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Ultimate Health Meter Logic

Archive: 14 posts

EDIT : go down, the logic is not at all like this anymore.
I created a complicated health meter logic chip (took 3 hours to build it!). It takes up to 8 inputs and has 13 outputs!
Input list :

Lose 1/2 health
Lose 1/5 health
Lose 1/10 health
Lose all health
Cure 1/2 health
Cure all health
Recharge health
Invincible Powerup

Output list :

% signal
Win-Lose signal (to hook on a counter)
11 signals ranging from 0/10 to 10/10

You can hook the % setting to a sequencer set to position, and place a warning message when health is low.
You can hook the % setting to a light or hologram set to 2 colors (e.g. from greeen to red).
You can hook the Win-Lose setting to a counter.
You can hook x/10 signals to holograms and create your own HUD.

I can't stop thinking about the possibilities ! This was made only with the tools in the Simple Logic category, plus the selector and the signal combiner. I think I used something like... 15 ? More ? Microchips in this, and around... 15 batteries and around... 12 signal combiners and at least 20 counters... Wow...

I'm going to send the link to this post to the "Creator's Toolkit" admin (lol, funny title, admin of a level...) so he'll let me give it to the community.

2011-05-24 02:12:00

Unknown User

Nice dude O_O your feeling like i felt when i made my Tarantu-bot XD good on you mate2011-05-24 04:06:00

Posts: 286

Wow, this looks awesome! It seems very versatile! Just one question, what does the Win/Lose output do? Does it turn on when health is not 0%, and turn off when health is 0%? Or what else does it do?

Anyway, if this really is as good as it looks in the description and picture, this will certainly be in the toolkit!

- robbit10, Creator's Toolkit Administrator (nice name!)
2011-05-24 07:04:00

Posts: 450

Looks good, much simpler than my insane version (in sig). Does it have a display for health, or is it based on signals from the sequencer (like for low health)?2011-05-24 23:34:00

Posts: 1136

I would be easy to use just a counter as a health bar by using pulsers and a signal combiner, but if you want to make your own hud, you must have different outputs for each health point. So this switch has one output for each 1/10 of health. All I did was a pulse system, and hooked those pulsers to a direction combiner to the cycle input of a selector. Then to make sure the selector doesn't loop back after no more health, I made too many outputs for it and hooked them to its own inputs in a way... It is easier to show than say...

Thanks for such a fast answer, robbit10 !
The win-lose output is just what you can hook to a counter if you don't want to make your own hud. I need a better name for it... It pulses positive or negative when you win-lose health. It is the exact same output that was hooked to the selector in my logic to make it cycle. I'll show you when I can!
EDIT : You can create many huds, but usually, people do not need one output for each signal. They need an output active at 1/10 or more, one active at 2/10 or more, one active at 3/10 or more... to connect them to hologram parts ! My sequencer-thing is not usefull unless you make a picture-based hud, such as a spaceship or car losing parts or becoming red. That is what I wanted to make clear. I am now adapting my thing with a sequencer for people trying to make a heart or a rectangle empty when you lose health, stuff like that. Yep, if you take it, it would be great. The Timer from comphermc plus my sequencer and selector. 3 ways to make a health bar ! And the fun thing with the sequencer one, it can go up to 100 points !
2011-05-25 00:39:00

Unknown User

Thanks for such a fast answer, robbit10 !
The win-lose output is just what you can hook to a counter if you don't want to make your own hud. I need a better name for it... It pulses positive or negative when you win-lose health. It is the exact same output that was hooked to the selector in my logic to make it cycle. I'll show you when I can!
I think "Health Gain/Loss (connect to counter)" would be a good name ^^. I know what you mean by hologram HUD, i made one of those myself a while ago for Chump's Banjo-Tooie project (which sorta got cancelled). But it wasn't as multifunctional as yours! And it used multiple chips to send signals back and forth, so yours is obviously better.

This Wednesday (today) I have free time from 12:00 (GMT+2), so if you can get online then I'll see you there
Just one problem, my friends list is full of people i want to keep in my friendslist.. So you'll need to LittleBigInvite me.
(Anyone have a solution to this problem? It's preventing me from working on the Toolkit as fast as i'd like to.. I could create a different account, but i'd lose all my tools and it would be uneditable for my main "robbit10" account..)
2011-05-25 07:07:00

Posts: 450

As you and I both know, our connections were not very compatible at the moment.. Hope it works better next time.2011-05-26 02:30:00

Posts: 450

Yes, I took the hour to upgrade it and name some inputs, but it seems they lose their names when I capture them. Do you know why ? Is it because these chips aren't in use ? I don't get it... I finished my sequencer one too, and it will be more usefull. Next step is to make a 100 points one with the sequencer. It will be long, but I will use tags instead of batteries on it, so the 100 health points chip will be on two splitted chips (as sensors don't work in the same chip...)

