Acdramon Animations (My youtube channel)
Archive: 3 posts
Hey guys Acdramon here! Just thought I could use some love and support for my youtbe channel. I'm planning some videos and am trying to get serious on youtube. I'm even planning and Infamous 2 inspired video (Getting costume set ups ready) I even got an 11 person team to back me up! So What am I getting at? Well the only way to become what I want my future company to be is to: 1) Make thing people will love and that I will love making. 2) Get the community informed and involved Guess which one you guys help out with? you can help in several ways: 1) Go to http://facebook.com/profile.php?id=100477886708706&refid=5 and like my ACdramon Animations facebook page 2) Go to Youtube.com/acdramon and subscribe to my youtube. 3) If you like what you see, go to forums that you thing would also dig it and try and support my cause. So with those things in mind ( and info on my channel will be on my facebook) I would highly appreciate your contribution! With Lots of thanks, Acdramon | 2011-05-25 00:23:00 Author: acdramon ![]() Posts: 332 |
I rarely get on facebook, but I went on to youtube and subscribed to your channel. Looking forward to your Infamous 2 video! | 2011-05-25 01:19:00 Author: ShamgarBlade ![]() Posts: 1010 |
Thanks man! | 2011-05-25 02:02:00 Author: acdramon ![]() Posts: 332 |
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