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~Tell me a Good RPG to get~

Archive: 48 posts

Now you may say (Oh Mr. Fumetsusozo I know a good RPG you should play! )
But most likely your wrong… (T-T)

I’m not happy with just any RPG. Heh Mon… I’m picky As all get out!
So I’ll tell you some of the details of what I hate in a RPG so we can get all that
Out of the water so to speak.

1: I Hate Oh so very much to the point if I see it… It makes me feel sick and rage….
Is overly Clich?d Stories… it’s to the point I could not care less about the gameplay anymore
If the story makes me sick with it‘s totally copy and paste story telling formulas.
Here is a short list of things that it may include.

Save The world from a Mad Villain/Evil.
Copy and paste generic non inspired Main characters.
Romance comedies that end up nowhere.
Villain that becomes good but then most die to make up for his past Sins?!
School Stories…
War Stories.
Boring Overly Political Type Stories.

2: RPGs that have No mini games. While this is not a most, it bugs me when there is none.

3: To much Grinding.

4: Boring non inspired battle system (Though if the story and graphics makes up for it I‘m fine)
(Plus don‘t get me wrong, I‘m fine with turn base or real time battles long as it‘s fun and well made)

5: Ugly graphics (this does not include 2D, As I happen to be a Fan of 2D)
(but it still needs it‘s own cool one of a kind look, Unless The story and gameplay makes up for it big time)
And here is a list of games I have no interest in, so please don’t suggest them to me.
Fallout. Dragon age. Eternal Sonata. Final Fantasy 13. Any Star Wars games.

Here’s a list of games I Do Own, Don’t mean I like them all, Just means ones I can think of I own off
The top of my head. Disgaea 1,2,3. Valkyria Chronicles. Grandia 1,2. All The DotHack// Games.
Death Spank. Record of agarest war. Final Fantasy 7,8,9,10,10-2, 12, FFT.
Xenogears. Chrono Cross. Digimon World 1,2,3. SaGa Frontier. Breath of Fire IV.
Pokemon Yellow, Fire Red, Ruby, Emerald, Pearl, Platinum, Soul Silver, White.
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Darkness, Red Rescue Team. Fable 2.
Makai Kingdom. Soul Nomad. Phantom Brave. Dark cloud 2. Kingdom Hearts 1,2.
And well… a lot of other RPGs really… but that’s what I can think of anyways.

Anyways if anyone can suggest some Fun/Interesting/Non formula RPG/Adventure games…
That be nice of Ya~ Also please… if you like the type of games I said I don’t like much,
That’s fine and all but I’m not here debate what you think is a good game.
I’m here asking what you think I’d enjoy to pick up sometime soon as I’m bored
and want something fun and different if possible. *mew
2011-05-26 00:23:00

Posts: 4261

O_o... the first thing that came to my mind when I was reading this was the Mass Effect series. You form the whole story yourself through the actions and interactions your character (Commander Shepard) has with his/her other crew mates and the decisions they he/she makes in dire situations and more important situations. Plus, if you progress from the 1st entry all the way to the upcoming 3rd title (coming out in... November, methinks?), your data and the decisions you made in the last game will import over so you can continue your story.

It has stuff to do with war and battles, and it is in space, but all I can say about this title is that, well, "don't knock it 'til you try it." Unless you already have.
2011-05-26 00:40:00

Posts: 5757

Yeah i been looking in to Mass Effect and if it's any good or not.
i am thinking of getting it. but yeah thanks for the tip.
2011-05-26 00:54:00

Posts: 4261

There aren't many good RPGs this generation it seems but I enjoyed Star Ocean 4 International. The story and characters couldn't be any more cliche but the battle system is really fun.2011-05-26 01:00:00

Posts: 2454

Wait 'til Skyrim, that will pwn all other RPGs.2011-05-26 01:05:00

Posts: 837

Wait 'til Skyrim, that will pwn all other RPGs.

