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UFO Attack 2011
Archive: 34 posts
Recently there have been thousands of cases that have been brought up since April of 2011. i know what some of you are thinking, but this is different from all of the years that have been before 2011. There has been a very significant increase in sightings all over the world and this is stirring up alot of commotion. Ive seen more UFO videos in April than i have ever seen in my entire life. There is a chinese village that was reported to have dissapeared. There are sometimes mass fleets in space. there have been several anomalies which have actually killed and injured people in Germany and New Zealand. among other things i heard 500 workers at NASA and the military base in Fort Worth were discovered dead after this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-lGvylPv-cU This is to me a really important issue and i feel as if were getting closer to full disclosure on this subject than ever before so i wanted to see your thoughts and opinions on this as well, so what do you think? | 2011-06-22 23:29:00 Author: Charlemagne Posts: 513 |
Haha. I laughed, thanks. Are you being serious? | 2011-06-22 23:32:00 Author: bonner123 Posts: 1487 |
Haha. I laughed, thanks. Are you being serious? Hahaha, yes i am being serious bonner. From the looks of your picture im guessing your one of those crazy 2012 people? | 2011-06-22 23:40:00 Author: Charlemagne Posts: 513 |
Uhh... all I can say is WHAT THE FUDGE? o.0; ? Weird, first we have apocalypse warnings now UFO attacks? o.0; ? | 2011-06-22 23:52:00 Author: Fang Posts: 578 |
Why has this mass deaths of 500 people not been on the news. Surely that would get a lot of publicity, if it actually happened. You've just been saying words. I can do that too. They say hat if all the people in India were to jump up and down at once, we'd crash into the moon. You say you've also seen more UFO videos from April than any other time in your whole life. What, from when you started using YouTube in 2006? It's likely there's more videos of every kind now than there used to be. Maybe you're just looking for them more or better. | 2011-06-22 23:58:00 Author: KQuinn94Z Posts: 1758 |
No, my avatar is one of the most memorable scenes in cinematic history. Anyhow... this stuff is definitely nonsense. Stop being stupid. <3 | 2011-06-23 00:01:00 Author: bonner123 Posts: 1487 |
Why has this mass deaths of 500 people not been on the news. Surely that would get a lot of publicity, if it actually happened. You've just been saying words. I can do that too. They say hat if all the people in India were to jump up and down at once, we'd crash into the moon. You say you've also seen more UFO videos from April than any other time in your whole life. What, from when you started using YouTube in 2006? It's likely there's more videos of every kind now than there used to be. Maybe you're just looking for them more or better. Just because i believe in this stuff doesnt mean im not being at least a little skeptical. and its not just that ive noticed it. many people are noticing it as well and its getting more and more intense and gaining more publicity, which is good. people need to know that this may be happening. i never said that i believed all of it, only the cases that have alot of witnesses and seem unexplainable, i leave the rest for everyone else to decide. This is for your opinion of the possible significant increase of sightings, not your opinion of myself. now can we please stay on topic? this isnt about the fact that i believe this this is about whatever the hell is happening on this earth. Edit: Bonner, just because i believe in something that you find stupid does not make me stupid. its like religious beliefs except theres actually something scientific involved. and i have faith in science that this is actually happening. | 2011-06-23 00:07:00 Author: Charlemagne Posts: 513 |
The apocalypse warnings was the disease control trying to bribe people into reading the disaster tips for Tornadoes, Hurricanes, scary things like that But the UFO? I have a list of reasons this isn't real.. #1: Aliens are fiction. #2: Other people submit fake UFO videos to make others believe aliens are real, as well as fake photos. #3: Where'd you get that story? It was probably made up by someone else on the internet. #4: There are no Aliens among us planning an evil attack. There is a bunch of things that could have caused those accidents if those accidents were even real, if so, aliens didn't cause it. #5: As for pictures and videos, anyone can edit pictures/videos for special effects, why not lights? #6: All this would have been on the news across the globe. The reporters would have seen it as a kid that seen a big bucket of Ice Cream It's okay if you believe in it, I'm not going against you, I just wanted you to see the other side to this I don't wanna fight lol I don't believe in these things. | 2011-06-23 00:09:00 Author: Unknown User |
