Looks pretty cool. He's running around as a sackbot in my current stage if you want to check it out! | 2011-07-13 22:21:00 Author: Mr_Fusion ![]() Posts: 1799 |
Isn't it funny how most people were for years "Gimmie FF7 pack!!!", "where's FF7 Pack?!", "FF7Pack!!! KJHGDUSFJCFVFF" We get FF7PAck and most comments: - Aren't you dissapointed that that wasn't there or they added that or that was attatched? - Doesn't it suck that this and that? - Wouldn't it been cooler if they made/ had/ added this/ removed that? - Sucks because its not an exact copy of the one they showed. - Why didn't they do this?! Lovely community we got I tell ya, Its a complete mystery why Mm wants to move away from LBP into a new game. ![]() you're absolutely right...it's not like we've been waiting some years when it was shown with snake and then didn't appear at all until today....oh wait.... well hey at least they stuck to what was shown in the videos and pictures of sephiroth and they had finally released him with everything shown including his belts on the coat....oh wait... oh wait I FINALLY GOT IT....well at least it's not like after so many years of waiting for a FF pack that theyd maybe want to add more content then what was intended as to make this release the best it could be after the whole wait time....oh wait dang man i tried to agree with you...see all that text i put? that was really hard to think of and it took so much brain effort for me to try and agree with you...but alas it seems impossible...soooooo sorry but at least i tried my best right? ![]() | 2011-07-14 01:22:00 Author: Shadowcrazy ![]() Posts: 3365 |
Judging by the amount of complaining I've (not just LBPC mind you) seen from people, am I the only one here who finds the FFVII pack really (and I mean, REALLY) useful? I mean sure some costume pieces may never be used when creating costumes (i.e. Cloud's hair sticks out like a sore thumb), but so far I'm making lots of good use of the pack. Some of my characters look WAY better with some of this stuff, and the Tifa hair is magical I tell ya. Even the most ugliest costumes look somewhat attractive with Tifa hair, and makes the pretty look prettier. Trust me, I checked. ![]() I may be a Final Fantasy fan and like this nethertheless, but this is a pretty cool pack regardless. Totally recommend it. (Though, if you are those finicky opinionated costumist people, this probably may end up in ridiculous Mm complaints ![]() Now, I'm gonna need the other packs now.... /slips off to PS Store | 2011-07-14 03:32:00 Author: Fang ![]() Posts: 578 |
I think that it's pretty funny that so many of the female hair sets in the past are a little over the top, where as in this pack it's the male hair that is a bit over the top. It's great stuff to have, but as you mentioned the cloud hair is Clouds Hair. Can't really get away with using it else where. It think Vincent's will help with Rambo and maybe any other 80's movie though. | 2011-07-14 03:53:00 Author: Mr_Fusion ![]() Posts: 1799 |
am I the only one here who finds the FFVII pack really (and I mean, REALLY) useful? you're not alone...im not arguing that the pack isnt useful...hell i love the pack...just wish they didnt change sephiroths belt buckles...thats my ONLY complaint tbh and maybe they coulda added more things...but im happy with what we got and that we finally got it..and ive made some cool costumes with the packs so im happy | 2011-07-14 04:05:00 Author: Shadowcrazy ![]() Posts: 3365 |
Am I the only person who is anti buckles? I didn't like the coat with so ****ed many belts. It looked stupid. I don't like overcompensating villains. Trying to look all evil and **** cuz he's got so many belts. I like my villains innocent looking... It is much cooler that way. Like (SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER) Shelby from Heavy Rain. | 2011-07-15 03:32:00 Author: poorjack ![]() Posts: 1806 |
I like it, but i of course i would given that i am trying to remake FF 7. The swords are cool although Sephiroths should be much longer and should be in his left hand since he is left handed. The swords didnt help me much since i use still originals for my game, but hell, its once of best costume packs so far imo. Or Maybe its just cause im a FF geek andt likes Tetsuya Nomura's obsession with belt buckles. My favorite pieces are the Buster sword, since it is the largest and longest sword in LBP Tifa's hair and Vincents coat for me. | 2011-07-15 04:08:00 Author: Rpg Maker ![]() Posts: 877 |
you're absolutely right...it's not like we've been waiting some years when it was shown with snake and then didn't appear at all until today....oh wait.... Again, that's part of my first point, we waited so long and finnaly get it and pople act like they would rather not have it at all. well hey at least they stuck to what was shown in the videos and pictures of sephiroth and they had finally released him with everything shown including his belts on the coat....oh wait... To be fair I personally think it looks better, like a revamped new and better looking version of it, and actually am glad they did change it, so this point depends on personal opinion, yes? oh wait I FINALLY GOT IT....well at least it's not like after so many years of waiting for a FF pack that theyd maybe want to add more content then what was intended as to make this release the best it could be after the whole wait time....oh wait They added more than Sephiroth costume, yes? Besides, for the time that it took I'd imagine it took enough effort to get those costumes, I'm not sure, but I'd imagine it'd take more time to get, build and make more content, not to mention there's really not much they could've added. Stickers of what? What objects? New Tools that can do what? (No the "Meele weapon thing dosn't count, as it could be added with anything if they were going to which most likely isn't going to happen wether there was a full FF pack or not.) So a level without anything to give away? We can do that! dang man i tried to agree with you...see all that text i put? that was really hard to think of and it took so much brain effort for me to try and agree with you...but alas it seems impossible...soooooo sorry but at least i tried my best right? ![]() Next please! ![]() | 2011-07-15 05:20:00 Author: Silverleon ![]() Posts: 6707 |
