Alice, Madness Returns : out now
Archive: 9 posts
Hi! ![]() I just wondering if anyone here had ever tried the sequel to American McGee's Alice now that it's out. I've read pretty positive reviews, and the wicked twisted atmosphere of the game looks very appealing to me. http://image.jeuxvideo.com/images/x3/a/l/alice-retour-au-pays-de-la-folie-xbox-360-1308152082-045.jpg http://image.jeuxvideo.com/images/x3/a/l/alice-retour-au-pays-de-la-folie-xbox-360-1308152082-053.jpg http://image.jeuxvideo.com/images/x3/a/l/alice-retour-au-pays-de-la-folie-xbox-360-1308152082-056.jpg I've always loved fractured tale! | 2011-06-16 10:00:00 Author: Oddmania ![]() Posts: 1305 |
I loved American McGee's Alice and didn't realize the sequel was out. Gonna have to pick this up. | 2011-06-16 18:00:00 Author: biorogue ![]() Posts: 8424 |
Yeah, I will probably buy this some time. Hopefully. | 2011-06-16 21:49:00 Author: Veyneru ![]() Posts: 115 |
http://xbox360.ign.com/articles/117/1175768p1.html It got a 6.5? What reviews did you read? | 2011-06-16 22:57:00 Author: Silver39 ![]() Posts: 1703 |
I really like the art direction in this game and had high hopes for it but I've been hearing that the gameplay is a bit luster lacking.. | 2011-06-17 03:47:00 Author: Cheddars ![]() Posts: 447 |
I will buy it for sure when the price will lower. | 2011-06-17 07:59:00 Author: OmegaSlayer ![]() Posts: 5112 |
http://xbox360.ign.com/articles/117/1175768p1.html It got a 6.5? What reviews did you read? A review on a French website. It got a 16/20. The visuals and the camera could be improved, but the story and the atmosphere even things up. I'll probably get it when the price is lower, like OmegaSlayer. | 2011-06-17 11:47:00 Author: Oddmania ![]() Posts: 1305 |
Being a console gamer I never played the original game so this sequel was under my radar up until recently. After watching some vids I immediately fell in love with the art style and imagery and being a fan of the source material I decided to pick it up yesterday. So far I am really loving it. This is a dark re-imagining of the Alice tale told with a brilliant visual flair, strong voice acting and some of the coolest, twisted cutscenes I have seen in a long time. Combat is kind of like a mix of God of War and Bayonetta and it is very satisfying. Alice has a butterfly dodge taken straight out of Bayo's book and the combo's are a simpler version of what you might find in GoW. Where this game separates itself from the rest is in the use of your weapons and battle strategy. You have multiple weapons at your disposal, certain enemies are susceptible to certain attacks and often a variety of enemies will be thrown into a single battle. Each weapon is mapped to a button making "switching" a seamless afair. This is not a button masher. You will be timing plenty of graceful dodges to reappear behind an enemy and carve them up with your Vorpal Blade (basically a giant butcher knife which is a joy to use!). You will time blocking with your umbrella just so to reflect back projectiles. You will maneuver around the battlefield based on which enemy is the biggest threat and prioritize your attacks. The controls are tight and if I have any complaint with the combat it’s that you cannot quickly center the camera, this would definitely help when things get chaotic but it's no big deal. Platforming makes up a large portion of the gameplay, steam pipes that float you in the air, mushroom jump pads and floating dominoes are all present. Alice has a handy triple jump and can glide by holding down the jump button at any time mid-jump. If you played your fair share of 3d platformers you will feel right at home. Alice also gains the ability to shrink herself at will very early on. This opens up new gameplay mechanics that reveal hidden areas, invisible paths, clues and plenty of chalk drawings that add to the overall atmosphere. This would not be a platformer without plenty of things to collect. Teeth will be used to upgrade your weapons, memories offer a glimpse into Alice's shattered psyche with a short audio track, winged pig snouts (yes, you read that correctly lol) will reveal secret areas and bottles will…get you a trophy ![]() The biggest draw though is the environments themselves. Alice will go back and forth between a brown, dreary, Dickensian London and the vibrant, ethereal, sinister dreamscapes of Wonderland. This is the sort of game where you will frequently stop to admire the surroundings. In fact, the developers went so far as to make the L1 button offer a cinematic view at certain areas so you can really appreciate the eye-candy. The music does a good job of reflecting what is happening/where you are on-screen and each new “level” will bring it’s own delights. A nice touch is Alice getting a new dress for each new environment and her hair physics are truly a sight to behold lol. So what criticisms can I throw at the game? There is some texture pop-in, some textures look muddy, the screen sometimes momentarily pauses for 2 seconds when picking up memories and…that’s about it. The game is said to last 15+ hours and new copies include a free download of the prequel (disc required to play) so you are definitely getting your money’s worth. I will reserve my final judgment until I have finished it but as of right now I am dreaming of returning to Wonderland ![]() P.S - I learned to ignore reviews a long time ago (or rather to simply look to them as a summary of the game, NOT a decision to be made based on a reviewer's opinions), if you are unsure then rent the game and try it yourself. However, if you would like some more insight here are two largely positive reviews from Destructoid(7/10) http://www.destructoid.com/review-alice-madness-returns-203819.phtml and Giant Bomb (4/5) http://www.giantbomb.com/alice-madness-returns/61-25371/reviews/: | 2011-06-17 12:29:00 Author: OCK ![]() Posts: 1536 |
