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Introducing: The Gelanator!

Archive: 1 post

In my level "My Random Stuff" I have recreated the Gelanator from Ratchet and Clank:ToD.
Please note that it is not quite finished, and will destroy any object it is on once it explodes. This limits it to simple create mode fun... for now. Once I get a new PS3, I will edit it to unstick right before it is destroyed. I used a Creatinator to emit a single green jelly blob that has different effects, depending on what it hits. if it just hits the ground, it will make a small rectangular object with bounce pads set to 5.0 if you shoot another blob at the rectangular object, it will make a taller rectangle that has bounce pads set to 10.0. The third time you hit it, it makes a square blob with bounce pads set to 15.0. the third level is the highest you can go. each level is set to stick to the first surface it touches. It has a timer set to melt it after a time equal to the number the bounce pads are set to. If you shoot at it after you've gotten it to level 3, it will reset the timer. Right now it is highly volatile. if shot to the left (in your perspective) nothing will happen. if you shoot at it there is a chance that it will cause the blob to just disappear, or make another on top of the original blob. There are other objects in this level, which I have forgotten since my PS3 died. Post your opinion below
2011-06-04 19:18:00

Unknown User

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