Reign of the Armada: Skies of Hell (survival challenge)
Archive: 20 posts
4 players side-scrolling arcade survival challenge. Latency(lag) can be a game breaker for players 2-4, but doesn't effect the host much if not none at all. For best results, game should be played single player. For local players, the game will always run smoothly. For the most fun and action, a 2 player game usually brings the entertainment this game can offer. The game starts out very simple, but will gradually increase it's difficulty as time passes. Most can't survive the first 3 minutes, but with practice, your skills will improve and the fun factor shoots high when the timer ticks pass the 7 minute mark. The difficulty adjusts itself depending on the initial count of players at the start of the game. The more players involved, means the more enemies there will be on screen. The special nuke changes as well, the more players there are, the longer it takes to recharge indicated by the nuke meter at the top right corner of the screen. So use them wisely. There are 6 different weapons at your disposal, each have 6 levels of firepower. Some power ups will add the number of bullets for that particular weapon, some will increase the fire-rate. The last upgrades for all weapons will make them very dependable to stopping the massive number of enemies and their bullets raining down on you. Only 4 of the weapons are available the first portion of the game, the 2 much stronger weapons don't come in until 10 minutes into the game. Remember, this is a survival challenge, the game does not end until all players are destroyed. 3 modes of difficulties, however can have 4 varieties of game modes. Game modes are "Ready To Die" which is the normal game difficulty. "Total Destruction" which is the mode that allows you to use the nuke every 6 seconds, regardless of how many players presented. It was initially designed to let people practice or to mess around, which is why this mode does not keep leaderboards. "Hell" mode can be applied to both "Ready To Die" and "Total Destruction", you can turn it On or OFF at the main title screen by pressing Triangle. "Hell" mode was designed to challenge even the most dedicated hardcore survivalist gamers. Play at your own risk, it's very hard. There are 3 stages you can choose from, the map itself doesn't affect gameplay, it's merely for the visuals and for your entertainment for when you use nukes. All 3 stages have destructible structures which will make the game feel more alive, still in the early works, will continue to polish as I add more features here and there. The stages are San Francisco, Cambodia and Egypt. San Francisco is the most polished as of now, so I highly recommend that if you play it, try out first. http://i2.lbp.me/img/ft/dc2d7269a9408cbb53c22f2090ee172cdcb40d4f.jpg Well, that's it for now, hopefully, you all will enjoy my game. Any and all reviews or comments are always appreciated. Game is updated daily, always taking up suggestions to make the game better or more appealing. Won't stop updating until I feel the game is fully polished. http://lbp.me/v/zmwj6b | 2011-06-07 07:21:00 Author: LoVeRiCe ![]() Posts: 90 |
Hey LoveRice happy to see you joined LBPC too ![]() For the people reading this level rocks so TRY IT NOW ![]() | 2011-06-07 08:19:00 Author: Vergil ![]() Posts: 155 |
I'll try it! | 2011-06-07 09:06:00 Author: DizaumBR ![]() Posts: 78 |
Hey there! Welcome to Central! ![]() Holy wow, I'm still wondering how long it took for you to work all of this logic into such a great level! The attention to detail is phenomenal, and I'm talking about the different features in this game too! I really liked how you gave points to players when they didn't use the nuke, even when it was ready to wreck havoc on the enemies (also made the game harder in a way ;D), and the different weapon upgrades were interesting as well! The visuals for the menu screen and HUD were also amazingly well done, giving the impression that this level could very well be a standalone mini-game you could find on the PSN Store! I don't see too many levels using parallax scrolling either, so it was nice to see something like that in this game. ![]() This level is a must-play for those who are looking for a nicely done survival challenge and a game to mess-around in! By the way, adding in pictures of your level onto the original post could possibly draw in some more players! ![]() | 2011-06-07 10:01:00 Author: Qrii_Nakari ![]() Posts: 204 |
Updated Game Version 1.5 I added a weather effect which adds even more detail to the game's evironments. Though it does slow down the game's frame rates a bit, I don't know if that'll give players an advantage or not. Also added a shield powerup, which can take 3 shots from enemy fire. It is given to the player(s) every 5 minutes. The first at 1 minute, second at 6 minutes, third at 11 minutes... so on and so on. I did this because the majority(90%) of the people who has played my game has trouble surviving the first five minutes. Though the game is hard, it is not impossible to master it. Given time and practice, some will surpass the first boss on their 5th try. Took the time to also change the look of my "Game Info" option to have a more professional look. Though that portion is still in the works and will look different from time to time as I update the game. I also changed the look of my "Stage Select" option as well, added a geographical map of where you're playing. I have many more features in mind to add to this game and will update them here on this forum. | 2011-06-08 11:20:00 Author: LoVeRiCe ![]() Posts: 90 |
