Boss Switch(last question hopefully!)
Archive: 7 posts
ok this a pretty straight forward probably noobish question, but, how do u make so say a dissolvable door dissolves when u kill a creature? please and thanks ![]() | 2008-12-10 03:02:00 Author: jjdragon ![]() Posts: 257 |
Hmm, I believe you can attach a magnetic switch on the monster, attach that to the dissolve material, when the monster dies, switch = gone as well, dissolve = gone as well. I THINK, I did something similiar with a prize bubble, you pick it up and it causes doors to open. | 2008-12-10 03:09:00 Author: Whalio Cappuccino ![]() Posts: 5250 |
hmm.. i tried it, door still didn't vanish, but i may not have did it right, thanks 4 replying tho | 2008-12-10 03:20:00 Author: jjdragon ![]() Posts: 257 |
Put a Magnetic key inside the boss and set up a matching switch somewhere nearby that is not part of the bosses body. Attach the switch to the dissolve door and set the proximity on the switch so the key will always be inside of it, and make sure you "invert" the switch so it will only turn on when the key is not present. That way when the boss dies (and dissolves) the key disappears with him thus activating the switch and opening the door. | 2008-12-10 03:20:00 Author: Trader Sam ![]() Posts: 92 |
Oh yeah, forgot to tell you about the second mag key. Basically put the magnetic key and the switch next to each other, have it so the switch's radius has the key inside it, switch it to invert, have it attached to the boss though so when he is killed, the switch disappears, and so does the dissolve material. | 2008-12-10 03:22:00 Author: Whalio Cappuccino ![]() Posts: 5250 |
Oh yeah, forgot to tell you about the second mag key. Basically put the magnetic key and the switch next to each other, have it so the switch's radius has the key inside it, switch it to invert, have it attached to the boss though so when he is killed, the switch disappears, and so does the dissolve material. I haven't tested it yet but do switches activate before being dissolved if the thing that dissolves them also activated them? I would make sure the actual switch is not attached to the boss so that it doesn't dissolve with the rest of him when he dies since any and all objects attached to a creature with a brain will dissolve when the brain is collected. The "Collector" boss avoids this by having two different sections stacked on top of each other but not physically connected. | 2008-12-10 03:31:00 Author: Trader Sam ![]() Posts: 92 |
hey thanks! both of u, when i killed it(which took about forever) the door dissolved, u learn something everyday lol | 2008-12-10 03:37:00 Author: jjdragon ![]() Posts: 257 |
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