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Resistance 2

Archive: 203 posts

Oh my god this is an awesome game in my opinion.

I love doing the co-op missions online with other people, its the only shooter I have played on my own. Its just great .

Discuss :o

Edit: Tried to search for another topic but couldn't find anything.
2008-12-13 18:42:00

Posts: 3701

Well, I did make another Reistance 2 Topic when it first came out, but meh, anyway.

Yeah, it's one one of my current three PS3 games (MGS4, R2 and- of course- LBP), and although I'm not too good at it, it's fun.

Though I'm horrible at all shooters, really :/. I have 160 something kills, and 500 or so deaths online lol. Yep.
2008-12-13 19:12:00

Posts: 10882

I've been playing co-op and competitive online since monday, getting their trophies done before starting the single player.2008-12-13 19:21:00

Posts: 6728

I've been playing co-op and competitive online since monday, getting their trophies done before starting the single player.

Oh, does that include 10k kills...?

10 kills would take FOREVER, unless you play all the time... Yep.
2008-12-13 19:21:00

Posts: 10882

250/day 40 days.2008-12-13 19:28:00

Posts: 6728

250/day 40 days.

Well, I know it wouldn't take forever, it's just that I personally wouldn't be able to wait till I did all that to even touch the story.

but anyway, your choice, really. I'm not you, so...

Anyway, then. 241 people have the 10k kills trophy. Random fact, there.
2008-12-13 19:29:00

Posts: 10882

Oh yeah there is another topic but there is not one just praising this game, there is another topic and it is something like Resistance 2 vs. CoD WAW and other stuff, i posted a review so for all of you that do not want to use the link below and then find it i will post it here.

Link:RIGHT HERE (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=t=4782) this is a comparason to R2 and CoD WAW


well if you want to know about the online experiance then here it is. I have the game and this is my opion. but i had the R2 beta and it was only the online aspect of it and let me tell you it was AMAZING, now i have the actual game and it is even more AMAAAZING and you you still have the level up aspect of it and there is an 8 player online co-op and 60 person online matches, the online is absolutely EPIC and for the single player there is a good story line with you guessing what will happen next all the way through (that is how it was in the last game) and an update on that, I am stunned by the story line, it is as adicting as a really good book and I absolutely can not wait for the next game to answer a bunch of questions that everyone had at the end of the game.

Breakdown of online Co-Op (keep in mind this is what was in the beta and that the real game could be much more expansive and it is interms of levels i do not think in classes though) It is WAY more expansive in levels (there are 7 but multiple starting areas for each) but no new classes

well in the co-op you can choose 3 classes: Soldier, Spec-Ops, and Medic. The Medic is really useful and heals his team and is essential, and most of the time they get LOTS of points. This was the first one that i was good at because i cared for my team and was the top of the leaderboards at the end of the match nearly every single time and currently i have maxed out in terms of levels but i do not have all of the upgrades yet. The Spec-Ops are the people that can take out loads of guys if they can use thier abilities correctly (this was my favorite as i almost always got headshots and he is the current one i am working on) and he could also give his teamates ammo which is neaded often and if you are one there are 3 things you need to care about: headshots, ammo, and electric orbs (these things damage any enemy that they pass by and weaken most of the guys making easier kills for you and for the rest of your team). And the Soldier is a slow moving guy with a giant gattling gun on his waist and he could deal some major blanket damage with that thing and was just really good support and he has a shield which is really usefull especially when you are protecting your teamates behind you, and if you have a Spec-Ops behind you you can keep your shield up for what seems like forever and you can keep laying down the wall of bullets that you so graciously provide. You can go up to level 30 but it takes a long time to get there but each level you usually get something cool like a secondary weapon or a new ability or more ammo or something like that and then for other levels you get the ability to upgrade your armor or your gun or something like that but you need gray tech to do that and you mainly get that from killing all of the primarchs in the area (the comanders wich are either 1,2, or 3 star commanders each one droping gray tech). And you have 7 level to play in and each one has a bunch of starting points, i believe one has like 7 different starting points, i have over 2 million in experiance from that and i still have not played them all. The co-op story is one that is totally different from the single player story and it gives it another perspective on the story which i think is kinda cool.

Multiplayer Overview (Competative Mode)

This was really fun as i am really good at this game and even though people talk down on the carbine because it is the first weapon you get a real pro can absolutly pwn with this gun (actually now that i have the game my carbine skills have died off and now i am only ok at it but i am also ok at the sniper rifle soooo, there is a gun which combines the two, and it is called the marksman and it is currently my favorite and i once got about 40 kills in a single match with it). ok time to stop my rant and get on with it. Well the only ting i got from this is the free for all thing which i thought was one of the funnest free for all matches i have ever played so i can not tell you about the team epic matches but what i can say is that in these matches you are split up into squads and the other team has a corrosponding squad and you will will have objectives that rival that other squad's objectives so if you need to attack something, they need to defend it and so on so it splits up the 60 player matches so it is not as hectic but awesomely epic. So yeah what i said there is pretty much accuratebut now i am going to go into the different game modes for online competeative mode. There is your classic Team Death Match and your classic Death Match. There is also your capture the flag mode but in the came it is called Core Control and basically you need to capture an orb from the other teams base and return it to your own. Then there is my favorite, Skirmish (this is where i got my 40 kills in a single match), in it your individual squads have to go and complete objectives and the other opposite squad has to counteract your offensive objective, and get points for that so they can do their offensive objective. So the objectives are like, capture the beackon (like caputuring a base), defend the beackon, kill the priority target (your team has to kill a specific person on your rival squad), defend the priority target (you have to defend the priority target on your team while your rival squad is rushing your position to kill your special person). So there you have it, It is amazingly fun and i suggest it for anyone who wants to give a go at it, just one thing to keep in mind is to keep your wits about you and you should be fine.


I currently know nothing about the single player but if it was anything like the last game then it will be absolutely awesome and this is supposed to be about twice that soo... double AWESOME. Well now that i have the game i can definitley say that it is DOUBLE AWESOME than the last, it picks up right where the game left off, There are Epic boss fights, And just let me tell you, the story line is AMAZING and like i said earlier, it is like reading a really good book and i just can not wait to know what happens next because it was a MAJOR cliff hanger in the end but i will not spoil it for you guys.


This is one of the best games i have ever played and it is truly a masterpiece and it is VERY WELL ROUNDED with top notch in every category, and i have to say BRAVO to Insomniac Games

Here is a new trailer that sums up quite a bit but not in the detail above. so if you are looking for some great detail. just read what is above but if you really just want to see a great trailer for the game watch below (I suggest doing both)


Edit: is it just me or is he youtube video not showing up, because it is quite good and if it is not then i may need some help

Hope this helped!

If you have any questions at all just ask and i will have an answer for you.

2008-12-13 19:40:00

Posts: 1101

The online experience is indeed EPIC the fact that in online campaign which can be also split-screen so you and your friend play online on the same PS3, when someone else joins, the difficulty is automatically altered, to the point when there is 8 people there are enormous waves of enemies for example, 2 people = 10 enemies, 8 people = 100.

The leveling up aspect is also awesome, my guys are fairly low leveled at the moments because I have only had it 2 days, my favourite is the soldier class, I just set up my shield, lay down heavy fire on the HUGE wave of Chimera, take out loads of enemies, when I run out of shield, get out the old shotgun, run up, shotgun to the face, use my special ability (overload) so when I die, my body explodes taking out the previous group.
2008-12-13 21:12:00

Posts: 3701

I've ditched the shotgun, the Auger is much more useful.2008-12-13 21:14:00

Posts: 6728

Anyone played the chicago map online?
Man that map is AWESOME
2008-12-13 21:28:00

Posts: 3036

Just got the soldier to level 12, free air fuel grenade with every frag grenade.2008-12-13 23:19:00

Posts: 6728

Just got the soldier to level 12, free air fuel grenade with every frag grenade.

Ive seen your KD...

Did you start off bad or something? I have, but I havent been on long, so its not too bad.

Im way better on unranked games for some reason.
2008-12-13 23:49:00

Posts: 2914

Ive seen your KD...

Did you start off bad or something? I have, but I havent been on long, so its not too bad.