Looks very interesting i have queued it and will play as soon as i can. BTW thanks for the help on my Castle Defence level. I think i've fixed it but not entirly sure until i can test it more. | 2011-06-08 12:15:00 Author: Lordwarblade ![]() Posts: 761 |
Well, try it out, because it is interesting if you actually take the time to get good at it like some people have. I tried to keep it from being a single playthrough experience by adding different stages, different difficulty settings, multiplayer where the game automatically compensates it's difficulty according to the number of players. So that it's not easier with more players helping out. Updated Game Version 1.6 ?Added a rain toggling ON and OFF option while playing the game, because the frame rate does slow down a bit, which does actually help players play better, strange but true. I guess slower moving bullets means better reaction time =). Didn't had this option in version 1.5. Do this by pressing L2 from any player. in-game "Game Info" adjusted to fit this command. Recommend turning it on if you like stunning visuals. Recommend turning it off if you like a smooth gameplay. ?Added a snap shot feature while in game so you can take a picture whenever you like. Take it when you're dodging the hell of bullets raining down on you, or when you activate the nuke that's about to clear the skies, take it whenever you like. Though you may only take 3 pictures during the entire game. Do this by pressing L1 from any player. in-game "Game Info" adjusted to fit this command. Don't really recommend taking photos because there is that sudden flash, which I can not control, which I know some times, people confuse that for the nukes and also blinds you for a split second from raining bullets. Added this for optional purposes, take snap shots at your own risk. Always looking to add more features, taking suggestions and appreciating reviews and comments =). Enjoy. | 2011-06-12 16:11:00 Author: LoVeRiCe ![]() Posts: 90 |
Sorry for the late reply LoVeRiCe Great game i liked the look of the levels and whole atmosphere. I thought the rain option was a very good idea as well. I really liked how you made the title menue as it was smooth to handle and looked great the choice of font was also especialy good. I thought the controls were good and the look of the tank but at first i must admit i thought the enemy models were a little basic in design and maybe have them go red when hit but not big thing really. I also thought that because of it's nice retro arcade feel it could do with a few more sound effects for the weapons and maybe some background sounds. Maybe some enemy land vehicles would be good nearer the 8min mark or something? One thing i thought stood out and so did my brother as i was playing was the homing missiles and arrange or ammunition you could collect from other flying vessels. Also i thought the nuke was a great feature. Over all i though it was a fun game that deserves more plays. I enjoyed all the levels and had a fun time playing this. I would like to see some more levels like a snow level with falling snow instead of rain, great game ![]() I'm actually playing it now to attempt to reach the 8min time. | 2011-06-13 13:45:00 Author: Lordwarblade ![]() Posts: 761 |
Great game i liked the look of the levels and whole atmosphere. I thought the rain option was a very good idea as well. I thought the controls were good and the look of the tank but at first i must admit i thought the enemy models were a little basic in design and maybe have them go red when hit. Maybe some enemy land vehicles would be good nearer the 8min mark or something? One thing i thought stood out and so did my brother as i was playing was the homing missiles and arrange or ammunition you could collect from other flying vessels. Also i thought the nuke was a great feature. Over all i though it was a fun game that deserves more plays. I enjoyed all the levels and had a fun time playing this. I would like to see some more levels like a snow level with falling snow instead of rain and a wider range of enemies maybe in the future but never the less great game ![]() I'm actually playing it now to attempt to reach the 8min time. I'm glad you liked it. Yeah I added the rain because I felt that the game was missing something to give it that feel like it's a time for the worst. Ironically, I personally love standing out in the pouring rain, makes me feel calm and peaceful, the hypnotic rhythm of the raindrops splashing onto the ground. I'm an artist and this was a tough self debate, as to whether I should focus on graphics or