Dr. Mattavious vs The Ice-cream Machine
Archive: 1 post
Level Title: Dr. Mattavious vs The Ice-cream Machine Location: Southern part of South America PSN Name: Ax23000 Difficulty: Easy Genre: Interactive Comic Strip A Note from the Doctor: Why hello there interwebs. In a few moments the creator of my level is going to blabber on and on about this and that in a pathetic attempt to interest you in my level. I thought he was a boring windbag though, so here's my take on why you should stop reading this right now and stumble through the broken LBP search engine to find me. I'm evil. I'm going to take over the world, and yes...someday I am going to be ruling you. As thus you should try to get on my bad side (I would say good side, but...well...I don't have one). The best way to do that is to play my level and then tell me I'm awesomer then a hippo on ice skates, which is to say really darn tootin' awesome. Also every person who plays my level will get a nice bowl of hand collected lint in the mail. Mmmm...lint...truly the food of the future. End Doctor's Note. Er, right, well...this level is a bit of an experiment for me. All the art in the game is hand-drawn and painstakingly copied into the game using the dreaded Playstation Eye. If you want to see something that has a personal touch to it, then this is the level for you. The level is designed like a comic strip with seven panels (plus a bonus panel that can only be accessed during the second play through). You run from panel to panel, occasionally interacting with what is happening--but mostly just watching it. There are a few little platforming bits (the toughest of which comes in the bonus mission), but by and far this is a very easy level. My focus when creating the level was to make something nutty and weird with original art, story, and dialogue. The story follows a mad scientist bent on taking over the world. His plan is...shall we say mad...and involves ice-cream. I won't say anymore for fear of spoiling. | 2008-12-09 23:36:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
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