Again, that's part of my first point, we waited so long and finnaly get it and pople act like they would rather not have it at all. no...people act as if we were expecting more/better then what we got BECAUSE we waited so long for it...I for one am glad we got it...but I won't clench up and just take it if it wasn't as satisfactory as I was hoping/wanted it to be...that's telling Mm that I'm perfectly fine with everything that they did...and Idk about you but I don't like to lie to people. To be fair I personally think it looks better, like a revamped new and better looking version of it, and actually am glad they did change it, so this point depends on personal opinion, yes? that's not the point though, the fact is they advertised snake and sephiroth appearing in the game, with videos and all, hyping it up and when they finally deliver after all these years it's an altered version...not cool and not fair to those who were expecting the same sephiroth that was being advertised at the time when they thought they'd have him out...so now ONLY Mm has the original sephiroth and we end up with this new version. i don't hate the new version...but i loved the old one. They added more than Sephiroth costume, yes? Besides, for the time that it took I'd imagine it took enough effort to get those costumes, I'm not sure, but I'd imagine it'd take more time to get, build and make more content, not to mention there's really not much they could've added. Stickers of what? What objects? New Tools that can do what? (No the "Meele weapon thing dosn't count, as it could be added with anything if they were going to which most likely isn't going to happen wether there was a full FF pack or not.) So a level without anything to give away? We can do that! MGS pack...same advertised as sephiroth...came with more then snake right? AND a level pack right? AND stickers right? AND new power up right? AND...well you get the idea stickers of what? hmmmm same as MGS..logos, character heads/legs/arms/torsos, etc. what objects? materia, bigger versions of their swords, cait sith doll, chocobo doll, cactuar doll, airship, etc. new tools? YES melee weapon counts you can't just make up rules to try and not give me any room to prove you wrong...so yes a melee weapon could have been implemented. AND if not that then a ton of tools to make RPG elements more possible to new creators while making it more easier for pro creators to implement so they can focus on more important things and as you can see the level pack would have had much to give away..hell even make a shinra soldier the extra costume that you could have gained I'm surprised at you I would have expected you to have thought of a level pack for FF7 and you have nothing?....very surprised to say the least...so in your head you already knew all the content MGS was going to have if they made a level pack and saw how possible it was for them but nothing for FF7?........ok Next please!....oh wait that's your line ![]() | 2011-07-15 05:40:00 Author: Shadowcrazy ![]() Posts: 3365 |
The lucky thing is that there isn't 1000 photos of you or me dressed like idiots because it was so much harder to get photos done. Buying film, paying to get it developed... Even polaroidz were expensive. If it were cheaper... Well I'm sure there'd beva few photos of me in a fluro green cap sitting on my BMX doing the gnarly hand sign. I'm also anti-idiot, but I guess you have to grow out of being an idiot first. ![]() As for the cowboy hat I wear it on my BTTF 1885 Doc. Looks pretty cool. He's running around as a sackbot in my current stage if you want to check it out! Lucky for you maybe. I went to a specialized art high school, with photography, where we develeoped our own film for free. There are far too many pics of me floating around out there dressed like a knob. ![]() ![]() The unfortunate truth is, not everyone grows out of being an idiot. Sad, but true. Idiots.... they are everywhere. :eek: Back to the FF pack now... I think I might actually pass on this one (which I never thought I'd do). I had the chance to "try before you buy" in someones level and I have to admit that I'm less than impressed. The type of costumes I generally make simply won't benefit from most of the costume pieces. The only one I'm really turned on by is the dude with the red coat that comes up over his lower face. Other than that, they all seem like really weak pieces. That old coat with the buckles was kick-butt compared to this new one. If it's more accurate though, I might see why they went with that instead I suppose... but I wouldn't know as I'm not familiar with anything FF. Let's all remember too folks, we all have the right to be vocal about being disappointed. It doesn't mean we HATE Mm and are ungrateful, it just means we think they made the wrong executive decision and screwed up. As consumers, it's our right to complain about any product we purchase. Stop ragging on people for expressing their disappointment... it makes you look like tool. ![]() | 2011-07-15 06:13:00 Author: Rustbukkit ![]() Posts: 1737 |
