Help With Quicktime Movie Format
Archive: 5 posts
(Don't know where to post this) Thing is, me and my friends recorded some clips for a school project, and I'm tasked with editing them and turning it into a presentable video. The problem is, the clips are in Quicktime format, and they aren't running properly on anything other than Quicktime player. I'm using Ulead Video Studio 11. When I preview one of the clips, it plays fine, but when I preview the entire video, the clip has a low FPS and the sound is heavily distorted. I used a WMV file and it worked. Does anyone know? - How can I fix this problem? - A free file converter to WMV or AVI? (All the converters are just trials that convert part of the clips) - A video editing program that works properly with Quicktime clips? Thanks! | 2011-06-07 21:24:00 Author: gdn001 ![]() Posts: 5891 |
If you have the time, adobe after effects works with the majority of movie file types. Its another one of adobe brands that they have released and this one is just for video editing, animation etc. You'll be able to download a trial version, that lasts 30 days from when you launch the application (it works in full). The only draw back is that it's probably around 1-3gb in file size if you wanted to download it just for the trial version. If not, I'll help you out and conver the files into a format that will work for you. I'll convert them through after effects for you. Just private message me if you want me to help out!! | 2011-06-07 21:48:00 Author: dbibby88 ![]() Posts: 378 |
I'm going to think about that, just let me wait and see if more solutions show up. ![]() | 2011-06-07 22:15:00 Author: gdn001 ![]() Posts: 5891 |
Probably the fastest way is just to conver the file format if you already have the software that you want to use That software sounds alright, It even works in to avi. files. http://download.cnet.com/Pazera-Free-MOV-to-AVI-Converter/3000-2194_4-10798308.html A little tip, if you use avi files it will keep the quality of the videos your using but keeps them at lower sizes. I usually work with avi when I'm working videos. | 2011-06-07 22:24:00 Author: dbibby88 ![]() Posts: 378 |
Gonna try that, I'm testing Zamzar.com now, will test that later. | 2011-06-07 22:46:00 Author: gdn001 ![]() Posts: 5891 |
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