gameplay. In the end I choose gameplay. The reasons as to why the designs in my tanks and enemies are so simplistic was because of the limitations of onscreen objects and logics I can have at one time without too much of a frame rate drop. If I had made my tanks more detailed or enemies for that matter, gameplay would suffer because I would have less enemies and bullets at any given time, because after defeating the first boss at 10 minutes in, you get to the second wave of different enemies which will litter the screen full of bullets. If I had given the designs more details, I would not be able to achieve my visions for this game. However, I can add a few more extra details to the tanks since they are always constant. You know what, thanks Lordwarblade, that idea of a hit indicator is a good idea which I should have implemented into all my enemies from the beginning.... though it's still possible for me to change this, it would take me a good days worth just to replace all of my emitters of enemies.... and trust me, there is A LOT. I'll see what I can do with that. Oh there are land enemies after the first boss, approximately 13 minutes in, you'll encounter one, they are strong and slow, but they will force you to move and lessen your space of movement, so it's wise to take it out as soon as you can. As to why I didn't put it in too early, as you've suggested with the 8 minute mark, I just felt like the upgrades that you may have accumulated by then wouldn't suffice to handle the land enemy. Which reminds me, there are these two much stronger upgrades available after the 10 minute mark, which will help you take care of the air enemies while you take care of the land enemy. Try practicing on "Total Destruction" mode, you can practically survive forever on this mode, so you can see what you'll come up against when you get further into the game. Yes, the arrays of upgrades and power ups are a lot compared to many other games of the same genre. 1•You got your basic turret gun, which increase in bullet count with each upgrades and ending at level 6, shooting 5 bullets at double the fire rate. Strength 1 damage. 2•You got a missile launcher that shoots straight up into the sky, which also seeks and destroy nearby enemies. Each upgrades increases the number of missiles at any given time and ending at level 6, shooting 8 missiles. Strength 2 damage. 3•You got a rocket launcher that shoots out from your turret barrel. Acts just like the missile except you can aim it. Everything else is practically the same as the missile. 4•You got laser, upgrades increases it's fire rate, very slow at first, but ending at level 6, this is probably your best friend. This can eat right through enemy bullets. Strength 5 damage. 5•You got a mine that can detect any enemy that flies over it and blasting a very strong laser beam causing massive damage. Upgrades increase the rate of it being released and doesn't require you to fire, it does this automatically. Ending at level 6, this is probably your second strongest weapon, it will protect you more than not and save you in many occasions. Strength 8 damage. (Does not come in until after 10 minutes in). 6•You got a tracker, what it does is follow and intercept any and all enemies for about 2 seconds at a time, don't be fooled by it's size and look, this thing can clear the skies in a second and shoot automatically. Upgrades Increases it's fire rate. Ending at level 6, you practically don't have to do much, this thing will kill almost anything in sight in a quickness..... the weakness to this is that, this is useless in boss fights. Strength 1 damage per second. (Does not come in until after 10 minutes in) 7•You got a shield power up that is given to the players every 5 minutes. It can withstand 3 rounds of enemy fire. Strength 3. 8•You got the nuke ability, which will clear all the bullets raining down on you, well most of the time =). Can only be used if your nuke meter is full. An indicator will display when it's ready for use. The thing about this is, if you don't use it, you get bonus points. 100 points every second when it's full. This was done purposely so that people will challenge themselves even further and not rely on nukes to save them. Depending on the amount of initial players, the nuke will recharge at different speeds. 1 player - 30 seconds, 2 players - 60 seconds, 3 players - 85 seconds, 4 players - 120 seconds... however, if played on the "Total Destruction" mode, the recharge time will always be 6 seconds, regardless of player count. Strength 20 damage. Weapons are given randomly, so no game is ever the same. The nuke feature is probably my most favorite of this game, simply because not only does it save your life, but the sheer excitement as to how it affects the backgrounds. The damages are always different, I made many random events that can unfold every time you activate the nuke. So buildings will not always light on fire first before blowing up, some times they just blow up first. Or the street lights flicker or breaking off, or just turn off completely. Side railings crumble randomly, sometimes