1S Big Air Competition
Archive: 18 posts
1S Big Air CompetitionKindred_LBPC .... Whoa... it's like our second level! ![]() | 2011-06-24 09:41:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
First! *Bows head again when hoarder is in sight* I played it, and the Sack O' zade fell from the sky ? I tought that the supply was stolen. Mark my words, they're up to something. Other than that this level was the most epic Survival challenge evar. Even epic-er than Darcyh's Pac-Man. 5 X :star: and 1 X <3 | 2011-06-24 09:44:00 Author: nysudyrgh ![]() Posts: 5482 |
1S Big Air CompetitionKindred_LBPC .... Whoa... it's like our second level! ![]() When did you get on? Anyways, glad you made the thread earlier than the last one. Now we can redirect them to here. Fun-facts and other things to come soon. ![]() EDIT: Wait, why are you so happy all of a sudden? I thought you hated us. >_> | 2011-06-24 09:46:00 Author: CyberSora ![]() Posts: 5551 |
:star::star::star::star:<3 Not 5 because I have such a history with classic arcade games that it takes a lot to make one that makes me completely happy. But its still as fun as some of the best Mario Party mini-games,and some of the N64 ones were just amazing. ![]() Plus I have a hint of jealousy as ,until I feel like restarting my profile, I can't make good mini-games. (emitters cause crashing and I have a level to finish before I reboot) Like last time I will probably play it about 5 times or so to beat my own score, and hopefully someone else's. | 2011-06-24 14:28:00 Author: Morgalaga ![]() Posts: 164 |
![]() I'm scared. ![]() | 2011-06-24 17:22:00 Author: Silver39 ![]() Posts: 1703 |
![]() Me too ![]() | 2011-06-24 17:32:00 Author: Schark94 ![]() Posts: 3378 |
Me too ![]() What the? I don't get why you changed the smiley. The point of the joke was that the Hoarder was always evil, but now hes being... happy. That's what so scary. Dang rookies, I gotta explain the joke to em. ![]() | 2011-06-24 17:39:00 Author: Silver39 ![]() Posts: 1703 |
I have to Play this level and I won't tell you why! The Hoarder will whip me if I don't...but don't tell him that or He will Reduce me to dust particles | 2011-06-24 18:52:00 Author: butter-kicker ![]() Posts: 1061 |
What the? I don't get why you changed the smiley. The point of the joke was that the Hoarder was always evil, but now hes being... happy. That's what so scary. Dang rookies, I gotta explain the joke to em. ![]() Yeah, but on his previous thread there was a ![]() and... Kratos is scary. ![]() | 2011-06-24 18:53:00 Author: Schark94 ![]() Posts: 3378 |
and... Kratos is scary. ![]() If you want to talk about scary, I could tell you all about the time I met Barney. ![]() Anywho, This level was great! Good job guys! :star::star::star::star::star: and a <3 And to this: Whoa... it's like our second level! ![]() I have to say... The Hoarder doesn't speak like this! This cannot be the real Hoarder!!!! I call Hacks!!! :kz: | 2011-06-24 21:00:00 Author: ConverseFox ![]() Posts: 2333 |
I have to say... The Hoarder doesn't speak like this! This cannot be the real Hoarder!!!! I call Hacks!!! :kz: To be honest guys, I'm actually wondering the same thing. This isn't Hoarder at all. Trust me, he's a ***** when it comes to development. Why he's decided to take on a new mood is beyond me. I'm going to ask him soon. I think he's just excited or something. | 2011-06-25 01:06:00 Author: CyberSora ![]() Posts: 5551 |
To be honest guys, I'm actually wondering the same thing. This isn't Hoarder at all. Trust me, he's a ***** when it comes to development. Why he's decided to take on a new mood is beyond me. I'm going to ask him soon. I think he's just excited or something. I think he's just happy he gets some new people to abuse and/or work for him. | 2011-06-25 01:25:00 Author: Silver39 ![]() Posts: 1703 |
This is my favorite survival challenge ever made on the PSP. Seriously, it's beautifully designed and packed with great mechanics. Obviously :star::star::star::star::star: <3 Pictures coming soon ![]() | 2011-06-25 02:00:00 Author: anoken ![]() Posts: 1654 |
