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Borderlands: need Tips and Help

Archive: 20 posts

I've looked for a borderlands thread but failed to find one. I'm on my iPhone and couldn't go through the 55 pages that came up when typed in borderlands. So if there is one please close this and direct me in the right direction with a link. Thanks

Well I know I've chosen to play borderlands long after most people. It's never too late to play a great game.

I tried the 60 minute trial on it and loved it. I went out and bought it, GOTY edition. This game seems looks like you can do a ton of stuff. Is there any tips anyone has to help me out as far as gameplay and weapons, maybe what character to choose. I think I'm going with Roland, he seems like the best all around.

Anything you can throw my way. Something that maybe you wished you knew when first played it. Stuff like spending money to early etc...

Also it came with all the dlc. Is the separate from the actual game or is stuff I'll see as I'm playing. I know one says it has more weapons. Do I see them in the game? Or do I have to look somewhere else to find them?

I think I'm going to love this game. Did you like it?
2011-06-04 21:45:00

Posts: 306

This game is soooooo good. I played it so much I can't even describe. It was always fun looking for modded guns online and such. I know they took out a majority of the modded weapons but there is still some out there.
The game is really great to even play through alone. You get a good amount of replay value in it before you get bored.
2011-06-04 22:20:00

Posts: 6419

Borderlands is easily one of my favourite games ever. I still play it to this day. (got about 100 hours on it.)

So tips. Well, for your class, I can tell you that Mordecai is probably the best solo class, his Bloodwing can tear apart an army once you upgrade him enough, which helps when its only you fighting. Rolands turret is more for ammo resupply and healing, which is used best with multiple people. Siren could also be a good solo character, and I've never used Brick so I can't tell you about him.

Another good tip is to try and stay away from buying stuff. I can't tell you how many times I've bought a gun, then for it to either, A: actually suck (those stats can be deceiving!) or B: I find a better gun within a couple minutes by just killing an enemy.

When you are upgrading your character with skills, make sure to look at the full tree first. There are 3 bars of upgrade, each bar gives you different things. To unlock the lower skills in a bar, you must first put a certain amount of points into that bar. So make sure to look at all the skills, find the ones you want, and then start upgrading that bar.

Don't ignore loot! Loot is good and so always look around for hidden chests and stuff.

As for the DLC, if you got the GOTY it should all be in it already, so when you get to a fast travel station, you can fast travel to a DLCs respective starting area.

That's all I can think of right now, I may think of more later.
2011-06-04 22:25:00

Posts: 2358

If you do use mordecai, and a bird build, you should know that hitting r1 will call the bird back before its time.
this is good for when it doesnt seem to want to choose a target and also if you need to use the heal ability when it returns.
2011-06-04 22:35:00

Posts: 730

Yep, I used a Mordecai scavenger build that boosted my birds skill and the amount of cash/loot baddies drop. Only drawback is he is absolutely worthless against some of the bosses that don't provide cover or hit hard. Get ready to circle strafe your *** off.

I started a Brick build recently... are you interested in multiplayer? If so, shoot me a PM.
2011-06-04 22:39:00

Posts: 1239

This game is soooooo good. I played it so much I can't even describe. It was always fun looking for modded guns online and such. I know they took out a majority of the modded weapons but there is still some out there.
The game is really great to even play through alone. You get a good amount of replay value in it before you get bored.

Thanks for the replies. So Roland is not thes best solo. Also can I use any gun with any character? Throughout the entire game do I keep the same character stats and guns. Like if I play online and find a cool guns is it there for me to use in single player.

Ok I hope I can explain this. If I'm in single player and go to dlc or online play do I keep the character exactly the way he is? Also If I make changes will they change in single player. Example: switch my weapons and collect money, will all that remain the same no matter what I do.

Another question I have is gamesaves. How does this works. Is there anything that is saved to servers or is it all just in your hard drive? Those station they have that read your DNA or whatever it is they do, are those save stations and if yes is that the only way to save.

Ok sorry questions questions questions. Say if I'm playing and I collect guns and money then I die do I lose anything from the lasttime I played and is there checkpoints, say if I'm in the middle of a mission and I have to leave, will I start at the point I left at, where will the game load me.

I know I asked a ton of stuff but I just don't get it. Online and single player are linked? Right?
2011-06-04 22:51:00

Posts: 306

The DLC has to be downloaded, you should have a code in the box.2011-06-04 23:52:00

Posts: 6728

Yes, you can use any gun with any character, and no character is better with a certain gun (though they may have more skills that upgrade that type of gun.)

