Endless Nightmare 1 (remake)
Archive: 15 posts
Hello everyone! Endless Nightmare 1 (remake) is a level I have been working on for a couple of weeks is finally published! Unlike the old LBP1 version, Endless Nightmare 1 (remake) explains the story in much greater detail. It also contains a wide variety of gameplay mechanics. The story of Endless Nightmare 1 begins the day you fall asleep. When you wake up, the world becomes twisted and bizzare, filled with darkness and hostile creatures. Endless Nightmare is a horror story that reveals the meaning of dreams. The durability in this level is very long. You can take from 20 to 60 minutes to complete it. If you're looking for some long minutes of horror entertainment, then this is the level for you! LBP.me link: http://lbp.me/v/2hw8kf Feedback is appreciated. I don't mind giving anyone some feedback too! http://lbp.me/v/2hw8kf | 2011-07-02 20:10:00 Author: NeonSudagatz ![]() Posts: 75 |
LBP.me is working again ![]() | 2011-07-02 20:41:00 Author: SnipySev ![]() Posts: 2452 |
Ok. ![]() I'm gonna post some pictures soon! | 2011-07-02 21:18:00 Author: NeonSudagatz ![]() Posts: 75 |
I did a reply to this thread, but somehow it doesn't show up so either the server is nuts or I ballsed it up in some way. To be sure, I'll write it again: (edit: yup, my fault... had posted this on another thread by accident ![]() From what I saw, the level is brilliant. Interesting story, creepy atmosphere, detailed, scary surprises, great puzzles and interactivity. But I got stuck and couldn't proceed. (SPOILER ALERT) I found 2 of the 4 numbers we were supposed to seek out. When I was exploring the mansion to find the other 2, I went into that bathroom that tried to drown me via that pipe. the door was closed and the water level had lowered so I got stuck there. I still hearted it because I loved the level, and I'll probably try it again later. Still, I thought you should know. | 2011-07-02 22:08:00 Author: SnipySev ![]() Posts: 2452 |
Hi. After a looong time I finally ended your level (I'm the first xD) Pros: - The argument, original. - The visuals and scary effects. Cons: - The level is too long. - There are some parts where you don't know what to do. For example: the clock puzzle (I found 3 of the 4 numbers but I don't know already how I solved it...) or the final boss. - The level is not suitable for kids... not for the difficulty, but the scary story and decorations. I'm not a kid, but I know that there are lots of them playing LBP2. Please leave me feedback at my level https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=56955-Math-Millionaire-Quiz ![]() | 2011-07-02 22:51:00 Author: ara_que ![]() Posts: 63 |
The water lowered? How did that happened??? I tried doing myself. Oh well, at least you can load the game. Congratz to those who passed this level! I did mention it was long. Better long lasting than short right? | 2011-07-03 02:23:00 Author: NeonSudagatz ![]() Posts: 75 |
The water lowered? How did that happened??? I tried doing myself. Oh well, at least you can load the game. Congratz to those who passed this level! I did mention it was long. Better long lasting than short right? No, the water served its purpose and allowed me to swim up the pipe into that dining room above... But a few moments later I was searching for the other 2 numbers and went down the pipe again, when the water had already disappeared. Only after that sheepishly realising the door was locked and I had no way out. Now that's the endless nightmare xD | 2011-07-03 02:42:00 Author: SnipySev ![]() Posts: 2452 |
But all you had to do was to pop your sackboy. You would had appeared in the dining room again. | 2011-07-03 14:02:00 Author: NeonSudagatz ![]() Posts: 75 |
but all you had to do was to pop your sackboy. You would had appeared in the dining room again. ... What the hell was i thinking? | 2011-07-04 03:01:00 Author: SnipySev ![]() Posts: 2452 |
looooool! You should really give it another try, You are very close to the boss fight. You can go straight to the mansion if you use the "load game" sticker. Good luck! | 2011-07-04 05:54:00 Author: NeonSudagatz ![]() Posts: 75 |
Heya Neon, Just gave your Endless Nightmare a look-see. i 've only played up to the end of the Mansion part so far so... On the plus side of things: You've obviously put a lot of effort into getting the details down right. There's lots of weird and interesting little things to notice (i really liked the jumping TV in the motel). Also you really nail the atmosphere of the place. The fetch quest nature of the motel and mansion sections definitely made me nostalgic for Silent Hill (that's both good and bad, as i'll get into later). Last, i don't quite know why, but the flooding bathroom bit really amused the heck out of me. On the not so plus side of things: i said you nailed the atmosphere of the older survival horror games (like SH), but you emulated one of their features (?) a little too well, i think. That is...it's so empty. You got us wandering back and forth through these really wide open spaces and nothing's really happening. You've got lots of great detail, but it's generally static detail. Now the old games use the wander, wander, all alone technique to build tension, and it works to an extent (though too much tension with no pay-off just gets boring in the end). It seems a lot harder to pull off in LBP, though. It might help if the interiors weren't quite so big with a camera more locked on the player. Leaving things up to the player's imagination? Still, in the over all. You've put together something ambitious, and you definitely get props for that. Some tweaks in the presentation, a little bit more interaction instead of just walking, and i think you might have something really good here. | 2011-07-05 00:42:00 Author: waffleking23 ![]() Posts: 535 |
I totally agree with the camera angles. That is something I must give some practice. In this part of the level, the main character is supposed to be lonely, but you get some interaction in part 2 (its already published). Thanks for the feedback and your support. | 2011-07-05 04:39:00 Author: NeonSudagatz ![]() Posts: 75 |
Positives: +Music was pretty good in the beginning +Buildings were well done, wasn't no sloppy or jagged edges +The monster was okay +Mansion was well built +Poetry book Negatives: -Think there should be a few cameras added in few areas to help push the view back some so it doesn't be up to close on the character. Only the areas before you get to the main building. -Also the elevator that falls, when it hit the ground it threw me through the ground and ended up at the bottom of your level. Rated: ![]() | 2011-07-05 04:40:00 Author: Sabre_ ![]() Posts: 653 |
Ok, here are some pictures of Endless Nightmare. Sorry I posted so late... my laptod died! ![]() 35533 35534 35535 35536 35537 | 2011-07-12 15:05:00 Author: NeonSudagatz ![]() Posts: 75 |
I will give this a look as soon as i can. | 2011-08-22 16:57:00 Author: Flame Dragon ![]() Posts: 312 |
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