I don't normally play much online so most people are better then me but I started with about 10 kills per deathmatch and I'm up to 15-20 in most now, even managed to win one.
2008-12-14 00:46:00

Posts: 6728

I normally do team deathmatch on unranked and random on ranked. Im pretty good at skirmishes at the moment.

I kept using COD controls at the start. Couple of suicides when I tried to crouch, meleeing the air when trying to hold my breath with the fareye, etc.
2008-12-14 00:53:00

Posts: 2914

It's very fun. That is all I have to offer since I have to write a review anyway.

Add me if you want to play online. I'm a level 16 or 17 Medic.

I have 1 million XP in the campaign and cooperative. Just need 900,000 or so in Competitive.
2008-12-14 04:05:00

Unknown User

yes this game is awesome, if any of you guys want to play give me a shout...i have a level 30 medic with everything except the level 30 helmet for upgrades and level 14 or 15 spec ops and a 17 or 18 level soldier, not sure right now because i havent played in a few days.2008-12-14 04:13:00

Posts: 873

yes this game is awesome, if any of you guys want to play give me a shout...i have a level 30 medic with everything except the level 30 helmet for upgrades and level 14 or 15 spec ops and a 17 or 18 level soldier, not sure right now because i havent played in a few days.

You had to one-up me, didn't you?
I don't appreciate that whatsoever.
I think that should be a bannable offense. Actually, I'm going to talk to Mr. Cartman about that right now.
I hope you liked being on this site, big boy show-off man. Maybe you can go to LittleBigWorkshop and enjoy it there instead, huh, buddy?

I'd love to play online sometime. I will add your PSN later tonight unless you took the above personally. If so, I am sorry. I was just kidding with you again. I do it out of love.
2008-12-14 04:24:00

Unknown User

Id love to play co-op with some of you guys at some point, my soldier is a looser, only level 6 but I'm not that bad .2008-12-14 09:52:00

Posts: 3701

You had to one-up me, didn't you?
I don't appreciate that whatsoever.
I think that should be a bannable offense. Actually, I'm going to talk to Mr. Cartman about that right now.
I hope you liked being on this site, big boy show-off man. Maybe you can go to LittleBigWorkshop and enjoy it there instead, huh, buddy?

I'd love to play online sometime. I will add your PSN later tonight unless you took the above personally. If so, I am sorry. I was just kidding with you again. I do it out of love.

yeah man we should play, getting a good group together makes the game go so much smoother.

Id love to play co-op with some of you guys at some point, my soldier is a looser, only level 6 but I'm not that bad .

its not a huge deal if your levels are low as long as your group does its job, a group of level 1s can make it through the missions. I feel your pain trying to level both my soldier and spec ops, even if you have a great mission you only get like 25000 xp where a medic can walk away with 60-80k...anyways hope to see ya guys online.

The One-Up Guy
2008-12-14 15:42:00

Posts: 873

I'll most likely be on today so if any of you want to add me that would be great

Level 8 soldier now WOOOO 250 bullet magazines

Edit: Level 10 yay!
2008-12-15 08:18:00

Posts: 3701

14's Faster start up/accuracy and 16's extra 250 bullets are quite handy.2008-12-15 19:27:00

Posts: 6728

16 is 250 extra bullets?

Also 12 = Air fuel grenades.
2008-12-15 20:10:00

Posts: 3701

You can hold an extra reload of 250 bullets although you only spawn with an extra 50.2008-12-15 21:06:00

Posts: 6728

No... you get an extra 50 bullets per magazine so 750 bullets instead of 600.

I have never had 500 bullets in one magazine with 500 still to use.
2008-12-16 08:37:00

Posts: 3701

Its still 250 per magazine but you can hold 3 extra instead of 2. The magazines havn't increased in size again just the quantity you can hold.

Before you get the level 16 upgrade you spawn with 250/500 after the upgrade you spawn with 250/550 and an ammo crate will take you to 250/750
2008-12-16 08:44:00

Posts: 6728

Yeh just realised level 16 assault pack.

Woohoo! Level 12! Air fuel + Backlash!

Almost 13 now. Where do you check your overall Exp in co-op?
2008-12-16 16:54:00

Posts: 3701

Community then profile. Also stats has a further class breakdown2008-12-16 18:52:00

Posts: 6728

W00t level 14 soldier, not tested out new stuff yet though, got level 14 then had dinner.

Mmmm mince tatties and pea's... yum.
2008-12-16 20:38:00

Posts: 3701

I agree totally accpet one thing >_>
*whispers the ending* I didn't like it to much -.- but in a way, I'm excited
2008-12-16 20:54:00

Posts: 349

I was wanting to play R2 tonight but can't cos my gf has the ps3 atm & the ad for it just came on tv lol. I'd like to play with you lot sometime on co-op, expect me to be a Spec Op though. I'm a lvl 16 Spec Op, and only 2/3 soldier/medic, I just havn't really taken to them two classes yet.

Anyone had bad experiences yet in co-op? probably lol. It's mostly all good but there are those matches where medics don't heal, soldiers go do their own thing & spec ops don't give ammo lol, that's pretty frustrating. The worst i've experienced was two days ago...

Twas a Chicago map, full team. We entered a large room & I got killed, the chimera were killed and the team couldn't proceed for a bit until the door opened. Not one of them revived me, just stood there, then ran out the door when it opened. There were 3 medics too (who healed noone, that I noticed)

I wonder if they noticed I was the only spec op? About half way through I was lying dead once again, & again everyone ignored me. All 7 got killed further along right after I respawned, partly cos ammo started to dry up. Did I try to help revive? run away until people re-spawned? NO, I walked down the steps into a crowd of dozens of chimera and didn't fire a single bullet, dead mission failed. Was that wrong?

I wouldn't usually be like that, but NOONE tried to help.
2008-12-17 01:10:00

Posts: 70

I hate when the other medics won't heal me when I'm basically running into the fire just to heal them. 2008-12-17 03:21:00

Unknown User

I'm at a K/D of about 1.2 with 1300 to about 1200.

I'm a level 27 medic.

Always looking for a game so you guys could add me if you'd like.
2008-12-17 04:26:00

Posts: 380

I was wanting to play R2 tonight but can't cos my gf has the ps3 atm & the ad for it just came on tv lol. I'd like to play with you lot sometime on co-op, expect me to be a Spec Op though. I'm a lvl 16 Spec Op, and only 2/3 soldier/medic, I just havn't really taken to them two classes yet.

Anyone had bad experiences yet in co-op? probably lol. It's mostly all good but there are those matches where medics don't heal, soldiers go do their own thing & spec ops don't give ammo lol, that's pretty frustrating. The worst i've experienced was two days ago...

Twas a Chicago map, full team. We entered a large room & I got killed, the chimera were killed and the team couldn't proceed for a bit until the door opened. Not one of them revived me, just stood there, then ran out the door when it opened. There were 3 medics too (who healed noone, that I noticed)

I wonder if they noticed I was the only spec op? About half way through I was lying dead once again, & again everyone ignored me. All 7 got killed further along right after I respawned, partly cos ammo started to dry up. Did I try to help revive? run away until people re-spawned? NO, I walked down the steps into a crowd of dozens of chimera and didn't fire a single bullet, dead mission failed. Was that wrong?

I wouldn't usually be like that, but NOONE tried to help.

I jump in front of people, if they do nothing I move around, no hiding behind my shield for them.
2008-12-17 07:36:00

Posts: 3701

'boomy' are you from gtaforums? if so that'll be two of you i've recognised here so far lol, you & oldage.

PSN; MoonSap if anyone wants to play tonight, but won't be on til around midnight GMT
2008-12-17 14:21:00

Posts: 70

(nerds) lol jj guys xD2008-12-17 15:06:00

Posts: 3154

I would love to play with all you but i think im on at different times than all ya. Im on the east coast and dont stay up to late to play.

the worst thing i hate is when you have a great group and just one of the people decided that he will trigger all the events as fast as possible to see if the group will wipe or survive, then they have the nerve of saying the groups sucks after we have all died. usually i find that these are the spec ops that like to go invisable and then run off and try to do everything themselves because they figure the more kils the more xp.
2008-12-17 16:29:00

Posts: 873

I have the mic volume set to off so I never hear any complaining or muffled speech or whatever weird noises are in the background.2008-12-17 17:07:00

Posts: 6728

'boomy' are you from gtaforums? if so that'll be two of you i've recognised here so far lol, you & oldage.

