Cosmic Blasters - A Twin-Stick Shooter
Archive: 4 posts
Cosmic Blasters is a two-stick style shooter game where players take command of remote control spaceships and test their skills blowing each other up, or taking out their aggression on moving targets. There are also colored targets that match the player's colors, grab your color for bonus points, but avoid the opponent colors, as they take some points away. Left stick to move, Right stick to shoot. Blow each other up in Battle Mode, or shoot moving targets in Target Mode. Game will work for 1-4 players. Battle Mode is for 2-4 players, and Target Mode is for 1-4 Players. You may choose between Battle Mode and Target Mode after the menu screen disappears, however, game will automatically play in Target Mode if playing single player, regardless of what the switch reads. The ships in Target Mode will not damage each other, so score is completely based on how many targets you hit. The game will last 5 minutes after the timer has started. Game will start once all players are seated at a workstation, and will end when the battery bar at the bottom is completely drained. "Battle Mode" and "Target Mode" font on the game selector at the beginning was created by Jaybeezy420. All other objects and logic in this level were created by myself. I posted a few pictures so you can get an idea of what the playing board looks like, as well ads a picture from the instructions menu at the beginning. Please enjoy and give me any suggestions you can think of, I have put a lot of work in this level, and I'm still adding to it every day.:star: http://ic.lbp.me/img/ft/cec7007b4910036eeb87be81a1e85695a38652d8.jpg http://i4.lbp.me/img/ft/ac4379d420b5ea557aab9ee58032993b763d7575.jpg http://i4.lbp.me/img/ft/6445efb23a7779efc7251f20a1184fd88b710dc9.jpg http://ie.lbp.me/img/ft/3aed82718df06ed4bd95b916f253616fd0030144.jpg http://if.lbp.me/img/ft/b7f84c6edd75c3648a4eef208662ea5c3dd15a65.jpg http://lbp.me/v/1bvec4 | 2011-06-24 01:54:00 Author: sp0ngyraver ![]() Posts: 407 |
Seem cool, added to queue, will play with my friend tomorrow ![]() | 2011-06-24 04:17:00 Author: Sport_dude ![]() Posts: 622 |
Thanks! Let me know what you think! | 2011-06-24 18:55:00 Author: sp0ngyraver ![]() Posts: 407 |
I have made a few changes in the past few days. A lot of it is behind the scenes so you may not notice it, but the thermo has been reduced by about 5%. | 2011-06-28 09:53:00 Author: sp0ngyraver ![]() Posts: 407 |
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