Entire DC Universe Getting Rebooted
Archive: 5 posts
Not sure if this topic should go here or in General Chat, but I'll give this a shot. Just like the topic title says, DC has announced that their entire comic book universe is getting rebooted starting this August once they have finished with the Flashpoint story arc. http://screenrant.com/dc-universe-reboot-justice-league-film-benm-117890/ On Wednesday, August 31st, DC Comics will launch a historic renumbering of the entire DC Universe line of comic books with 52 first issues, including the release of Justice League by New York Times bestselling writer and DC Entertainment Chief Creative Officer Geoff Johns and bestselling artist and DC Comics Co-Publisher Jim Lee. The publication of Justice League issue 1 will launch day-and-date digital publishing for all these ongoing titles, making DC Comics the first of the two major American publishers to release all of its superhero comic book titles digitally the same day as in print. DC Comics will only publish two comic books on August 31st: the final issue of this summer?s comic book mini-series Flashpoint and the first issue of Justice League by Johns and Lee, two of the most distinguished and popular contemporary comic book creators, who will be collaborating for the first time. Together they will offer a contemporary take on the origin of the comic book industry?s premier superhero team. First image of the new Justice League: http://cdn.screenrant.com/wp-content/uploads/geoff-johns-jim-lee-justice-league-roster.jpg Personally, I'm really excited for this. Can't wait to see what the characters all the characters will look like. I trust DC to do a good job with it. | 2011-06-01 18:58:00 Author: Patronus21 ![]() Posts: 266 |
Hmm...several thoughts about this. I've been a faithful DC girl since college. I have been reading Justice League for a few years, and I wonder what is going to happen to the current line-up. I am particularly interested what will happen to Donna Troy and D. Grayson, as they have been there for about a year or more now. I am an even more faithful Teen Titans reader, and it will be interesting to see that lineup after Flashpoint because of the changes in the League. As for the new pic, it generally looks good. Glad they got rid of the jacket on Wonder Woman, but Cyborg's face looks strange. | 2011-06-01 19:53:00 Author: SongfireVarda ![]() Posts: 24 |
That's the thing: Flashpoint won't really matter. It's a complete start from scratch for the whole universe. Think of it like what Marvel did with the Ultimates, only DC is doing it with the main universe. Another quote from the article: ?[T]he new #1s will introduce readers to a more modern, diverse DC Universe, with some character variations in appearance, origin and age. All stories will be grounded in each character?s legend ? but will relate to real world situations, interactions, tragedy and triumph. ?We think our current fans will be excited by this evolution, and that it will make jumping into the story extremely accessible to first-time readers ? giving them a chance to discover DC?s characters and stories. ?We have taken great care in maintaining continuity where most important, but fans will see a new approach to our storytelling. ?Some of the characters will have new origins, while others will undergo minor changes. Our characters are always being updated; however, this is the first time all of our characters will be presented in a new way all at once. ?Dan DiDio, Bob Harras and Eddie Berganza have been working diligently to pull together some of the best creative teams in the industry. Over 50 new costumes will debut in September, many updated and designed by artist Jim Lee, ensuring that the updated images appeal to the current generation of readers.? | 2011-06-02 01:17:00 Author: Patronus21 ![]() Posts: 266 |
I know Flashpoint itself won't matter. I guess I should have said "after August." I was speculating just based on the lineup change in Justice League. | 2011-06-02 03:27:00 Author: SongfireVarda ![]() Posts: 24 |
Cyborg's new look feels like a bad remnant of the dark 90's era of comics, and Superman doesn't even look like he's out of puberty yet. I kinda like Wonder Woman's look with the silver instead of gold though. And holy Sigmund Freud, Batman! Green Lantern sure chose an...interesting place to create that gatling gun... | 2011-06-05 02:49:00 Author: Dapiek Absaroka ![]() Posts: 512 |
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