PSN; MoonSap if anyone wants to play tonight, but won't be on til around midnight GMT

Indeed I am
2008-12-17 17:25:00

Posts: 3701

I would love to play with all you but i think im on at different times than all ya. Im on the east coast and dont stay up to late to play.

the worst thing i hate is when you have a great group and just one of the people decided that he will trigger all the events as fast as possible to see if the group will wipe or survive, then they have the nerve of saying the groups sucks after we have all died. usually i find that these are the spec ops that like to go invisable and then run off and try to do everything themselves because they figure the more kils the more xp.

I'm just a time zone earlier away.
2008-12-17 18:13:00

Unknown User

Is it possible to play Competitive as a group?2008-12-19 06:54:00

Unknown User

i hate it when you always seem to pull of the perfect headshot in your sights and a teamate steps in your way and you all get killed because of it -.- this has got to have happened to me atleast 50 times by now -.- so annoying

2008-12-19 07:40:00

Posts: 1101

i hate it when you always seem to pull of the perfect headshot in your sights and a teamate steps in your way and you all get killed because of it -.- this has got to have happened to me atleast 50 times by now -.- so annoying


Or you're about to grenade a group of enemies ans a team mate blocks it and you get killed by your own grenade.

Edit: Just got Salute Me Silver Trophy Achieve the rank of Lieutenant. half way through the first star of SGT. Major of the army.
2008-12-19 09:34:00

Posts: 6728

Earlier today I had my best co-op game yet, by far. It actually made me late for work as it was one of the really long 'Orick' ones lol, but I had to see it through.

There were only 4 of us. I sighed at first thinking it would end in around 3 mins, but we made it to the end. 1 soldier - 2 medics - 1 spec op (me). We, as strangers to eachother & not one of us with a mic, worked pretty much flawlessly as a team. I'm not going to go fully into it, cos noone probably cares lol, I just had to mention it. We took on vast amounts of Grims, alpha grims, er...big shield guys, elite chimera, a stalker, drones & more with 1 or 2 deaths each. Basically the complete opposite to the experience I posted above.

It's rare games like those that'll keep me in R2 co-op for a long time yet Though they are few & far between.
2008-12-20 00:26:00

Posts: 70

We should go on together rabid coot. You are always on when i go on.

I had an awesome game as a spec op earlier. I got 96 kills 1 death at level 4 (I think thats ok isnt it?). Two other people had mics and we all did great. I had a friend round aswell so there were only 2 or 3 not talking.
2008-12-20 01:02:00

Posts: 2914

Resistance is so... satisfying...

TheArmedReaper is about to post by the way
2008-12-20 01:03:00

Unknown User

SO I HERD YOU LIEK MUDKIPZ! /caps2008-12-20 01:03:00

Posts: 1543

We should go on together rabid coot. You are always on when i go on.

I had an awesome game as a spec op earlier. I got 96 kills 1 death at level 4 (I think thats ok isnt it?). Two other people had mics and we all did great. I had a friend round aswell so there were only 2 or 3 not talking.

I'll just repost this then...
2008-12-20 01:09:00

Posts: 2914

I had an awesome game as a spec op earlier. I got 96 kills 1 death at level 4 (I think thats ok isnt it?).

That's pretty good considering how bad the marksman is in the low levels.
2008-12-20 03:58:00

Posts: 70

I'd like to organize a group of 8 (or more people to play resistance multiplayer with)
Any one willing to sign up?

- Pinkcars (level 27 medic. Has a mic and is generally a good guy)
- SuperPhillip (level 24 medic. Mic status unknown, siphons for ammo)
- moleynator (level ?? Spec ops. Has a mic plans on claning with his mates)
- Oldage (level 07 Spec ops. Has no mic and is on the team)
- Sack Andreas (level 23 Spec ops, mic is M.I.A., but he is psychic so it doesn't matter)

-Boomy (going to get R2 for christmas)

Come on guys I'll add you then you can add each other.

NOTICE: I'm going on vacation for 3 days, starting tomorrow, so I'll add everyone tonight, but we won't be able to play until after christmas.
I'll also make a clan. We can also play team competitive games. This is gonna be fun, so don't miss out.

Does anyone play solider? we sure could use a few.
2008-12-20 05:10:00

Posts: 380

I'm nice, too. I heal people as my 23 or 24 level medic. I even run into danger to heal someone. When I don't have ammo, I siphon an enemy. I have all the intel for co-op, but I'd be happy to get more experience.

I also like to play Competitive, but I'm not the greatest. I usually have someone spawn behind me in deathmatch. haha

I've beaten Superhuman as well.

Please add me to the group if you don't mind (and if you want me. I seem to be getting ignored in this topic unintentionally).
2008-12-20 06:51:00

Unknown User

hey i had one of my best Medic experiances about a month ago in co-op

We had a noob team, 1 really low leveled soldier, 6 spec-ops, and 1 medic (ME), we are going through this game extremely slowly with high damage and high casualties to all of our team, but since we are going so slow and we have this party of guys, well i was able to heal A LOT, and by the end of the round i had gotten 72 thousand in one round as a medic, it is my personal best while everyone else had a max of 25 thousand, now that was a good game, currently i am a level 30 medic, level 7 spec-ops (current co-op guy now that i have moved on from medic), and level 1 soldier (not really good with this guy, he is so inaccurate that it is hard to hit anything with him and you run out of ammo and shield so fast because the spec-ops in each game usually REALLY suck and do not know how to do their job), and i am a level 17 in Competative (at this level you could get like 20 thousand and it will only go up a smidgen and if you do bad and only get like 8 thousand, you are barely even able to see that rank up bar move) mainly because i am really good with marksman, but one thing to say is that i do not like large TDMs: the matches are over too fast, soo many guys on your own team that you can not get a single shot off because the block everyone, and there are so many guys to shoot at that you can not kill one because they are all taking damge inteaded for one (really sucks to have that happen as a Marksman user) plus they are all shooting back and there are so many you often do not know where they are shooting from. I personally like the small TDMs were it is like mano y mano where i can take almost anyone out and in good order too and get like a KDR for that round of like 4 kills to 1 death. I also have completed the entire campain, once on hard, and a second round all the way through on superhuman, Finally, i only have 2 trophies left to get before platinum, all Co-op intel (5 more mission updates until i have it, i had like 2 in my grasps but my team lost the mission and i never got them), and the 10,000 kills trophy i have about 8500 left to go before i get that one, but i am slowly woking my way there, just one TDM at a time and i will get it eventually.

So that is my experiance so far, Cheers!
2008-12-20 07:17:00

Posts: 1101

I would be happy to join any teams but after christmas im going in a clan with my mates.2008-12-20 09:01:00

Posts: 2914

I'm nice, too. I heal people as my 23 or 24 level medic. I even run into danger to heal someone. When I don't have ammo, I siphon an enemy. I have all the intel for co-op, but I'd be happy to get more experience.

I also like to play Competitive, but I'm not the greatest. I usually have someone spawn behind me in deathmatch. haha

I've beaten Superhuman as well.

Please add me to the group if you don't mind (and if you want me. I seem to be getting ignored in this topic unintentionally).

I'll add you to the list. Anyone else?
We need soliders and specops
2008-12-20 09:17:00

Posts: 380

I will be a spec ops. Have you all got mics?2008-12-20 09:19:00

Posts: 2914

I will be a spec ops. Have you all got mics?

I absolutely do. I assume you do as well?

Also Superphilip, what is your psn? and do you have a mic?

EDIT: NVM it's your name.
2008-12-20 09:21:00

Posts: 380

Once christmas has come I will be buying R2, I am currently a level 15 soldier.

So yeh add me on the list

Oh and I have a mic.
PSN: rusebobo
2008-12-20 09:59:00

Posts: 3701

Is a level 7 spec op allowed?
If so, I'll join
And no, don't have mic :'(
2008-12-20 17:42:00

Posts: 2824

Mates getting me it for christmas hopefully so I will have it s00n 2008-12-20 17:44:00

Posts: 3701

level 1 soldier (not really good with this guy, he is so inaccurate that it is hard to hit anything with him and you run out of ammo and shield so fast because the spec-ops in each game usually REALLY suck and do not know how to do their job)

and the 10,000 kills trophy i have about 8500 left to go before i get that one, but i am slowly woking my way there, just one TDM at a time and i will get it eventually.

