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Voice acting level

Archive: 2 posts

I'm sure this has been done many times before, but I'd like to see how far I can go with doing voices in levels. As of now, I'm making a little level, updating every now and then, that has impersonations of random characters voices. Examples would be Wesker, Chris, and Conker. Anyway, whole idea is to show the different examples of voices I can do and to see if I can do more but attemtping to do those that people suggest.

I already have the level up. Just search for Lord-Papius on lbp2. Level is Free Voice Acting... Actually it's only level I have at the moment.

If anyone's wondering about the other level ideas I had, I haven't done them. I'm really not good at making levels on this game. More of an idea giver I guess... Either way, it'd be complicated to do those levels as well as my other project. But, this will be something that will be in both lbp and my project as I'd like to try and practice voice acting. I figured this would be the best way to get some new ideas and maybe even get my voice as a few characters in other peoples levels/projects.
2011-06-25 20:20:00

Unknown User

Don't really understand what you want, I'll do some voice acting for your projects.

Also if you want any promotion for your level I am making a tv sorta level, which I and some other players will be making. Before or after or most likely inbetween shows, you can create a commercial for your level showing a few sneak peeks, this will give your level a big bang, as you can say "as seen on LittleBigToons"
here is the link if you are interested:https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=61277-LittleBigToons-(Help-Wanted)) READ COMMERCIAL SECTION
Also if you or you know someone who will be interested in creating a show for the series, refer them to the link
2011-08-07 00:49:00

Posts: 515

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