Can't wait to get LBP PSP, but at the same time, I never used LBP1 logic... It is hard to do, but I think there is a LBPC logickpack there too ? I hope PSP stuff transfers to NGP (PSP2) when it is out.
2011-05-26 03:23:00

Unknown User

Yes, I took the hour to upgrade it and name some inputs, but it seems they lose their names when I capture them. Do you know why ? Is it because these chips aren't in use ? I don't get it...

That usually happens to me when I move a lot of logic inside the chip and as a result, the outputs move too and somehow lose their name. I never lost output names by capturing.

I finished my sequencer one too, and it will be more usefull. Next step is to make a 100 points one with the sequencer. It will be long, but I will use tags instead of batteries on it, so the 100 health points chip will be on two splitted chips (as sensors don't work in the same chip...)

That makes me wonder, how many health points does the Ultimate Health Chip have?

Can't wait to get LBP PSP, but at the same time, I never used LBP1 logic... It is hard to do, but I think there is a LBPC logickpack there too ? I hope PSP stuff transfers to NGP (PSP2) when it is out.
I got LBP PSP and was disappointed. The editor is very different, and you have to choose between static (dark matter-like) and dynamic material (material to which physics are applied) every time you place material.
2011-05-26 07:09:00

Posts: 450

If you are very interested in making health bars, I suggest reading my tut post in sig. It can deal any amount of damage from 1 to 864000, same range for health. I haven't made a good display for it yet, though using a setup like what you've done, it allows for some inaccurate views of it. If you are interested in upgrading it, I can send it to you, though I also suggest checking out my level that gives it away since it has several guides and messages on it which explain pretty much everything.2011-05-26 10:09:00

Posts: 1136

I could look at it. The two versions of this meter I made have 10 health points. There aint any use for more than this with the first selector one, but I will make a 100 points sequencer one (as a counter can't have more than 100). But for the 100 points, I will use tags instead of batteries, as I said, because it takes too much time to hook all of them. And I will ad more hurt and cure options, like a poison status, hurt 5, hurt 10, hurt 15, hurt 20 and hurt 25. I'm not sure to make it for now. I'll wait.2011-05-27 00:27:00

Unknown User


If your interested in making health bars, you should take a look at this tutorial by comphermc. It's a really good way of doing it. If you don't understand how the adding is working, watch this one.


Hope it gives you some insight ;D
2011-05-28 16:21:00

Posts: 60

The Timer from comphermc plus my sequencer and selector. 3 ways to make a health bar !
I just said it in the previous posts, I did watch his tutorials, but his health bar is a bit random. I need to hit 10 small projectiles or 5 big projectiles to die, but hitting 4 big and 2 small doesn't work. I made random tests like this, and his is not precise, but it has a lot of possibilities.

I just want to give possibilities to creators. They can make timer-based ones like his, selector based like mine for number or picture-based huds, or sequencer for a custom meter. And I just made the Tweakable Health Meter, so you can tweak the hitpoints taken/given by each input, plus it has poison, recharge and invincible functions.
2011-05-28 17:57:00

Unknown User

Hey, my post completely modified for a good reason: massive changes.
The logic now uses the Feedback Loop system shown by comphermc in the LBP2-Torial 20 with a timer.

Now it is super-accurate, super-fast, super editable. Yes, instead of giving the actual health meter, I give a full toolkit to create it. I will publish it in a level in probably 2 weeks or so, but I must decide if I want to give the full kit or just one demo to the Creators Toolkit (plus the new admin will chose if he wants the full kit or not, cause this is huge).

For now, the logic in the toolkit :
Main Chip : uses a feedback loop to remember the % signal of health
Cure : use to cure any amount of health (you can put many in a meter system to add different amounts of health)
Damage : the opposite of cure ! Duh !
Toxic : makes the player lose health with time. Fully tweakable.
Recharge : makes the player gain health with time. Fully tweakable.
Burnt : makes every damage chip work hurt more than usual.
% to fraction - single and multi output versions (now uses 12 tags to transmit instead of connections)
Invincible : makes the player invincible, but instant death still works if you want it to.
Feedback batteries : includes a set of "batteries" with signals smaller than 1%.
Broken leg : makes any 2-way signal (such as joystick left-right) lag, so the ship looks broken or the man looks hurt when he walks.
DEMO CHIP : a simple chip with basic systems.
MEGA CHIP : a super-filled chip to show how to connect chips in a meter system.

For now, the only default is that you can't override the chip with the timer. You need to manually hurt the player to start with less health.

Here's a picture of the thing. Note that only half of the chips are open so it is easy to see.
2011-06-17 23:25:00

Unknown User

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