Soldier takes a while to get awesome, the accuracy doesn't start getting better until lv 14 and isn't brilliant til 26. The force barrier gets upgraded by 20 points every 10 levels so you can block more shots and the backlash berserk nets good xp. Overall I found the soldiers last few levels to be the quickest to go through but the rest take ages.

I'm at 3507 ranked kills been playing ranked deathmatch almost exclusivly.
2008-12-20 19:21:00

Posts: 6728

i will join if i get r2 for christmas lol, wait and see i have a mic as well2008-12-20 22:33:00

Posts: 362

i will join if i get r2 christmas, wait and see i also have a mic2008-12-20 22:34:00

Posts: 362

Hey 'pinkcars' I'd like to join up

Lvl 23 Spec Op

Mic: not atm

PSN: MoonSap
2008-12-20 23:39:00

Posts: 70

yeah why don't you just make a clan so we can all join?

I'm in, either 30 level medic, 26 level soldier and 16 spec ops, though i don't usually use a mic i do my job and listen to what the others are saying so it works.
2008-12-21 02:33:00

Posts: 873

yeah why don't you just make a clan so we can all join?

I'm in, either 30 level medic, 26 level soldier and 16 spec ops, though i don't usually use a mic i do my job and listen to what the others are saying so it works.

Clan is resistance central, clan tag is RC
2008-12-21 02:50:00

Posts: 380

awesome when im on ill apply to it.2008-12-21 02:52:00

Posts: 873

awesome when im on ill apply to it.


Follow his example and apply. I'll let you all in.
2008-12-21 04:48:00

Posts: 380

Turns out I won't be able to play for 6 days, my bro has the ps3 at his house for a bit.2008-12-21 23:32:00

Posts: 70

Ok, I have no clan, so I'll join! Course, not too good and don't play much, but meh. =p2008-12-21 23:35:00

Posts: 10882

I joined earlier but now my PS3 wont turn on...

No PS3 over christmas! D:
2008-12-21 23:38:00

Posts: 2914

i almost cried at the end :'( "it was a honour" i now have that video on a constant loop in my room2008-12-21 23:57:00

Little Big Planet Legend
Posts: 79

i almost cried at the end :'( "it was a honour" i now have that video on a constant loop in my room

While it was short like all videos in it, it leaves the next game to be epic, in that it leave sopen the possibility of Nathan surviving, and becoming the main villian in the next Resistance- which would be AWESOME, though I never played R1 so I can't say it would mean as much to me, but it would be good to have a game where the main villian is a former main hero of sorts.

Which reminds me, was Jordan Shepard in R1 at all, or was he just an original creation for R2, or did it mention him at all before or what? :/
2008-12-21 23:59:00

Posts: 10882

I joined the clan, and I shot people under the RC name.
Then I got killed more. :hero:
2008-12-22 00:40:00

Unknown User

i almost cried at the end :'( "it was a honour" i now have that video on a constant loop in my room

It was a very good ending, Hale looked very sad
2008-12-22 08:47:00

Posts: 3701

i almost cried at the end :'( "it was a honour" i now have that video on a constant loop in my room

You cried almost, I did cry
And I have no idea who that Jordan Shepherd was....
+ I wonder what happened to that girl from RFOM...that always supported nathan....she probably died out there...
2008-12-22 12:57:00

Posts: 2824


You will be missed.
2008-12-22 13:00:00

Posts: 3701

You cried almost, I did cry
And I have no idea who that Jordan Shepherd was....
+ I wonder what happened to that girl from RFOM...that always supported nathan....she probably died out there...

There was an intel document written by her... >_<
2008-12-22 13:02:00

Posts: 10882


2008-12-22 13:07:00

Posts: 3701

There was an intel document written by her... >_<

I never really look at those
Could you tell me what it says?
2008-12-22 13:07:00

Posts: 2824

I never really look at those
Could you tell me what it says?

I forget, really, but I THINK it ended with her saying she heard of some new guy in the Sentinels with something... else...

I think it was in Chapter 1, so um yeah >_<. I forget what, but her name was Rachal Parker I believe, so yeah.
2008-12-22 13:10:00

Posts: 10882

I forget, really, but I THINK it ended with her saying she heard of some new guy in the Sentinels with something... else...

I think it was in Chapter 1, so um yeah >_<. I forget what, but her name was Rachal Parker I believe, so yeah.

I'll go look at the intel from chapter 1, ktnxbai.
2008-12-22 13:12:00

Posts: 2824

I really want this game for Christmas. Everything looks amazing, especially the boss fight with that 300 foot monster.2008-12-22 17:25:00

Posts: 1153

5009 kills, the halfway point has been passed.2008-12-23 01:41:00

Posts: 6728

I really want this game for Christmas. Everything looks amazing, especially the boss fight with that 300 foot monster.

The boss is pretty cool, however very easy, just run like hell!
2008-12-23 08:15:00

Posts: 3701

I don't know what to do, buy this game or wait for Killzone 2. Ahh the agony!2008-12-23 09:45:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

Killzone 2 is coming out in February?2008-12-23 09:46:00

Posts: 3701

I don't know what to do, buy this game or wait for Killzone 2. Ahh the agony!

One now one later?
2008-12-23 10:06:00

Posts: 6728

Well, going by the co-op intel I think it's highly likely Hale isn't dead and will return in R3. There's also the fact that the other guy was pretty much eaten up by giant spinner & dragged over a 3000ft or so drop, but luckily his 'regen' kicked in. (lol)

All that about how Deadalus (or something) & Hale shouldn't get close to eachother as they seem to already have a bond etc... & how if one died at the hands of the other (which pretty much happened when Hale finally touched him absorbing his power), it would be catrostrophic & the survivor would become highly powerful/almost unstoppable etc...
2008-12-23 22:13:00

Posts: 70

Well, going by the co-op intel I think it's highly likely Hale isn't dead and will return in R3. There's also the fact that the other guy was pretty much eaten up by giant spinner & dragged over a 3000ft or so drop, but luckily his 'regen' kicked in. (lol)


And I hope there will be a R3...
2008-12-23 23:04:00

Posts: 2824

There will be.

There's too much that has been unanswered.

What happens to Hale? ( I really doubt he's dead)
What exactly is the deal with the Cloven? (Very little is known of the Cloven)
Who are the other race? (Nothing is known so far)
Did the Chimera manage to move Earth to another galaxy?
2008-12-24 00:19:00

Posts: 70

FFS spoiler tags: use them!2008-12-24 00:36:00

Posts: 6728

How many people are in the clan now?2008-12-24 05:34:00

Unknown User

only 5 right now

p.s. just got the scope upgrade for the soldiers gun and then got the LARK at the same time(got the scope at level 28 instead of 26 because of lack of gray tech) lets just say the game changes a lot, i now have many games that are 200+ kills and lead the scoring all the time. Just send one LARK rocket into the crown then follow up with a grenade then hit the backlash berserk and they stand no chance. you can take full waves of enemies on yourself all you need is a decent spec ops to keep your ammo up and your good to go. Its priceless when you look at the end of the mission results and see that you have 247 kills and the next person closest to your total is 43 kills in a group of 8.
2008-12-24 07:14:00

Posts: 873

only 5 right now

p.s. just got the scope upgrade for the soldiers gun and then got the LARK at the same time(got the scope at level 28 instead of 26 because of lack of gray tech) lets just say the game changes a lot, i now have many games that are 200+ kills and lead the scoring all the time. Just send one LARK rocket into the crown then follow up with a grenade then hit the backlash berserk and they stand no chance. you can take full waves of enemies on yourself all you need is a decent spec ops to keep your ammo up and your good to go. Its priceless when you look at the end of the mission results and see that you have 247 kills and the next person closest to your total is 43 kills in a group of 8.

And the XP per match you get has doubled.
2008-12-24 09:54:00

Posts: 6728

Orick is a very good mission level for Gray tech, and experience, average of 15+ Gray tech per match and lots of groups of enemies for grenading.2008-12-24 09:56:00

Posts: 3701

And the XP per match you get has doubled.

very true

i don't remember what level it is but the best one for killing masses of enemies is the one were you are in the subway tunnels and they have about 6 huge groups spawn and gather in the center area, all you have to do is throw grenades into the center, easy kills and xp. I found myself not going all out because i feel bad for some of the other players, i mean for one player to get the most xp and kills, that's not really fun.
2008-12-24 18:17:00

Posts: 873

I'll join if I get R2!

