Snowflakecat's levels
Archive: 10 posts
Here are my levels: MR STAMP! (http://www.snowflakecat.com/2008/12/mr-stamp.html) MR STAMP! is a level I published in LittleBigPlanet that has its roots in the beta. In fact, the only major difference between the current MR STAMP! version and the beta version is the addition of the Boss the the subsequent pillar and fire-walk challenge. MR STAMP! originally had some interesting platforming ideas that were fresh in the beta but are now overused in retail levels. I predicted this from the start so I made the level challenging and long. However, if the player is keen on following text hints and visual cues, the level is quite easy to complete. LBC1 - <ERADISACK> (http://www.snowflakecat.com/search/label/LBC1%20-%20ERADISACK) (2 players only) This is my entry to the LBC1 competition. I don't expect to win due to various factors such as the poor search system, LBWorkshop publicity articles, and the level being 2 players only. However, I still wanted to create something to celebrate the 2nd anniversary of the PS3. LBC1 - <ERADISACK> is a 2 player only level similar in gameplay to Scorched Earth. Granted, I never played Scorched Earth but have played clones of it such as the secret mini-game in Tyrian, Destruct. The difference between this level and Scorched Earth-type gameplay is that the machines you operate are glued to the background, and hence cannot fall if terrain is blown under. This was a trade-off for psuedorandom generation of machine location. Replayability was a deciding factor so the latter was chosen. Last updated 09DEC08 | 2008-12-09 23:04:00 Author: snowflakecat ![]() Posts: 102 |
I will check these out. Just be sure to start posting a little around the site. I take it that some folks don't like it when people join just to post a level and vamoose. Understandably so. ![]() | 2008-12-10 02:08:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I just registered today, so you'll have to excuse me if I haven't had time to contribute much. I'm offering to review any level as long as an image (of the level) is sent to me to display. | 2008-12-10 02:21:00 Author: snowflakecat ![]() Posts: 102 |
No, no. I wasn't scolding you, bud. ![]() | 2008-12-10 02:27:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Alright I tried it. I had a few problems with it. Just a few though, overall the level is perfectly difficult and works the player into the ground, but that's also one of the reasons I don't like it much: it does it's job too well. I love absurdly difficult things when they feel challenging, but this stage felt like it abandoned any potential challenging aspect and instead replaced it with frustration, which is very different. When a stage challenges you, the difficulty makes it hard for you to progress, but you continuously go at it because you feel that with enough time you will be able to succeed. When a stage frustrates you, the difficulty makes it hard for you to progress, and irritates you in the process because of how stupid hard it is; instead of feeling like there's a chance for victory, you just look at the scenario and realize you need to get a "lucky jump" to pass, which irritates you because you tend not to get it. So, using that as my guideline for different types of "hard", I tend to find this stage more in the latter category of being frustrating. Too many of the jumps and movements require you to get "lucky" on your jumps and jump timing without necessarily being skill based, so it starts to feel like it's not in your control anymore and overall any enjoyment turns to slight anger. Hear me out on this, I'm not a platformer noob, I've gotten the "Play" trophy in LBP and have beaten most "old school" platforming games, including the original Mario Bros. (you know, back when platforming was tough), so I'm not berating your stage just because I couldn't beat it (I could practically see the ending, then got killed by a BS death, also fairly frequent in this level). My general approach for judging tough levels tends to follow the "try it at least 2-3 times" formula: 1st time through: Win = Too easy, or moderate difficulty but played it well // Lose = Try again, now understand more about level 2nd time through: Win = Difficult stage, or relatively simple stage that I figured out the trick for // Lose = Maybe give it one more try, probably very tough otherwise 3rd time through: Win = Perfectly tough stage, probably really good // Lose = Try again later, or never again due to stupid hard. This works for me because if after 3 tries I never want to play the stage again, it's way too frustratingly hard. If after 3 tries I would definitely play it again regardless of whether I beat it or not, it's challenging, progressive, and fun. I suppose if I were to say anything good about it, it's that the stage is very lush. There's plenty of color vibrancy, fun figures hanging around, and overall certainly looks good. Overall review: 6.5 / 10 Feels like playing Soul Calibur IV on the absolute hardest difficulty, it looks beautiful but the looks don't prevent you from wanting to assault your console. | 2008-12-10 05:27:00 Author: Shining Aquas ![]() Posts: 353 |
Thanks for the review. If it feels hard you're doing it wrong. Most challenges have an easy method, once you figure it out the level becomes a breeze =P. You're probably not following the color cues and text hints correctly. ![]() Edit: I'd also like to add that the level is not as hard as the bunker, has plenty of checkpoints to help out the average player, and only relies on "chance" when you're playing it incorrectly. So players who give up on levels easily should avoid this one at all costs. | 2008-12-10 05:54:00 Author: snowflakecat ![]() Posts: 102 |
Edit: I'd also like to add that the level is not as hard as the bunker, has plenty of checkpoints to help out the average player, and only relies on "chance" when you're playing it incorrectly. So players who give up on levels easily should avoid this one at all costs. Most people I know go with the "If I don't like it the first time, I never will" approach, at least I try to give each level a couple chances. Somebody needs to explain to me what everyone finds difficult about the bunker, because I honestly don't think that level is hard in the slightest, not even to ace. If anything, it's fun. You're gonna have to show me a video or something, because there were way too many parts where I couldn't get by until I got a "lucky jump", most specifically the race segment. | 2008-12-10 06:08:00 Author: Shining Aquas ![]() Posts: 353 |
add me on PSN we can go through it together right now if you are on =P | 2008-12-10 06:23:00 Author: snowflakecat ![]() Posts: 102 |
add me on PSN we can go through it together right now if you are on =P Right this minute, kinda busy. Sorry, but I promised a friend of mine that I'd teach him some new combos for Guilty Gear XX Accent Core. Maybe later. | 2008-12-10 06:43:00 Author: Shining Aquas ![]() Posts: 353 |
I've filmed a singleplayer walkthrough (http://www.snowflakecat.com/2008/12/littlebigplanet-mr-stamp-1p-walkthrough.html) to MR STAMP! that should help those who find it difficult. ![]() | 2008-12-23 02:34:00 Author: snowflakecat ![]() Posts: 102 |
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