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Bouncing Water!

Archive: 10 posts

The most useless, cosmetic thing to ever hit LBP2! It bounces up and down and up and down and up and down until you stomp on it or it hits a ceiling or a wall. Normal drops of water would just *bloop* on the ground and be forgotten. Forever. Banned from existence. Not to be seen again. Never. Ever. Wiped from time. Space. Transported to god knows what. But this one however, does not get destroyed and plunged into anti-existence - you know what, im just gonna skip that part. It just bounces up again. Nothing else happens. But maybe it does. Maybe in some other far away galaxy you freeze the den of Galu'k Yuio'k Galaxar and start an intergalactic war of space alien. Maybe a chinese guy gets a hard attack. Maybe you die a little inside. Maybe a Sackboy pops himself. Maybe a Sackgirl chokes on peanut butter. No one knows. All I know is that it bounces. Probably nothing else though... or WOULD IT? Just god don't stomp on it. You'll transport it to thin air. I can start another whole rant on that again.

Summary: It does freaking nothing.
A work on progress, just needs a little update and then you can get it from my planet.
2011-06-29 11:12:00

Unknown User

...so a water projectile with bouncyness 100% from an object tweaker?2011-06-29 11:44:00

Posts: 572

...so a water projectile with bouncyness 100% from an object tweaker?

No, because it would get destroyed upon impact. Although, does that work?
2011-07-01 12:10:00

Unknown User

lol, show a pic and photo2011-07-07 21:14:00

Posts: 948

Easy, you put the indestructible option to yes.2011-07-20 12:02:00

Posts: 125

meterial changer indestructable and 100 bouncy easy2011-07-20 12:13:00

Posts: 43

I just tried that and it doesen't work. It does bounce up but it disappears a half-second afterwards.2011-07-20 16:23:00

Posts: 217

Piece of hologram glued to the the bottom with an impact sensor that activates a mover?2011-07-20 16:34:00

Posts: 706

Lol rad, how long do you think about these things?
Radish is probably right lol
2011-07-21 01:17:00

Posts: 17

it seems you would have to use a hologram with a mover. But this is indeed one of those awesome (probably useless) things that I like making too. Good job.2011-07-29 21:46:00

Unknown User

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