And my PS3... >_>
2008-12-24 18:24:00

Unknown User

Orick is a very good mission level for Gray tech, and experience, average of 15+ Gray tech per match and lots of groups of enemies for grenading.

I prefer using the Spec Op orb against all those grims
EDIT: question..
Is there a list of the species (monsters) and weapons of R2?
And of course pics included.
2008-12-24 19:33:00

Posts: 2824

I'm not sure about pictures but there is a detailed list here:

2008-12-25 08:13:00

Posts: 3701

I'm not sure about pictures but there is a detailed list here:


Cheers man.
2008-12-25 13:38:00

Posts: 2824

Nyah Only 5 days till I get this game *trembles in anticipation*. Gotta get my soldier higher!!!!11shiftone!!2008-12-25 13:40:00

Posts: 3701

There is a bug with certain Soldier class upgrades, explained here:
Quote from: igRossMcIntosh on November 18, 2008, 01:24:55 PM
There's a bug where effects of the level 22 and the level 26 weapon upgrades for the soldier are reversed. The titanium barrel is supposed to increase damage but instead it increases accuracy, and the precision scope is supposed to increase accuracy but instead it increases damage. These will both be fixed in a patch to have the correct effect (ie, they will do what their description says they do).

Soldier leveling would have been much faster if that wasn't messed up.
2008-12-25 13:55:00

Posts: 6728

Soldier leveling would have been much faster if that wasn't messed up.

that explains why all of a sudden i felt like i was doing crazy more damage with a simple scope.
2008-12-25 17:56:00

Posts: 873

that explains why all of a sudden i felt like i was doing crazy more damage with a simple scope.

Haha :3 OMG I want this game... My mate took his back after he accidentally left it at my house, however, he's coming over for new year, and he's getting me it for Christmas , only 5 days till I get it ^^
2008-12-25 17:58:00

Posts: 3701

Haha :3 OMG I want this game... My mate took his back after he accidentally left it at my house, however, he's coming over for new year, and he's getting me it for Christmas , only 5 days till I get it ^^

yeah i have gotten many of hours of fun out of this game. maybe once i level all my characters in coop i may try to get into the competitive side of the game. I just found myself sick of competing in all the FPS I have, really like the idea of working together for a goal.
2008-12-25 18:08:00

Posts: 873

I know this is the first FPS I've enjoyed by my self, Co-op rules.2008-12-25 18:15:00

Posts: 3701

yeah i have gotten many of hours of fun out of this game. maybe once i level all my characters in coop i may try to get into the competitive side of the game. I just found myself sick of competing in all the FPS I have, really like the idea of working together for a goal.

3 quarters of the modes are team based so its competitive coop.
2008-12-25 19:53:00

Posts: 6728

I'm back from my vacation and was wondering if you gents wanted to have a game?

not many people joined the clan from what i can tell. If you want to play, join the clan, and we can play.
2008-12-28 21:03:00

Posts: 380

getting this game 2morrow BTWI canot wait to play it! usualy i play COD4 online all the time, bu i think resistance 2 will be even better2008-12-28 21:06:00

Big Boss
Posts: 28

I'm back from my vacation and was wondering if you gents wanted to have a game?

not many people joined the clan from what i can tell. If you want to play, join the clan, and we can play.
Don't I need to get invited?
2008-12-28 21:14:00

Posts: 2824

Tuesday and its mine (hopefully)2008-12-28 21:39:00

Posts: 3701

Nearly at the 10k, less then 2000 left to get.2008-12-28 22:12:00

Posts: 6728

Don't I need to get invited?

no its set to open just look up RC in search tag and join.
2008-12-28 22:15:00

Posts: 873

Resistance 2 looks epic. *drools* i wantz it2008-12-29 03:29:00

Posts: 32

I was the second or third person in the clan.
I pwnz0rzed the n00bs on behalf of RC!

The n00bs went, "wtf. i so angry rite nao! fdkjsdklgjsdkjgksdjkgksa11111!!!!111!"

My response was farting into the mic! PFFFFFFFFFFFFT! Stinky!

Seriously though, I'd love to play with some friendly folks. I've yet to try out my mic (the darned thing didn't even come with instructions and it's a SONY product...)
2008-12-29 04:00:00

Unknown User

Hi my name is OverWork and i'm a LAARK-A-HOLIC. I cant help myself when im a soldier in a group I feel the need to see how many kills I can get, and before I know it its the end of the mission and I have 340 something kills in a group of 8, the next person with the highest kills usually is under 50. I feel bad and take a brake from the game only to come back and repeat the process.

seriously though has anyone used the LAARK in coop, it completely dominates large groups of enemies, plus the backlash berserk and kills just keep coming. I cant wait for the helmet when i get enough gray tech.
2008-12-29 05:11:00

Posts: 873

Hi my name is OverWork and i'm a LAARK-A-HOLIC. I cant help myself when im a soldier in a group I feel the need to see how many kills I can get, and before I know it its the end of the mission and I have 340 something kills in a group of 8, the next person with the highest kills usually is under 50. I feel bad and take a brake from the game only to come back and repeat the process.

seriously though has anyone used the LAARK in coop, it completely dominates large groups of enemies, plus the backlash berserk and kills just keep coming. I cant wait for the helmet when i get enough gray tech.
Hey dude that is pretty good, i myself have about 7500 left to go, it is not that hard when you get good with a weapon, and you know its strategies. I like the marksman personally, just pick them off one at a time, and i can get between 10-30 kills every TDM, pretty nice i think, if there is a faster way to get kills, like in a different mode just tell me becuase i would like to know. Rabid Coot, what mode do you play the most, you know just curious. Oh and please play Competative, way better experiance, i found that co-op is getting kinda dull for me, do not know why, You get WAAAAY better at the game in general, And you rank up faster, win win all around the board my friends, just play it.
2008-12-29 05:36:00

Posts: 1101

Hey dude that is pretty good, i myself have about 7500 left to go, it is not that hard when you get good with a weapon, and you know its strategies. I like the marksman personally, just pick them off one at a time, and i can get between 10-30 kills every TDM, pretty nice i think, if there is a faster way to get kills, like in a different mode just tell me becuase i would like to know. Rabid Coot, what mode do you play the most, you know just curious. Oh and please play Competative, way better experiance, i found that co-op is getting kinda dull for me, do not know why, You get WAAAAY better at the game in general, And you rank up faster, win win all around the board my friends, just play it.

Deathmatch, 15+ kills every 6-7 minutes.
2008-12-29 09:29:00

Posts: 6728

Hey dude that is pretty good, i myself have about 7500 left to go, it is not that hard when you get good with a weapon, and you know its strategies. I like the marksman personally, just pick them off one at a time, and i can get between 10-30 kills every TDM, pretty nice i think, if there is a faster way to get kills, like in a different mode just tell me becuase i would like to know. Rabid Coot, what mode do you play the most, you know just curious. Oh and please play Competative, way better experiance, i found that co-op is getting kinda dull for me, do not know why, You get WAAAAY better at the game in general, And you rank up faster, win win all around the board my friends, just play it.

I was talking about coop, could you imagine 300+ kills in competative that would be crazy.
I see what you are saying i see people way higher in rank that only play competitive but i just got sick of killing people and then having them say that it was cheap or me saying that because of them using a glitch or something. Warhawk kinda killed competitive for me, to many people trying to cheat. I may try to get into it after i level all my coop charters...Spec ops is getting no love because i find it more fun to use my soldier in games, spec ops is stuck at level 17.
2008-12-29 16:22:00

Posts: 873

Resistance 2 looks sweet, if I had a PS3 I would buy this (and LBP) in a heart beat. I'd probably end up playing the campaign more because personally everytime I play an online shooter I die like a gazillion times and get odd kills. I think my first 5 kills in CoD: WaW were blowing up tanks

That, and I want to battle that giant 300ft monster in Chicago, he could probably swallow that Cloverfield monster whole barnicles and all.
2008-12-29 22:07:00

Posts: 19

This is one of the four (Soon to be five) games I have bought here in america. I haven't had a chance to play them yet (My PS3 is at home. I really wanted to bring it because I knew I would buy a billion games). I'm gonna have a SERIOUSLY hard time jugglin Res 2, Soul Caliber 4, Skate, GH:WT, SSB:B and Fallout 3. Not to mention LBP and COD5.2008-12-29 23:53:00

Unknown User

9115 so close unless it messes up.2008-12-30 02:11:00

Posts: 6728

Oh my god this is an awesome game in my opinion.

