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(Close to perfect) Portal Gun

Archive: 29 posts

Hello everyone! As the title of this thread has already informed you, I have made a completely functioning portal gun!

Now, I know many of you have created versions of portal guns before, but this one is one of the best. The only thing it doesnt do is detect speed or angle, which I'm working on making now. The portal gun emits a colored orb that, when it hits a hologram with a tag on it, emits the portal itself (facing the direction that corresponds with the tag on the hologram.
The holograms, each one makes the portal face a different direction

As you can imagine, the whole thing is wireless. I use various tags and sensors for most of the contraption. When there is only one portal out, you cant go through it, but as soon as another portal is released, you go through it. That was a recent addition that was kinda tricky. For some of you who dont know how a basic portal system works, heres a simplified version. The entire thing is with sackbots. You yourself control the sackbot in a piece of invisible hologram with a follower on it. everytime you jump into a portal, your sackbot is destroyed and a new on takes its place; the one emited from the opposite portal. The hologram youre in quickly moves to the new sackbot.

While there is logic in the sackbot and invisible follower, Most of the logic is in the portals and emited sphere.

This works perfectly, and I really suggest you take a look at it! (I made a level to show it off)

(Problems: )
-Occasionally, the portal wont emit you, leaving you floating in mid-air, invisible.

-Portals often get imbedded in the walls

-A wierd glitch where if a portal is emmited on the middle or back plains, Portals wont emit on the front plain anymore. This glithc is unfixable and I have no idea what causes it.

-If you find any more problems, let me know!
Thanks! Hope you enjoy!
2011-06-18 19:04:00

Posts: 193

You can use you LBP.ME account to find photos from LBP and just place them here.

Also, as soon as they release the speed sensor, making an even more perfect portal gun will be possible, since you'll be able to emit at different speeds based on speed. It's already possible now, but annoying to use.
2011-06-18 19:49:00

Posts: 1136

Can it detect the angle and momentum of incoming objects and replicate those in the other portal?2011-06-18 20:00:00

Posts: 2454

Can it detect the angle and momentum of incoming objects and replicate those in the other portal?

*Sigh* Well, I thought about that. Emitting at different speeds is possible, and I could do that, but as far as I know, detecting the speed at which you enter te portal at would be next to impossible. Also, as SSTGG1 said, they will release a speed sensor, so i will be able to do that then. Im not sure about angle either. I can see angle messing up the sackbot though. (emiting into a floor, for instance)
2011-06-18 20:56:00

Posts: 193

^ Thus it cannot be a "PERFECT Portal Gun." 2011-06-18 21:03:00

Posts: 6707

Yes, and saving an objects incoming speed is definitely not impossible, the gun in the Portal Advanced level already does this.2011-06-18 21:09:00

Posts: 1924

^ Thus it cannot be a "PERFECT Portal Gun."

Yeah, I guess youre right. Close to perfect portal gun then :/

Im changing the name of the thread.
2011-06-18 21:12:00

Posts: 193

really? wow. I should check that out.2011-06-18 21:26:00

Posts: 193

There's a logic tool that you can create, emit a hologram with a tag every 0.1s or so (I forget). Use a tag sensor connected to a sequencer to detect distance from the tag. Use batteries or other logic pieces on the sequencer to turn each distance from the tag into a relative speed. Use this signal to emit the object at whichever predetermined speed you had.

That's pretty rough, and I'm sure there are details on how exactly to get the conversion rate to LBP speed units, but I forget (it's here somewhere though, "speed sensor").

With the actual speed sensor tool, it replaces everything but the different emitters (unless they also include a way to convert detected speed into a signal that can be converted back into a speed). If analog values are possible from the speed sensor, it should be possible to send this to a mover on the emit object, thus giving you perfect 1:1 speed in/out.
2011-06-19 23:01:00

Posts: 1136

very cool and accurate, yes you should set up a speed sensor, but I belive that this is very promising.2011-06-22 15:50:00

Posts: 157

Try making the portals circular.
you seem to be quite modest on the subject as well xD
2011-06-22 15:59:00

Posts: 77

Easy way to make realistic portals is put stickers on the side of a hologram, and just rotate it whichever way the wall is.2011-06-22 23:30:00

Posts: 1136

For a speed indicator why not just have a timer [amount of time you should be in air before triggering the counter--->] so when it's full it triggers a perm switch [counter set to one hit] so when you come into contact with the portal you have a second emitter spawn the sackbot at a different speed.And if you hit the ground before the timer is done a impact senor would reset.2011-06-24 02:36:00

Unknown User

I was going to suggest what Oddkasai said, but it depends on how it all works. Would that also work if you made new portals and would it keep the timer speed thing? It's a bit complicated for all the factors that Portal has, including forever falling sackbots and stuff. Regarding angle, I would suggest a follower that is set to a follow at a set distance, with about 8 sections of hologram connected to it, all with different tags, and when the sackbot touches the tags, thats the angle. Tedious, yes, but perhaps worth it depending on how authentic you want the gun. Sorry for not being able to go into much detail... BUT this would make it a perfect gun... so, not to sound like a jerk, but... SUCK IT SILVERLEON! XD But seriously, it IS possible to get a perfect gun, ESPECIALLY if they make the speed sensor... btw can someone send me a link to that?! I JUST heard about it and would love to check it out.2011-06-24 06:27:00

Posts: 116

For a speed indicator why not just have a timer [amount of time you should be in air before triggering the counter--->] so when it's full it triggers a perm switch [counter set to one hit] so when you come into contact with the portal you have a second emitter spawn the sackbot at a different speed.And if you hit the ground before the timer is done a impact senor would reset.

