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Sackbot Schematics and Chips

Archive: 3 posts

Sackbot Schematics and Chips is a level I have made to allow members of the LBP 2 community to acquire some Sackbot items I have made. For example, the Advanced Attack Microchip, and the Simple Zombie.(Note, Simple Zombie requires the Metal Gear Solid DLC.)

You are perfectly welcome to use any of these in your levels, as long as you give me credit for the items. Don't want people to use my items and say they are theirs!
I am unable to acquire pictures, as I do not have a camera.

I would like to know what you think of the items after you have had a chance to use them. OF course, you can always skip the items so that you do not need to get them.
LBP.Me link:http://lbp.me/v/0wv1tq
2011-07-02 02:41:00

Unknown User

[3 hours since I started writing this from my mobile]
Sounds great! I'll check them later. By the way, what do you mean with "I don't have a camera"? You can take snapshot of your creation with the Popit Camera tool and passing it to your computer.

Guide to having a photo of your LBP/LBP2 creation uploaded to LBPCentral, by fatman689/DanielEGVi:

Step 1 - Taking the photo(s) in-game:
1. Go to your creation, make sure that everything you want in the snapshot is perfectly visible in the screen.
2. Go to Popit -> Stickers & Decorations -> Take a Photo.
3. Move the camera area with the Left Stick and resize it moving the Right Stick.
4. When you're happy with the position take the snapshot pressing X. If you are in the snapshot, a 3 second counter will appear, giving you time to make a pose, when you are ready, you can press the Square button to skip the counter and take the photo. Feel free to take as many as you want,

Step 2 - Exporting the photo(s) to your PC or Mac (PS3 can't upload directly):
A) Pen Drive (Highest Quality): If you have any USB stick, use the following method:
1. On your Popit, go to 'My Photos' or 'My Pictures' and export them all to your PS3 by pressing the Square button while the cursor is in any of the photos you want to upload to LBPC and then select 'Export to HDD'. Please wait until you get a notice saying the export was successful. Do the same for all the photos that will be uploaded.
2. Exit the game. Do NOT exit the game while not in your Pod or Create Mode and the HDD Activity icon/flashing light is not there/flashing.
3. Once in the XMB, Go to [Photos]. If more than one, just press the Triangle button and then [Copy Multiple], else, select your photo and then [Copy]. Follow the on-screen instructions to copy the photo(s) to your pen drive.
4. Connect it to your PC or Mac. Copy the pictures and you are done with the step!
B) LBP.me (Quality may vary):
1. On your Popit, go to 'My Photos' or 'My Pictures' and upload the snapshots by pressing the Square button and then 'Upload'. Please
2011-07-12 03:28:00

Posts: 54

Nice schematics, and the chips will help me for an upcoming level. Also Fatman, you might want to include re-saving the image from the USB drive as a.png. It prevents the slight distortion that happens when something is saved as a .jpg2011-07-15 07:56:00

Posts: 214

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