Reverse Raccoon Russian Roulette
Archive: 2 posts
Heya all, this is my first LBP2 level but I think it's pretty rockin. There's always room for improvement though, I couldn't decide which kind of music to make for a start. Any constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated as i still have much to learn. http://lbp.me/v/1gptry | 2011-06-22 22:51:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
played this a couple of times now and must say it has a lot of potential as a concept. The fun really shoots up a couple of notches in multiplayer mode. The random action and quirky interface realy appealed to my young buddies who enjoy a quick blast of funny original humour. I wasn't sure what was happening at first in terms of how things operated or what the player has control over, but even so I found it engaging and innovative. Would like to see some more random events included to keep us entertained between revolver spins, extra sound effects and details. The created designs such as the racoons and revolver were excellently made. A fun original level concept with lots of potential. | 2011-06-26 11:53:00 Author: EnochRoot ![]() Posts: 533 |
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