Philosophy! YAY!
Archive: 24 posts
OK let's have a philosophical discussion. It can be about anything: The supernatural, spirits and ghosts, consciousness, famous philosophers, the human condition, etc. I really like to hear others viewpoints on these kinds of things. ![]() It probably be best if we not involve anything religious, ![]() ![]() I'll start off by asking these questions: What do you think of morals of society? Do you think they have objectivity or are they based on a consensus of opinions and preferences? What do you think is more important? Selfishness or selflessness? What do you believe is right and wrong? ![]() | 2011-05-28 23:53:00 Author: comishguy67 ![]() Posts: 849 |
Do UFOs count as supernatural? Edit:Sorry didnt see that last part ![]() I think the morals of society are down in the drain, the people in society base their morals on what they get if they do things reguardless of what happens to others. its all greed, i give and ask of nothing in return, because i know that way i will get good karma, i need nothing else. But i dont know about society, i think society is doomed. | 2011-05-29 00:01:00 Author: Charlemagne ![]() Posts: 513 |
Do UFOs count as supernatural? It depends, do UFO's operate beyond the natural laws of the universe? | 2011-05-29 00:05:00 Author: comishguy67 ![]() Posts: 849 |
It depends, do UFO's operate beyond the natural laws of the universe? Haha, youre right, i didnt think about that. of course they do, but i was thinking about spirits and ghosts and just think of them as energy and based my idea of "supernatural" on that. i am a strong believer of the fact that Extraterrestrial Aircraft may be visiting Earth, i have yet to see one and i hope that i will, it must be a very horrifying and/or magnificent experience. but yet i dont understand why we dont have enough evidence that they are in fact Extraterrestrials though. | 2011-05-29 00:16:00 Author: Charlemagne ![]() Posts: 513 |
What does it mean to be a good person and can it be passed on to other people? | 2011-05-29 03:28:00 Author: Ayneh ![]() Posts: 2454 |
What does it mean to be a good person and can it be passed on to other people? I guess at a societal view point a good person is someone who doesn't break the law lol. But in my view, a good person is someone who makes decisions in their life that is for the good of themselves and others. Now what is considered "good" for someone is another story....hehe ![]() Haha, youre right, i didnt think about that. of course they do, but i was thinking about spirits and ghosts and just think of them as energy and based my idea of "supernatural" on that. i am a strong believer of the fact that Extraterrestrial Aircraft may be visiting Earth, i have yet to see one and i hope that i will, it must be a very horrifying and/or magnificent experience. but yet i dont understand why we dont have enough evidence that they are in fact Extraterrestrials though. If you have time, you should check out this video a friend of mine showed me. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vgJ7-R4Zpbk It's kinda dramatic lol, but it gives a lot of evidence that aliens visited earth and influenced our ancestors. ![]() | 2011-05-29 06:48:00 Author: comishguy67 ![]() Posts: 849 |
What is "Moral" is entirely subjective. For example, counrtries that have the death penalty, do so out of a sense of 'Morality' - like-wise countries that have abolished the death penalty. Both of them act out of a sense of "morality" but come to opposite conclusions about what costitutes a sound 'moral' decision. One mans "freedom fighter" is another mans "terrorist". One Country's "Honured General" is another Country's "War Criminal". Each person has their own moral compass that they abide by. And the law is not always on the side of the "morally just". So, which should you obey? Your own personal moral compass, or the law? What if the Law is unjust and immoral? - What if your moral compass is askew? Also: There is a difference between Extra-Terrestrial Life Forms and UFO's... the two may have nothing to do with each other. | 2011-05-29 09:41:00 Author: Macnme ![]() Posts: 1970 |
http://s3.amazonaws.com/kym-assets/photos/images/original/000/127/141/download%20%281%29.png?1306423539 /thread. ![]() | 2011-05-29 09:59:00 Author: Silverleon ![]() Posts: 6707 |
Personally, I think if people followed the morals of My Little Pony, this world would be a much better place :hrmf: Besides that, if we are going to discuss aliens/and or extraterrestrials, should not the thread name be something more like "Sci-Fi! Yay!"? Or is the angle a bit more like: "Maybe we are NOT the supreme beings of the universe, as previously thought" ![]() | 2011-05-29 10:37:00 Author: moonwire ![]() Posts: 1627 |
My personal view of morals begins with my perspective on the meaning of life. Imo, the meaning of life is to enjoy the time we have here to the fullest, in whatever way you wish. If you want to go out and spread religious beliefs around for your entire life, as that's what makes you happy, go ahead. If you want to sit at home playing video games your entire life, as that's what makes you happy, go ahead. Life is all about what you WANT to do. Therefore, if you do something that interferes on someone enjoying their life to the fullest, you have done something morally incorrect. If you steal something from someone, you have halted their enjoyment of life. If you kill someone, you have halted their enjoyment of life. ![]() | 2011-05-29 13:25:00 Author: Jaslow ![]() Posts: 775 |