Isn't it funny how most people were for years "Gimmie FF7 pack!!!", "where's FF7 Pack?!", "FF7Pack!!! KJHGDUSFJCFVFF" We get FF7PAck and most comments: - Aren't you dissapointed that that wasn't there or they added that or that was attatched? - Doesn't it suck that this and that? - Wouldn't it been cooler if they made/ had/ added this/ removed that? - Sucks because its not an exact copy of the one they showed. - Why didn't they do this?! Lovely community we got I tell ya, Its a complete mystery why Mm wants to move away from LBP into a new game. ![]() Hey Leon, it's all about the hype. It always happens when you announce things too much in advance. People will always think: "With ALL this time did they really do ONLY this???" It's normal. Sad if you want, but the most normal thing in the world. | 2011-07-15 06:55:00 Author: OmegaSlayer ![]() Posts: 5112 |
Sad if you want, but the most normal thing in the world. SAD?...really? is the community this seperated that we have people pretty much insulting other's for their opinions? jesus it's like the people who didn't like the FF7 pack much are seen as wanting to get violent to Mm about it....and they're not we're all calm and collected and merely voicing out opinion about how a pack that took forever to get here wasn't as great as we had hoped...as opposed to the people who dislike our calm display of dissatisfaction with insults as us being the reason Mm wants to step away from LBP or that our actions are "SAD" really just strikes a nerve when you guys go out of your way to insult others just for merely voicing out their opinions... and yes people expect more because out of the many years it took to get it done and sent to us MGS gets and entire level pack and FF7 which was announced at the same time and took longer to get here ends up just being a few combined costume pieces and not much else...not even stickers (i hate stickers but even adding stickers would have told me that at least they were doing more with it) in the end i have not much else to say...except that I'm slightly disappointed in the community's separation based on the reactions of a costume pack | 2011-07-15 08:57:00 Author: Shadowcrazy ![]() Posts: 3365 |
I always thought Snake and Sephiroths debut LBP appearance was a sales pitch to their owners. Konami as we know jumped in fairly quickly and agreed to attach their IP to costumes and a level pack. With Square we don't know when they finally reached an agreement or how many revisions the costumes had before being approved for release. | 2011-07-15 09:24:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
I think the real issue was that square wanted more money for this than Mm could muster in 08 09. But Mm got acquired by sony... and all of a sudden, money is no longer scarce... | 2011-07-15 09:44:00 Author: poorjack ![]() Posts: 1806 |
no...people act as if we were expecting more/better then what we got BECAUSE we waited so long for it...I for one am glad we got it...but I won't clench up and just take it if it wasn't as satisfactory as I was hoping/wanted it to be...that's telling Mm that I'm perfectly fine with everything that they did...and Idk about you but I don't like to lie to people. All I'm saying is that as long as there was no release date announced, there's no real reason to have had expected it, look at me, I didn't obsessed over it for 2 years and I like the pack fine, excuse me if my not obsessing with it caused me to enjoy it more, but it did. that's not the point though, the fact is they advertised snake and sephiroth appearing in the game, with videos and all, hyping it up and when they finally deliver after all these years it's an altered version...not cool and not fair to those who were expecting the same sephiroth that was being advertised at the time when they thought they'd have him out...so now ONLY Mm has the original sephiroth and we end up with this new version. i don't hate the new version...but i loved the old one. Basically you don't care if its better or not, just that its not what it used to look like? Think it over like this, they make a game, but nothing happens about it, 2 yars later they re-make this game, but now they got better technology to make this game, do you think they're gonna make the game so it looks like they showed it at first, or the better version they can make now? You really can't think "they announced it like that YEARS ago" and still expect it to be exactly the same. Well you can, but it would be rather irrational as they do that fairly often on various places. Besides it was a prototype, perhaps it was glitchy or had some prolems or whatever and it was better to re-make it from scratch. MGS pack...same advertised as sephiroth...came with more then snake right? AND a level pack right? AND stickers right? AND new power up right? AND...well you get the idea Yep, that's what you said last time... stickers of what? hmmmm same as MGS..logos, character heads/legs/arms/torsos, etc. Yeah, like the avalanche logo...oh wait. Or the Shinra Logo...oh wait. Or all those logos that appear all over the game...oh wait. Maybe the Low quality poligon character stickers? Tho I'd imagine those can be made fairly easly. Do