The apocalypse warnings was the disease control trying to bribe people into reading the disaster tips for Tornadoes, Hurricanes, scary things like that But the UFO? I have a list of reasons this isn't real.. #1: Aliens are fiction. #2: Other people submit fake UFO videos to make others believe aliens are real, as well as fake photos. #3: Where'd you get that story? It was probably made up by someone else on the internet. #4: There are no Aliens among us planning an evil attack. There is a bunch of things that could have caused those accidents if those accidents were even real, if so, aliens didn't cause it. #5: As for pictures and videos, anyone can edit pictures/videos for special effects, why not lights? #6: All this would have been on the news across the globe. The reporters would have seen it as a kid that seen a big bucket of Ice Cream It's okay if you believe in it, I'm not going against you, I just wanted you to see the other side to this I don't wanna fight lol I don't believe in these things. 1. i dont see how they are fiction. there are 6 billion galaxies in the universe each with billlions of planets. you dont think that one has developed an advanced system of space travel and travels to earth? stop being so unacceptably egocentric. 2. There are millions of these and you dont think for one second that one of these may actually be real and not a hoax? you should watch fact or faked, theyre like mythbusters but combine that with ghost hunters and you get a paranormal version. 3. Real or not, it doesnt mean that im not a little skeptical about it. Anything is possible in this big crazy universe so i wouldnt think for a second that this was %100 impossible. 4. Im not saying that theyre attacking, i just thought that was an appropriate title. that is possible, it could have been an accident. but what ive heard is that they were delivering a device from Afghanistan that caused the Anomaly. I dont think that aliens caused the bizarre flashes of light. i think that whatever they were delivering caused the bizarre flashes of light. 5. Yes, but these things happened before photo/video editing even existed. I dont even think computers existed in the 1940s. stop being so biased. 6. Obviously it isnt going to be news if people like you arent going to believe it. THe news puts stories up based on what people do and dont want to hear. The media can do whatever they please, theyre not stupid | 2011-06-23 00:30:00 Author: Charlemagne Posts: 513 |
This can only mean two things. Either it was a pretty awesome concert in Texas or people are getting better with using adobe after effects. | 2011-06-23 00:37:00 Author: Alec Posts: 3871 |
This can only mean two things. Either it was a pretty awesome concert in Texas or people are getting better with using adobe after effects. im pretty sure that you would have heard the concert. and if there were explosions im pretty sure those would have been heard too. as for the adobe after effects theory. I dont know, just believe whatever the hell you want to believe dude. | 2011-06-23 00:50:00 Author: Charlemagne Posts: 513 |
I dont know, just believe whatever the ____ you want to believe dude. That goes both ways.. We all have our beliefs in this world, only because one of us believes this, doesn't mean all of us will follow, you believing this and standing up for it, I admire that | 2011-06-23 02:23:00 Author: Unknown User |
Well, time to prepare http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORb3zC8z94w | 2011-06-23 02:44:00 Author: Spazz Posts: 484 |
Wow, that video seemed much more real than the one in the OP. Makes me wonder why people tend to believe the latter more. | 2011-06-23 02:56:00 Author: Littlebigdude805 Posts: 1924 |
From what others have been saying, these explosions of colours are caused by a cascade of transformer explosions after a brutal thunderstorm the day before. Embedding the original video actually taken would be nice so here's the link to it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NYCHBI66izs&feature=related. The description also provides a lot more insight to what's causing these explosions of colour. Anyways, that's just my two cents. | 2011-06-23 03:22:00 Author: Cheddars Posts: 447 |
Prove it. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occam's_razor#Testing_the_razor) Unfortunately, the one thing missing from all of these UFO (abduction/attacks/interactions etc) is verifyable EVIDENCE. And with-out that crucial element - it's all just hokum. And with all of these "thousands" of sightings - and "hundreds dead" and "towns dissapearing" - you would think there would be at least some kind of physical evidence? I know for a fact that UFO's do exist - I have seen them with my own eyes ; and I wouldn't have believed my own eyes had my brother (who is the biggest skeptic on the planet) not been with me at the time and also saw them. Now, where I live is considered a UFO "hotspot" - with many people reporting UFO sightings. There's even a video I found a couple of years after I saw my UFO that is almost identical to what I saw (search for "Erskine UFO" on you tube - wow, actually looks like more videos have been added). Now either the entire town is deliberately reporting hoax sightings (and somehow corroborating