I love doing the co-op missions online with other people, its the only shooter I have played on my own. Its just great .

Discuss :o

Edit: Tried to search for another topic but couldn't find anything.

Same opinon here, I just didn't really like the ending, I won't spoil it but..... It could have been better :/
2008-12-30 02:34:00

Posts: 349

Same opinon here, I just didn't really like the ending, I won't spoil it but..... It could have been better :/

I really liked the ending. so much unanswered questions
2008-12-30 02:37:00

Posts: 380

I really liked the ending. so much unanswered questions

Well, They might make another Resistance which will make me eager to buy it, and make my fingers bleed until I find out another ending, Plus I think that this one was good enough
2008-12-30 02:42:00

Posts: 349

Well, They might make another Resistance which will make me eager to buy it, and make my fingers bleed until I find out another ending, Plus I think that this one was good enough

I'm pretty sure they said it would be a trilogy
2008-12-30 02:50:00

Posts: 380

I'm pretty sure they said it would be a trilogy

Yeah we will find out.......

*15 years later*

Pinkcars:Ah Man!
BloodFlameX: Pay up
Pinkcars: (Hands 150$ to BloodFlameX)
2008-12-30 02:53:00

Posts: 349

One trend as of late that is really getting to me is the trilogy. There can't just be a sequel, there has to be 2 sequels planned at the same time, to further the earnings potential. I don't mean it irritates me to play the third game, but at the time when they are writing and planning the 2nd, they make sure there is possibility for a third. And announce it.

Even worse are those games released as the first in "an epic trilogy". I.e. They've thought about it, and they want to write 3 games for it. Especially when the first game isn't all that great. What it usually means is the storyline isn't that great as they are saving most of the best stuff for the last game.

In the case of the second of now a trilogy, we are often left with horribly ambiguous endings, (I'm looking at you Halo 2) or ones that are just plain left wide open for them with no apology for it.

Resistance 2 is great, don;t get me wrong, but why do the developers have to make it so blindingly obvious they were planning a sequel?
2008-12-30 07:31:00

Posts: 1084

I somewhat agree with flakmagnet now, plus IF there was another Resistance

who would be the main character?
2008-12-30 08:17:00

Posts: 349

Story spoilers:
I dunno. I don't think a bullet would kill Hale as he was so far-gone into his metamorphosis. Perhaps Hale will be the big bad of the third game?

Also, add me, guys, if you'd like to play Coop or Competitive. I just play for fun, so no worries about sucking or anything.
2008-12-30 08:47:00

Unknown User

I would have thought a headshot would kill him though... he would have like no brains left..
2008-12-30 08:50:00

Posts: 3701

More talk of the end:

Sure, but a headshot on Daedulus did nothing but phase him a little. Hale seemed too powerful to succumb to just a headshot.

boomy. That is a cute name imo. I do not mean it in a "I like men" kind of way either. :x
2008-12-30 08:52:00

Unknown User

I mean we saw blood, brain splattered a little, Daedelus wasn't really human at all, but Hale was, meaning he would die from certain things.

Ah well just my opinion

Heh thanks
2008-12-30 08:57:00

Posts: 3701

Well, when Hale touched Daedalus after defeating him, he inherited the creature's powers. I think this made him strong enough to withstand that shot. We'll see though. Insomniac will even post a message saying, "SuperPhillip, he's dead, you buttface!" 2008-12-30 09:05:00

Unknown User

I searched the whole clan name, no result.searched clan tag, an African clan with 1 member came up >_>2008-12-30 12:09:00

Posts: 2824

*ding* Just got the killing machine trophy at 9919 kills.2008-12-31 09:42:00

Posts: 6728

I searched the whole clan name, no result.searched clan tag, an African clan with 1 member came up >_>

that is strange, it is a Europe clan so it should come up with that and the name and the tag. just try searching with all those and see what happens. I havent been on in a few days (playing Uncharted, OMG how did I not know about this game!) so it might have been disbanded but i doubt it.
2008-12-31 16:05:00

Posts: 873

Ive seen your KD...

Did you start off bad or something? I have, but I havent been on long, so its not too bad.

Im way better on unranked games for some reason.

It's the pressure it tell you! It's the same with me in MSR
2008-12-31 16:17:00

Posts: 473

that is strange, it is a Europe clan so it should come up with that and the name and the tag. just try searching with all those and see what happens. I havent been on in a few days (playing Uncharted, OMG how did I not know about this game!) so it might have been disbanded but i doubt it.

It probably has- it says I'm no longer in it. Plus it doesn't come up. So yeah.
2008-12-31 16:24:00

Posts: 10882

huh wonder why pinkcars killed it maybe he got invited to another one and had to close ours for it...idk?2008-12-31 22:02:00

Posts: 873

the reason that everyone is way better at unranked is because everone that plays is most likely a noob, if you go in there you will most likely not see anyone above rank 10, sometimes pros come and dominate and take the top spot easyily like myself, and the damage that you deal to others so you can take them out faster, (if you notice most of them take the sniper rifle but they do not know how to use it, a moing target is harder to hit than a static one and if you are moving you can aim much easier, if you are the moving one you will nearly always win even if you are up agains like 10 snipers, you can take all of them out, there are usually big groups of snipers just sitting there and are completely static, easy targets ), so that is why it is easier, just do not worry about the games and you should be fine, if you are having a bad day with the shooting and all, play some LBP and go back in an hour or 2, it relaxes you, also if you are talking with someone over the game, it relaxes you, you have more fun, and you do WAAAAY better.

so those are my 2 cents

2009-01-01 02:48:00

Posts: 1101

Nobody wants to play with Philly! Not even his clanmates. They ditched him, I guess. 2009-01-01 05:00:00

Unknown User

the reason that everyone is way better at unranked is because everone that plays is most likely a noob, if you go in there you will most likely not see anyone above rank 10, sometimes pros come and dominate and take the top spot easyily like myself, and the damage that you deal to others so you can take them out faster, (if you notice most of them take the sniper rifle but they do not know how to use it, a moing target is harder to hit than a static one and if you are moving you can aim much easier, if you are the moving one you will nearly always win even if you are up agains like 10 snipers, you can take all of them out, there are usually big groups of snipers just sitting there and are completely static, easy targets ), so that is why it is easier, just do not worry about the games and you should be fine, if you are having a bad day with the shooting and all, play some LBP and go back in an hour or 2, it relaxes you, also if you are talking with someone over the game, it relaxes you, you have more fun, and you do WAAAAY better.

so those are my 2 cents


You usually get one sniper per match in ranked and they always do badly, in one match I melee killed one guy in the same place 4 times.
2009-01-01 09:35:00

Posts: 6728

So... back to Resistance 2.

I've finally given online a try, had a go at co-op as a medic.

It took me half the match to learn that secondary fire heals your teammates, and I didn't really know where I was going, or that I need to press right to actually talk... :blush:

But, I did have fun. I think I might enjoy this shooter and it's online components. For me to say that means it must be good.

So... what happened to the clan? Should we form another one?
2009-01-13 05:45:00

Posts: 1280

yes we should!!! I play still and though it may be hard for you if i join because im higher level I think the balancing system does a good job and could work, we just need more people. Last Clan we had only had 5 people and then disappeared one day for some reason.

P.S. yeah you must had been getting yelled at about the secondary fire thing while people die around you

Oh and a good way of getting to know the different classes is to make an offline game and just have you join it to play with all the things that the different characters can do. You may not be able to survive real long but you will know what you can do.
2009-01-13 16:04:00

Posts: 873

One trend as of late that is really getting to me is the trilogy. There can't just be a sequel, there has to be 2 sequels planned at the same time, to further the earnings potential. I don't mean it irritates me to play the third game, but at the time when they are writing and planning the 2nd, they make sure there is possibility for a third. And announce it.

