please can you help??
Archive: 5 posts
hello, in the early story mode stages (jungle) you have to get a baby meercat to its mum. i am tryin to create a very similar scenario where one item has to be dragged to another for it to trigger as that section of the level complete. any ideas to make this happen? thanks! oh! i forgot! also i have made a creature with a brain to trigger it to be destroyed when it hits fire. when i does it just lies in it unharmed. does anyone know where i am going wrong? cheers | 2008-12-08 12:28:00 Author: i.am.sackboy ![]() Posts: 14 |
hello, in the early story mode stages (jungle) you have to get a baby meercat to its mum. i am tryin to create a very similar scenario where one item has to be dragged to another for it to trigger as that section of the level complete. any ideas to make this happen? thanks! oh! i forgot! also i have made a creature with a brain to trigger it to be destroyed when it hits fire. when i does it just lies in it unharmed. does anyone know where i am going wrong? cheers If you attach a magnetic key to the object to be dragged (in the MM level's case, the son), you can then put a magnetic switch which triggers what you need to do when the person is dragged back. Just make sure the draggable character is, well, draggable. Sponge or polyester material should do the job, but disolve and floaty could possibly work as well. ![]() You could put make the creature for the second issue out of disolve, place a magnetic switch on it that will disolve the creature, and then a key in the fire that will activate the switch and disolve the creature. The only problem is that it will likely leave brains and other bits behind in the process. ![]() | 2008-12-08 13:10:00 Author: Elbee23 ![]() Posts: 1280 |
i'll give it a go, cheers! | 2008-12-08 14:20:00 Author: i.am.sackboy ![]() Posts: 14 |
Listen to that man, he knows what his talking about ![]() Magnetic keys are great for things like this ![]() | 2008-12-08 17:44:00 Author: dorien ![]() Posts: 2767 |
Play through the tutorials, they teach you this and many other useful tricks..... | 2008-12-08 22:29:00 Author: chillum007 ![]() Posts: 228 |
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