FOR BEGINNERS: Custom Sackbot Controls
Archive: 3 posts
Today I will teach you how to customize the controls for a controllable sackbot. Basically, all I’m doing is re-mapping the controls to fit my needs. What, you mean like making L1 the Jump button? Or like making the R-Stick control the SIXAXIS Feature? Or like making the D-Pad select your weapon instead of Triangle? Or like… Okay! Yes! Just like that. Wait, I have more… Moving on! Since you mentioned those two things the tutorial will teach how to do make each one of those do those functions. 1) First, you must make a controllable sackbot. If you don’t know how to make one, open a new tab and re-open LBPCentral.com on that tab and then use the search feature. There should be one or two quick tutorials on how to make one. 2) Second, you must make sure that the controlinator on the hologram is set to ‘Remote Control: NO’. See the hologram block there? Pretend there is a controlinator on it. https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/_8UhnphLUrd0/TVZKFVCGaDI/AAAAAAAAACI/VoGDPcCt9LU/A%20Photo_8.jpg 3) Now open the sackbot’s circuit board and place another controlinator next to the one that WAS receiving for the one on the hologram. Now tweak the two controlinator on the sackbot so that one is ‘transmitting’ and one is ‘receiving’ so that they match up. 4) Then, open the circuit board of the hologram’s controlinator and wire the buttons you want to work. Don’t wire the controls differently yet! 5) NOW, you must open the ‘transmitting’ controlinator’s circuit board and wire THE BUTTON YOU WANT TO USE to THE FUNCTION. For example, If I wanted to make a Mirror’s Edge level with the sackbot (since L1= Jump in Mirror’s Edge) I would wire the L1 Button (from the TRANSMITTING controlinator) to the X Button (in the RECEIVING controlinator). 6) If you want to re-map the controls of, let’s say, the SIXAXIS/ head & hip movements of sackboy, you would just wire the L/R-Stick or the D-Pad Buttons to the appropriate inputs of the SIXAXIS Feature. Are there different ways to do this? I’m not sure, there are probably different ways to do this, but I find this way the easiest. This has a lot of potential for remaking games like Mirror’s Edge (Example: Instead of X being Jump, L1 was Jump. Instead of R1 being Shoot, R2 is Shoot.) and Just Cause (Example: Instead of L1 being Aim, L3 is Aim). ![]() Check out my other tutorials in my signature! ![]() (Hehe, i took the picture from someone. Sorry! ![]() EDIT: MAKE SURE THAT THE TRANSMITTING CONTROLLINATOR IS ALSO SET TO 'OVERIDE SACKBOT: NO' | 2011-06-12 22:04:00 Author: LBP2_Tutorialist ![]() Posts: 225 |
Im not sure I fully understand, im hopeless with sackbots. | 2011-06-18 12:11:00 Author: craigmond ![]() Posts: 2426 |
It's a good tutorial, though there are a lot of these that are easier to understand and go more in depth. | 2011-06-18 12:29:00 Author: TNSv ![]() Posts: 302 |
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