keep in mind, they probably only got the license to use FF7 game stuff, not FF7 advent children, dirige of Cerberus, etc, etc, so using logos and stickers from the characters in those would be a no-go. (Altho I'm not sure, someone do correct me if I'm wrong and you actually know what you are talking about.) what objects? materia, bigger versions of their swords, cait sith doll, chocobo doll, cactuar doll, airship, etc. A shiny sphere, easly recreatable flat objects, eh ok maybe the dolls, Highwind ship may be a bit too much for a simple object compared to what its usually made into an object. new tools? YES melee weapon counts you can't just make up rules to try and not give me any room to prove you wrong...so yes a melee weapon Aright I guess, sure why not, any specifications? When talking about these things you gotta be specific, don't just say "meele" and leave it like that, say how it'd work, what would be included and all that is within limits of reality and I'll give you room to probe me wrong, otherwise you can just make up whatever things you want and call me wrong, which would be the same as me making random rules without specifications and not giving me room to prove you wrong.) Otherwise they can't really make a level pack and just give 3 objects... could have been implemented. AND if not that then a ton of tools to make RPG elements more possible to new creators while making it more easier for pro creators to implement so they can focus on more important things Again, EXPLAIN, you can't just say "rpg tools" you gotta explain what those are if you want to make a valid argument, otherwise you really don't have anything to back up your point as you're still not specifying beyond a generic term.what basically just happened is this: You: "Oh they can give us a bunch of tools" Me: "What kind of tools?" You: "You know tools and junk that do stuff and all that non-specific things." ... Again yell me SPECIFIC tools what they do and how they work or then you don'y have a valid point. and as you can see the level pack would have had much to give away..hell even make a shinra soldier the extra costume that you could have gained Nope, still not seeing it. (Tho Shinra costume could be kinda cool. ![]() I'm surprised at you I would have expected you to have thought of a level pack for FF7 and you have nothing? Neither do you. xD) ....very surprised to say the least...so in your head you already knew all the content MGS was going to have if they made a level pack and saw how possible it was for them but nothing for FF7?........ok To be fair they DID announce the MGS pak after the Solid snake costume alone and announced it was gonna have a lot of extra content, not the same for te FF7 pac, and in the presentation they JUST shoewd Sephiroth and Snake costumes together, it does not mean automatically both packs were gonna be identical. Next please!....oh wait tha t's your line ![]() Yes in deed, thx for remembering. ![]() All your argument says so far is simply that you had overly high expectations and was dissapointed its not exactly what you had in mind, as you expected it to be some grand thing and ended up being "just a costume pack," and I'm not saying having high expectations, but raise them too high and beyon what's rational and things like this are bound to happen, they never announced it was gonna be a big pack, they never hinted more than a costume, and they didn't at any point said it was gonna bring anything new other than costumes, that's the main point I'm trying to make here, I'm glad the pack finally released so people can stop with "When Sephiroth costume releasing?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!!??!?!? ?!?!!??!!??!?!?" thing (not you, I mean in general, many people in various forums.), and besides I wouldn't worry this wasn't a big pack, they've released more than one pack of one dranchise nothing says this is the last FF or FF7 pack. Now come on, no point in thinking "Why wasn't it this and why didn't i have that?" Or "It could've been this, wish it was that" So it didn't happen, big whoop, that just gives an opening to make a kick *** Mm-like pack (or better) of your own, doesn't it? I mean you got the ideas and have thought of various prizies (I think), I'd say go for it! ![]() | 2011-07-15 10:33:00 Author: Silverleon ![]() Posts: 6707 |
New Tools that can do what? Mm's claim that as a platform for games LBP2 could be used to create RPG's has one serious hole in it: the lack of persistence tools. You can't do a proper RPG in one play session, and stickers or codes just don't cut it. They could have built a level pack around a new tool for saving your progress in a level. And I myself can always use more decorations. I'm happy with the custome pack, but that doesn't mean I can't want more. | 2011-07-15 11:42:00 Author: Rogar ![]() Posts: 2284 |
There was never any "old" FF7 pack, folks. What we were originally shown was most likely an early shot of what the costumes looked like. They have obviously been improved and worked on over time. Think of this DLC as a concept car... the initial vehicle shown off on the auto show floor typically looks much different than the final product that hits the road. Now whether or not you thought those improvements actually "improved" the concepts is a matter of opinion, which you are completely entitled to. But let's not pretend that they released two different versions of DLC. | 2011-07-15 12:39:00 Author: schm0 ![]() Posts: 1239 |
