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The Printz Diaries, Prologue: Cityscapes and Dreamscapes

Archive: 7 posts


The Printz Diaries has been reborn! After scrapping the project and deciding to start over entirely, this is my remake of my introductory cinematic. Two months in the making, and with music made by myself and my husband radio_statik, I couldn't be happier with the results!

Please do feel free to leave any constructive criticism you have in this thread - I'm always happy to take advice for improvement!

2011-06-28 22:25:00

Posts: 1015

I can't believe nobody showed up here to say anything? I haven't played the level, but I have it queued and will give you all my feedbackz ASAP 2011-07-11 21:40:00

Posts: 1758

I remember watching the original back when it was first posted here months ago.
You've made some great improvements. The way the environments look nearly seemless
and all the little details. Light and music sync is always nice to see. Great voice acting,
a funny premise and over all theme. Very good effects too.

Keep it going, It's bound to get the attention it deserves.
2011-07-11 23:17:00

Fated For Failure
Posts: 81

I can't believe nobody showed up here to say anything? I haven't played the level, but I have it queued and will give you all my feedbackz ASAP

Heh yeah. I guess the lack of F4F lost a lot of attention. I think this stayed on the first page for like... 12 hours? lol!

I remember watching the original back when it was first posted here months ago.
You've made some great improvements. The way the environments look nearly seemless
and all the little details. Light and music sync is always nice to see. Great voice acting,
a funny premise and over all theme. Very good effects too.

Keep it going, It's bound to get the attention it deserves.

Many thanks Fated. The music synch is probably my favourite improvement of the movie. I hate to blow my own trumpet but looking back at my old version is a little bit scary lol!
2011-07-12 10:02:00

Posts: 1015

Oh, I played it.
The level is a very nice introduction to the series, with great and very detailed scenery, and really fun humour and voice acting.
And it has subtitles too
Definitely a movie that is worth seeing.
2011-07-12 10:21:00

Posts: 5112

Some really great stuff in this one...very enjoyable. The billy-jean sidewalk action is very cool, and you've constructed some beautiful set pieces using the extra layers, like the bridge scene. Dialog was funny, Iiked the way tink reluctantly delivered her lines. I hope we get to play the actual adventure soon, I'm really interesting in how you're going to implement a point and click adventure...because judging from these 2 intros it's going to be great.2011-07-16 16:35:00

Posts: 1214

Thanks both!

@Omega - yes, although a lot of people are still requesting I add subtitles. Maybe this is a more common glitch than we first thought - or maybe the others just dont have them turned on... meh?

@Full - Thanks very much I'm still working on the first playable level. It's a little painful to admit that I actually had a fully playable platforming level ready to publish after the downtime. However, the more I played it, the less I lilked it - Just didn't feel platforming fit in with the story - there's probably more comedy than action in this one! So that is still sitting on my moon, until I'm brave enough to rip it apart for scrap pieces XD Well I'm working on visuals and I'll be starting the logic as soon as I feel brave enough. I want to make the series compatible with both Move and Sixaxis, which is more than a little bit scary - Fingers crossed for me!
2011-07-16 23:55:00

Posts: 1015

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