Also, your character is constant, so you can take him, your guns, your money, all of it, with you anywhere, as long as you choose that character when you start/join a game.

In the game, if you die you respawn at the nearest checkpoint, (no resetting you are just moved) and you automatically pay a ton of money (which I have always seen as a really stupid system.) The amount of money you pay is dependent on how much you have, and then it takes a certain percentage.

And if you close down early, the game will save the AREA you are in, so when you come back it will load you into that area, NOT at any checkpoint in that area. (So it's the same as fast traveling to an area.)
2011-06-04 23:53:00

Posts: 2358

Thanks everyone for answering my questions.

I started it lastnignt and I love it. I very mad people didn't warn me about online play, I don't mean you guys, I'm talking about my dumb friends that didn't tell me about joining matches. I was up to level 9 and joined someone. It took about 5 minutes and I was up to level 13. I want to do it myself with no help. Also it added a ton of missions to my list which made it so confusing to know where I was supposed to go. I originally had 3 mission active, then after getting back from an online game I had about 75. I think I'll play single player first then join in on online play. Everything just went nuts when I returned from an online game. It wouldn't let me complete certain missions and I got like 4 skill points for doing nothing. I just erased that and started from scratch. Which is no big deal. I love this game

I do have a question though. Do you have any tips on doing multiple missions at once. I noticed I'll have three missions, I'll do one and after finishing it realize I have to go all the way back to pretty much the same spot to do the other one. Can I do them together. Also another thing I noticed is if I die all the lockboxes will return with more money, even the gun crates will be replenished. A glitch? Or is it how they have the game set up?
2011-06-05 23:50:00

Posts: 306

chests refill when you restart the game.
yes you can do multiple quests before returning to contacts (there are some that are almost right on top of each other )

also rolands not terrible solo. i have a shotty/ tank build that is a blast to play. but he is better in a group. one trick with shotguns btw, the higher the accuracy the tighter the spread... i have a hunter's shotgun that fires 9 pellets practically right on top of each other. it murders wantonly.
2011-06-06 01:25:00

Posts: 730

I played for awhile and got to lvl. 43 and beat most of the DLCs.

Used the soldier class all the way through and had pretty much infinite ammo. I don't have the game anymore, but I do know a few tricks.

Early on I just went to General Knoxx DLC and picked up weapons and sold them. You can get ALOT of money and if you back out and go back it will let you loot the same chests over and over again. Infinite money FTW.

There's my two cents. Enjoy.
2011-06-06 02:15:00

Posts: 837

Thanks again guys! New question. So you know when get a new gun or buy one it says the damage/accuracy etc. Below there is box that may say something like +50 damage or fast reload. When you buy a new shield it may have a lower recharge rate but below it says fast recharge. Do these note below reflect the percentages above. I'm asking because I got a decent shield with a high recharge rate. In the store there is one that cost more money, it has low r
percentages all around but below in the notes is says fast recharge(or regenerate). So my question is would that low one have a really quick recharge rate. I just don't get it. Why pay more for something that's less if you don't get the extra perk. I think the percentages do reflect the notes below, they have to be seperate, right.

I'm sorry my question is confusing. Hopefully you know what I'm trying to say.

By the way the more and more I play this game I keep loving it. I can't believe I did not play it sooner. Best way for me to explain it is to say it feels like if rockstar and quentin tarantino had a baby. Even feels like waterworld without the water. I usually sell back all my games but this one is a keeper. The only reason I didn't ever get it was my best friend said it was horrible, other friends said get it but he hated it. I understand now because he hates tarantino films. Boy did I tell him earlier today. I should of known he thinks black ops is the best game ever made. Black ops is ok for about a month but it lacks character and originality. Borderlands oozes those things. My fianc? is going to cally for two weeks next week, I know what I'll be doing the whole time.

There I go again ranting about how good this is. One problem though. I'm kinda confused as to what are plot missions and what are side missions. How do I tell the diference? I'm just doing every mission given to me. Will it take forever to finish that way? How did you do it? How can you tell the difference between missions?

Ok I'm done lol. I will end by saying this last month has bee. My favorite month ever for games I have played. Just got into LBP2 recently, played dead space and portal 2. Wow what great games. This November will be very overwhealimg. We got battlefield(hoping this destroys COD), MW3(probably not going to like it but I'm still trying it), Uncharted(these game are always amazing), Skyrim(wow, just wow), assassins creed(sorta getting sick of the quick time between games), hitman 5, I just dont know how I'm going to get all of these. Thats just november! This has got to be the best year for gaming. Any talk of Borderlands 2. Please don't say anything that will spoil this game for me. Just a simple yes or no will do.