I'm not considering this an RPG, they're dumbing it down even more by removing skills/ attributes...
2011-05-26 16:34:00

Posts: 706

Hmmm... You removed quite few good RPGs in that list of yours. All I could recommend is Fallout. Or FF7
EDIT: Just noticed you already have FF7. Oblivion?
2011-05-26 16:57:00

Posts: 486

Hmm, how about okami on PS2? It's not strictly an RPG but it's a great game2011-05-26 17:12:00

Posts: 706

Fallout, is great but Sykrim will be....AWESOME.2011-05-26 17:29:00

Posts: 2426

Yeah No point in getting Okami i don't have a PS2 anymore.
Again not gonna get Fallout. I'm not sure about Oblivion? what is good about it?
and Skyrim? what is it about? I know it's not out yet. and a RPG Don't need skills/attributes
to be a RPG. you're to use to RPG formulas Dude. RPGs can be many things.
sadly many game makers have stereotyped RPGs and not have been thinking outside the box
when making them anymore. *mew
2011-05-26 20:23:00

Posts: 4261

A great game that just came out is the Witcher 2. The combat system takes skill, and can be quite deep, the story is quite interesting (You make some choices during conversations to change how things play out), and the main character is both hated for being a witcher (racism), and loved as a hero, which can make things quite interesting. On top of that all, the graphics are amazing even on the lowest settings. The beginning is mainly linear but once that's over it opens up letting to go about doing quests and finding loot. (Generic, I know, but that doesn't mean they are boring.)

I don't know what rating you are going for, but I'd like to warn you that there is a lot of blood and gore, along with some nudity.

From what I've played of it, it's an amazing game, and well worth the play.
2011-05-26 21:03:00

Posts: 2358

^ OK Sounds interesting, I'll look in to it.
And I'm good with any age rating, so that's fine.
2011-05-26 21:06:00

Posts: 4261

It May Sound Odd But I Reccomend Two Massiveley Challenging (and Rewarding) But
Underatted Games called

- Resonance Of Fate - A True Modern Fantasy World With Plasma Blasts And Automatic Machine Gun Pistols

- Demon Souls - The Hardest Game Alive, But This is A Beautifal World and A Rich Game
2011-05-26 21:21:00

Posts: 1061

Yeah No point in getting Okami i don't have a PS2 anymore.
Again not gonna get Fallout. I'm not sure about Oblivion? what is good about it?
and Skyrim? what is it about? I know it's not out yet. and a RPG Don't need skills/attributes
to be a RPG. you're to use to RPG formulas Dude. RPGs can be many things.
sadly many game makers have stereotyped RPGs and not have been thinking outside the box
when making them anymore. *mew

Skyrim and Oblivion are in the same series (Elder Scrolls). It has skills/attributes, wide open world, hundreds of quests, potions, lots of weapons, amazing stories (side quest stories, too.), beautiful/rich environments, leveling up (over 50, which takes a LONG time to get to.), etc.

Hundreds of hours just waiting to be eatin' up.
Check out the wiki page for ALOT more info. I'm a bit of a Elder Scrolls/Fallout enthusiast.
2011-05-26 21:25:00

Posts: 837

Problem is that Skyrim is removing too many of the series' RPG elements (much like Oblivion removed some of Morrowind's...) and it seems to be becoming an hack 'n' slash action game.
Not saying it'll suck (hell, I'm still gonna buy it) but they're just further casualising the series for casual gamers, because that's where the money is now.
2011-05-26 22:19:00

Posts: 706

Resonance Of Fate

Demon Souls

I'm gonna have to say no to Resonance Of Fate,
the characters and story look very Stereotypical and just plain boring.

Yeah Demon Souls sounds good and hear a new one called dark souls is coming out soon, I may pick them up.
2011-05-26 22:47:00

Posts: 4261

I was going to suggest dark cloud 2 but you've already played it =p
Whata bout chrono trigger? that game has an epic story good old 16-bit graphics and the battle system is pretty cool.
2011-05-26 23:45:00

Posts: 177

I was going to suggest dark cloud 2 but you've already played it =p
Whata bout chrono trigger? that game has an epic story good old 16-bit graphics and the battle system is pretty cool.

