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3d camera problems

Archive: 3 posts

Hey guys. Been working on a new mech but i need the 3D camera glitch for part of it. I set up the camera on the side of some hologram material and make all the adjustments inside (local space on, double check angle and zoom, etc.) and its all well and good adjusting but when I activate the camera either by a switch or being near it, it dosent work right. It just goes to the max normal angle and stops. Ive talked with a few other people and they are having the same issue. I tried looking up a tutorial to make sure I did everything right but nothin was very clear on settings for me to double check my settings. I found a few cameras otehrs had made but when I try to place one on my mech i get the same issue. Any idea?2011-06-27 21:13:00

Posts: 139

Is the controllinator in the closest thin layer? In all my experience with it, it had to be.2011-06-27 21:35:00

Posts: 1136

no, nearest controlinator is on the front most thick layer. Ive seen it done with out direct hook up to a controlinator before but ill give that a try.

ive done this before and it wasnt this hard I swear. Can some one tell me what settings I need to make sure Im not over looking somthing?
2011-06-27 22:12:00

Posts: 139

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