Even worse are those games released as the first in "an epic trilogy". I.e. They've thought about it, and they want to write 3 games for it. Especially when the first game isn't all that great. What it usually means is the storyline isn't that great as they are saving most of the best stuff for the last game.

In the case of the second of now a trilogy, we are often left with horribly ambiguous endings, (I'm looking at you Halo 2) or ones that are just plain left wide open for them with no apology for it.

Resistance 2 is great, don;t get me wrong, but why do the developers have to make it so blindingly obvious they were planning a sequel?

I personally liked the R2 ending. You knew what was going to happen before hand really, and then having that epic background and what he said made it all the more brilliant.
The worst case ending for suggesting a sequel was MGS2. It just NEEDED another game for it to feel more complete. But the hilarity of it all is that kojima planned that as the last game. Then the next game he did was a prequel! LOL.

Anywho back to R2, the ending was fitting, and i wasn't looking for a game where all questions are answered.
2009-01-13 16:22:00

Posts: 3767

i would have thought that they answer some of the questions but still a great game, erm, i thought this game has a great story, but then again if you dont do research by going on myresistance or project abrham (cant spell the name) then you probley left clue less2009-01-13 16:35:00

Posts: 362

Be very careful with R2 guys, backup your save file often & maybe even the full system.

Last weekend I was playing a coop match & it just ended. I was looking foward to seeing my stats as I was sure I got over 50 headshots. Anyway, just before the stats came up the game froze, ****. This ****** me off a bit as it's happened before but just turning off ps3 (the safe way) then back on & start up R2 again.

Well, I tried and discovered that I got that R2 famous 'corrupt save data' thing. I lost ALL campaign progress, all coop progress (lvl 30 spec op/15 soldier/6 medic). All gone. I turned the game off & deleted the corrupt file & added one I had from a previous backup.

Restarted the game & it froze after around a minute, before the freeze, the background music got stuck in a weird loop. Then I realised that not only did the game corrupt itself, but my system itself. I tried data restore & found 3 more corrupt R2 files, how? Anyway, most of my games now freeze & the XMB is a bit messed up, & now I have to send the ps3 back to sony to be fixed. Luckily it's still within warranty.

It seems that R2 will eventually corrupt itself, or everything. People always say ''don't turn off while it's saving etc... I didn't & my signal strengh is always above 90%

Be careful.
2009-01-14 22:50:00

Posts: 70

Thats sad, and kinda scary that it effected the whole system like that...welll maybe ill just put the R2 down till a patch is released then.2009-01-14 23:04:00

Posts: 873

Glad I'm already done with R2 that glitch sounds horrible.2009-01-14 23:59:00

Posts: 6728

You should never ever turn off a system while it's in mid save. Especially by using the power switch at the back. That's just asking for system file corruption.


Anyway, I've gone and made a guild. It's called LBP CENTRAL, it's tag is LBP, and the welcome message is Welcome to LBP Central, the clan for www.lbpcentral.com.

I've set it in Australia (I'm Australian, and it will make it stand out more anyway), made it casual and open.

I'll write up a new topic so people can post about it there. Post guildy stuff in that thread and put information about R2 in general in this thread.
2009-01-15 01:32:00

Posts: 1280

You should never ever turn off a system while it's in mid save. Especially by using the power switch at the back. That's just asking for system file corruption.

I didn't do that as I stated above & i've never once did that on the ps3. I always turn off the proper way & never while saving.
2009-01-15 01:59:00

Posts: 70

So the problem was that something made the game freeze, and you had to hard reset?2009-01-15 02:35:00

Posts: 1280

I had to press & hold on/off button on the front until it went into standby. Then I used switch on the back.

Well after finally finding some info, it seems my ps3 developed what's known as 'code of death' or in my case 'code of (near) death'. A main cause is online game freezes/corruption, which is what R2 did to my ps3, as it messed up the blu ray drive when it froze/corrupted itself. If a game freezes & corrupts itself there's a good chance of this happening. The XMB corrected itself over time as I left it off for a good while, but the blu ray unit is messed up.
2009-01-17 04:42:00

Posts: 70

I really want to get this game now. Rabid-Coot got me all excited about the Clank Backpack customization item. 2009-01-17 07:13:00

Unknown User

HAHAHAHA Clank, i am sure... but it takes a while to get there, unless you are as good as Rabid Coot... who is a master at DMs. good luck with that one

2009-01-17 08:05:00

Posts: 1101

Rabid Coot... who is a master at DMs.

2009-01-17 11:20:00

Posts: 6728

This kinda scared me at the start lol. I was in the water accidentally, and a fury's head popped through an object and I yelled LOL. Anyway, I only just "Fried the Calimarie" or whatever. I love it so far.2009-01-18 14:00:00

Unknown User

Those Furies scared the crap out of me first time, so did the chameleons 2009-01-18 17:34:00

Posts: 3701

Those Furies scared the crap out of me first time, so did the chameleons

First time I met grims...urgh...
2009-01-18 19:05:00

Posts: 2824

OMG the grims, chameleons, and furies scared the crap out of me too the first time. 0.0 that was how i looked all the way through my first experiances, and those grims on superhuman even though i already did it on hard. ARE SCARY AS HELL, because you know they will attack you when you go throught the door, and you shoot at them in the distance and then you hear something to your right and turn and they are right there, and you try to back up towards the door you came through but you can not find it and are shooting like hell witht he shotgun and carbine, and you are like screaming your head off when you are trying to find the door, but most of the time you can not and are cornered against a wall and die, and when you do find the door there is another 3 to find so you can make your way out. But on hard when you enter the autotoriam you can go to the opposite room from the one you came in on and then as they come throught the door one by one, hit each one with your gun (like malay...melay...mealay...maleah... ARGH >_> can not remeber how to spell it.) and they go down pretty easy and it is fun just to pick them off like that

2009-01-18 21:29:00

Posts: 1101

Melee is the word you are looking for. One of the e's has a thingy above it, but I don't use an international keyboard so it's not easy for me to do.

Anyway, I found the furies and chamelons to be a real distracting let down, to be honest. In R1 you had a 4 point health bar. Though if you shoot yourself with a rocket you are instantly dead, most things you can survive. It just seems odd to me and really poor gameplay that they have these new things which instant kill you. You can NEVER kill a fury, and a chameleon one shotting you is just stupid in my opinion. It just always came to me as a poor way to kill a player instantly. I hated them both. You can kill a kraken, but you can't kill a fury... that's plain dumb.

I also don't like near the end how they keep putting you in big battles with really bad cover. Although it's realistic and a skill challenge to work around the health recovery system, it just seems very wrong, especially when the AI in the single player does almost nothing half the time.

I've nearly finished the single player campaign, it's building up to a conclusion but it sure does seem a bit drawn out. Overall the story is brilliant , but some invividual parts can often feel stale.

But don't get me wrong though. Overall R2 is great, one of the best FPS I've played in a long time. It's just not without bits I don't like, but it seems we all have different tastes.
2009-01-19 00:46:00

Posts: 1280

Melee is the word you are looking for. One of the e's has a thingy above it, but I don't use an international keyboard so it's not easy for me to do.

alt gr (or crtl+alt) + e is what you're looking for ?
2009-01-19 00:53:00

Posts: 6728

Well, I finally finished the single player campaign. Let me express some thoughts about the ending but put them in spoiler tags.

Well, it was not too unpredictable, it certainly had elements leading up to itself with the gun and the change of hale. I don't think Hale and Dadelus/Sheperd "merged", I think he just got some sort of better knowledge, most likely about the Chimera.

Is Hale dead? Well, there are a few possibilities. He might regenerate from that shot. He was doing pretty powerful stuff at the end of it all. He might have a useless head and have some sort of alien organ keeping him alive. Finally, well, he might be dead after all.

As for the lead character... it might be Hale. I don't think he is written off. Or he might become the big evil villan. I just can't see Capelli being the next main. His personality is just too annoying.

The doctor character is still alive, however, and the human army is still active in Britian. There are a few possibilities in terms of where they can start from.

But if you have finished the whole of Reistance: Fall of Man, let me put in some more spoilers...

At the end of that one, Hale was carrying a grenade and thinking of killing himself when he was found. They just cut that part out when they reshot it for the sequel. He might have been a prototype Sentinel, but whether he knew this or not was never clear. Maybe he did know, and could not live with what's going on. It was pretty ambigious as he was mainly silent for the first one.