Yeah i've never gotten the chance to play Chrono trigger or Secret of mana yet.
Heard they are good games... but if i remember right they are still save the world stories?
I'm not sure but if they are, I'm strongly not in the mood right now for that kind of story,
i mean i never am but sometimes i can deal with it better then others. *mew
2011-05-27 03:55:00

Posts: 4261

If you have a psp two good games (or at least in my opinion) are Half-Minute Hero, and God Eater Burst.2011-05-27 04:02:00

Posts: 199

If you have a psp, the patapon series is a fun, yet deep rpg... i can't attest for the third yet, but i am just wating for the store to be back up so i can play it...

the story is lighthearted, but it doesn't reallly follow cliches
if you played the first one, the second one has some ominous easter eggs in the story... some very creepy ones in my opinion

also, the first one is less than $10 on the store... and i think the 2nd is too. so you can get three amazing games for the price of one...
2011-05-27 05:56:00

Posts: 2468

I have Patapon it's a good game... but i need to buy a new charger for my PSP before i can use it again.
but gees Patapon is hard. no matter how long i play it i just can't get fever mode going for longer then a second,
plus i was unable to beat the game, plan on trying again once i buy the charger. i already got
some new cables so i can play it on my TV ;P *mew

PS: I don't know anything about Half-Minute Hero, and God Eater Burst.
I'll have to look them up soon and see.
2011-05-27 06:30:00

Posts: 4261

I have Patapon it's a good game... but i need to buy a new charger for my PSP before i can use it again.
but gees Patapon is hard. no matter how long i play it i just can't get fever mode going for longer then a second,
plus i was unable to beat the game, plan on trying again once i buy the charger. i already got
some new cables so i can play it on my TV ;P

pata-veteran here, Patapon 1 finished, and currently Playing Patapon 2 with BOTH my psps at once... its fun doing the multiplayer like that, and i actually can do it.

(if you are wondering, i have a 2000, and a GO...)
2011-05-27 06:35:00

Posts: 2468

- Demon Souls - The Hardest Game Alive, But This is A Beautifal World and A Rich Game
In my opinion, Demon's Souls is only difficult if you're the kind of person who would rather rush through and blow through every type of enemy you see. The game will punish you for not playing smart, but the experience of defeating each demon is incredibly rewarding. Patience is a definite virtue in this game; most often times it's required when facing against certain enemies, but once you learn the patterns the game becomes quite easy! Demon's Souls does not spoonfeed you on what to do either. It's your choice on what kind of strategy you want to use against your opponents. It's your decision on whether to play the "good" guy or the "bad" guy as well, and you can kinda be a mix of both. However as a warning, once you lose an NPC, they are forever lost until your next playthrough (normal enemies in the worlds do not count). On a good note, when you die there is no game over and all you lose is your money and possibly your pride. You can come back to the spot you died and pick up your money though, granted that you didn't die a second time before getting to it. There is only a game over when you finally quit the game.

To tell the truth, the director of Demon's Souls didn't intend for the game to be so difficult! Now with Dark Souls intentionally designed to be really really hard, I'm wondering how long players can last. There is so much in store for Demon's Souls though and I've only scratched the surface of it. It's a must-have RPG in my opinion...if you're patient enough.

PS: I don't know anything about Half-Minute Hero
Half-Minute Hero only appears to have a generic storyline. The characters, it's presentation and the amount of humor throughout the entire game is phenomenal.
2011-05-27 08:28:00

Posts: 204

In my opinion, Demon's Souls is...

Half-Minute Hero only appears to have a generic storyline

Ok gonna pick up Demon's Souls soon then... or should i wait for Dark souls?
And Half-Minute Hero has a generic story? OK think I'll stay away from it then,
or are you saying it did not? got little confused there~
2011-05-27 09:01:00

Posts: 4261

Ok gonna pick up Demon's Souls soon then... or should i wait for Dark souls?
And Half-Minute Hero has a generic story? OK think I'll stay away from it then,
or are you saying it did not? got little confused there~
Dark Souls doesn't come out until October 11th of this year, so you make the choice.

If you're looking for a hilarious, light-hearted experience, then go for Half-Minute Hero! Only you can decide whether the storyline is generic or not.
2011-05-27 09:21:00

Posts: 204

Dark Souls doesn't come out until October 11th of this year, so you make the choice.

If you're looking for a hilarious, light-hearted experience, then go for Half-Minute Hero! Only you can decide whether the storyline is generic or not.

