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Type-writer with font give away

Archive: 5 posts

For logic exercise, I made a type-writer, and I made a font to go with it.

I'm giving both away, the font is shareable. I think you can use the type writer to type things in your own levels, I don't know how a non-shareable object works. If it creates problems, I can send the object to those in an open way if required.

The logic is far from perfect, and since I'm giving the object away, I haven't made a full system for taking pictures, if you want to type in stuff and take pictures, you need to make your own level for that (I could add stuff like hide the type-writer etc etc. but since I'm giving the object away, I don't think it is necessary.)

When you are done typing, you can delete the type logic, fly away the type-seat and take pictures on your level. If you want, you can change the font to neon or whatever you like.

Please let me know if there's anything that makes this unusable for you, and I may try to fix it.

The object is at level: http://lbp.me/v/2grckf
2011-07-02 18:18:00

Posts: 166

Very good concept, but no thanks 2011-07-08 17:21:00

Posts: 948

Strange way to bump a thread

Anyway, if anyone has problems re-using the font, please let me know and I'll re-upload.
2011-07-09 01:05:00

Posts: 166

If im correct, you can share font that is editable by not naming the object, the same goes for any kind of community object you give away, im almost 100% sure2011-07-09 05:30:00

Posts: 771

Thanks, I've just re-uploaded with an unnamed object, so it should be fine now. Feel free to use the font, no attribution required.2011-07-11 22:57:00

Posts: 166

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