Being a console gamer I never played the original game so this sequel was under my radar up until recently. After watching some vids I immediately fell in love with the art style and imagery and being a fan of the source material I decided to pick it up yesterday. So far I am really loving it. This is a dark re-imagining of the Alice tale told with a brilliant visual flair, strong voice acting and some of the coolest, twisted cutscenes I have seen in a long time. Combat is kind of like a mix of God of War and Bayonetta and it is very satisfying. Alice has a butterfly dodge taken straight out of Bayo's book and the combo's are a simpler version of what you might find in GoW. Where this game separates itself from the rest is in the use of your weapons and battle strategy. You have multiple weapons at your disposal, certain enemies are susceptible to certain attacks and often a variety of enemies will be thrown into a single battle. Each weapon is mapped to a button making "switching" a seamless afair. This is not a button masher. You will be timing plenty of graceful dodges to reappear behind an enemy and carve them up with your Vorpal Blade (basically a giant butcher knife which is a joy to use!). You will time blocking with your umbrella just so to reflect back projectiles. You will maneuver around the battlefield based on which enemy is the biggest threat and prioritize your attacks. The controls are tight and if I have any complaint with the combat it’s that you cannot quickly center the camera, this would definitely help when things get chaotic but it's no big deal. Platforming makes up a large portion of the gameplay, steam pipes that float you in the air, mushroom jump pads and floating dominoes are all present. Alice has a handy triple jump and can glide by holding down the jump button at any time mid-jump. If you played your fair share of 3d platformers you will feel right at home. Alice also gains the ability to shrink herself at will very early on. This opens up new gameplay mechanics that reveal hidden areas, invisible paths, clues and plenty of chalk drawings that add to the overall atmosphere. This would not be a platformer without plenty of things to collect. Teeth will be used to upgrade your weapons, memories offer a glimpse into Alice's shattered psyche with a short audio track, winged pig snouts (yes, you read that correctly lol) will reveal secret areas and bottles will…get you a trophy ![]() The biggest draw though is the environments themselves. Alice will go back and forth between a brown, dreary, Dickensian London and the vibrant, ethereal, sinister dreamscapes of Wonderland. This is the sort of game where you will frequently stop to admire the surroundings. In fact, the developers went so far as to make the L1 button offer a cinematic view at certain areas so you can really appreciate the eye-candy. The music does a good job of reflecting what is happening/where you are on-screen and each new “level” will bring it’s own delights. A nice touch is Alice getting a new dress for each new environment and her hair physics are truly a sight to behold lol. So what criticisms can I throw at the game? There is some texture pop-in, some textures look muddy, the screen sometimes momentarily pauses for 2 seconds when picking up memories and…that’s about it. The game is said to last 15+ hours and new copies include a free download of the prequel (disc required to play) so you are definitely getting your money’s worth. I will reserve my final judgment until I have finished it but as of right now I am dreaming of returning to Wonderland ![]() P.S - I learned to ignore reviews a long time ago (or rather to simply look to them as a summary of the game, NOT a decision to be made based on a reviewer's opinions), if you are unsure then rent the game and try it yourself. However, if you would like some more insight here are two largely positive reviews from Destructoid(7/10) http://www.destructoid.com/review-alice-madness-returns-203819.phtml and Giant Bomb (4/5) http://www.giantbomb.com/alice-madness-returns/61-25371/reviews/: Wow, thanks for such a detailled review! ![]() Victorian Dickensian London + twisted Wonderland... I don't think any game ever combined two things I like this way. | 2011-06-18 17:11:00 Author: Oddmania ![]() Posts: 1305 |
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