Final Fantasy XI "South Gustaberg1" Region (CHOCOBO) TEST PLAY
Archive: 4 posts
I like feedback on the chocobo. I know theres few things buggy but would like feedback anyway. Tell me if you guys are enjoying the chocobo. If not what can I improve on? http://lbp.me/v/venat | 2011-06-06 07:36:00 Author: venat ![]() Posts: 715 |
I like feedback on the chocobo. I know theres few things buggy but would like feedback anyway. Tell me if you guys are enjoying the chocobo. If not what can I improve on? http://lbp.me/v/venat Um no lbp.me link? | 2011-06-06 18:33:00 Author: onaga666 ![]() Posts: 293 |
It's just one extra click, dude. Hit the planet below his name. ![]() Anyway. I'm not sure what kind of feedback you're looking for, so I'll try all angles: Technically I saw a lot of problems. When I hit X the chocobo would become invisible. I could hit X and left really fast to climb into the air. Once I found a digging spot I could keep getting points seemingly indefinitely. I got stuck a number of times when near an obstacle or slope. And layer switching wouldn't work half the time. Visually, I didn't really like the beak. The rest was alright, maybe a bit bland, two-dimensional. Gameplay-wise, it's hard to tell right now, because I'm not sure what your intentions are. It's not very challenging right now, but I suppose that's true for the original as well. Because there are no hints there's no choice but to try digging everywhere. Maybe you could turn it into a reaction game, where you get a brief prompt and if you hit the right button fast enough you find it, otherwise the chocobo lost the scent. And I'd get rid of the switching between walking and digging with X, it would make more sense to just let go of the analogue stick to stop, and hit O for digging. Right now the interface is too slow and cumbersome. So uhm, I hope this helps and I didn't get you too depressed. ![]() | 2011-06-06 22:42:00 Author: Rogar ![]() Posts: 2284 |
It's just one extra click, dude. Hit the planet below his name. ![]() Anyway. I'm not sure what kind of feedback you're looking for, so I'll try all angles: Technically I saw a lot of problems. When I hit X the chocobo would become invisible. I could hit X and left really fast to climb into the air. Once I found a digging spot I could keep getting points seemingly indefinitely. I got stuck a number of times when near an obstacle or slope. And layer switching wouldn't work half the time. Visually, I didn't really like the beak. The rest was alright, maybe a bit bland, two-dimensional. Gameplay-wise, it's hard to tell right now, because I'm not sure what your intentions are. It's not very challenging right now, but I suppose that's true for the original as well. Because there are no hints there's no choice but to try digging everywhere. Maybe you could turn it into a reaction game, where you get a brief prompt and if you hit the right button fast enough you find it, otherwise the chocobo lost the scent. And I'd get rid of the switching between walking and digging with X, it would make more sense to just let go of the analogue stick to stop, and hit O for digging. Right now the interface is too slow and cumbersome. So uhm, I hope this helps and I didn't get you too depressed. ![]() Thankyou for checking my level out. I know all those problems are there. oww for the chocobo it will have a Timer bar, Speed Booster Bar and a Dig Bar. Dig right now is just messing around with the idea so its not even ready yet. Dig is met to find (Sticker) Items. Dig-Randomize-Sticker. Beak has been changed and is none holigram. I was gonna make the chocobo open its mouth but it seems to be ugly using hologram Chocobo Emites at a higher rate then what its set in because found it easyer toget out stuck areas. Found out pressing X once kills all Moveable chocobos. Pressing X again after that spawns the Chocobo that uses Dig animation. Using Left or Right kills the dig chocobo. Theres a glitche in the game itself. when you face left and kill your chocobo it emites the chocobo that digs facing left when you face right and use dig it emites the chocobo facing left or none at all. There is a dig chocobo that faces right but for some reason the game doesnt let it happen and all the logic is correct. What would fix the emiting floating glitche i have is just give the walking chocobos dig Gameplay wise its gonna be used for Find Items, Reach high locations without (glitche) and be a useful option when reaching deeper areas of the game. Use of Chocobos is sorta a 3rd option to travel to other levels. (World Map) Fastest way to travel to your last area. But All Levels will be locked unless u walk threw them or use a Chocobo. (Walk) Battle your way threw the levels to find your way... (Chocobo) Race, Dig, Ride Chocobos are limited to only outside field areas they can be used. Most of the hardcore areas wont be accessble by chocobos. You will be able to reach there level links in another level tho. Of Corse im not gonna hand the option to ride chocobos out there till Players either... Reach Jeuno and do Chocobo Quest or Get Rank 2 Access to there 2nd City Zone` Toget Rank2 you gonna get Key access to Bastok Mines or Windurst Woods or South Sandoria by Completing number of quests in your starting City areas... Bastok Market, Windurst Waters, North Sandoria. | 2011-06-10 09:21:00 Author: venat ![]() Posts: 715 |
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