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Custom Powerups

Archive: 6 posts

You might notice I've made a lot of posts regarding this. I made a few custom verions of powerups, like say, the paintinator or the scuba gear. most of them function just like a powerup.

Powerup #1- Black Hole Gun

A gun that shoots a small hexagon that sticks to whatever it touches. after a few seconds, it sucks the item it is attached to out of existance. the only way something can be protected from it is by making the object not sticky. (mod 2 coming soon)(now comes with the jetpack powerup!)
Powerup #2- Portal Gun

as the name implies, it is a gun that shoots portals. a popular item from the series "P0RTAL", it fires a shot that upon impact, leaves a portal. by creating two portals, you can quickly traverse between their locations. but upon making three, all will disappear. the portal gun glitches when you shoot two portals by eachother, and they refuse to go away by a third portal being made. this is why I added the triangle button being able to delete all active portals. (may be fixed in the future)
Powerup #3- Paintinator MK2

A simple gun with the same functions as a normal paintinator, but has two modes- Shotgun mode and automatic. automatic mode makes the gun shoot paint much faster than it's predecessor, and shotgun mode is the same as the original, but shoots the paint faster, and fires more paint per shot. (now comes with the jetpack powerup!)
Powerup #4- "the cake is not a lie" gun

Same as the black hole gun, but has the wonderful side effect of turning whatever it's attached to into a pile of delicious cake.
Powerup #5- Wings

this may seem pointless because of the jetpack's existance, but it's simply a novelty sort of thing. press and hold X to create an invisible platform below yourself to walk on.

all of these items can be found in my latest level, and also won. More is on it's way, too.
2011-05-31 21:20:00

Posts: 204

That's Cool.
Does a specific microchip have to be attached to all objects so the black hole can destroy it (A destroyer and a tag switch [Maybe a Timer], I'm just quickly guessing, sorry).
2011-06-01 00:58:00

Unknown User

thanks for asking-
No. the black hole gun can destroy any solid object, as long as it's in the thick layer and is not set to "non-sticky".
2011-06-01 15:47:00

Posts: 204

Portal gun has been made, have yet to see the black hole gun. Sounds gladiius! =D2011-06-04 22:22:00

Unknown User

Do you have a level with these? They sound cool.2011-06-11 02:32:00

Posts: 131

I actually do have a level. it isn't the best, but visit my planet sometime.2011-06-13 22:43:00

Posts: 204

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