Mm's claim that as a platform for games LBP2 could be used to create RPG's has one serious hole in it: the lack of persistence tools. You can't do a proper RPG in one play session, and stickers or codes just don't cut it. They could have built a level pack around a new tool for saving your progress in a level. And I myself can always use more decorations. Correction, there's a problem with "Multi-level" RPGs, I've seen plenty of single level really good RPG's that don't "NEED" this as well. I'm happy with the custome pack, but that doesn't mean I can't want more. Oh you can want more, there's nothing wrong with that, want it all you wanna want, just don't go around as if its mandatory to recieve exactly what you expected or wanted or that the product is wrong just because its not exactly what you wanted is all I'm saying. There was never any "old" FF7 pack, folks. What we were originally shown was most likely an early shot of what the costumes looked like. They have obviously been improved and worked on over time. Think of this DLC as a concept car... the initial vehicle shown off on the auto show floor typically looks much different than the final product that hits the road. Now whether or not you thought those improvements actually "improved" the concepts is a matter of opinion, which you are completely entitled to. But let's not pretend that they released two different versions of DLC. ^Exactly one of the points I'm trying to make. | 2011-07-15 17:07:00 Author: Silverleon ![]() Posts: 6707 |
Well, if the Final Fantasy VII DLC consisted of more than a few costumes, I think I'd be interested. Including RPG Tools would definitely be a plus, and regarding stickers and decorations, MM has shown that they can be original like with the PotC kit. Meaning, they could have always included a bunch of stickers that seem relevant to Final Fantasy without drawing them directly from the game. For example, Chocobo stickers. Midgar would be a great background for such a pack, and there's plenty of music to choose from. I think the main reason a lot of fans were expecting more was because of how huge a game Final Fantasy VII was back in the day and how it continues to influence the series, including through its sequels. That doesn't change the fact MM only promised costumes but it's understandable that people were hoping for a little more to back the costumes up. I'll tell you right now, a Final Fantasy VII kit would have sold like hotcakes. So whoever decided they only needed a few costumes lost a lot of potential money on a potential level kit. But who's to say there isn't a planned follow-up to the costume pack? | 2011-07-15 20:03:00 Author: Brandon ![]() Posts: 106 |
But let's not pretend that they released two different versions of DLC. pretending? nobody's even talking about them releasing two different ones...no where in any of my posts was that said at all :/ the whole point of my posts was defending the attacks made on people who weren't particularly excited with how the pack turned out after such a long period of time waiting. as for the wall of text leon posted....the one about the pack...feel free to keep knocking down the ideas i put...but all you really did was show me that you wanted to win an argument it seems..because all of those objects, stickers, etc. are perfectly reasonable and have been done in many packs before but you NOW want to ignore them for this FF pack...and i dont need to explain how tools i want in a game are supposed to work because if i could find a way to make them work and implement them into a game then i would have :/ in the end as usual i'm just going to ignore your posts...you always seem to be rude, snarky, and sarcastic to people who don't think as you do and and when you see me here knocking off your points with legitimate reasons you start discarding them all with your personal opinion...YES every level pack Mm has contains objects, stickers, and costumes like the ones i posted BECAUSE i used their examples as reference...but you didnt see that you just saw me making good points and wanted to discard them to be right...so again im just going to ignore your posts and forget about it all...seems i cant even defend the fellow community without one or two who seem to like the direction it's going :/ | 2011-07-16 02:59:00 Author: Shadowcrazy ![]() Posts: 3365 |
Including RPG Tools would definitely be a plus, and regarding stickers and decorations, MM has shown that they can be original like with the PotC kit. A SquareEnix RPG Creators kit... ![]() | 2011-07-16 10:51:00 Author: Mr_Fusion ![]() Posts: 1799 |
I think the main reason a lot of fans were expecting more was because of how huge a game Final Fantasy VII was back in the day and how it continues to influence the series, including through its sequels. That doesn't change the fact MM only promised costumes but it's understandable that people were hoping for a little more to back the costumes up. I'll tell you right now, a Final Fantasy VII kit would have sold like hotcakes. So whoever decided they only needed a few costumes lost a lot of potential money on a potential level kit. But who's to say there isn't a planned follow-up to the costume pack? Yeah if you look at the other level kits there sold separately from the costume kits.They make more money that way. I bought the kit any way as i really like the outfits and the swords but yeah a sticker or two would have been nice. | 2011-07-17 04:54:00 Author: Lordwarblade ![]() Posts: 761 |