He might have known about the program and did not want to keep on going, or go back to a treatment system. It's ambigious from what I have seen.
But I don't think it's ended. What the role of the sentinel program is, it's origins, Hale and Shepard and what happened to them, what the mysterious "third artifact" is that's alluded to in the intel, and what the Chimera were doing millions of years ago and why they moved all their ships to that one point on the map... there are plenty of loose ends to tie up in the sequel.
2009-01-19 06:05:00

Posts: 1280

Great post! I am still amazed by this game (And freaked out lol)2009-01-19 10:20:00

Unknown User


R2 figures for the peeps that collect things like that.
2009-01-19 11:40:00

Posts: 6728


R2 figures for the peeps that collect things like that.

That ravager doesn't even looks like the one ingame...
Neither does hale...
2009-01-19 15:48:00

Posts: 2824

hale looks awesome in game2009-01-20 03:03:00

Posts: 1576

Grims.. You mean these things?

Might not work..

Embed didn't work (Surprise surprise). It's Gametrailers.

Link!:Resistance 2 Video Game, Exclusive Grim Gameplay | Game Trailers & Videos | GameTrailers.com
2009-01-20 16:28:00

Unknown User


Patch 1.40 brings a bunch of fixes and changes.
2009-01-23 18:29:00

Posts: 6728

Hey sweet, The updates coming in the patch sound great (*sigh* 40s are annoying as can be, especially when they run over to a box and you are about to kill them and it just happens to have a 40 in it, they turn around and kill you... >_>)

The I just got to 4100 kills, (got 600 today, yeah i pwn with the marksman, but only when i am not stressed, and use the gun corectly, which i kind of often forget when i am too stressed. the best way to do this is just relax, be happy, have fun and then you will just do what you are doing naturally *works well when you are natually good at it*, but, the thing i use to make me all happy and relaxed is that LBP fan song *weird i know, but hey it makes me happy*)

2009-01-24 08:00:00

Posts: 1101

ohh boo they made it so that I cant have 8 LAARK shots loaded anymore no more 400 kill games in coop.2009-01-24 15:38:00

Posts: 873

for some reaon i struggle to use most guns and the only guns i can use effecive is the carbine and bulleye, strange enough ive never use a 40mm online2009-01-24 16:23:00

Posts: 362

for some reaon i struggle to use most guns and the only guns i can use effecive is the carbine and bulleye, strange enough ive never use a 40mm online

It's great, as long as you're accurate its a one hit kill.
2009-01-24 17:55:00

Posts: 6728

It's great, as long as you're accurate its a one hit kill.

oh yeah its great, and accuracy thats my thing , i use the marksman as my main gun because it pwns when you are having a good day and are really accurate, some games i can get over 70 accuracy with it which is awesome accuracy. You can most of the time tell who did the best by their accuracy. And most of the time, the one who is the most accurate wins the game (well atleast in a deathmatch)

So rabid coot. you are the carbine master and i am the marksman master (MUHAHAHAHA) so if anyone wants tips, we are open for them

2009-01-24 21:51:00

Posts: 1101

I spent 3 weeks just walking round shooting people you don't need tips to do that.2009-01-24 22:28:00

Posts: 6728

well, true, i guess you need more tips for the marksman (hint: last bullet in the burst is the most important, so kind of do "paint strokes" across them and if you can do a "paint stroke" across them with the last on hitting them in the head and you will get about 50 points out of him if not 57 if done perfectly. also when they are close to you, use practicallity to not soom in when someone is in medium range, because their movement will be too hard to keep track of and get good accuracy on it, just zoom out and shoot them normal, just keep movin and keep the reticule on them) see you need tips for the marksmen, but you must have done some special stuff or techniques or styles of movement to pull off a lot of kills in deathmatches.

2009-01-24 22:39:00

Posts: 1101

Got it yay ^^2009-02-01 07:35:00

Posts: 3701

fall of men is better than 2 ate my opinion2009-07-29 15:57:00

Unknown User

I still have to play it online.2009-07-31 06:45:00

Posts: 5112

i am trying now to complete fall of man again on normal and its stil hard
(dam steelheads!)
2009-07-31 13:14:00

Unknown User

I still have this game just lying around. Never played it ever.

Am I deprived?
2009-07-31 17:14:00

Posts: 1432

I still have this game just lying around. Never played it ever.

Am I deprived?

Maybe. The co-op is pretty fun, competitive multiplayer is fun, but campaign is crap.
2009-07-31 17:24:00

Posts: 3664

agree 2009-07-31 18:09:00

Unknown User

Why is campaign crap?
Good set pieces held together by an average story, built around solid action.
Overall an excellent experience.

Also who buys a game and never plays it? Thats mental.
2009-08-02 07:38:00

Posts: 380

I was hyped for it, but it just suddenly vanished.2009-08-03 03:39:00

Posts: 244

I never played online, I have online connection at home from 2 weeks.
How good is it?
2009-08-03 06:42:00

Posts: 5112

I rented this game and i beat the campaign. The Ending made me really mad

You know the Nathan Hale being Shot by that guy in the black hat! But they did leave it VERY open for #3. I think in #3 you will be that guy in the black hat in the campaign.BTW anyone notice as you get farther and farther in the story it shows Hale's Apperance change in the main menu depending on where your current save is.
2009-08-08 08:56:00

Posts: 6419

Why is campaign crap?
Good set pieces held together by an average story, built around solid action.
Overall an excellent experience.

Also who buys a game and never plays it? Thats mental.

resistance fall of men has a scary theme
resistance 2 has a colorfull theme and that sucks
and the story of R2 gets more starcraft style like and that is lame
2009-08-09 23:29:00

Unknown User

agreed there was an abrupt change between campain styles, like i sort of enjoyed the fact that the first game didnt really have any bosses, but this doesnt make the second one a bad game, i liked the 2nd's inclusion of more main characters and the introduction of a broader storyline2009-08-10 01:06:00

Posts: 667

I have play to resistance 1 and 2 and personaly i like most the first one because the second one is easy and the story is weird. The first one is most difficult than the second and me i like most the game who have some hard things to do.The only thing i had probleme in R2 is the bunch of fly or something like that!2009-08-11 04:50:00

Posts: 609

Just wondering. Is there alot of people online on Resistance 2? I was kinda thinking of getting this game, but I dont want to buy a game that has scarce number of people online.2009-08-12 00:55:00

Posts: 315

youll be fine, both R2 and R1 have enough players that you wont be bored and can pretty much find whatever type of game mode you want to play2009-08-12 01:20:00

Posts: 667

im play resistance 2 i got olmost level 30 with medic 2009-08-13 19:54:00

Unknown User


Yeah, R2's campaign is good. IMO, the whole game is better than RFOM. One, RFOM was insanely difficult and R2's campaign I don't have to replay one firefight 500 times. R2 just feels bigger and creepier and it's more colorful and is just awesome.
2009-08-16 14:48:00

Posts: 3664


Yeah, R2's campaign is good. IMO, the whole game is better than RFOM. One, RFOM was insanely difficult and R2's campaign I don't have to replay one firefight 500 times. R2 just feels bigger and creepier and it's more colorful and is just awesome.

what was creepie then?(i whant to know it )
2009-08-17 00:59:00

Unknown User

My disc broke mysteriously in the ps3 over night2009-08-17 01:20:00

Posts: 1576

My disc broke mysteriously in the ps3 over night

that sucks sue sony now!!!
2009-08-17 01:26:00

Unknown User

I'm 12 lolz
purple purple purple purple
2009-08-17 01:30:00

Posts: 1576


__________________________________________________ _________

is it my are does the chimera of R2 most get more bullets in they body to die then RFOM :kz:
2009-08-17 01:34:00

Unknown User

purple purple purple purple2009-08-17 01:35:00

Posts: 1576

is it my are does the chimera of R2 most get more bullets in they body to die then RFOM :kz:
2009-08-17 01:36:00

Unknown User

NO I think the first takes more bullets .2009-08-17 01:41:00

Posts: 1576

NO I think the first takes more bullets .

No? so you whant so say that in r2 we need to get more bullets in them?
2009-08-17 13:45:00

Unknown User

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