they shatter, some times they don't. Every game is always a different game. Yes, I've already had plans of implementing snow into my game, I'm changing the interface of the title menu screen to say "Weather" instead of "Rain" and adding in a real time night and day feature, so if you survive long enough, you'll go from night to day and night, so on and so on. So you could be fighting in the day time in the snow or rain, or fighting in the night time in the snow or rain. I'm also thinking about gushy winds which blows debris of junk and rubble. I'll be adding more different types of enemies and most likely changing the boss fights, because I personally think they are too easy. Again, thanks for playing. | 2011-06-13 14:42:00 Author: LoVeRiCe ![]() Posts: 90 |
Looks like you've got most of it covered which is good. I still didn't make it pass 10mins so never saw some of the newer enemies and i think that a lot of people like me who aren't so great at surviving might never realise how much is actually in the game. This is only my preference but maybe the spaces of time when things happen should happen a couple minutes sooner. Like i said this is only my opinion and i think the game is great as it is though many people with no patience would never come back to it to see those bosses. Maybe if prizes could be won for surviving a certain amount of time througout the levels then tthe impatient might replay more. Like i said though great game with nice effects and smooth gameplay. Hope to see more. | 2011-06-13 15:05:00 Author: Lordwarblade ![]() Posts: 761 |
Looks like you've got most of it covered which is good. I still didn't make it pass 10mins so never saw some of the newer enemies and i think that a lot of people like me who aren't so great at surviving might never realise how much is actually in the game. This is only my preference but maybe the spaces of time when things happen should happen a couple minutes sooner. Like i said this is only my opinion and i think the game is great as it is though many people with no patience would never come back to it to see those bosses. Maybe if prizes could be won for surviving a certain amount of time througout the levels then tthe impatient might replay more. Like i said though great game with nice effects and smooth gameplay. Hope to see more. Ahhh!!! Thanks for reminding me, I wanted to do just that. Add in prizes, given if you reach a certain amount of score, I forgot all about that. I was thinking about this when I was wondering "How do I get people to play this over and over again...?" and I remember playing some of the Mm picked games, they had prizes given out if you get a certain amount of points. You know, you're right, even I felt that the game was a little too long just to get to the first boss, but I also felt like people needed to earn their right of passage to fight the boss. It's rather a little too late to change all of that because the mechanics I created for the game, is set from the in-game timer I created. So changing this would take me days to reconfigure and then some just to place some of the enemies back in. If only you can see the game in create mode, there's literally about a thousand wires all over the place, if not more.... so I'm sorry to say that this might not change, simply because of the complexity involved. Then again, with enough practice, even the worst of players can become great at this game, I remember playing with a guy who died the first 30 seconds into the game. He decided to play the game alone on his own, over and over again, next thing I know, he loved the game so much, he got pretty far into the game with not much time. Every enemy have patterns. My pro tip would be to stay in the middle of the screen, rather on the edges. Move slow, not fast, but always moving. Just like in a game of tennis, you always keep your feet moving. It's just like any game, with practice, you can become great. I've seen many of my gamers, score high up in other survival games, but not so high in mine, not that my game is any harder, it's because they have been playing that other game many times. Some will take longer than others to get good, but in the end.... we all always will improve. I myself didn't do so well when I first played it, 6 minutes top.... after over a hundred plays, I can survive forever, even on Hell mode, without ever touching the nuke button. I know a 16 year old girl who reach over 120,000 points just on her second try. Then again, I've made the game 30% easier than it was originally. I created a difficulty chip that I can change in a mere second, so if the game is still too hard, I can always just make it easier without any trouble at all. Well, I'll see what I can give out as prizes and see where I can pinpoint the average amount of points to start giving out normal prizes and better prizes for those trying to take on the challenge to the next level. Thanks again Lordwarblade. | 2011-06-13 15:28:00 Author: LoVeRiCe ![]() Posts: 90 |
