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Controlling Gravity, Then What? (open for suggestions, not one of those fix-er-ups)

Archive: 18 posts

So I've made a controllable Sackbot that can change gravity from None to Normal to High, I'm going to make a series out of it (hopefully) but my question is:

How Can I make good Puzzles with this? Other than getting to jump higher I'm not sure about the actual uses for controlling gravity. Help my LBPC you're my only (legal) hope!


Gave Sackbot ability to control a box with the right stick!

Note: Box stays were you move it, and it completely ignores the world gravity.


Here's the basic controls

X=Jump (obviously)

{ } (square)=Most Likely will be used to interact with the environment (the action button)

L1 (hold) and L2=Switch gravity setting from Normal, Hi, Low. (Respectively)

R1 (hold)=Activates Box Movement; Use Right stick to control direction and L2 to move the box backward, R2 to bring it forward.
2011-06-11 22:35:00

Posts: 440

Well, if this is a series, I assume there is a story? Your obstacles and puzzles should fit in with that.

Are you in space where you lose gravity? Are large winds picking up sackboy? Can he adjust his gravity to get to higher ledges?

There are lots of options. But probably the first thing you need to do is figure out your theme. Sci-Fi, woods, horror, abstract, etc. Then you'll be able to start figuring out your obstacles.
2011-06-12 16:44:00

Posts: 1230

You could have one where something is shooting at you and you increase the gravity so that the projectile can no longer reach you. You could also have some spring boards where you need to increase gravity as you're falling and decrease it when you're being launched to reach the area that you need to get to.2011-06-12 17:23:00

Posts: 140

Well, I do plan for this to be a series and I want it to have a really cool story (which I believe I can take care of myself) so with that in mind I don't want to reveal too much. BUT I'm thinking of Test Chambers like in portal with limited space, that sort of thing. Your Sackbot can change Global Gravity, not specific item gravity. (as of now that is)

Thanks for responding by the way!
2011-06-12 21:01:00

Posts: 440

Personaly I believe you should have more powers than that. I think limiting your powers to one is a bit....well...."Limiting" Other than that you could have it so you can only reach a switch to open a door.2011-06-12 21:42:00

Posts: 2426

I agree......hmm I'll go back and see what I can do, you'd think controlling gravity had a hole bunch of potential lol if you think about it there ain't much with it.

I'll Comment back with an update.
2011-06-12 22:31:00

Posts: 440

So now he can move a box with the right control stick. That's what I have so far. Any thoughts?2011-06-13 01:33:00

Posts: 440

You could use the box as a grapple point.2011-06-13 21:52:00

Posts: 140

True, and also to push buttons for you.

I'm going to update the first post to tell you the button layout, it's strictly first draft, and not as fluid as I hoped.
2011-06-14 22:16:00

Posts: 440

You could have an object with an upward mover so it is similar to not having as much gravity, but still falls down, just not as fast. With low gravity, however, this box will go up because there is not as much gravity to counteract the mover. Possible good for positioning the box horizontally while it's on the ground, then lowering gravity to have it fly up to hit a button.

You could also do this all in reverse with an upward mover just barely stronger than normal gravity, so it floats to the top but on high gravity it falls.

Currently my sister is on the PS3 so I can';t use screenshots but I'll draw a diagram right now of a very simple puzzle.
Making a screenshot.
2011-06-15 01:58:00

Unknown User

You could have an object with an upward mover so it is similar to not having as much gravity, but still falls down, just not as fast. With low gravity, however, this box will go up because there is not as much gravity to counteract the mover. Possible good for positioning the box horizontally while it's on the ground, then lowering gravity to have it fly up to hit a button.

You could also do this all in reverse with an upward mover just barely stronger than normal gravity, so it floats to the top but on high gravity it falls.

Currently my sister is on the PS3 so I can';t use screenshots but I'll draw a diagram right now.

The box itself is hooked up to where if it is told to move in any direction (including through layers) an anti-gravity device is activated, it's complicated even for myself but basically: It stays where you leave it, even if it's in mid air, or on the ceiling, walls etc.

I'm a little confused by what your saying though lol. Could you elaborate perhaps?
2011-06-15 03:21:00

Posts: 440

The box itself is hooked up to where if it is told to move in any direction (including through layers) an anti-gravity device is activated, it's complicated even for myself but basically: It stays where you leave it, even if it's in mid air, or on the ceiling, walls etc.

I'm a little confused by what your saying though lol. Could you elaborate perhaps?

It doesn't matter, because it doesn't work. I totally ignored one crucial aspect of the mover - it has no respect to gravity. This means that not only will gravity not counteract the upward speed of the mover, but also lowering/raising gravity does absolutely nothing to the object that's supposed to trigger the button. I suppose I could mess with rockets and gyroscopes...

2011-06-15 03:55:00

Unknown User

It doesn't matter, because it doesn't work. I totally ignored one crucial aspect of the mover - it has no respect to gravity. This means that not only will gravity not counteract the upward speed of the mover, but also lowering/raising gravity does absolutely nothing to the object that's supposed to trigger the button. I suppose I could mess with rockets and gyroscopes...


Actually, I never mentioned that bit to begin with. So it's certainly not your fault!
2011-06-15 04:17:00

Posts: 440

High gravity perhaps could be used to make light objects heavy enough to hold down switches. maybe also to make something less bouyant, or a floating object fall to the ground, or vise versa with low gravity.2011-06-15 04:51:00

Posts: 204

I see how the button might need a sertain gravity level, I could probably throw something like that together Oh Boy!

However, we have to make sure the sackbot doesn't hit the water. Which I REALLY wish wasn't a problem
2011-06-15 15:23:00

Posts: 440

I see how the button might need a sertain gravity level, I could probably throw something like that together Oh Boy!

However, we have to make sure the sackbot doesn't hit the water. Which I REALLY wish wasn't a problem

You could disguise it by making the water look like lava or acid so the player wouldn't touch it anyway.

Also you should make the Sackbot have 3 tags with the same label (ex. Gravity) with 3 different colors - one tag will be on when gravity is on high (but not low or normal), another normal, and the last low. This way, you could make, say, pink floaty, with a couple tag sensors connected to movers that make it fall under high gravity, but rise on low gravity (and of course stay floating under standard gravity).
2011-06-15 21:20:00

Unknown User

I see that happening! Awesome!

Here's yet another question, (hey we're having fun here!) I've already got it set up so that any copy of the sackbot can control a box by using several controllinators. But when the sackbot dies, how can I get it to tell the emitter to respawn him?
2011-06-15 22:02:00

Posts: 440

I see that happening! Awesome!

Here's yet another question, (hey we're having fun here!) I've already got it set up so that any copy of the sackbot can control a box by using several controllinators. But when the sackbot dies, how can I get it to tell the emitter to respawn him?
I belive part of Comphermc's tutorial on Sakcbots included that.

2011-06-16 02:13:00

Unknown User

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