My personal view of morals begins with my perspective on the meaning of life. Imo, the meaning of life is to enjoy the time we have here to the fullest, in whatever way you wish. If you want to go out and spread religious beliefs around for your entire life, as that's what makes you happy, go ahead. If you want to sit at home playing video games your entire life, as that's what makes you happy, go ahead. Life is all about what you WANT to do. Therefore, if you do something that interferes on someone enjoying their life to the fullest, you have done something morally incorrect. If you steal something from someone, you have halted their enjoyment of life. If you kill someone, you have halted their enjoyment of life. ![]() I agree with most of the first part but not sure about the second part. If someone enjoys destroying things, and someone enjoys having things neat and in order and they both are trying to prevent each other from doing what they apparently love doing, who's morally wrong here? Are they both wrong? But how can they be if they are only doing what they want/love to do? Personally, I think if people followed the morals of My Little Pony, this world would be a much better place :hrmf: Besides that, if we are going to discuss aliens/and or extraterrestrials, should not the thread name be something more like "Sci-Fi! Yay!"? Or is the angle a bit more like: "Maybe we are NOT the supreme beings of the universe, as previously thought" ![]() LOL i was just trying to have some deep conversations on these forums. I have a feeling a lot of the creative types are all "down to venus" ![]() But I wanted to be general. Not just aliens and stuff, anything that's interesting or deep. What is "Moral" is entirely subjective. For example, counrtries that have the death penalty, do so out of a sense of 'Morality' - like-wise countries that have abolished the death penalty. Both of them act out of a sense of "morality" but come to opposite conclusions about what costitutes a sound 'moral' decision. One mans "freedom fighter" is another mans "terrorist". One Country's "Honured General" is another Country's "War Criminal". Each person has their own moral compass that they abide by. And the law is not always on the side of the "morally just". So, which should you obey? Your own personal moral compass, or the law? What if the Law is unjust and immoral? - What if your moral compass is askew? Well aren't you a regular Socrates ![]() You're right though, but i think that some laws are more or less objective, at least for us to be civilized. Also: There is a difference between Extra-Terrestrial Life Forms and UFO's... the two may have nothing to do with each other. Eh...? | 2011-05-29 17:19:00 Author: comishguy67 ![]() Posts: 849 |
Hmmm... The Mariana Trench? Oxymoronic answer for the win! (jk, I'll come to really discuss this soon enough) ![]() EDIT: Well, well, well, what do we have here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mm2Jrr0tRXk&feature=player_embedded#at=1949 | 2011-05-29 17:36:00 Author: moonwire ![]() Posts: 1627 |
Eh...? I think he means that a UFO stands for an Unidentified Flying Object, and Extra-Terrestrial life form is life from another planet. A UFO could not just be a spaceship, but an unscheduled plane coming in to land, or a stealth bomber... ...but wouldn't that mean that an Extra-Terrestrial would not be in a UFO in retrospect, because we'd know that it was a UFO, but since we know it is a UFO then it isn't a UFO? [/headasplode] ![]() I think i just invented a new paradox. | 2011-05-29 18:49:00 Author: Denim360 ![]() Posts: 482 |
Considering that our governements could already have this technology i doubt we could do something like this, hell, i dont even think its a space ship http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YG-3S2WKP6Y | 2011-05-29 21:45:00 Author: Charlemagne ![]() Posts: 513 |
I think he means that a UFO stands for an Unidentified Flying Object, and Extra-Terrestrial life form is life from another planet. A UFO could not just be a spaceship, but an unscheduled plane coming in to land, or a stealth bomber... ...but wouldn't that mean that an Extra-Terrestrial would not be in a UFO in retrospect, because we'd know that it was a UFO, but since we know it is a UFO then it isn't a UFO? [/headasplode] ![]() I think i just invented a new paradox. Nope, not really, an Extraterrestrial life form is not a UFO, it can be one as well as being an extraterrestrial or be IN one, but just because it is a UFO, it doesn't mean it is, or it can't be an extraterrestrial life form. In short E.T. =/= UFO Yet E.T. CAN be a/ in a UFO, whilel being an E.T. (And yes for those who hadn't noticed before, E.T. means Extraterrestrial, thus why they called the alien in that movie "E.T." And about the UFO, its unidentified, meaning you do not know what it is exactly, that you know its there does not equal you've identified what it is. You cannot identify someone you've never seen in your life/ haven't had any contact with unless he or someone gives you some information about him/ her to identify them, right? So as long as they don't know EXACTLY what it is, its still an Unidentified Flying Object. | 2011-05-29 23:13:00 Author: Silverleon ![]() Posts: 6707 |
Nope, not really, an Extraterrestrial life form is not a UFO, it can be one as well as being an extraterrestrial or be IN one, but just because it is a UFO, it doesn't mean it is, or it can't be an extraterrestrial life form. In short E.T. =/= UFO Yet E.T. CAN be a/ in a UFO, whilel being an E.T. (And yes for those who hadn't noticed before, E.T. means Extraterrestrial, thus why they called the alien in that movie "E.T." http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/155/lcf051e9f1c8af2100169adhe7.jpg/ lol does anybody know how to properly IMG something? i just searched it on google images copied the url and then pasted it in the IMG tags | 2011-05-29 23:23:00 Author: Charlemagne ![]() Posts: 513 |