October? think I'll get demon souls next month then.

and I find Disgaea is overly generic with comedy placed on top to hide it, what would that tell you?
Don't get me wrong. i love disgaea but it's stories need a lot of work and would be much better if they
took out the overly generic sides from it.
2011-05-27 09:26:00

Posts: 4261

and I find Disgaea is overly generic with comedy placed on top to hide it, what would that tell you?
Don't get me wrong. i love disgaea but it's stories need a lot of work and would be much better if they
took out the overly generic sides from it.
Oh, whoops! Well, I've never played the Disgaea series so I really don't know. ^^; But from what you're talking about, it kinda sounds like Half-Minute Hero might fall into the same line (I'm sorry daddy_doodle); however, the game's storyline is intentionally generic to make fun of cliches found in almost all generic RPGs. The whole game is a parody!
2011-05-27 10:02:00

Posts: 204

Oh, whoops! Well, I've never played the Disgaea series so I really don't know. ^^; But from what you're talking about, it kinda sounds like Half-Minute Hero might fall into the same line (I'm sorry daddy_doodle); however, the game's storyline is intentionally generic to make fun of cliches found in almost all generic RPGs. The whole game is a parody!
Well I'll still look up a review soon to find out for sure.

Edit: read a review. it seems alright but not what I'm looking for right now
but man it's short as all get out. reviewer said you'll be done with it in 20 hours. :I

also looked up Gods Eater Burst, reviewer said it's a good game but it's really cliche.
so I'm a gonna avoid it for now.
2011-05-27 10:12:00

Posts: 4261

Chrono Trigger is a must.
Secret Of Mana may be skippable, but Chrono Trigger is awesome, better than Chrono Cross in many aspects, and I like Chrono Cross more than any FF released on Playstations. (My fave FF is VI)
You should also have a play at Vagrant Story, great character, cool story, awesome combat system.

For this gen Mass Effect, though not heavily an rpg, and mostly a third person shooter, has been one of the cooleszt game I ever played.
2011-05-27 11:20:00

Posts: 5112

If you're going to get Mass Effect, then get it for the Xbox and play from Mass Effect 1 - through Mass Effect 2 - as you get to keep your save from the 1st game... and the choices you make in the first game (which seem inconsequential at the time) make a huge difference when playing the 2nd game.

I wou'dn;t really call it an RPG - it's an RPG-lite - it's more a story/action game now than an RPG.. like an old Fighting Fantasy Book.. but retains *just* enough elements to keep it RPG worthy. Really looking forward to the 3rd game to see how my choices from the 2nd bleed through.

It kind of breaks Rule 3 (grinding) - but one of the most enjoyable (tactical)RPG games I've played in recent years is the Disgaea series. The story is hilarious - and while it does follow all of the cliched archetypes of traditional RPG, it also acknowledges that it doing just that, and constantly breaks the 4th wall to comment on itself... and consistently turns these cliched elements on it's head.
Though you probably won't be able to see past the 2and a half D graphics - this is actually one of the most comprehensive tactical RPG games out there. It sets the bar for all the rest.

Oh, and Demon's Soul's = WIN

Edit: Helps if I read previous posts
2011-05-27 11:37:00

Posts: 1970

Mass Effect, Disgaea series.

Yeah I'm now planing on getting Mass Effect and Demon souls. (and I don't have a X-Box i can use right now, so I'll get it for PS3 or PC)

Also if you look I already own Disgaea 1, 2, and 3 plus a lot of other games made by them.
and plan to get Disgaea4 with it's new HD sprites. and again I'm a 2D fan. always have been so I'm good with it.
but if you look up i do have a small problem with their stories, here I'll re-post it for you. *mew
I find Disgaea is overly generic with comedy placed on top to hide it,
Don't get me wrong. i love disgaea but it's stories need a lot of work and would be much better if they
took out the overly generic sides from it.

PS: i dislike most break the 4th wall jokes when a story uses to many of them.
I'm a fan of crazy comedy but not break the 4th wall jokes much.
But yeah their still good games even if they could use some better stories.
the grinding is one of the core parts of the game so i would not complain about that.

