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I've 'hearted' an online level but how do I view hearted levels??

Archive: 6 posts

I played a cool level online last night which I 'hearted' at the end. Does anyone know how to view a list of online levels that you've hearted?

If I go into the Popit thing and click on the hearted items icon it just tells me I've not hearted anything yet - which is incorrect because I have - a number of times.

Am I looking in the wrong place?
2008-12-09 13:36:00

Unknown User

To view your hearted levels, go to the "My Levels" page and press R1 to view your hearted levels.

Edit : I think there may be another way to access it as well, but this is the method I normally use.
2008-12-09 13:38:00

Posts: 2536

thanks very much for the quick response - will check this out later!2008-12-09 13:47:00

Unknown User

Sometimes It won't show my hearted levels. It still shows being hearted when I see it again, but not on my hearts list.2008-12-09 16:45:00

Posts: 431

be aware if you heart a lot of levels you will get more pages so nothing is crammed in 2008-12-11 03:50:00

Posts: 6419

be aware if you heart a lot of levels you will get more pages so nothing is crammed in

Yeap I think I have something like 5 pages total (incl my levels and hearted creators) and I've been off playing Far Cry and Prince of Persia, so that number of pages is going to start rising again quickly as I'm looking to play some more LBP in the days to come I love that you can see other's hearted levels too, that's how I find most of the good levels I play!
2008-12-11 04:00:00

Posts: 1348

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