Well, I'm speaking from a personal stand-point, in that I'm one of those "crazies" that has actually seen a UFO... Not just 1 - but 2 in the sky at the same time. If I hadn't been with my brother at the time (who is an absolute skeptic on nearly every topic) then I would have preferred to have explained it away by me imagining it. However, my Brother also saw them. 2 incredibly bright stars, each moving from opposite horizons - at incredible speeds - heading directly towards each other - then at the last second, the both turned at 90degree angles (something conventional aircraft cannot do - especially at such speeds) - it looked like a practice dog fight manouvre - they then got feinter and feinter until the light died from them completely... the effect from where we were standing was that they were travelling away from earth out into space. But I don't believe for a minute that they were Aliens... all they are right now is strange lights, moving in unusual (physics defying) ways. Now, I happen to live in a "UFO Hotspot" - meaning that this area is either full of crazy liars (who manage to cooberate each others stories, having never met each other) - or there REALLY IS strange lights flying around the skies above my town? I'm not saying they are aliens - that's too far fetched... my money is on some kind of secret government miltary craft that they are keeping secret because it is so much more manouverable than conventianal aircraft. | 2011-05-30 12:07:00 Author: Macnme ![]() Posts: 1970 |
I'm still wondering how this "philosophy" thread turned into an alien discussion. | 2011-05-30 15:02:00 Author: Maxi ![]() Posts: 1176 |
I think it was initially in the viegn of "Religion/Theology/Psychology" - as if UFO's were simply based on belief, rather than evidence. To clarify - there IS evidence of UFOs - there is NO evidence that they are Alien. | 2011-05-30 15:37:00 Author: Macnme ![]() Posts: 1970 |
Well, I'm speaking from a personal stand-point, in that I'm one of those "crazies" that has actually seen a UFO... Not just 1 - but 2 in the sky at the same time. If I hadn't been with my brother at the time (who is an absolute skeptic on nearly every topic) then I would have preferred to have explained it away by me imagining it. However, my Brother also saw them. 2 incredibly bright stars, each moving from opposite horizons - at incredible speeds - heading directly towards each other - then at the last second, the both turned at 90degree angles (something conventional aircraft cannot do - especially at such speeds) - it looked like a practice dog fight manouvre - they then got feinter and feinter until the light died from them completely... the effect from where we were standing was that they were travelling away from earth out into space. But I don't believe for a minute that they were Aliens... all they are right now is strange lights, moving in unusual (physics defying) ways. Now, I happen to live in a "UFO Hotspot" - meaning that this area is either full of crazy liars (who manage to cooberate each others stories, having never met each other) - or there REALLY IS strange lights flying around the skies above my town? I'm not saying they are aliens - that's too far fetched... my money is on some kind of secret government miltary craft that they are keeping secret because it is so much more manouverable than conventianal aircraft. Right, and in some cases those UFOs just happen to come down and snatch people up for experimentation, in which people remember in the experimentation to be "Alien Greys". that are 3 feet tall. so....what? theyre hiring midgets to dress up as a bunch of lizard monster thingies then? | 2011-05-30 17:38:00 Author: Charlemagne ![]() Posts: 513 |
Not to ruin the fun... but AHEM (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=30422-Scientific-Discussion&highlight=Science+thread) | 2011-05-31 03:18:00 Author: theswweet ![]() Posts: 2468 |
Right, and in some cases those UFOs just happen to come down and snatch people up for experimentation, in which people remember in the experimentation to be "Alien Greys". that are 3 feet tall. so....what? theyre hiring midgets to dress up as a bunch of lizard monster thingies then? This can be explained far better with psychology. One of the features of "Alien Abduction" syndrome is for women they are usually impregnated and then have their baby snatched away, and for men they usually get an anal probe. These are deep fears/anxieties that lie in the subconscious of both genders. There was a case of a woman who had a vivid alien abduction/impregnation/baby snatch experience - only her family saw that she was asleep in her chair for the entire time. I think most, if not all, abduction stories can be put down to sleep paralysis or vivid dreaming. Go back 100 years ago or more - and these "abduction/baby snatch" experiences were blamed on Elves,Pixies, Fairies or Witches rather than aliens. The one constant in all of the accounts is peoples imagination. | 2011-05-31 08:21:00 Author: Macnme ![]() Posts: 1970 |
I do Philosophy and Ethics for GCSE. It's quite fun. | 2011-06-01 20:30:00 Author: kirbyman62 ![]() Posts: 1893 |
I do Philosophy and Ethics for GCSE. It's quite fun. Philosophy is always fun. I've never lost a philosophical debate! MWAHAHAHA!!! | 2011-06-01 20:49:00 Author: comishguy67 ![]() Posts: 849 |
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