F4F: The Trial of Skill (1.06)
Archive: 14 posts
Intro: This is my first level submission for the LittleBigPlanet community Description: Oh dear god it's horrifying! This level keeps the sackpeople on the verge of insanity with how ridiculously difficult it is.......but it's not impossible. Get to the end and you win a prize made by me ![]() Why should you do it: If you thought the story levels of LBP were too easy, and most of the custom stages never really get that difficult, this stage will fix that. It's amazingly challenging and incredibly tough. Play at your own frustration. +Probably one of the most challenging levels on LBP right now (not necessarily the hardest, but still pretty darn tough) +Not exactly short, level lasts a fairly long time +Multiple exits, just in case the pressure is too great. +Has music, fitting music too +Custom made prize at the end, required to enter next level (Trial of Valor (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=t=13342)) +(New in Ver 1.05)Now much more appealing to look at, more design aspect to it. -Maybe too difficult for many, frustrating at times -If you do everything right the first time, it may seem a little short -Not exactly eye candy, few custom backgrounds (1.05 has greatly relieved much of this) -May cause you to break controller in frustration, costing much money -At some point, there is a part of the level that causes slight lag due to too many objects. Sorry about that. Also, for an even greater challenge, try running this level with 2-4 people. I guarantee that 4 people is practically impossible here Overall, I want to hear what you guys think, whether it be positive or negative. Also, I love rating, commenting, and hearting when applicable ![]() User: PhantasyStarHero Level: The Trial of Skill (Ver 1.06) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Current level stats: 8 Hearts, 304 Plays Congrats to Whaaale, you are the first (and still only one) to win. Semi-congrats to Neverynnal for half-way victory. | 2008-12-08 02:26:00 Author: Shining Aquas ![]() Posts: 353 |
Apparently I'm doing my job right. Current level stats: 0 Hearts, 61 Plays, 0 comments Average rating: 2/5 stars Most frequent tag: Annoying No one has finished it yet ![]() I checked it out and I will definitely keep trying at it - the thing I must ask you - have you been able to pass it without dying? If not, how many times have you die until you get the end? My belief is if I can't pass my own publish stage without dying, then it's definitely too hard. On that note, your level's goal has a similar one to mine - making it much harder than story levels, but not impossible. I wish you the best of luck. | 2008-12-08 02:33:00 Author: tme2nsb ![]() Posts: 2 |
It's not every day you see people list pros and cons for their own level. I'd dare say you've earnt my time. I'll check it out tomorrow. ![]() | 2008-12-08 02:57:00 Author: UmJammerSully ![]() Posts: 1097 |
I checked it out and I will definitely keep trying at it - the thing I must ask you - have you been able to pass it without dying? If not, how many times have you die until you get the end? My belief is if I can't pass my own publish stage without dying, then it's definitely too hard. On that note, your level's goal has a similar one to mine - making it much harder than story levels, but not impossible. I wish you the best of luck. First of all, thank you for the good luck. Second, yes, I have been able to beat the entire stage without dying.....once. I purposefully designed this level to be a pain in the ****, but by all means it can be done and aced. Granted, I'm really good at platforming games. I've beaten most of Kaizo's first Mario World mod, the original Super Mario Bros, along with a plethora of other amazingly fun platforming games, so I do have more experience than a good chunk of people, which is probably why I'm able to beat this level. If there's any section in particular that doesn't seem beatable, let me know. I probably won't change it, but I can give advice for how to beat it. EDIT: Managed to Ace it again, definitely possible. Tweaked a couple of random bugs here and there that I found, re-released as version 1.01B | 2008-12-08 03:26:00 Author: Shining Aquas ![]() Posts: 353 |
As promised, here is my assessment to date: EXTREMELY challenging level! I failed to make it past the disappering block section, and only got there afte MANY tries to get past the rotating blade. Since it is so challenging, and players are very likely to lose a lot of lives and have to start over, what's the purpose of the initial vehicle ride? It would be nice to be able to get right back into the thick of things without having to take that ride each time when trying the level again. It's just another thing that is going to frustrate players and cause them not to come back. With over 84000 user created levels out there to choose from, getting people to your level and keeping them coming back (and recommending it to others) is paramount. Being extremely challenging is fine, but don't make players go back so far when the die (or have to start over). Certainly could be leading to players abandoning your level and never returning. I very much appreciate what your trying to do with the level, and do plan on giving it a go again in the future when I have caught up on some other levels, but I can see why others may not. Other suggestions - to add some visual flair, you could add texture to the blueish green platforms (maybe brick?). Also, a downward arrow by the spinning blade would be helpfull (maybe add some hints here and there as well). Give reasons for players to want to come back and try again. If you don't they'll just move on to something else. As I said, i'll give it a go again when possible, and if I make it further, i'll provide more feedback then. You definitely have a good solid idea here, just make it a bit more enticing to get people to play. Best of luck to you and let me know if I can be of more help! Sincerely - badgerfan89 | 2008-12-12 04:44:00 Author: badgerfan89 ![]() Posts: 33 |