Chrono Trigger is a must.
Ok. so what can i get it on?
2011-05-27 11:50:00

Posts: 4261

You have to find a Nes emulator 2011-05-27 11:58:00

Posts: 5112

You have to find a Nes emulator

Ah OK... Least that means the game is free. (>.>)
2011-05-27 12:16:00

Posts: 4261

Well, If we're going right back to the classics - then get yourself a SNES emulator and try to find a copy of Inindo: Way of the Ninja (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inindo:_Way_of_the_Ninja) ;
A properly good old skool RPG with a MASSIVE scope.
This game is a forgotten classic - seems to be practically unknown... yet it was WAY ahead of it's time - and would be an ideal candidate for a modern remake
2011-05-27 12:33:00

Posts: 1970

It should probably be noted that Mass Effect 2 is generally considered an overall improvement to the first; better graphics, better gameplay balance, better inventory management, more romance options, although I find many people feel the main antagonist of the first better then the second (but that depends on whether you find "super arrogant guy who thinks you are a worm in comparison to him" to be better then "super arrogant guy who is annoyingly obcessed with destroying you").
And like it has been said before the decisions you make in the first get carried over into the second, although since the PS3 doesn't have ME1 its version of ME2 has an interactive comic where, questionable artwork quality aside, you determine the most significant decisions made in the first game but not all of them. Something to consider if you don't want to shell out money for both in any case.
I personally would consider it an RPG even if it has gameplay mechanics similar to a third-person shooter. The fact that it is heavily implied that the decisions you make in both the first and second game set up the dominos that will inevitably fall in the third actually makes the idea of actually playing a role carry more weight then many rpgs that basically railroad you onto a largely fixed set of outcomes.
I also find that it is not really all that focused on politics and war in case you were worried; although they do play a significant part in fleshing out the setting of the games and will likely play a bigger role in the third they are generally not at the center of the plot. It's more of a space opera played very straight but with more intelligence and nuance then older attempts and in that sense you could consider it what Star Ocean and similar works barely tried to be; for me the overall theme of the games seems to be how much difference just one person can make on a galactic scale. That said, the most satisfying things about the games and their biggest artistic criticism is that if you play well, and it really isn't that hard to do, the character of Commander Shepard seems just too perfect (or at least super competant if you go renegade) in comparison to everyone around him/her but again its also really gratifying.

I'll also vouch for Chrono Trigger if you want something more old-school. As far as Squaresoft works go (back in the company's pre-Enix merger glory days) I personally find it better then at least half the Final Fantasies and certainly better then most of the stuff they churn out these days. Time Travel isn't exactly a unique story element but Chrono Trigger was one of the first and easy one of the most effective uses of it in an RPG. The characters aren't really all that deep but the genuinely epic scale of the plot makes up for them. The combat is turn-based but generally more exciting and realistic then its contemporaries with the implementation of dual and triple techs and it doesn't function around annoyingly frequent random encounters; rather monsters have set "territories" and there is no "battle screen transition cut," you fight in the background where you find them. CT also one of the very few instances where a JRPG uses a personality-less monster from beyond (and I shouldn't need to tell you they use this a lot) and it actually works in the context of the plot instead of to its detriment.
2011-05-27 17:48:00

Dapiek Absaroka
Posts: 512

Secret of Mana on SNES. Surely you must've played that. It's haunting me forever.2011-05-27 18:19:00

Posts: 2391

Heres my List of RPGS you should play before you die---wait thats kinda depressing. Lets try this again

TOP 10 RPGS you should have already played(aka my recommendations)

10. Atlier Iris: Eternal Mana (Ps2)
This may seem animish, but its surprisingly a fun rpg. Your going to see the typical Disagea like humor, with a large focus in Alchemy. The battle system is heavily tied to the in depth alchemy system making it one of the best item synthesis systems ever assembled in an rpg. Stay away from its sequels however..

