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Health, Damage Bar (1-864000) & Currency/Score System (1-10000)

Archive: 8 posts

This is a must have for any creator that needs an easy way to produce a highly flexible health bar.

The level contains a logic pack which can be used to produce a damage system with the following properties:
- Range of healths 1-864000
- Range of damages 1-864000
- Options to reset health to max (can be easily modified to allow reset to any value, but not included yet)
- Damage is dealt instantaneously, and result is shown immediately on a timer display
- Options to have both impact activated damage/healing (projectiles) or activated damage/healing (events)
- Fairly easy on the thermometer, 50 of these systems only take up 2 segments of the thermo bar

Here's a picture showing all the different components of the system:


The top-left green MC adds together all healing done and modifies the stored health value.
The top-left red MC adds together all damage dealt and modifies the stored health value.
The top-right red MC is the 'Activated Damage', while the green MC below it is the 'Activated Healing'.
The bottom left MCs are the Projectile Damage (top) and Projectile Healing (Bottom)
The center white MC is the health system, and contains the timer which indicated max health.
The bottom-right MC is a group of timers that can be used to modify the existing timers. Useful since each timer is at a value of X/86400.0, and reaching those values takes upwards of 4 minutes each time.
The center-bottom MC is the creator template for holding all the health system logic pieces.

I will have instructions on how to reproduce this some time soon. You can also just recreate the system yourself using mine as a guide (I give it away in the level)


Also, I'll take requests for anything people want me to add to this. I tried to make this as accessible as possible, and will be adding options to reset health to many different values (which would be easily adjustable)
2011-06-01 18:20:00

Posts: 1136

that is one epic pack2011-06-02 06:04:00

Unknown User

I'm currently producing a picture by picture guide on how to produce this, since it's obviously much more sophisticated than the conventional timer method.2011-06-02 13:34:00

Posts: 1136

The picture tutorial is up! Just follow link in sig, or use this https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=53194-How-To-Create-A-Health-System-Range-1-864000!-%28Picture-Tutorial%29 (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=53194-How-To-Create-A-Health-System-Range-1-864000%21-%28Picture-Tutorial%29)

EDIT: Added a adc display (actual numbers, not timer). It has a range of 10000, and is incredibly accurate (haven't had a wrong value yet, but that's with limited use).
2011-06-02 22:59:00

Posts: 1136

WOW! I would love this for my boss battle! Hehehe! Being to cheap in boss battles isn't always fun, but with sooo much heath options I would love the ye'-old 500 heath bar... or a 1000

Aw, make it higher!

Boss build thread:
2011-06-08 05:48:00

Posts: 74

Thanks For The Logic 2011-06-13 04:04:00

Unknown User

reminds me comphermc's logic, but his is easy to understand and use. My health meter logic has lots of options and is simple if you don't need a big maximum (100 on mine).
It is now part of the Creator's toolkit. I don't want to make yours lame, but seriously, who needs that much health? but yeah, greatly made anyways. must have taken hours !
2011-06-17 23:17:00

Unknown User

It's more for whoever needs ridiculous analog values. Cash systems and other logic intensive things can be created using this as a model as well. I use it as a low cost scoring system.

Also, it's almost a million health..........if you don't find that kinda awesome, well....
2011-06-18 07:26:00

Posts: 1136

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