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when will remote moon productions comeback

Archive: 3 posts

any one from remote moon productions please make a ne episode i really liked that sho plz bring it back !2011-05-28 00:46:00

Posts: 69

Remote moon productions?.. I've heard of that!!

I am still on a break due to moving. Before that I just wanted some time to play LBP2 when it came out and be able to finish a new level. Once I am settled in a few weeks, I will start beating up on the team to start working on a new episode.

Glad you miss us!!

Oh.. since we are on the subject. ...just curious what have been some of your favorite videos?
2011-05-28 00:50:00

Posts: 11383

Their videos are the only thing I look at on the creator spotlights :O I love them lol2011-05-30 03:30:00

Posts: 121

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