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Detailed Car GT by Citrogen

Archive: 6 posts

I'm try'n to spread my cars through out Lbp2, Also I would like tech ideas to make the cars more realistic.
So far I have put gears, windscreen wipers, blinkers, Custom advanced radio, and special doors.
To see my other car creations queue my level on lbp.me at the url http://lbp.me/v/09vxo and feel free to request a car of your own!
2011-06-20 02:58:00

Posts: 157

I love the GT and u perfectly replicated it! GOOD job!2011-06-20 05:11:00

Posts: 74

Nice work man the pictures look great! One thing you could do is create power windows. I was able to do this with one of my cars with a little logic and I'm sure you can figure it out if you can get the windows big enough to make the effect noticeable.2011-06-20 05:20:00

Posts: 1651

Nice job bro, the GT is an amazing vehicle.2011-06-20 11:08:00

Unknown User

Thats an awsome idea, I'll plan on installing some of those soon!2011-06-20 15:29:00

Posts: 157

well I found a way to do electric windows, all I needed was a toggle switch, a piston, an electric key, and an electric switch2011-06-23 02:44:00

Posts: 157

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