each others accounts - despite having never met) - or there really ARE strange lights hovering about in the skies above my home-town. But strange lights in the sky moving in unusual ways does not 'Aliens' prove. They could be a natural meteorological phenomenon that has yet to be explained. Or some kind of secret government stealth craft. Either of those explanations is 100,000,000,000 times more likely than "Aliens". Belief in aliens betrays a deep misunderstanding on how evolution actually works and the vast time-scales involved. All cases of alien abduction are far better explained by Psychology than Ufology. And the "It's a big universe - so 'anything' is possible" - is naive in the extreme. Even with the size and expanse of the universe - the physical barriers that you need to over-come to engage in the kind of interdimensional/interstellar travel that Alien enthusiasts propose is so unlikely that it is more likely NEVER to happen through-out the entire life-span of the universe, than the chances that an Alien civilisation would A) last long enough to develop the technology; B) Exist in the same Universal Time Period as us; C) Be able to locate us in such a vast universe; D) Have any interest in visiting this planet. In fact, the chances that something as complex and fragile as life could exist in the universe is so remote, that it also is incredibly unlikely to happen anywhere in the universe during any time period. So the fact that it has already happened once - means the chances of it happening twice is even more remote.... especially given the series of unlikely events that led to our evolution. the chances that these two seperately evolving life forms would then interact with-each other IN ANY WAY, is beyond the realms of credibilty. That's not to say that it is impossible for a seperate chain of life to independantly evolve on a different planet under similar circumstances. But the chances of us (or them) from ever detecting another is so remote, that we may as well say "it's impossible". There's an easy way to prove me wrong - provide some EVIDENCE that I am wrong and that "Alines" have at any time - past or present, visited earth.... otherwise - by default - until such time as there is evidence to the contrary we can safely assume "That the living organisms of earth are entirely unique in the universe". It is not "egotistical" to assume this... it is humble realism. What is egotistical, is to assume that a highly advanced interdimensional/interstellar race of space-faring beings would have any interest at all in amusing themselves by watching a bunch of under-evolved apes kill each other in new and inventive ways. Evidence is the bain of the Alien Hunter | 2011-06-23 15:40:00 Author: Macnme Posts: 1970 |
We must also ask the age old question of "Why was there a guy standing there with a camcorder at that specific time and place?" The place being the area that gave the best overview of events, as if it was planned. | 2011-06-23 16:44:00 Author: FlipMeister Posts: 631 |
But with so much out there in space, are we truly alone? Probably not, but is the rest anything more than extremly simple lifeforms? Probably not. | 2011-06-23 16:57:00 Author: kirbyman62 Posts: 1893 |
From the looks of your picture im guessing your one of those crazy 2012 people? What no, that's the monolith at the beginning of 2001. | 2011-06-23 22:48:00 Author: Ayneh Posts: 2454 |
I believe in Aliens, but I don't believe that they are anywhere Near Earth | 2011-06-24 00:24:00 Author: Unknown User |
Holy cow! I live here in Texas, not three hours from where that video was taken and my brother lives right there. I can't believe this happened and we didn't know about it. Look, I believe in aliens and UFO's and government coverups but this video is not an alien attack. | 2011-06-24 00:30:00 Author: biorogue Posts: 8424 |
Yesterday I saw a lightning flash. It must be aliens! | 2011-06-24 01:56:00 Author: GameRoom Posts: 200 |
We must also ask the age old question of "Why was there a guy standing there with a camcorder at that specific time and place?" The place being the area that gave the best overview of events, as if it was planned. I carry my flip video camera with me all the time. doesnt mean that im just going to point at the sky with it and deliberately fake something. Yesterday I saw a lightning flash. It must be aliens! No, but you should get that checked out by your therapist, it may be schitzophrenia or dementia and Macnme. You prove a valid point with the chances of possesion of space technology and all other things. but if a species is able to defy gravity and travel throughout space then dont you think that would also make them able to make some kind of life detecting technology? Better yet, how do you know that we werent put here? Any civilizationn that has a great technological advantage may also be able to place life on other planets as well dont you think? some cases actually have evidence but not very strong evidence. the roswell case for example, one of the strongest in Ufology. some tapes portray extraterrestrials, real or fake it is difficult to tell(At least for me, you skeptics are obviously not very convinced. these are both supposed tapes from after the roswell incident. this is from an autopsy. its sort of graphic so i suggest anyone with a weak stomach dont watch it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QzmmlaZ9b9I Ill post the other video later. my internet gets screwy whenever i go on youtube. | 2011-06-24 15:13:00 Author: Charlemagne Posts: 513 |
