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Repping Limit

Archive: 6 posts

I repped Forsaken 3-5 times in a row for all the mod stuff he had done before he became a mod. But now everytime i try to rep one of his posts a popup comes up saying i need to spread reputation around to others first before being able to rep Forsaken. So far I have repped 2 or 3 other people then Forsaken but it still says I need to spread the rep around.

Is there a way to rid this or a reason that it is at such a low level? Maybe just up the limit of reps you can do to one user before having to spread it around.


2008-12-09 07:18:00

Posts: 843

It's not that much really, 2-3 is a little, try 5-6 and give it 2 days then try to rep Forsaken, then it might work. They did that so no one spams rep on one person just for the heck of it. I think thats why. :eek:2008-12-09 07:30:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

Not really spamming, more of two or more people arranging rep boosting.2008-12-09 19:15:00

Posts: 6728

Why boost rep? Seriously, that is terribly sad.2008-12-09 21:16:00

Posts: 473

Not really spamming, more of two or more people arranging rep boosting.

It can sometimes be both cases actually

And boost rep because rep is very precious to a lot of people, on many forums. While it should only be an extra feature.
Can't you see some people asking for rep here already?
2008-12-09 21:20:00

Posts: 950

Yep I had the same problem. Forsaken deserves too much rep :/
I didn't think I'd given him rep before, but according to the message I had. But it's to stop people abusing the system so I guess it's for the best.
2008-12-09 21:32:00

Posts: 1100

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