Fortnight of Fright (Zombie Survival)
Archive: 6 posts
Well here it is, the level that I have been slaving over for the last two weeks. It has finally come together... In this unique zombie survival you fight for 14 days and 14 to survive. Zombies will only spawn at night, as each day progresses the zombies become harder, with a boss fight every 5 nights. Whats that? You don't know how to play? Well fear not there is a menu and in game tutorial before the game begins. The game features: A day and night system Many weapons Character health bars and not just feiry zombies. Apparent great use of the 3D layer (Says reviewers) Zombie Bosses and MUCH MUCH more. Now here are some screenies http://i54.tinypic.com/1e3rww.jpg http://i53.tinypic.com/tag4f4.jpg http://i56.tinypic.com/20ro48p.jpg http://i56.tinypic.com/13zwv0z.jpg http://lbp.me/v/0xczdw | 2011-06-05 21:48:00 Author: onaga666 ![]() Posts: 293 |
Checked this out today and was impressed at the amount of work and original thought put into it. Nice detailed urban environment, lots of clever weapons, health bars, and scoring chances. I was playing by myself and think that it would be great in multi-player so I'll grab a few mates and give the zombies the *** kicking they deserve. I did notice at one point that firing the paintinator in the air next to the LBPC sticker generated streams of 50 points for no apparent reason? Clever stuff not atypical zombie shooter, much more ambitious. | 2011-06-06 20:52:00 Author: EnochRoot ![]() Posts: 533 |
Hey onaga666 Great level. I liked the city street and the vending machines where you buy your weapons and ammo. The way the Zombies only come at night was a great touch as well as i found myself eagerly waiting for night for the first two days then by the time the third came i though oh no they're coming as night fell. The concept for this was good. One thing i would like to see depending on temperature would be a nice underground sewer added to the level so that it would have more than just running back and forth. Maybe some better weapons down there but have some zombies slower but covered in sewage. | 2011-06-06 22:55:00 Author: Lordwarblade ![]() Posts: 761 |
Hey thanks for feedbacking on my level I played this, this evening and despite being alone i got the general idea. Great concept to cross the zombie survival style of c.o.d over to lbp! with xp counting for health/upgrades etc It took a while for night to kick in so i was wandering for some time, perhaps i had to go left first? this wasn't made clear perhaps a daytime "Timer" in the main room? the level design was really nice, it didn't hurt my eyes like so many other levels. but still had the obvious attention to detail! Not much i can say as i've never made a level like this mate, but keep it up! perhaps some other peoples advice can help you kick this up another notch and make it phenomenal! | 2011-06-08 00:01:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Checked this out today and was impressed at the amount of work and original thought put into it. Nice detailed urban environment, lots of clever weapons, health bars, and scoring chances. I was playing by myself and think that it would be great in multi-player so I'll grab a few mates and give the zombies the *** kicking they deserve. I did notice at one point that firing the paintinator in the air next to the LBPC sticker generated streams of 50 points for no apparent reason? Clever stuff not atypical zombie shooter, much more ambitious. Shooting a the boxes near the LBPC sticker perhaps? Well shooting boxes gives points, that was made clear in the tutorial section. Thanks for the great review mate ![]() Hey onaga666 Great level. I liked the city street and the vending machines where you buy your weapons and ammo. The way the Zombies only come at night was a great touch as well as i found myself eagerly waiting for night for the first two days then by the time the third came i though oh no they're coming as night fell. The concept for this was good. One thing i would like to see depending on temperature would be a nice underground sewer added to the level so that it would have more than just running back and forth. Maybe some better weapons down there but have some zombies slower but covered in sewage. Hmmm... I like that idea however, yes the therm is through the roof, and a sewer would also interfere with the zombie spawn. Hey thanks for feedbacking on my level I played this, this evening and despite being alone i got the general idea. Great concept to cross the zombie survival style of c.o.d over to lbp! with xp counting for health/upgrades etc It took a while for night to kick in so i was wandering for some time, perhaps i had to go left first? this wasn't made clear perhaps a daytime "Timer" in the main room? the level design was really nice, it didn't hurt my eyes like so many other levels. but still had the obvious attention to detail! Not much i can say as i've never made a level like this mate, but keep it up! perhaps some other peoples advice can help you kick this up another notch and make it phenomenal! Thanks a lot, no the day/night cycle is run on a sequencer that triggers right as you spawn, although day time might feel like ages on your own, it is vital in the later nights to survive. | 2011-06-08 16:52:00 Author: onaga666 ![]() Posts: 293 |
Pitty about the thermo it makes me wonder why games like crysis 2 run smoothy but in LBP a level like this and my Heavy Calibre level fill the thermo so quikly and get laggy if more is added. It's a real pitty. Imagine what we could achieve with just a little more thermo. | 2011-06-08 20:01:00 Author: Lordwarblade ![]() Posts: 761 |
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