Thanks so much guys. Anyone who has some cool guns can add me I'll join as a separate character then my single player. I do not want your guns I just want to see what i can look forward to later in the game. Plus I keel hearing about modded guns, which I think are guns made by the community, you'd have to tell me that, I'm just guessing.
2011-06-06 04:35:00

Posts: 306

A game called "BorderWorld" has been patented by Gearbox - other than that there is no info on a sequel - other than saying that the idea of a sequeal "seems like a no-brainer."

I think this game is best when played split-screen co-op with a good mate who can play it for the long haul.
2011-06-06 17:28:00

Posts: 1970

that might be a health regen shield
recharge = sheld
regen = health
also the bonuses listed are already factored into the stats above.
2011-06-06 18:03:00

Posts: 730

that might be a health regen shield
recharge = sheld
regen = health
also the bonuses listed are already factored into the stats above.

I'm confused.

Sheild one Price:$895

Capacity 68
Recharge rate 19

Note below shield says: very fast recharge

Shield two Price:$325

Capacity 170
Recharge Rate 40

No notes below

This is where I get confused. The second shield is obviously the better one. Why does the first shield cost more. I was thinking it cost more because it has a very fast recharge rate. Your saying it's nothing extra, I believe you I just think it's weird for the game to do that.

Another reason I ask is because I bought a gun that had very high stats. Shortly after I pick up an enemy's gun that very low stats compared to the one I bought but it has a ton of notes below it. Stuff like +50 critical danger etc. The gun I picked up from the enemy is by far more powerful even with the low stats. So I was thinking the colored notes had something to do with that. One gun says 2.1 fire rate, below it says +40 firerate. So your saying the 2.1 already has the +40 in it. I was it would a total of 42.1 fire rate.

Also the u-stations. Are they just for fast travel or do they serve another purpose?
2011-06-06 18:45:00

Posts: 306

Those stations allow you to change your characters colours, reset all your skills, and fast travel. That's it.

As for those shield, you shouldn't listen to the text unless it says an actual stat or effect (ex. says the shield creates an explosion when depleted or +40% recharge rate)

As for guns, the stats are very confusing. What it says below is an addition to the basic stats. So 2.1 fire rate +40% fire rate means that it does not actually have a 2.1 fire rate. A gun can look crap from its basic stats, but turn out amazing because of the other things said below, thats why you really should pick up a gun, compare it with another, then read everything each says and decide for yourself which is better - or even better: try them both out by killing stuff. Again, it's quite confusing, and so try and stay away from basing a gun on the basic stats, and base them on which actually does better in the field.
2011-06-06 20:52:00

Posts: 2358

Do the skill sets that refer to teammates help me also. There are some great ones that are just for teams and I was wondering if I'll benefit from them to playing in single player. Like the ammo one that spits out ammo for you team by the turret. Thanks.

By the way I'm loving it. I had no clue about all the guns in this game. Wow they are amazing. Eveygame should have a gun system like this.
2011-06-09 03:28:00

Posts: 306

Do the skill sets that refer to teammates help me also. There are some great ones that are just for teams and I was wondering if I'll benefit from them to playing in single player. Like the ammo one that spits out ammo for you team by the turret. Thanks.

By the way I'm loving it. I had no clue about all the guns in this game. Wow they are amazing. Eveygame should have a gun system like this.
Uh, I can't really say, the ammo thing is a yes for just you, but some other skills only work with a team. (Such as the healing bullets.)
2011-06-09 05:54:00

Posts: 2358

My suggestion is that if your mordecai, than use shotguns and SMG's.

and don't use eridian weapons. they suck.
2011-06-14 16:01:00

Posts: 426

i absolutely loved borderlands but it was one of those games i waited a year to play because i didn't know if it was my kind of game. i got a lot of play out of it especially in co-op both online and offline, i don't even usually aim for platinum in a game because it usually takes the fun out and makes it tedious but i got my 100% in the first 4 days of play! i need to find the goty edition with the dlc on the disc, i'm playing a bunch of new games at the moment so it might just have to wait a while longer.

if you are interested i review games and here is the review for borderlands = ) (http://lisa-tiffany.blogspot.com/2011/05/borderlands-game-review-ps3360pc.html)
2011-06-14 18:56:00

Posts: 55

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