As promised, here is my assessment to date: EXTREMELY challenging level! I failed to make it past the disappering block section, and only got there afte MANY tries to get past the rotating blade. Since it is so challenging, and players are very likely to lose a lot of lives and have to start over, what's the purpose of the initial vehicle ride? It would be nice to be able to get right back into the thick of things without having to take that ride each time when trying the level again. It's just another thing that is going to frustrate players and cause them not to come back. With over 84000 user created levels out there to choose from, getting people to your level and keeping them coming back (and recommending it to others) is paramount. Being extremely challenging is fine, but don't make players go back so far when the die (or have to start over). Certainly could be leading to players abandoning your level and never returning. I very much appreciate what your trying to do with the level, and do plan on giving it a go again in the future when I have caught up on some other levels, but I can see why others may not. Other suggestions - to add some visual flair, you could add texture to the blueish green platforms (maybe brick?). Also, a downward arrow by the spinning blade would be helpfull (maybe add some hints here and there as well). Give reasons for players to want to come back and try again. If you don't they'll just move on to something else. As I said, i'll give it a go again when possible, and if I make it further, i'll provide more feedback then. You definitely have a good solid idea here, just make it a bit more enticing to get people to play. Best of luck to you and let me know if I can be of more help! Sincerely - badgerfan89 Well, taking the car section out is really not something I want to simply because it's inconvenient, but I will see if I can make it take much less time As for the level being too ridiculously hard, I will see if I can add more lives to it, maybe some new checkpoints or something. | 2008-12-12 06:38:00 Author: Shining Aquas ![]() Posts: 353 |
I will be sure to check this out tonight when my daughter is asleep and provide you with a "review" of my own. EDIT: Here is my review: I entered the level and was immediately struck by the barren landscape and sloppy looking cart that I was riding on. A bit more care and decoration certainly would have helped here. I accept the challenge of the sticker switch and I am immediately bombarded by vast ammounts of Dark Matter causing me to recheck that I am indeed playing the "Trial of Skill" and not "The DM factory". Constructing an entire level out of dark matter in this way is lazy, unappealing and annoying. There are a million other ways to build your structures both with and without dm without it being such a visual eyesore. I get to the part where there are red spinning balls over pits of fire and I immediatley think of the Islands levels in story mode and then realize that is exactly where the contraption is from! Not only that but you didn`t even bother to change the materials of either the sponge or the metal, why? I die 4 times in a row (no double life checkpoints here) and exit the level due to the fact that there are dozens of amazing levels waiting to be played so why should I waste my time with one so poorly made. I think it is rather obvious that the above comments were written in your "style" and I would NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS normally give this kind of feedback (feel free to check all of my posts to see what kind of feedback I usually give my fellow creators, even when their levels are less then impressive) but I was irritated by a few things that prompted me to do so: 1. Your unasked for review of my level where 1 comment in particular really got under my skin and to which I responded to but as of yet recieved no reaction from you. 2. You have a certain "style" of reviewing peoples work that I personally find arrogant and coming from a place of self-percieved superiority. This afformentioned superiority is especially baffling after having played your level and finding it to be of very low quality. In my 26 years of gaming, reading gaming mags and following gaming websites I have yet to come across a reviewer with this sort of attitude. If you are doing it intentionally to set yourself apart then congratulations, you have succeeded. I am sure there are other forum members who feel the same way but I could be wrong. And before you come with: "Well maybe OCK does not have the skill to clear my lvl" I will say that I have some of the top scores on some of the most challenging levels. I love a great challenge but I don't appreciate unnecessary frustration. I think a level can be very challenging but that should not be an excuse for it looking ugly. So maybe we got off on the wrong foot, you tell me. Maybe you did not take the work you did on this level seriously and in that case my comments should not come as a surprise. One of the 3 words used to describe your level within LBP is Rubbish. That was there before I played the level and will be there long after I have finished writing this (I personally picked Frustrating). The bottom line is that this community is full of really great people and creators and I would encourage you to try to be a positive element here. I hope we can shake hands and part as friends. | 2008-12-12 06:59:00 Author: OCK ![]() Posts: 1536 |