9. Radiata Stories(Ps2)
This comes from the company that made star ocean, but the combat may come across as overly simple. The main draw here is the story, while its funny, it also presents a very charming world and characters and a nice soundtrack. Jack Russell is also one of the best main characters ever to be in an rpg--until half way /cough

8. Grandia 3(Ps2)
This game has by far one of the best turnbased battle systems ever assembled. It improves the usual grandia formula with the best spell effects on PS2( yep better than FF X) and a really deep and challenging combat. The story may be the typical save the world, but the cast is quite different from your atypical jrpg. The story isnt complex, but its very entertaining. Something many RPGs fail to do...

7. Star Wars: Knights of The Old Rebublic(Xbox)
This is the game that defined Bioware imo. If you dont have an xbox, borrow a friends and play this game. Not only does it have a deep story, but the characters and deep combat make this a contender for one of the best rpgs of all time. Dont get thrown off by star wars, I enjoyed this even though i never watched a star wars movie.

6. Star Ocean: Till the End of Time(ps2)
This is the best Tri-Ace game period. Not only does it have content to keep you playing for months, it has one of the best action rpg combat ever assembled. Unlike KH, this game takes strategy--or you can level up to the 200 plus levels the game has. Star Ocean 4 also goes to ps3, its not as good as End of Time, but its a decent time as well.

5. Tales of the Abyss(ps2)
Before you tales fan began proclaiming ToS was the best in the series, Abyss had the better combat. Battles are similar to star ocean, but this game is four player co-op. Let me say that again, four player local co-op! The story does have a political tone, but the main draw here it is the flashy chaotic combat--complete with Limit break moves--all action rpg.

4. Persona 4( PS2)
This is the most mysterious rpg i have ever seen in my life. Long story short, its one rpg story you wont want to miss. While i do typically hate silent protagonist, the games interesting story, challenging turn-based encounters and japenese hip-hop tracks make this an rpg unlike any other. (currently playing)

3. Valkarie Profile 1 and 2(ps1 and ps2)
Dont let the sexy lady on the cover fool you, VP is a hardcore rpg. The combat is a mix of a fighting game where you have to string together massive combos in order to pull of limit breaks. The story is quite heavy winded, but you are essentially gathering an army of dead people to kill gods practically. (currently playing VP2). This is one of the most original rpgs to date, so it wouldnt hurt to check it out.

2. Shadow Hearts: Convenant(ps2)
Gone are the days of spikey haired protagonist and mindlessly mashing the attack buttons in turn based games. Shadow hearts is a dark rpg, where the ba******* main character can transform into many demons. It also test your skill with each attacks and spell with a timing based ring system. So your reflexes are tested with each match and expect to feel tons of pressure when your final strike it the difference between life and death. The story is also very compelling and the graphics are awesome. You should also check out all the games in the series including its crazy third entry.

1. Mass Effect 2(Ps3)
Theres nothing not to like about Mass Effect 2. I have played the first game and though ps3 owners wont get the same experience, it doesnt change the fact that this is one of the best games ever made. The story, the characters and writing are what makes this game so special, especially considering you have the fate of ever crew mate and universe on your shoulders. The rpgs elemets wont really shine unless you play on higher difficulties, but in if you have yet to try out Mass Effect 2, its not a bad time to join the bandwagon

My favorite rpgs of all time would have to be FF9-10 and Chrono Trigger--must plays, i shouldnt have to get into why they are awesome. btw Chrono Trigger is coming to the playstation store...
2011-05-27 18:24:00

Rpg Maker
Posts: 877

^Persona 4 is a good suggestion along with the Shin Megami Tensei games in general. They're interesting games.

It has been a while since I played it but in Persona 3 you play as a school kid and can wander around the town you live (or hang around in your dorm and go on the internet lol) but at night the school you go to changes into a tower and the enemies inside change in difficulty according to the phases of the moon. There's this elaborate social system where when you make friends with people it opens up new abilities and things. If you wanted something a bit different I'd recommend it.
2011-05-27 19:04:00

Posts: 2454

Demon's Souls is awesome, can't wait for Dark Souls myself. & 2 of my favorite rpg's ever are Alundra & Wild Arms 1 for PS1 or Emulator those 2 game & FF7 made rpg's my favorite genre back in the day.2011-05-27 21:55:00