please don't take my arguing with you personally LittleBigEnder - I like you But here I go ; Videos can be faked - so it's not by itself a reliable source. But here's an alternative explination for ALL UFO sightings - and as it has the same evidential basis as "actual" UFOlogy (ie; none at all) - then it can be considered just as valid an explination (until Occams Razor is applied); Every single case of UFO sightings, Abduction, Baby Snatching etc - was actually Witches. They live in "The Magical Realm" that exists between universes... and so normal physical laws do not apply. Those crazy lights moving in strange gravity defying ways - that's just the witches flying around on their broom sticks. Those black-eyed "Greys" are demons doing the witches bidding. They aren;t using some "advanced technology" - but are using magic. Now before you dismiss this theory out of hand - consider... that prior to the age of enlightenment - beings like Witches, Fairies, Elves, Trolls - even things like Unicorns and Gryffins - were thought to exist. The Bible even says "Suffer Ye Not A Witch To Live". And all of the classic "abduction" characteristics were also explained by the presence of Witches. People would report them entering their rooms at night - abducting them to their lairs - and violating them, or ripping a baby from a womb - all the while paralyzing them with a magic spell. Then they would return them to their rooms "as if nothing had happened". Sounds awfully similar to an Alien Abduction account doesn't it? We even believed this explanation enough to put women to death for being a witch. Now, you could argue that the "witches" were actually Aliens - it's just that the primitive people of the time did not fully understand what was happening to them. But Aliens didn't appear anywhere in recorded history until science fiction writers of the 19th century (who's ideas stemmed from new learnings about the cosmos) - before that it's all witches and elves. Or, You could argue that these experiences are part of the dormant human psyche (the anal probes betraying a mans subconscious fears - and the 'baby-snatching' betraying a females subconscious fears). The "Goblin/Elf/Troll/Alien" face - which when you look at descriptions of them they do seem quite similar - is actually just our subconscious mind firing out a generic face using our brains "facial recognition software" - which often gives false positives (like people seeing the face of Jesus in a slice of toast); And we will just attribute what-ever is popular at the time (witches/elves/aliens) as the explanation for the "unexplained" events. These abduction experiences are purely psychological - brought about by sleep paralysis. As to what those strange lights are in the sky - *shrug* - who knows. That's why we call them U.F.O's (Unidentified Flying Objects) - the minute you say it's an Alien Craft you have 'identified' it as an Alien craft and it is no longer a "UFO". . And just remember that in the absence of any corroborating EVIDENCE - then the 'Witches from the Magical realm' explanation is just as valid (and actually explains the phenomenon better) than "Aliens from another Dimension". Until, of course - you apply Occam's razor - when you quickly realise that neither explination is a valid one. | 2011-06-24 15:40:00 Author: Macnme Posts: 1970 |
You prove yet another point Macnme. Whatever these things actually are nobody knows, be they witches, extraterrestrials or ghosts, etc. You should watch Ancient Aliens. It brings up some interesting theories about why certain things in history like drawings in caves from early man and mythology from europe and also some interesting things in the myan pyramids Edit: Ive actually read a few abduction cases that werent really anxiety-related like physical experimentation. i once read about a U.S. Marshall that was brought onto a ship and experienced experimentation involving the use of advanced technology by himself and being taken to their home planet for a short time. | 2011-06-25 09:27:00 Author: Charlemagne Posts: 513 |
