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Little Big Palace

Archive: 5 posts

My second level is now live. It's called Little Big Palace. This time you help young prince Tacotl, the little brother of Mahazacotl. His palace has also been taken over by a monster, or two and he needs your help getting his palace back. The palace is filled with deadly traps: Roofs that squashes you, spinning platforms and fire pits. There's also some hidden goodies for you to find and collect.

I really hope you will enjoy this level, it took me around 30 hours too make and I certainly enjoyed making it.
2008-12-09 11:55:00

Posts: 35

this sounds class.. will check it out 2nite...2008-12-09 12:24:00

Posts: 7

My second level is now live. It's called Little Big Palace. This time you help young prince Tacotl, the little brother of Mahazacotl. His palace has also been taken over by a monster, or two and he needs your help getting his palace back. The palace is filled with deadly traps: Roofs that squashes you, spinning platforms and fire pits. There's also some hidden goodies for you to find and collect.

I really hope you will enjoy this level, it took me around 30 hours too make and I certainly enjoyed making it.

A sequel?
Hmmm yay ^__^
2008-12-09 12:54:00

Posts: 116

Kind off yeah^^
I first thought of putting in a key in the first level so you would unlock the second level, but I don't know if it is a good idea or not
2008-12-09 12:58:00

Posts: 35

Kind off yeah^^
I first thought of putting in a key in the first level so you would unlock the second level, but I don't know if it is a good idea or not

Its novel allright, sort of your own "mini-game series"
But less people would get to play it =/
2008-12-09 18:46:00

Posts: 116

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