The Redundant Switch Pack: Level 2
Archive: 1 post
The Awesomness that is "The Redundant Switch" (Patent Pending, but quite unlikely) Comes to the PS3 Platform to play on Little Big Planet 2. Simply find the level via the Keyword Search included with your game and hit the Play Button! Soon you'll be on your way to a more funner few minutes. Ever wanted to push a button forever? And Ever? This is fun for more than 20,000 Hours! Those of us at Path-E-Tech even tested the enjoyment rate of this level with several notoriously harsh critics. After a civilized exchange of money -as a thank you for driving to our hidden base, of course- took place, we allowed them all the time they wanted in the testing room. 20,000 hours later, their empty skeletons gave us a bony thumbs up! (they were then given a proper burial) To return to our original statement, you are allowed to push the "Redundant Button" as many times as you wish, with no cameras in the room either! However, there have been reports of a floating eye in the room! Seriously! A floating eye! What in the name of Sally Sasquatch? http://lbp.me/v/280rdn | 2011-06-28 02:12:00 Author: Phazerz123 ![]() Posts: 440 |
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