I see no point in whining....... or maybe that's too strong of a word......... wishing for something different. We got what we got, and the manner that some wish to go at this in will not change that. Perhaps I'm taking a lofty, or maybe an arrogant point of view because I am not much of a gamer and log on to observe the keen insights and the genius at work on forums such as this...... (Or maybe because I've been reading a lot of Ender's game and its sequels, and hope that I could emulate the intelligence in those books)................. but Mm will take no suggestions from a forum filled with clash and bitterness. Simply, SquareEnix is big and Mm is small. It is a wonder that we got these costumes, and this was probably only achieved because Mm is now a part of Sony, which they weren't when the first Sephiroth appeared. But, I may as well offer my opinion: I greatly prefer the new Sephiroth's hair, which was probably achieved with Mm's new rendering capabilities, but I like the old Sephiroth's clothes. If these were on the new costume, but of course newly rendered, I would be more eager to buy it. But, I can't anyway, because my older brother has forgotten his password and so no funds can be added to buy it. Oh, what a tragic life I lead. Maybe I'm blowing this up into something which it is not, after all, I have only read this page and a little clash is important in a debate. Yup. | 2011-07-17 11:37:00 Author: tomodon246 ![]() Posts: 624 |
pretending? nobody's even talking about them releasing two different ones...no where in any of my posts was that said at all :/ I was referring to statements like this: ...just wish they didnt change sephiroths belt buckles...thats my ONLY complaint tbh ...the fact is they advertised snake and sephiroth appearing in the game, with videos and all, hyping it up and when they finally deliver after all these years it's an altered version...not cool and not fair to those who were expecting the same sephiroth that was being advertised at the time when they thought they'd have him out...so now ONLY Mm has the original sephiroth and we end up with this new version. i don't hate the new version...but i loved the old one. They revealed it at TGS 2008, but that was it. No release date, no details on the pack, nothing. It was an early prototype, that's it. I just wouldn't go so far as to say it's "false advertising" or anything like that. | 2011-07-17 20:40:00 Author: schm0 ![]() Posts: 1239 |
maybe not...but the fact still remains that after so many years they both got released with one having more content then the other...and the one with all the great content was out so early that it doesnt make sense to us who waited so long because we expected more then just costumes...for me im okay with the pack...i just wish that after so many years they would have added more and kept what they showed as how it was going to be released. in the end i love the pack despite the combined costume pieces (nvm the awesome watchmen pack that had the most separated costume pieces and was praised for it...but thats another story)....just wish that after all this time of me posting about it and such that they woulda done more to it @tomodon - sucker punch, creator of INFAMOUS, made changes to the main character and the community had an outrage about it. sooo much that sucker punch changed him back to his original design with minimal changes...so people HAVE the power to make a difference in the gaming community and if you're just going to write people expressing their distaste as "whiners" then of course you're also going to believe that their "whining" isn't accomplishing anything when in reality it does and devs see that and all the criticism and some choose to make things better or to not do anything at all. you vote with your dollar as they say and seeing enough people displeased with how the pack turned out has an chance to make them rethink and redo some things...its slim but its possible. also most tools in LBP2 today were made because of the community sharing the same ideas like wanting water and such...so the community has some say sometimes...jus sayin | 2011-07-18 01:48:00 Author: Shadowcrazy ![]() Posts: 3365 |
Yeah, I wasn't trying to say your opinion was invalid, just that you shouldn't feel as if you were being offered two completely different things. I really feel that the "concept car" analogy applies here. However, I do feel it is completely fair to argue that the (most anticipated) FFVII DLC was announced so long ago and now that it has arrived it is too little, too late. :/ It is what it is, and I understand a lot of people are miffed by the final product. You certainly have a right to feel that way. | 2011-07-18 02:22:00 Author: schm0 ![]() Posts: 1239 |
tbh all that was to defend other users being called out as whiners and complainers for voicing their distaste...it's completely understandable to see such a reaction for something that they waited for so long. all i can hope is, just like the more animals and the even more animals packs, that there will be a sequel pack for Final Fantasy or something...a man can dream | 2011-07-18 02:35:00 Author: Shadowcrazy ![]() Posts: 3365 |
All I want is Vincent to be released as a separate costume. I need that claw. | 2011-07-18 03:32:00 Author: SLS10 ![]() Posts: 1129 |
speaking of claw....anybody else notice it only has 4 fingers and not 5? weird | 2011-07-18 04:00:00 Author: Shadowcrazy ![]() Posts: 3365 |
speaking of claw....anybody else notice it only has 4 fingers and not 5? weird Sackboy's is too small to fix 5 so they had to amputate it. I love how its the only left handed piece(That I know of). | 2011-07-18 04:07:00 Author: Zero10100 ![]() Posts: 385 |