I will be sure to check this out tonight when my daughter is asleep and provide you with a "review" of my own. EDIT: Here is my review: Insert Review Here. First of all, thank you, this is the first major review the level has gotten so far, and I truly do value criticism. Secondly, I know the stage being made entirely out of Dark Matter is somewhat dull, but the level wasn't designed for the purpose of being eye-candy, it was meant to be a platforming challenge. Still, I'm fully aware of lacking visual appeal and even noted it when I introduced the level, and as we speak I am still trying to alter it for the purpose of looking better than it is now. If you were wondering about the cliche thing, I guess I must have just forgotten to reply to that. Sorry. I just thought the entire thing seemed slightly cliche, you get dropped off in Africa, get attacked by a tribe, and do everything you can to stay alive. Note how I also said some of it was cliche, and not all of it, certain aspects like the animals helping you get out and fighting the tribe back are not standard circumstances. If my style comes off as arrogant, that may be simply because after all the games I've played I generally only limit myself to playing what I consider the absolute best, so to a degree I'm spoiled when it comes to games and I go in looking for something amazing and will occasionally get just that, but if I find problems with it I'll point it out. I'm a critic, that's what critics do. Also, as I've said before, I'm not going into any levels expecting anything in particular, so I start from scratch every time and let the level tell me what it does and I'll elaborate instead of me telling the level what it should be doing and not performing to that. Honestly, I wasn't thinking you did or didn't have the ability to play through my level, I really don't expect that many people to be able to do the entire thing at all, but there certainly are a few out there. I know people are going to complain about the difficulty, but that's because it's a difficult level I wouldn't be doing the level right if it wasn't. Still thanks for taking the time to actually write a review. I means a lot to me, really. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I recently finished version 1.04 of Trial of Skill, adding more design aspect to it and changing a few things (mostly in response to criticism for prementioned "DM Factory"). Hopefully, this will enhance any potential fun aspect the level had, although it is still frustratingly hard to beat. | 2008-12-19 18:35:00 Author: Shining Aquas ![]() Posts: 353 |
I'm playing your level right now. Wish me good luck, I'm more of an expert platforming, and I'm going to try my hardest to beat it ![]() ![]() ![]() | 2008-12-23 05:57:00 Author: Whalio Cappuccino ![]() Posts: 5250 |
Hey Whaaale, I got your message. Congratulations on being the first to successfully beat it all the way through. ![]() I also heard about your dilemma (or rather super game glitch), so if you need me to resend you the prize, send me a PM. EDIT: Decided to give this "F4F" system a whiz, see what I come up with. EDIT2: Version 1.05 is complete. Entire level got a MASSIVE design overhaul, it hardly even looks like the same level. All the jumps and general challenge still there. Also, BassDeluxe is filming the level currently, so video up eventually. | 2009-01-27 08:28:00 Author: Shining Aquas ![]() Posts: 353 |
Wowee, this one's a freakin' doozie! I had actually played this a long time before I even posted here and just re-discovered it last night. It looks a bit different than it used to but it's the same ol' challenge! I didn't want to post here because I still have not finished the level as of yet, the second set of dissapearing blocks keeps finishing me, but here I am none-the-less. I am one of the few that can appreciate the difficulty level on this one and I'm not to proud to start over when I lose all my lives (which you will). This is a good, tough challenge for the experienced players only! Just so you know, I have also posted a small write-up of this level in the "Test Your Skill!" in the everything else section, in case you wanted to take a look. I also participate in F4F. Check my thread "ROBO-RAMPAGE X (series)". It's got 2 levels there for now so either/or would be cool, whichever you prefer. Thanks, and we'll see you around. | 2009-01-29 15:23:00 Author: Dimo1138 ![]() Posts: 179 |
Lame, i came halfway... Can you even make that part? (The rolling shurikans o.O) | 2009-02-01 19:25:00 Author: ThommyTheThird ![]() Posts: 440 |
Yeah if your trying to jump over them then your doing it wrong. | 2009-02-02 01:11:00 Author: Neverynnal ![]() Posts: 374 |
Lame, i came halfway... Can you even make that part? (The rolling shurikans o.O) Funny thing about that. I know it says "middle" in the background there, but that's actually got 2 meanings. Yes, it is the middle of the stage, but it's also a clue to getting past the shuriken cannons ![]() | 2009-02-02 01:44:00 Author: Shining Aquas ![]() Posts: 353 |
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