Posts: 142

How about Vagrant Story? I've had this game on CD since it came out and I've always thought it was quite a good game, with quite good graphics. It's a ps1 game, you could buy it from the ps store before it went off to, I think it was ?4.50, definitely worth a purchase. It was made by Squaresoft aswell, which is always a winner.2011-05-27 22:02:00

Posts: 378

If you have a good PC, then you should get teh Witcher 2. I prerordered it, played it, and It's easiliy one of my favourite games so far. A rich story, stunning graphics, fluid gameplay, some bugs here and there but nothing that could ruin the experience.2011-05-28 08:53:00

Posts: 302

Mass Effect 2, Chrono Trigger
Yeah they both sound good. So far I plan on maybe getting Mass Effect 2, Demon souls,
And Chrono Trigger if I can find where to download it and a emulator later.

Secret of Mana on SNES. Surely you must've played that. It's haunting me forever.
No I never got to play it as I’ve already said.

TOP 10 RPGS you should have already played(aka my recommendations)

10. Atlier Iris: Eternal Mana (Ps2)

9. Radiata Stories(Ps2)

8. Grandia 3(Ps2)

7. Star Wars: Knights of The Old Rebublic(Xbox)

6. Star Ocean: Till the End of Time(ps2)

5. Tales of the Abyss(ps2)

4. Persona 4( PS2)

3. Valkarie Profile 1 and 2(ps1 and ps2)

2. Shadow Hearts: Convenant(ps2)

1. Mass Effect 2(Ps3)

My favorite rpgs of all time would have to be FF9-10 and Chrono Trigger--must plays, i shouldnt have to get into why they are awesome. btw Chrono Trigger is coming to the playstation store...

I’m gonna say No to…
Shadow Hearts, Star Ocean, and Star Wars.
They all have stories that don’t interest me plus I already said
I don’t want to play any Star Wars games.

And I don’t have a PS2 anymore, so I can’t play a lot of the ones you said. :/

And Chrono Trigger is coming to the PSN store? Cool, I’ll wait for that then.

And Grandia 3? Is it’s story better then Grandia 2?
I love the first one’s story tho I’m still playing it. But I hated 2, beat it and it all round
Just could not match the first far as having a good story.
Don’t really matter anyways as I again don’t got PS2 anymore.

Valkarie Profile? at first i got it's name mixed up with a PSP game.
but turns out it's not the same. it may be good, I'll look up more about it.
but kinda lame i need a PS2 for it. :I

Vagrant Story.
I’ll look it up.

Witcher 2
Yeah I'm thinking for getting it now sometime, after i heard about it from you guys.

And remember everyone. I really want games that are least close to being inspired non-formula stories
and characters right now. Not the save the world with I’m a strong willed good boy
with his group of copy and paste nobodys. I have played and seen to many games and anime in my life
and I’m not the type to enjoy seeing the same story done again and again and again….

PS: Anyone know of A RPG where the main character is not Human?
And i don't mean a character that looks human but is not like in Disgaea.
they most not look human is something I'd like to see. Like Sonic or Ratchet or
anything that's not a basic human design.
2011-05-28 09:01:00

Posts: 4261

haha your going to have a big list soon.2011-05-28 11:11:00

Posts: 378

The main character of the Witcher 2 is a mutant. I don't know if that counts.2011-05-29 11:07:00

Posts: 302

If you have a good PC, then you should get teh Witcher 2. I prerordered it, played it, and It's easiliy one of my favourite games so far. A rich story, stunning graphics, fluid gameplay, some bugs here and there but nothing that could ruin the experience.

This x10. Amazing game. It may be coming to consoles at some point so you can always wait till its out on PS3 if you don't have a good gaming PC
2011-05-29 11:31:00

Posts: 3767

My PC is fine for gaming so anything PC should work fine.2011-05-29 11:51:00

Posts: 4261

Since you have a PS3, I am legally forced to beg you to buy Tales of graces F when it comes out.

... You ever play Tales of? Abyss and Symphonic were some of the best games I ever played...

Hm... Ya I got nothing else.
2011-06-01 23:14:00

Posts: 10882

... You ever play Tales of? Abyss and Symphonic were some of the best games I ever played...

Pretty sure i have not... I'll look them up later.
2011-06-02 03:33:00

Posts: 4261

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