Well i've finally had the chance to try this level out and it didn't disappoint. The first thing that struck my attention was the professional looking menu which included normal mode, easy mode and a level select screen. The level itself looks brilliant, i like the retro feel of it. Maybe adding some sort of aiming reticule, possibly a laser sight, would make aiming more fluid. If you get a chance, try out my level, Baaarmy Herding ![]() | 2011-06-19 22:50:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Well i've finally had the chance to try this level out and it didn't disappoint. The first thing that struck my attention was the professional looking menu which included normal mode, easy mode and a level select screen. The level itself looks brilliant, i like the retro feel of it. Maybe adding some sort of aiming reticule, possibly a laser sight, would make aiming more fluid. If you get a chance, try out my level, Baaarmy Herding ![]() There's also a Hell mode which can be applied to both the Normal and Easy mode. The menu is only 75% done, I will refine it more and add more things when it's near fully polished. I will be adding the laser sight, but I can't extend it as far as i wanted to due to LBP's tools and mechanics, though it will be a short laser sight, it will be enough to help you know where you're aiming. As for your level, I already played it long ago and gave you some feedback on how to fix the scoring when multiple sheep enters a designated area. I did noticed that I gave you the wrong logics for it too, all you need to do is actually give individual points for each tags. Well thanks for playing. More features will be added within the week. I intend to finish up polishing my game in 2 weeks, so I can start on my next big project. Which will make every Space shooter game lover very happy. Mixing up all the greats into one epic game. =) | 2011-06-20 03:04:00 Author: LoVeRiCe ![]() Posts: 90 |
Update Game Version 1.7 ?Added the Weather option at the title screen by pressing the Square button to alternate between "Rain," "(new)Snow," or "Clear". While in the tank, anyone can press the L2 button to change weather conditions at any time. This is all optional. Recommended that weather be off(Clear) for smooth gameplay. ?Added Power up voice indicators which will tell you which upgrade you've collected. Also indicates when Nukes are ready for your destruction. ?Added a Loading screen at the start to fix lagging when players spawn, so no one is left behind. ?Changed background for stage "San Francisco". Was too plain before, so just added a little more detail. More updates to come soon. | 2011-06-26 09:14:00 Author: LoVeRiCe ![]() Posts: 90 |
ha sounds great. I only just played again but must have been before these updates i will check it out soon to see the weather options and new background. | 2011-06-26 10:25:00 Author: Lordwarblade ![]() Posts: 761 |
ha sounds great. I only just played again but must have been before these updates i will check it out soon to see the weather options and new background. All I did for the San Francisco stage on my game was change the material to make it look more like a city, than just a simple silhouette. Although it did make a huge difference in appearance, it's nothing big. I'm planning to add more destructible points and make the city seem more alive. I will polish up on my other stages as well, adding tons and tons of more destructible areas for each. However, I'll keep my main focus on this particular stage because it was my original and only stage, but I decided to add in extra stages for the heck of it, you can say replay value. The power up voice indicators are a bit sketchy, some times, you won't hear it say the power name's all the way, or none at all. This is because of so many things are going on at the same time. The snow was causing me tons of trouble at first because I made it so detailed that it took the game's frame rate down to turtle speed, it was almost unplayable. So I forced myself to just make a simple circle, not exactly the way I had it in mind, but it was either that or trash it altogether. I'm an artist, abstract and realism, so just know that there's been many hard sacrifices I've made in order to keep some detail lively and others dull. I would sacrifice detail over gameplay any day. Well, don't expect too much just yet, I still intend to add more things in before I can call my game complete. I'm at 85% thermo as of now. I'm only willing to go as far as 90% to lessen the risk of emitting glitches. | 2011-06-26 12:29:00 Author: LoVeRiCe ![]() Posts: 90 |
