[psn] Grrrr...
Archive: 7 posts
Bugger and sin! The J-PSN just got up and running again last week (?), and now the blasted servers are down again! Saa...i really wanted to check out the new community spotlight stages, too.... i suppose this just gives me more time to work on my levels... but still... grrrr... errr... and now it's back? ...the eff? | 2011-06-02 09:23:00 Author: waffleking23 ![]() Posts: 535 |
errr... and now it's back? ...the eff? There was sceduled maintenance as part of the restoration process because of this the store is back in some regions. | 2011-06-02 11:45:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
They had to take the PSN offline in order to bring the PS store back up. The store is now up and running again(in the US, not sure about the other regions)...although it is heavily clogged so it might be a awhile before you get through. | 2011-06-02 12:19:00 Author: 4wheel ![]() Posts: 511 |
Ah. Well I still cannot access lbp.me. (I can't get on my PS3 right now). ![]() | 2011-06-02 12:24:00 Author: Denim360 ![]() Posts: 482 |
So how do you download the free games? I can't find them. (Though checking it out did let me download a new holiday costume for LBP2.) | 2011-06-02 21:53:00 Author: Number7Million ![]() Posts: 248 |
So how do you download the free games? I can't find them. (Though checking it out did let me download a new holiday costume for LBP2.) You wait for the free games to be added. | 2011-06-02 22:20:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
Ahh...okay, that makes sense...should teach me not to jump the gun, then. Though, they seem to have been doing server maintenance for some time now, over here. i was able to change the passwords on my main and sub-account on the 28th (i think it was), but an hour later, when my wife tried hers, she got nothing but error messages. We've been trying on and off through the week, but it'S been "server down for maintenance" throughout. Which is kind of odd, maybe (what i know about these things could be written on the inside of a dirty shot glass in blunt red crayon), because the network itself (as far as friends lists, online gaming, and the like) has been fine. Maaa...thanks, anyways, for the helpful replies, all. Special thanks to schm0, for combining my double post...sorry about that, schm0. ---i keep telling myself not to game while Dr. Funk, and i keep not listening. | 2011-06-03 02:29:00 Author: waffleking23 ![]() Posts: 535 |
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