Ancient Passage
Archive: 18 posts
Hey there, just submitted my second level, Ancient Passage: Travel through the forest to find the ancient ruins. Strange creatures have occupied the area, what could be the cause? Also here are some photos from the level : http://lbp.me/u/Domoninja7/photos http://lbp.me/v/0zhcwy | 2011-06-06 20:58:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Hi, This looks interesting, i'm a sucker for the ancient ruin type levels.. got it queued for later, will leave you some feedback also. Cheers. ![]() | 2011-06-07 07:41:00 Author: Flatbadger ![]() Posts: 68 |
Seems to be cool! Queued!!! ![]() | 2011-06-07 09:11:00 Author: DizaumBR ![]() Posts: 78 |
Cheers! I'm considering maybe doing a sequel to this level (probably temple grounds and a temple, etc). I'm now looking to do more story driven levels and I think that'll sort of allow me to come up with new ideas within the theme ![]() | 2011-06-07 14:33:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Hi Dom, Just played your level twice and liked it. Nice overall design, with the stone against the background used worked well. I liked the sections where you climbed, the waterfalls gave it a lush feel but at the same time ancient. The music seemed to fit well also, but I didn't find the sackbots on the bridge or the boss too much of a challenge, which in my opinion is not a bad thing as promotes replay's and gives a sense of achievement to the player.. (too many levels are just too difficult, which just frustrates people and they give up) I thought the cut scenes were good, in particular the one just before the bridge sackbot action, really good, the lighting was spot on. Overall, decent level, yayed and hearted from me. Cheers. | 2011-06-07 18:50:00 Author: Flatbadger ![]() Posts: 68 |
Thanks! To tell you the truth, I feel like I sort of gave up on the boss, it got too complicated and I could of made it more open when it came to that. Next time I make a boss it'll probably move about over a larger space. Glad you enjoyed the level ![]() | 2011-06-07 19:29:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
just played your level. not a bad level to be honest, especially for your second level. the good: nice atmosphere, simple platforming and interesting boss. the not so good: the sackbot zombies just felt a little thrown in there, the level could do with some more decorations/detail overall good job though. try out my level which is more of a scenic, relaxing level " Nature's Solitude" lbp me link http://lbp.me/v/0kn3j2 thread https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=57280-Nature-s-Solitude | 2011-06-08 05:53:00 Author: juscallmeJ ![]() Posts: 77 |
Nice temple level, lots of platforming fun nothing overly complex which makes for an enjoyable flowing passage through the level. I liked the way you pulled the camera back on occasion to add a sense of scale to the temple. Nice selection of materials but the surfaces seemed very flat and horizontal where some more curves would have added an more organic look to the vegetation. The boss was okay but could be improved, maybe the mini sackbot enemies could have a score giver added to let the player score points on their destruction. Liked the music choice well suited to the pace and design, maybe a bit more in the way of aging to improve the anciet vibe, things like rubble, cobwebs, weeds, etc. Great job for a second level. Here's another ancient temple for you to visit...F4F: https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=57002-Ico-amp-the-Colossus | 2011-06-08 09:22:00 Author: EnochRoot ![]() Posts: 533 |
Your enemy design is good, I like the low creature things quite a bit. I did think that during the first part there was a bit of a missed opportunity to reward skill and dexterity. As you jump on the heads of the things that go up and down think of having a points arc that can become a multiplier if you jump on the first one collect three bubbles, land on the next one and get another five. Also you jump across/fall down a few things but here are only piles ob bubbles sitting in a static location, that only requires you to walk over and collect them, think about rewarding players that jump out on the correct arc to get some points that if done properly ends on the edge of a pit. I still like the low creature things I like how they are not overly complicated to kill, but do present a danger and and I also like the blue eyes following you. The colours of these things work really well. As I go up the waterfall following the bounce pads, again static bubbles to collect once landed but no air acrobatics needed. If the three monsters above the waterfall kill you, it's a little bit of a trip to get back to them, maybe a spawn gate on the edge of the platform just before them? Again as you go down the next waterfall and up the other side you really seem to be missing an opportunity to have a points challenge. The bounce pads up the waterfall are really well placed, and require some dexterity to line them up in a continuous jump, having a potential points chain here would add a lot to it. I like the idea of the mechanisms in the temple, but maybe put some more thought into how the would work in real life and model on that (this doesn't mean that the HAVE to work like that, just look like the do). Example; you pull the lever and the cogs spin, and then platform goes up and down. Maybe the cogs could go into the ceiling suggesting that there is more going on behind the scenes. Second example the weights on chains are attached to a thin bit of wall, but if you had some massive weights around them, cogs, and some sort of housing they would look more 'real'. Your end boss is a nice effort, and I like that I was given a tip on how to defeat it. It could do with some tweaks to look more like the things it is spawning though. I did feel that you could give a better warning when the ground was about to get zapped or it was going to shoot, also consider giving the