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versus arena series

Archive: 1 post

i'm working on a arena, type series of competitive levels. with games like capture the flag, king of the hill, zombie survival (single and multiplayer) and normal match.
any ideas on what i should add to the maps to make it fun and popular as a match that needs more than 1 player needs to have a few players playing at the time (or be on the same console)

i've made a simple vs match where you get 50+ points per second spent either side and lose 500 when you die. it also includes some extra stuff past 1000 points like more weapons and lighting changes.

http://lbp.me/v/0t7-h2 < thats the link feedback needed.



also if you are playing on your own please play to the end.
2011-06-04 12:42:00

Unknown User

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