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Archive: 5 posts

http://lbp.me/v/0jpk11how do you add a level link?..........hope this works 2011-06-04 14:37:00

Unknown User

there should be an icon, if you cant find it hover over all them in till you find it.2011-06-05 20:40:00

Posts: 157

You need to copy you level URL from LBP.ME and click the top-right icon (when posting/editting a message) that will produce a [LBPMELEVELURL] tag. It looks like a bell. Highlight your pasted level URL and then click the button, it will produce the link (usually doesn't show when previewing or posting, but if you refresh the page after posting, it should be there).2011-06-06 04:59:00

Posts: 1136

some of my other levels.....wait how did I add them....http://lbp.me/v/z65s19 http://lbp.me/v/z0e59w2011-06-07 13:00:00

Unknown User

Fairly certain it only allows you to post a single link in a post, and only for certain posts.2011-06-07 13:24:00

Posts: 1136

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