I love how its the only left handed piece(That I know of). sephiroths sword was supposed to be left handed...idk why not but i aint complaining lol wish they had something thatd let you switch hands with stuff since i want that gauntlet to be right handed ![]() | 2011-07-18 04:11:00 Author: Shadowcrazy ![]() Posts: 3365 |
I would like that, but the other way around. I'm left handed so it would look better to me. | 2011-07-18 04:14:00 Author: Zero10100 ![]() Posts: 385 |
sephiroths sword was supposed to be left handed... They need the left hand for power-ups like the paintinator; still, it'd be better if Mm made it so that it would simply unequip the costume piece when you picked up a paintinator...silly Mm. | 2011-07-18 06:06:00 Author: warlord_evil ![]() Posts: 4193 |
or at least HIDE the item but i really wished they make a way to switch things between hands since some things to me look better on sackboys right hand then left and vice versa | 2011-07-18 07:26:00 Author: Shadowcrazy ![]() Posts: 3365 |
pretending? nobody's even talking about them releasing two different ones...no where in any of my posts was that said at all :/ the whole point of my posts was defending the attacks made on people who weren't particularly excited with how the pack turned out after such a long period of time waiting. And my point was defending the attacks on people who were exited to have the pack, how is that wrong or worse than you? as for the wall of text leon posted.... Oh hey look, you completely ignored and discarded my counter-point, now don't you just hate it when people do that? the one about the pack...feel free to keep knocking down the ideas i put...but all you really did was show me that you wanted to win an argument it seems..because all of those objects, stickers, etc. are perfectly reasonable and have been done in many packs before but you NOW want to ignore them for this FF pack... What? SO because some other packs had stuff this one should as well? People like Infamous 2 yet no one here's complaining about it not having anything more than costumes, yes? Just because you really like something it doesn't mean it'll get special treatment. Also I'm not trying to win an argument, just defending ,my point like you are defending yours, is that so wrong? and i dont need to explain how tools i want in a game are supposed to work because if i could find a way to make them work and implement them into a game then i would have :/ I meant to just say some reasonable tools or things, just meant not to be soo vague just saying "more stuff" isn't specific, never said "how to code it" and stuff..." in the end as usual i'm just going to ignore your posts...you always seem to be rude, snarky, and sarcastic to people who don't think as you do and and when you see me here knocking off your points with legitimate reasons you start discarding them all with your personal opinion... Wait...I think you got it backwards here, as when I was knocking off YOUR points with legitimate reasons you are the one who derailled and went with personal opinion, yes? Also, explain to me how was I rude? When was I rude except to retaliate a snarky comment of yours? Seems you like to antagonize people who disagree with you, as much or worse than I "supposedly" do. YES every level pack Mm has contains objects, stickers, and costumes like the ones i posted BECAUSE i used their examples as reference... Well of course all other level packs have stuff, what I was asking WHY should THIS b a level pack and what could it have? but you didnt see that you just saw me making good points and wanted to discard them to be right...so again im just going to ignore your posts and forget about it all... ...again, that's exactly what YOU just did, dude... seems i cant even defend the fellow community without one or two who seem to like the direction it's going :/ Ah I don't know why I keeep replying, maybe I just like to unmask you hypocrytes who always try to seem like the White Knight of the communty telling people to watch their attitudes while in the end they never watch their own. Also its extremely surprising how people take a debate so personal when I have really no negative feelings against whoever I'm debating against (I could hate, love, or not care for them and my arguments would be the same) Each is defending their point and point of view, that's it, doesn't mean I hate you for disagreeing or anything, but of course you people like to take it personal, eh, whatever, I've learned people will take whatever they want the wrong way to antagonize someone, so I just stopped caring altogether. So anyways the main reason I came to this thread. Is Vincent's claw Separate, or like how is his custome separated? Is the Bandana separate from the part that covers the mouth? Are the boots separate from the pants, is the torso the cape alone or with the part under it too (Like is the cape a "back" item and the body a "torso" item? Would both the claw and the right hand glove be part of the same or is the right hand glove part of the torso costume? Also with Tifa, are the thirt and the overalls separate? Thanks! | 2011-07-18 08:37:00 Author: Silverleon ![]() Posts: 6707 |