As promised, tips, tricks, and some other stuff. Enjoy! ![]() Level 1S: Big Air Competition! Story The level, believe it or not*, is not part of the story and is in fact seen through the eyes of a Platformeranian. Sackboy has yet to arrive, and the level is considered to be at a setting before the actual story begins. Sackboy later enters the tribe's city and finds out the Sackozade is missing. Fun Facts -The level was completed before Level 1A: The Platformeranians, but was stored away until the first level got the chance to be published. An ironic move, no? - A total of 4 people worked on the level: Spark151, amazingflyingpoo, Alismuffin, and CyberSora. - The original concept art asked for a simple jump survival. Over the course, however, other hazards and different mechanics, like the Sackozade mechanic, was implemented. - amazingflyingpoo created the Sackozade mechanic, a "magical" way to allow the player to jump at a higher level. The first demonstration of this mechanic was "leaked" onto the Community Moon near August; only a handful of players got to play it before deletion. - Hoarder sucks at getting the highscore. ![]() Tips - When you get the Sackozade, jump only in the middle and rack up some combos by getting the top center bubbles only. Avoid hazards and ignore any falling points. - During the bombing segment, don't attempt to jump too much. Instead, wait for the Sackozade to show up to rack up combos like in the previous tip. - Keep away from the sides. The bombing segment is more difficult to play at the sides than on the center. - If there's a fire hazard right above you, do not jump! This will sometimes result in an instant death. Just walk over to the next platform and jump around it. - IF YOU'RE POSITIVE YOU'RE GOING TO DIE ANY SECOND, KILL YOURSELF WITH THE RETRY BUTTON! This will save you from losing points from your score. *Don't sue me, Ripley! =P | 2011-06-25 22:21:00 Author: CyberSora ![]() Posts: 5551 |
As promised, tips, tricks, and some other stuff. Enjoy! ![]() Level 1S: Big Air Competition! Story The level, believe it or not*, is not part of the story and is in fact seen through the eyes of a Platformeranian. Sackboy has yet to arrive, and the level is considered to be at a setting before the actual story begins. Sackboy later enters the tribe's city and finds out the Sackozade is missing. Fun Facts -The level was completed before Level 1A: The Platformeranians, but was stored away until the first level got the chance to be published. An ironic move, no? - A total of 4 people worked on the level: Spark151, amazingflyingpoo, Alismuffin, and CyberSora. - The original concept art asked for a simple jump survival. Over the course, however, other hazards and different mechanics, like the Sackozade mechanic, was implemented. - amazingflyingpoo created the Sackozade mechanic, a "magical" way to allow the player to jump at a higher level. The first demonstration of this mechanic was "leaked" onto the Community Moon near August; only a handful of players got to play it before deletion. - Hoarder sucks at getting the highscore. ![]() Tips - When you get the Sackozade, jump only in the middle and rack up some combos by getting the top center bubbles only. Avoid hazards and ignore any falling points. - During the bombing segment, don't attempt to jump too much. Instead, wait for the Sackozade to show up to rack up combos like in the previous tip. - Keep away from the sides. The bombing segment is more difficult to play at the sides than on the center. - If there's a fire hazard right above you, do not jump! This will sometimes result in an instant death. Just walk over to the next platform and jump around it. - IF YOU'RE POSITIVE YOU'RE GOING TO DIE ANY SECOND, KILL YOURSELF WITH THE RETRY BUTTON! This will save you from losing points from your score. *Don't sue me, Ripley! =P I don't think that last tip really applies here because by the time the 3 seconds it takes to retry are up, you're bound to be killed standing still. Thanks for revealing all of my secrets, that's cool too. ![]() | 2011-06-25 22:48:00 Author: WoodburyRaider ![]() Posts: 1651 |
good work kindred team, you have got another spotlight. lets hope you can get more levels out soon, good luck! | 2011-07-11 02:10:00 Author: darcyh ![]() Posts: 191 |
Omg I didn't see this thread xDD Anyways, I thought I'd be the best at this level cos I playtested it heaps, but it seems some people just have no lives :c | 2011-07-11 04:38:00 Author: Alismuffin ![]() Posts: 1328 |
And the Kindred team pull in another spotlight for their lord and master. Was there ever a doubt? One of the two best levels in this week's PSP spotlights. | 2011-07-11 09:45:00 Author: BlackWolfe ![]() Posts: 299 |
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