And a kid has written a best selling book about his journey to heaven (http://www.google.co.uk/products/catalog?hl=en&client=firefox-a&hs=Tn4&rls=org.mozilla:en-GB:official&q=heaven+is+for+real&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&biw=1336&bih=659&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=14662235089916891337&sa=X&ei=VKEFTv-oH8fKhAeL64jZDQ&ved=0CEIQ8wIwAg). It doesn't mean that it actually happened. Apply Occams Razor... is it more likey that the US Marshal had a psychotic episode - which have been known to happen on numerous occasions - or that he was some kind of "chosen ambassador" for the human race that the Aliens decided to take on a nice little trip? Now if the Marshal then produced some of the advanced technology he got his hands on for our inspection... then I would be more inclined to believe him. The one thing all of these accounts lack is EVIDENCE. As for Ancient Myan Wall Drawings... you are only picking and choosing one tiny part of the whole drawing and deciding "Ah, this is depicting an alien encounter" - but you are now in the realm of the gods. If you hadn't noticed, accounts of interactions with Gods are wildly fantastical, and they also involve alot of magic. If you are going to take the religious accounts as actual evidence, then you also have to take the rest of that religions accounts into consideration.... all those snake/panther/many armed-many headed/monkey/mongoose/spider/etc/etc/etc gods that they also described... which then discredits the evidence that you would claim as real. There was also a case of a mother, who had a very vivid abduction experience - was taken abourd their ship and shown around. Only when she 'came to' and told her family all about it - they told her that she had been asleep in her chair for the entire time. Now... without the family being there and witnessing that she didn't go anywhere, she was just dreaming, that would have been chalked up as another example of alien abduction. Apply Occams razor and re-evaluate every single one of these abduction stories. | 2011-06-25 09:57:00 Author: Macnme Posts: 1970 |
Maybe a long time ago humans left the earth and went to a new planet and now they are checking in on us. XDXD just kidding but what a thought. | 2011-06-25 14:26:00 Author: Klak_334 Posts: 59 |
It's time travelers. | 2011-06-25 15:20:00 Author: Rabid-Coot Posts: 6728 |
To think that we are the smartest beings or ALONE for that matter in a galaxy so vast we can't even understand it ourselves just makes me laugh. Open up your minds and free yourself from what your teacher told you and what their teachers told them. That said it doesn't help anyone to post a stupid Justin Bieber concert shot from distance calling it a UFO event. I don't believe 99% of the videos posted on youtube but I believe Justin Bieber has been identified as a turd. | 2011-06-25 15:29:00 Author: BasketSnake Posts: 2391 |
Aliens are most definitely not fictional- but the way we think of them probably is. For all we know, "aliens" just might be another race already on earth, just on another planet. The chances that any extraterrestrial life form out there is intelligent, in my opinion, is slim. The belief that aliens will attack us is an idea with a foundation based on the media. We don't know if aliens are going to come in peace, attack, not come at all, or even if they're smart enough to travel from their home to earth. The nearest planet in a Goldilocks zone- an area in which a planet is not too hot or too cold, allowing the mass existence of liquid water to provide life- is very far. Any alien that would try to attack would have to be very technologically advanced to come here, even preform a mass murder of 500 people without leaving some kind evidence that they were there. | 2011-06-25 20:23:00 Author: JspOt Posts: 3607 |
What I don't get is that I haven't found ONE article about this anywhere except for conspiracy sites. Did anyone even die? These people would of had families, sad, angry, families that would of had suspicions about why their loved ones and hundreds other are dead. If my family was dead I would be scream'n high hell about it to every person I saw until I made the local news. And if that didn't happen, I would have held a school full of children "hostage" and "forced" them to sing, "we are the world" until the cameras came. Joking aside, I would get the word out, but that didn't happen. I don't think this was anything. I believe that there is other life out there, but I doubt they are looking to wage war...yet. EDIT: BTW, I've seen two UFO's and I know **** well that they were UFO's. I was at a friends birthday party, outside, at night. Everyone went inside and as I was following them, I looked up. At first it looked like a blimp, but than it started rippling with lights. The thing seemed to make all the stars brighter and than it sort of collapsed into itself into an orb of light. It started dancing around the sky in all sorts of sharp patterns and than finally fizzed out. (Maybe the blimp exploded, I don't know) The other one was when I was in my back yard. My mom had a few of her friends over and we were all sitting by the fire. Suddenly this bright light peeked over the roof of my house. It was a GIGANTIC triangle ship that flew-what seemed to be-right above the trees. It was so close to the ground that you could easily see the metal and its engraving( or seems ) lit up but the three lights (on each end). Even though it was SOOO close to the ground and was SOOO big it made absolutely NO noise. We all just stared at it and were silent. I didn't even think to take a picture. The thing hovered very slowly over our heads and passed us by. Someone said that it was just a jet, but I know... 1) They NEVER fly that low 2) You would of been able to easily hear it 3) There is no way a jet can just "hover" by like that So, yeah, I believe they are out there... | 2011-06-27 09:42:00 Author: Unknown User |