enemies a follow setting as they were sort of just 'there' and felt separate from the actual challenge. Nice level on the whole, I just think that there is some massive potential to make more fun with better choices in how you use bubbles… (play tower of whoop a few more times ![]() It also seems that the first half of your stage feel's more 'complete'. The entire stage is laid out well with some good platforming, but there just seems to be more polish in the first half, it seems more complete. I don't think that you need to change your platforming just pack some more art around it. As an example; most of your pickups were in the first plane, but because all three layers were open it actual feels flatter. Add some ruined pillars/vines to navigate around and these flat stretches would feel denser. You mention that you want to expand this level and do more story driven parts. I recommend keeping the platform layout you have and rebuilding around it, because it is a fun stage and if you added the things you next want to tackle this would get pretty interesting. But worth a play! Check out my stage Miserable Flying Weather (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=57390-Miserable-Flying-Weather-My-First-quot-real-level) if you get a chance. | 2011-06-08 10:38:00 Author: Mr_Fusion ![]() Posts: 1799 |
I really had fun in your level, I see nothing wrong with it, it was smooth, the boss fight was nice and not too easy. You did a great job even on the look and feel of the level itself which is rare at times to find. You did very well on this level ^.^ I liked it a lot meow | 2011-06-08 17:25:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
![]() | 2011-06-10 19:07:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
that was a fun and rather solid level. its clear you put a lot of time into the design and into the atmosphere. the creatures were fun too, the lion guys gave me a bit of a kicking a few times but i soon fought them off. i liked the final boss creature too, well done = ) | 2011-06-11 02:11:00 Author: lisatiffany ![]() Posts: 55 |
Cheers! I'm considering maybe doing a sequel to this level (probably temple grounds and a temple, etc). I'm now looking to do more story driven levels and I think that'll sort of allow me to come up with new ideas within the theme ![]() Ooooh yeah. This is a good foundation for a series. You did the ancient theme nicely. I particularly enjoyed once it seemed to actually be IN the ruins. Fun fast-paced gameplay, and I really loved your boss battle. Very well done on that part. One thing I think could really benefit your level is sounds. Whenever one of the doors in those little temples raised, if it had like the sound of cogs turning or something, it would've added a lot to the atmosphere. Sounds throughout the level could make it really nice. Overall a very fun level! ![]() I'd love if you could check out my level: https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=57397-The-Heist-Prologue | 2011-06-11 03:01:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Thanks! I'll definitely try to put more emphasis into the sounds, they're certainly important for building atmosphere. I think I'll get the pirates of the Caribbean DLC, in particular for the water feature but also for the extra materials and levels! ![]() Another note: Does the PSN store always run so unresponsively and slowly, or is that just my internet connection? :S | 2011-06-12 13:20:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I've queued the level for later.If you get a chance, try out my level in my sig ![]() | 2011-06-12 13:49:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
the pirates Dlc is pretty good, i have most of the Dlc's and a few of them are rather poorly put together but pirates gives you some nice decorations and materials. its not your connection, the store is really slow because everyone is using it with free Plus, that and downloading gigabytes of games. it will be nice when it all slows down, even the lbp server seems slower these days but hopefully its temporary if you are curious whats in the pirates kit = ) New Gameplay features for Create: Water ? Global Water Object, Scuba Gear, Bubble Machine, Water Switch 5 Brand new Pirates of the Caribbean themed Levels 1 New costume: The Cannibal: Leg Bands, Teeth, Nose Decoration, Hair, Loincloth, Skin 4 new music tracks A new level background 8 Materials 14 Decorations 27 Objects 133 Stickers | 2011-06-12 13:50:00 Author: lisatiffany ![]() Posts: 55 |
Constructive Feedback Some of the bounce pads weren't glued down at the very beginning. Also try making sure they're flush with ground so you don't have to "step" on to them. Try using some more thin material (did you use any) to add detail and make traps look even better. In at least one spot, it looks like you left out a a jump pad you meant to be there. I think there might be a better material choice for the elevator near the gears... During the boss battle, the bad guys spawned without warning right on me and killed me!!! I did like the ground bugs you made. I think if you can easily improve the detail in this or your next level by working more with the thin layers> When you can, please provide me some feedback on either my Ka=Boom Basketball, Afro Troll or Golden Acorn lvl in my sig. Thanks! | 2011-06-16 04:19:00 Author: peoriaspitfire ![]() Posts: 359 |
Thanks! I left out some of the bounce pads because some of them stopped working for some bizarre reason and whenever I tried placing them in again and others would stop working... Currently creating my third level and I'm definitely trying to put more emphasis on thin materials to give it a more finished look. I'm also recycling the old enemies (plus adding new ones) as this level is kind of a sequel to Ancient Passage. I've queued your levels so I'll get onto playing them soon ![]() | 2011-06-17 12:25:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
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