You can be in the air and not be gaining speed.
2011-06-24 07:26:00

Posts: 2419

I think I played this level a few weeks ago, I didn't know it was posted here too. Nice contraption!2011-06-24 09:05:00

Posts: 407

You can be in the air and not be gaining speed.

Exactly, like being shot upwards.

Angle, now that I think about it, angle wouldnt be that hard :/ Just have a "look at rotator" on a circular piece of hologram attatched to the portal, and several tags around it. whenever you jump into the portal, the other one emits you at a direction determined by the rotator and tag device. speed would be tremenduously dificult though. all of your suggestions have problems.
2011-06-24 16:31:00

Posts: 193

The portals are big blocks... Try dying a hologram black and sticking a portal sticker to the side.. works well. 2011-06-25 01:09:00

Posts: 77

Hm.... I've been working on a Portal Gun for a week or two now, and it turns out we both have the same problems! Totally different approaches though.

I have some momentum logic in place, but I'm probably going to scrap it and try something new soon. Perhaps we could get together and show off eachothers devices tomorrow? (:
2011-06-25 06:06:00

Posts: 85

*Sigh* Well, I thought about that. Emitting at different speeds is possible, and I could do that, but as far as I know, detecting the speed at which you enter te portal at would be next to impossible. Also, as SSTGG1 said, they will release a speed sensor, so i will be able to do that then. Im not sure about angle either. I can see angle messing up the sackbot though. (emiting into a floor, for instance)
Reason I asked was around a month ago I helped a couple of friends with the logic for such a system. There's a photo of it on LBP being made: http://lbp.me/p/3ezm-g

I used an array of tag sensors and detected what order they were activated in to determine angle of entry and the speed they were activated in (counted in frames) to determine the speed of the object.
2011-06-25 22:36:00

Posts: 2454

Reason I asked was around a month ago I helped a couple of friends with the logic for such a system. There's a photo of it on LBP being made: http://lbp.me/p/3ezm-g

I used an array of tag sensors and detected what order they were activated in to determine angle of entry and the speed they were activated in (counted in frames) to determine the speed of the object.

You'll need to show me sometime! Im stuck with speed!
2011-06-26 04:29:00

Posts: 193

if you havnt seen it yet, here is the link to my portal advanced level http://lbp.me/v/xsn36s
it transfers cube and bot speed, and you can even pick up or drop a cube through a portal without having to go through yourself
i was also planning on giving my portal kit away but i got side tracked with other projects, plus the speed and angle sensors in the move dlc should make things a lot easier, would probably cut out half the logic in my portals
2011-06-26 09:07:00

Posts: 612

Hey dude! Comphermc made a youtube video explaining a speed sensor very clearly and how to make it. Try it out, it might solve your problem.2011-07-02 14:03:00

Unknown User

Haha, I bet Comphermc probably saw this thread and was like "Hm... this level is good, and a speed sensor isn't hard..." or something. But yeah, I saw his thing being posted right after I comented here. It was funny.2011-07-03 16:10:00

Posts: 116

if you havnt seen it yet, here is the link to my portal advanced level http://lbp.me/v/xsn36s

I have played this in the past and while reading this thought about your level and was going to link it. Everet's stage is pretty exceptional and really shows what you are attempting is indeed possible. After watching the last two comphermc tutorials I think that the only issue Everet's has with a slow Sackbot appearing a little too quickly could also be overcome.
2011-07-04 07:52:00

Posts: 1799

i made it like that because if you have both portals on the floor and you move slowly into one you would keep moving back and forth between the 2 with no time to do anything. i originally had it so if you went real slowly into one you had almost no speed coming out but had to change it for the above reason.2011-07-04 17:03:00

Posts: 612

Good idea with the speed dector idea, ive made one my self(though im still fine tuneing it,) which brings me to nk827, id be happy to send you it, im sure you could reverse enginer it and hammer out the kinks, just send a message and id be glad to help. Didnt think about an angle detector though, intresting idea...2011-08-10 22:40:00

Unknown User

I added to the queue to play with after 2 weeks, but I just saw some reviews on your level tbh and that lad who has top review said that there is a glitch where you shoot both orange and blue together (which make's purple in the other guy's review) and jump in, you end up with a duplicate sackbot.2011-08-10 23:37:00

Posts: 293

Thats epic. I saw it on youtube and have to say, great work.2011-09-17 03:04:00

Unknown User

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