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Need help to figure out the general logic

Archive: 7 posts

I'm totally new to Creation and I'm planning my first level, so please bear with my "rookieness". I read all tutorials in LBP2 and a lot in this forums. Still have some trouble figuring out the logic needed to my level idea. So any help is appreciated, or if you can point me to some tutorials also help. Only problem is I'm deaf (not completely, but I have like 20% or less of the normal hearing) so I can't listen the explanations on video tutorials, I need text to completely understand.

Well, the things I need for the level (it is a cooperative level):

1. The player/s have to be fairly restricted:
Shouldn't be able to change layer.
Should be limited to a fixed area (with a fixed camera).
Basically just be able to move in all directions inside the area (like in some shooters, but a sackboy instead of a space ship)

Basic question: I have to use a controlinator and a sackbot or this can be achieved with normal sacboys? How?

2. The events:
All events have to be triggered by time, all in the same area ( I plan to divide the level in sections to change the area a few times but still lots of events will happen in the same space.)
The approx duration of level: 5min

Question (sort of):
I guess i have to use sequencers. I'm thinking in something like a global sequencer that triggers other sequencers. But I don't know. I really like to see some example of something like this.

3. Efficiency
Basically all events are moving objects.
a) What is the most efficient way to move objets?
b) Is there any material that take less thermo that the others?
c) How can I efficiently destroy all elements in a desired zone once they're out of the camera space?
d) What's better:
1. Emmit an object with a lifetime
2. Object is already there and just move it then destroy it when not needed
3. Emmit object then destroy it when not needed

I'm trying to be organized but I know is a mess and a wall of text so if you can help just with one question is ok.
I already tried to control a sackbot with a controlinator without success I just need something to start.
I'm already searching and reading about all this things and I'm gonna post whenever i found out any of them.

2011-05-24 04:49:00

Unknown User

Hello there,

Sorry about my english, as it's not my native language. Ok, here we go with the answers :

1. Player restrictions
I think you got it right with the sackbot solution.

- The layer changing restriction can be achived with a sackboy (by using a thin plasmifield hologram with a 0% visibility), but I think that the space restriction and moving abilities cannot be done with a Sackboy.
- For the space restriction, I think holograms with tags and movers can do the trick. There's a tutorial here : https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=56251.
- When you say "move in all directions inside the area", did you mean flying ?

2. Real time events
This can be tricky. I was thinking a few weeks ago about a level in wich events occurs in real time. It never made to a proper level but I've done some tests, and the cool thing about sequencers is that you can put sequencers into sequencers. If you create a sequencer with a 60 seconds per strip, make it 5 strip long and put 5 sequencers in the big one, on per strip, each nested sequencer will have a 60s duration. This can be usefull to avoid a huge sequencer wich can be quite messy.

3. Efficiency
Well, i'm not really good when it comes to thermo issues. And the most efficient way to move objects depends on what you want to do. I'll let someone else aswer this question...

4. Sackbot !
Ok, here is a simple thing you can do to control a sackbot with a controlinator.

You can see here in the first part of the video everything that I tell you below (it's quite visual) : http://www.youtube.com/user/LBPlanetorials#p/u/20/_6vi1JhVmBE

1- Put a sackbot in an empty level
2- Open the sackbot microchip
3- Place on this sackbot's microchip : A green tag labeled "Sackbot" and controlinator set to "Receiver"
4- Create a square hologram block, make its visibility to 0%
5 - Place a controlinator on it, set it to "Transmitter", extend its radius, make it not visible in play mode, and configure it to make sackboy automatically enter.
6 - On this controlinator, place a follower microchip, set its speed to max speed and extend follower microchip radius, make it follow the green tag labeled "Sackbot"
7 - Play ! Once you enter the controlinator, you should be able to control the sackbot !

I hope it will help.

If it's not clear or if you have questions, don't hesitate to ask again ! It's a bit confusing at first but once you start to use the LBP2 tools, it will become clearer and easier !

Good luck.
2011-05-24 10:39:00

Posts: 262

Thanks a lot, Slurm!

And don't worry about your english, mine is worst...

Well, I did successfully the controlinator sackbot thing. I was following the video the first time and I miss something important but with your explanation and another and a few tries I did it

So 1 thing resolved. Now I'm doing the limits. Next thing is the camera, I have to find some info about cameras because I don't fully understand how they work.

I'm going to watch the videos, sometimes I miss something because I don't see it and perhaps the author is explaining it but I don't know. A lot of pausing and trial and error.

Thanks again!
2011-05-24 11:36:00

Unknown User

As for cameras, place a game camera and tweak it so it has 0% player tracking. This means it won't move as long as the players stay within the camera zone that you set.

And a note on thermo: if your level is a single area with a fixed camera I wouldn't anticipate it being a issue. But a small tip: there is some overhead with each new type of material you use, so 10 blocks of 10 different materials will use a lot more thermo than 10 blocks of a single material. For minimising thermo, minimise the number of different materials you use. This goes double for 'objects' (on the second tab of the Goodies bag), some of those are complex and can use a lot of thermo.
2011-05-24 13:09:00

Dr C
Posts: 122

3. Efficiency: I don't think it's going to be that much of an issue, your level seems quite simplistic regarding its size. You can fit A LOT of stuff in a single level, I'd say you'll probably not even take up more than 25% of the thermo space.

a) Movement depends on the type of movement you want. Player controlled movement should use an advanced mover, moving in one direction a basic mover, for oscillating movement often pistons are more useful, unusual trajectories a mixture of tags, followers, pistons and whatever else etc. In terms of thermo efficiency I wouldn't worry about it, the differences are virtually non-existant, you'll want to use the one that suits the scenario best.

b) No, again use what you think will work best. The animated materials will of course use more thermo but the difference is neglible. Like with the movers don't worry about it.

c) To destroy a given area you have to use destroyers, unfortunately there's no way to tell the game to clear an area in one fell swoop. Instead you'll have to put a destroyer on everything you need destroying - though there's an option in the destroyer's tweak menu to include rigid connections. Anything physically attached to the object you destroy will be destroyed along with it if set to yes.

d) Again, it depends on the circumstances, if you're going to be emitting objects and you want them to be destroyed after uniform time periods, using the lifetime timer in the emitter's tweak menu is the way to go. If the times differ, or you're unable to determine a set time you want to destroy your object then destroyers should be used. But consider for you to be able to destroy said objects a wireless signal will have to be used (existing wires cannot be connected to emitted objects). If you're unsure about wireless signals: where you'd ordinarily have your connection go straight to the destroyer's input, instead have it connect to a tag. Then on the object you wish to destroy have a corresponding tag sensor connected to the destroyer, with it's awareness radius large enough to cover the tag.

Your main problem seems to be worrying too much about the thermo, you can cram a lot more into a level than you'd probably think and I doubt yours will take up to much space, so go ahead and have fun.
2011-05-24 15:53:00

Posts: 365

I think you're right about thermo issues, I just played the Sackrificed
Anyway I think is good to know for good practice
2011-05-26 10:30:00

Unknown User

well i have an easy on how to use the sequencers and that stuff well if you want one sequencer to start right when another ends just put a battery (tools section) on the last stripe of the sequencer that ends first then connect the battery to the start playing forwards input of the sequencer you want to start this will also work for making movies or cut scenes and you can put the battery in the middle of the sequencers or anywhere you want to trigger things such as, explosions, sackbot animations, ETC. i use this to make my movies you can check them out if you want2011-06-03 18:21:00

Unknown User

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