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Here's a mech I built recently. It was supposed to be part of the rebuilt "WAR-TORN" beta level (replacing the mech in my avatar - the mech that inspired that which DrBooty has recently released), however since I have significantly changed the design of that level this model is now obsolete, but that means it's available to play with online!!

This mech is very advanced for it's size, and is highly articulated. It even adopts a lower stance for added speed when running!

LBP.me link!! (http://lbp.me/v/1bddzc)
2011-06-13 16:08:00

Posts: 572

Qued up ! This should be interesting.2011-06-13 17:57:00

Posts: 293

once again you come out with something that makes the rest of everyones stuff look like poop. I hate you 2011-06-13 23:08:00

Posts: 139

let me explain in 3 words.
Nice mech dude.
..words fail to explain the awesomeness here
2011-06-14 00:12:00

Unknown User

Ha, so that's what the cool pages do, two days later and it's coming up on 10,000 plays, 1000 hearts and about 180 additional player hearts!!

By the way, keep in mind that this is the mech I have abandoned in favour for a better one to feature in "War-Torn", so I look forward to seeing peoples reactions when the find that amongst the ruins of a battle scarred cityscape....
2011-06-15 10:59:00

Posts: 572

This mech looks amazing, like your others. Can't wait to try it out soon!2011-06-17 20:23:00

Night Angel
Posts: 1214

Ha, so that's what the cool pages do, two days later and it's coming up on 10,000 plays, 1000 hearts and about 180 additional player hearts!

lucky you, I cant even get 10 plays on my levels. seems like the cool pages still have the same issues as LBP1 for me atleast.
2011-06-19 16:21:00

Posts: 139

I loved this mech. All I really want is a prize, maybe un-sharable at least. I know I sound like a noob by saying that, but I bet I can make a really awesome level with it. Either way, it's pretty awesome.2011-07-01 12:27:00

Unknown User

Nice mech! You got some talent! It's a little glitchy when walking though.2011-07-06 17:58:00

Posts: 63

As a mech creator myself, I love it. Excellent.2011-07-19 00:18:00

Posts: 74

looks like you could go up there with the likes of furio862011-07-19 11:14:00

Posts: 43

Loved it. I would like to second Timbles in requesting a prize maybe in your War-Torn level. I would really like to take a look at how yo built this, and the logic behind it. Did you use pistons or invisible holo to create the thin legs?2011-07-27 22:33:00

Posts: 52

dang, i just finished one of my mechs and i come along this. i now feel pathetic....2011-10-23 17:40:00

Unknown User

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