@tomodon - sucker punch, creator of INFAMOUS, made changes to the main character and the community had an outrage about it. sooo much that sucker punch changed him back to his original design with minimal changes...so people HAVE the power to make a difference in the gaming community and if you're just going to write people expressing their distaste as "whiners" then of course you're also going to believe that their "whining" isn't accomplishing anything when in reality it does and devs see that and all the criticism and some choose to make things better or to not do anything at all. Good point, and Mm are certainly more open to suggestions than Suckerpunch or other devs, but here I fear that SquareEnix will squash any attempts to make any more DLC, or it would have already been made. | 2011-07-18 08:55:00 Author: tomodon246 ![]() Posts: 624 |
you vote with your dollar as they say and seeing enough people displeased with how the pack turned out has an chance to make them rethink and redo some things...its slim but its possible. I'd be careful with that strategy. If you "vote with your dollar" and don't buy this FF pack, will they think "Hey, this isn't selling. Let's bring out another even better FF pack!" or will they think "Hmm, guess there aren't many FF fans among the LBP players, let's try something else."? Good sense tells me the better this sells, the more chance of getting a level kit or another costume pack. But IMHO none of the above matters, you should just buy the pack for its own merits. ![]() | 2011-07-18 10:27:00 Author: Rogar ![]() Posts: 2284 |
tl;dr any new news about the Toy Story DLC? | 2011-07-18 20:27:00 Author: Matimoo ![]() Posts: 1027 |
I'd be careful with that strategy. If you "vote with your dollar" and don't buy this FF pack, will they think "Hey, this isn't selling. Let's bring out another even better FF pack!" or will they think "Hmm, guess there aren't many FF fans among the LBP players, let's try something else."? Good sense tells me the better this sells, the more chance of getting a level kit or another costume pack. But IMHO none of the above matters, you should just buy the pack for its own merits. ![]() i dont think theyd discard it as thinking there arent many FF fans amongst LBP players just for the how many remakes and other final fantasy things going on in LBP and im sure they'd eventually come to the forums, wondering why the pack isn't selling well, and then see the responses to most of them and figure out that it wasnt up to par with what the community was expecting. | 2011-07-18 21:13:00 Author: Shadowcrazy ![]() Posts: 3365 |
Is Vincent's claw Separate, or like how is his custome separated? Is the Bandana separate from the part that covers the mouth? Are the boots separate from the pants, is the torso the cape alone or with the part under it too (Like is the cape a "back" item and the body a "torso" item? Would both the claw and the right hand glove be part of the same or is the right hand glove part of the torso costume? Also with Tifa, are the thirt and the overalls separate? Thanks! The claw is separate The bandanna goes with his hair Boots are separate The cape and the part that covers his mouth are together Both gloves are together Shirt and overalls are together | 2011-07-18 22:55:00 Author: Zero10100 ![]() Posts: 385 |
I'd be careful with that strategy. If you "vote with your dollar" and don't buy this FF pack, will they think "Hey, this isn't selling. Let's bring out another even better FF pack!" or will they think "Hmm, guess there aren't many FF fans among the LBP players, let's try something else."? Good sense tells me the better this sells, the more chance of getting a level kit or another costume pack. But IMHO none of the above matters, you should just buy the pack for its own merits. ![]() Indeed, not to mention that not matter how friendly Mm is, they're still a business and are in it for the money, even more so is SE, so if it doesn't sell good, it most likely gets the axe. Good point, and Mm are certainly more open to suggestions than Suckerpunch or other devs, but here I fear that SquareEnix will squash any attempts to make any more DLC, or it would have already been made. Exactly, this isn't dealing with one, but two groups. i dont think theyd discard it as thinking there arent many FF fans amongst LBP players just for the how many remakes and other final fantasy things going on in LBP and im sure they'd eventually come to the forums, wondering why the pack isn't selling well, and then see the responses to most of them and figure out that it wasnt up to par with what the community was expecting. Well do remember there are tons of remakes of many games, and now that you mention it, I've honestly only heard f one or two FF7 attempted remakes or related stuff, so that may be part of it (or not.) Yes they may check on the comunity, but seeing as it isn't the pack itself but the lack of perks what seem to be bugging most people, it'd seem like rather than make a new pack of the same thing with more stuff, they'd just try to add that stuff people wanted into a different pack. Also, you gotta remember that the Toy Story Pack is apparently gonna be a full pack with levels and all that, and releasing 2 of those altho profitable, isn't easy to accomplish and very unlikely to happen. | 2011-07-19 09:37:00 Author: Silverleon ![]() Posts: 6707 |
Here is the link of a mexican page with very good images of the pack FF7 check it and enjoy... http://msn.levelup.com/galerias/5187/LittleBigPlanet-2-Cloud-y-compania/foto-47172/ ***for Spanish-speaking people will love because it has lots of information ![]() | 2011-07-22 06:12:00 Author: psyntens ![]() Posts: 562 |
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