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Zero-G Astro Tech Demo

Archive: 1 post

Here's the link! (http://lbp.me/v/1by7wk)

I'm testing out a sort of system I've been thinking about since a little while before LittleBigPlanet 2 was released. Whether or not you figured what it would be, let me be 100% sure on it.

I made a prototype of true zero gravity. Not the so-called 0% gravity in the global settings. I mean literally zero gravity!

The only way to achieve this is to don a suit that would let you. Not only would you become weightless and be able to move around pretty much anywhere, but the environment outside of your spawn point is also weightless! The suit also has a compass and a temporary boost in case you get lost or wanting to pick it up a little, respectively.

The suit itself may not be the final product that has yet to be completed for flawless use in an upcoming level nor handed out to players. Yep, you may've heard right.

If neither the short summary nor the screens down below convince you to give this a shot, then let me clarify one more important thing.

If you complete the demo, you'll get a pre-order of the suit and all of the system's tech in the upcoming level!










2011-06-19 05:14:00

Posts: 58

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