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Sensors and emitters Not Working!..?

Archive: 2 posts

Ok ive got pretty to grips making levels after 2 years o LBP 1 and now 6 months of LBP2 i have made a level with tons of sensors and emitters but there is just this one pain in the back side emitter that i can not make work i have completely detroyed the system of sensors and emitters and re built it more than 10 times and no matter what the sensor will never pick up the frequncy and allow the emitter to emitt...?..? is there some issue or some thing im missing like i said i know how to make and use emitters i have many in the level there is nothing unique about the one that will not work it is just the same as the rest.. There have been a couple of time when it has worked during create mode but not in play mode but this is rare it just normaly never works full stop. any ideas? is there a limit to emitters or something?

OH yes one other thing is any one else having trouble with published levels i can not find my latest in search results so no one else can?
2011-07-02 13:36:00

Unknown User

Have you isolated the problem in a separate, empty level? Do that first. Reduce variables.

- tag+sensor colors match
- tag+sensor names match
- tag+sensor are not on the same chip, or on the same hierarchy of chips
- tag sensor is set to closeness, not signal strength (unless you intend to use that on purpose)
- tags are activated (if wired)
- tag sensor range is large enough
- tag sensor is not on an inactive chip
- emitter is not blocked by an object
- emitter has not reached its set spawn limit
- emitter is not set to emit a max of zero items at a time
- emitter is not set to 1-shot input on a continuous signal (if you expect multiple emissions)
- emitter is not set to ON input on a burst signal (if you expect multiple emissions)
- emitter is set to emit objects with a long enough life time
- you have unpaused your create mode
- the object hosting crucial logic is not destroyed
- you are actually editing a logic object you have placed, not one freshly selected from the popit and not put on a chip yet

If it still fails... try punctuation.
2011-07-02 19:01:00

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