The chances of Extraterrestrial life is not at all slim! Okay look at it this way, there are approximately 6 billion galaxies, each galaxy has billions of nebulae each nebulae has millions of stars about 100,000 of those is just like our sun, about maybe 10,000 of those suns has a planet in its goldilox zone. About 5,000 of those planets has life, 1,000 of those planets has intelligent life. Get this 800 of that 1000 has developed advanced technology including space travel like us, 500 of those has developed far beyond our idea of space travel, even if those numbers are inaccurate, you think that at least ONE civilization wont decide to use that to get to us? Again, stop being so **** egocentric! | 2011-06-27 13:39:00 Author: Charlemagne Posts: 513 |
I didn't think so many people would have laughed at him on this website. He's right, the universe is not that tiny. I can't believe there isn't at least one civilization out there else than ours. Anyway, people saying that UFOs do exist lack of evidence. So do the people who say that they are definitely fiction. I don't know the composition of each and every planet in the universe (which isn't possible as they haven't all been found), but according to the large amount of galaxies, an extraterrestrial life is not ridiculous at all. Now, regarding the evidence that has been produced so far, I don't think it's enough. The case of that Chinese village is very interesting and exciting, but I'm very suprised to have not heard about it anywhere. It should've been on television, on famous websites such as CNN, but I didn't find anything... And where are the 500 dead people's families? Have they all been paid to remain silent? Or do they simply not care about what has been going on? I think we'll know it when UFO decide to do something serious here. That will happen, I'm sure it's possible, but for the time being all the testimonies sound very doubtful. Those strange lights can't have come out of nowhere, though. | 2011-06-27 15:50:00 Author: Oddmania Posts: 1305 |
Yes, yes. I'm sure we are all familiar with "Drakes Equation (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drake_equation#Alternative_expression)" The only problem with drakes equation is that it gives a different answer depending on who calculates the equation - making it utterly useless for it's intended purpose. It fluctuates wildly from 1 (if you are a pessimist/realist) to many millions upon billions (if you are an optimist/fantasist). What the drakes equation doesn't take into account is evolution. As far as we know, evolution is the only mechanism by which life occurrs. Now, the the vast majority of the time planet earth has existed, the majority of life-forms are nothing more than simple single-celled organism. In the incredibly unlikely event that we were to detect some extra-terrestrial life-form, it would most likey be single-celled. The average life-span of any species is roughly 1 million years from origin to extinction - by that time it will either have evolved, or been superceded by a better adapted organism. "Ah, but Macnme" I hear you cry "There are species that have remained unchanged for millions of years - like the fly, crocodile, shark, dung beetle etc etc"; To which I would say - Yes, that's what you have been told... however the truth is completely different. While a modern crocodile's outward appearance may be (generally) similar to it's ancestor - there has been millions of years of biological warfare between the species that has honed things like it's immune systems to new threats - those without the new adaptation fell by the way of extinction - leaving only the "newer" models with their "updated" immune systems. An ancient crocodile would not be adapted for the modern world and would become extinct almost immediately. All living organisms are in a transitory state. Now think of this in human terms... lets say the average life-span of a "successful" human being (one who has survived long enough to see their grandchild [because there is ample evidence that it was the presence of grandparents that allowed us to make the evolutionary leap to modern day humans - as it allowed the parents time for things other than child-minding) is around 50 years. That's an under-estimate for our current life-span (and probably an over-estimate for out ancestors - but it's a nice round figure). That would mean that only 40 grand-fathers ago was the (alleged) time of Jesus. 