Just played it again and thought the new changes were great. Some of the voice overs for the pickups could be clearer but overall really good. The voice over for the nuke was great as i really needed it at times and wasn't able to continuously check. The new background was good and looked better though it was a little bright and made it hard to see things later in the game. Maybe use fog to darken it slightly. I liked the snow and think that the simple desighn works good. Changing through weather types worked great and smoothly. I did think that snow in Egypt level was a little strange though. Maybe a light sand storm would be better. I would also like a music button to change tracks while playing if it isn't already incorporated as i didn't seem to be able to find one. Also it would be good if your tank lit up or something when you got hit as it was hard to tell if i had been hit or not at some points. I eventually got past ten minutes and killed the boss with only one hit point then got annihilated by four enemy bullets at once but not just before pressing the Nuke button one last time. (If your gonna go go with a bang) I managed to come 6th in the scoreboard so im really happy with this outcome and glad i came back to play your level. Really good game ![]() | 2011-06-26 15:33:00 Author: Lordwarblade ![]() Posts: 761 |
Wow I was quite impressed with your skill in logic. Your are truly a logical Beast!!!! XD 1st thing I really want to talk about is your extreme artistic menu screen. I mean wow when i first scene it I was blown away. 2nd You have three different maps to choose from now that gives the games a lot of replay value. 3rd The game is awesome, tons of action and power ups. 4th You have power ups thats a huge plus in games now a days. 5th Its 4 players and it runs smoothly with all the action going on. 6th You added voices , it gave it a better arcade feel. 7th and final reason , its challenging. My my personal opinion 9.9/10 | 2011-06-28 21:47:00 Author: Headman1000 ![]() Posts: 52 |
I remember being a little amazed the first time I played this 2 months ago. It was definitely something new and different. + The menus are well done, it takes alot of time and testing to make sure menus function properly within each other. + Voice overs are a feature that are very rarely done, or even done well so it was a cool effect with the nukes. + Speaking of nukes, the visual effect for the nuke was probably one of the highlights of the level. + The survival nature of the game is fun, it's a great challenge trying to stay alive as long as possible, and it actually seems reasonable because of tools like the nuke and the fact that it never gets so hectic to where someone with skill couldn't shoot their way out. - While the menus obviously took alot to create on the logic side, the actual look of them leaves a little to be desired. They have that faint transparency as a consequence of using holographic material. And the off glow significantly decreases the readability. It's very difficult to make letters freehand and make them flow to the viewer as text. Levels lke Abstergo Training and Wet Works have some truly phenomenal, interesting menus and are a really great guide. - The game is a shooter however half the time it's virtually impossible to see where my bullets are and if i'm aiming correctly. I would reccomend making the bullets larger and more visible. It's a little jarring having pellets come out of a the barrel of a tank. - The weapons also didn't seem to have a huge effect when they make contact with things, also adding to the confusion. Perhaps you could add an effect chip to the ammunition and set it to emit explosive debris when a collision sensor is activated (Of course set it to 'Include Touching?' because everything's made of holograms.) you should probably add that to enemies too. Their death's are a little underwhelming. - Music is a big part of making a level great. Nostalgic Dream is an example of a level that is really enhanced tenfold by it's score selection. Whereas the music in Reign of the Skies: Hell of Armada is the same song that is used in every other LittleBigPlanet 2 level I play. I know Nightwish can be hardcore, but people have overused it so much that a different song would work better. It would be a shame if someone as talented as you should be lumped in with less talented creators. All in all, good level though. Keep up the goodwork! | 2011-08-11 23:24:00 Author: Nightshade_games ![]() Posts: 76 |
After just getting the Move Pack, I got very busy re-polishing this game and I gotta say, I absolutely love the new Sticker Material. It has saved me a few on the thermo, but that's not the biggest thing I've came here to talk about. I've replace most of the holo materials with the sticker material and it just looks like a whole new game. The sticker material even helped me from having to start everything from scratch. I even had all the enemies have hit indications, which I did not have before. So this time around, you know you're actually hurting them. I've changed the way the enemies get destroyed, so it's more visually tasteful. Without all the holographic materials, everything just looks more solid, no more see-through tanks and enemies. I've place a mini-map of the current stage you've selected on the main menu, so you know what stage you're about to play. I'm currently working with the layer glitch, so when I know how to mess around with that, I'll implement it into the game and have much better backgrounds than I do now. Anyways, check out the game now, it's about 5 times better than what it was 2 days ago. Graphic-wise at least. | 2011-09-17 09:10:00 Author: LoVeRiCe ![]() Posts: 90 |
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