8000 grand-fathers ago, there was no difference between us and chimpanzees - as that was the point when we split from our common ancestor. - 400,000 years ago. And you under-estimate the sheer vastness of space - and deep, 'deep' time scales involved. Now consider that it could take 1,000,000 light-years for the light from earth to reach a relatively close galaxy, that may potentially have these "Ultra-Advanced" Alien/Witches (for which there is no evidence) - by the time they analysed the light and decided "Ah, that single celled slime has the potential to become a space faring race" - we would have vanished without a trace - or evolved into out next form. And we only reached our current form by a series of happy accidents - such as the formation of an oxygen rich atmoshere caused by a billion years of decaying single celled organisms - the extinction of the dinosaurs - giving our shrew-like mammal ancestor the chance to find it's own evolutionary niche - and then the changes of environment from forest (which is where we get our opposable thumbs - for gripping tree branches), to Grassland/Swamp (One of the reasons we started walking upright. Also,human babies can swim as soon as they are born - chimpanzee babies do not; it is suggested that this is the reason we grew larger brains - we spent alot of time in the water and had a high Omega-3 diet of fish). If these changes to our environment had happened in a different order, we would have adapted differently, and so have been a completely different animal as a result. And that's not even including the other incredible sequence of events that led to the formation of our solar system - our moon (on one specific day in earths history, it was hit by a massively large stellar body, that threw a large amount of the earths mantle out and formed the moon - the moon itself has had a large influence on the evolution of animals, due to tides or acting like a sponge for meteorites)... and the formation of the earth itself. If we are looking for "earth-like" planets - what does an "earth-like" planet look like? Deos it have an atmosphere? Does it have water? Ice-Caps? During earths history, it has been in several different states - from molten lava - to completely frozen over - with lots of different compositions of atmosphere - most of which would not be suitable for modern organisms. It has only been the way it is right now for a relatively short amount of time when compared to earths entire history. Humans were not 'planned' by earth - earth is not a "human factory" who's destiny it was to establish the first human colony. We are barely evolved from the chimpanzees - and still exhibit most of their behaviour. We are not done evolving yet - and we are more likely to destroy ourselves than be superceded by a more advanced race of humans. (they estimate that the chances right now of a global nuclear apocalypse is about 1 in 10,000 for any given year - plently of chance to kill ourselves before we are even discovered - and all we will leave as proof that we were here is a strange layer in the sediment and a feint and distant echo in the cosmos - and we have already moved on from Analogue to Digital signals - so there's every chance that in the future, these will also be undecipherable). That's if the universe doesn't kill us off first with another meteorite, or super-volcano - or any of the other myriad of very plausible ways it could kill us in an instant. It is not egocentric to believe that we are alone in the universe - it is called "realism"; What is egocentric is to believe that our current genetic strain is worthy of some kind of "Universal" recognition by extra-terrestrials - and that we are special enough (compared to the rest of life on earth) - to warrant a home visit and special interaction from these Alien Wizards that are able to defy the physical laws of the universe with out leaving a shred of evidence behind. Learn more about physics - learn more about evolution - learn more about human psychology - and you'll quickly understand why even the suggestion of Extra-terrestrial interaction is absurd in the extreme. I'll leave you with some quotes from my favourite author, Douglas Adams. "Space is big and I mean 'really' big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind- bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist's, but that's just peanuts to space." DNA "Imagine a puddle waking up one morning and thinking, "This is an interesting world I find myself in — an interesting hole I find myself in — fits me rather neatly, doesn't it? In fact it fits me staggeringly well, must have been made to have me in it!" This is such a powerful idea that as the sun rises in the sky and the air heats up and as, gradually, the puddle gets smaller and smaller, it's still frantically hanging on to the notion that everything's going to be alright, because this world was meant to have him in it, was built to have him in it; so the moment he disappears catches him rather by surprise. I think this may be something we need to be on the watch out for. We all know that at some point in the future the Universe will come to an end and at some other point, considerably in advance from that but still not immediately pressing, the sun will explode. We feel there's plenty of time to worry about that, but on the other hand that's a very dangerous thing to say." DNA "Isn't it enough to see that a garden is beautiful without having to believe that there are fairies at the bottom of it too?" DNA | 2011-06-27 16:44:00 Author: Macnme Posts: 1970 |
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